posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 09:51 AM
Math has never been my strong suit, and I imagine there are others that could do a much better job, so the question is, is it even possible to
evacuate Tokyo in a reasonable period of time? I did a quick overview and this is what I noticed. Perhaps someone could determine exactly how many
aircraft could be available, and how many ships, along with possible fuel, and locations. Exactly how many people an hour could be reasonably be
evacuated? My quickie math on it is below; most likely it is flawed, but just an overview.
If you could load a plane with 200 people and if you could depart every 15 minutes; And if you could do so from 20 different airports you could
evacuate 16,000 people an hour. (Provided they could reach the airports easily). That would be 29 million + people in 78 days. (To include surrounding
That is 384,000 people every 24 hours. It would take 78 days to evacuate Tokyo and surrounding areas. Not all of those airports are in proximity
for Tokyo. So lets send some people by ship. If it takes a ship an hour to dock, set up, re-fuel, and leave, you would need more harbors than are
available. The cost is probably not possible to determine. The only way off the Island of Japan is by either air or water. There are not enough ports
and airfields, nor aircraft able to engage such an undertaking. They would not have nearly enough fuel on hand for the aircraft, or ships, and there
is probably not enough onboard food and water.
You cannot logistically remove its population in any reasonable period of time. Even if you could, the effect on world the economy would be
devastating, and the problem of where they would go remains. The Japanese are a proud culture, and like many others, a lot of them would not be
willing to simply give up their culture and life to a different country. I doubt they wish to be assimilated.
The cost of leaving Japan individually seems to be gouged and very high. If that has recently changed, then any one with the means and desire to
do so should leave as soon as possible. This does not appear to be a winning scenario.