posted on Oct, 4 2012 @ 12:31 PM
Bump on this thread.
I'm not sure what heaven will be like or if it exists but here is what I hope it is.
I hope that some how I can just feel all the great emotions of being happy, excited, peaceful, curious, etc. and be able to experience whatever I
want. Maybe I can visit other planets and live my experiences through other people somehow. There would be many things to do, infinite things to do,
things I can't even imagine as of now because I'm just human. I basically hope it's a personal heaven that way everyone gets what they want of what
they believe. It's like your own little universe. If we wish to interact with other loved ones and their universe if they allow to then so be it lol
I don't think heaven or hell will have a "place" that takes up space so it being overcrowded doesn't matter just like all the energy around us is
not overcrowded.
This is what sounds awesome to me and I hope it is true. After all, what we believe and know is just created by the mind and no one can really force
you to change what you see and have faith in. One thing I do question is what about kids/babies? Hmm...or how we began? If there is heaven then why
were we created?
Anyways, writing this out has made me come to peace with my insane drive to find the answer. So I will hopefully not be lurking on this board
frantically trying to find what can not be answered to my questions.
But one thing I do wonder is...what about babies and kids?