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Dear Humans, We Are Alone in this world! No ETs/superbeings :-( So Sad...

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posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 02:16 AM
reply to post by laymanskeptic

That's not what I meant. What I was saying is that there are groups around the world, who for the most part have not yet made contact with the outside world. I'm sure they have had bad things happen to them to but we have not rushed in to save them... So does that mean we don't exist?

For real man,. First you say aliens dont exist then you say ok they do but there is no proof they are visiting earth. You then say if they are higher level then us technologically then why did UFO crash in Nevada. I say no body perfect and whose to say that was aliens. Just because they are on a higher level (and I wasn't talking about spiritually though) doesn't mean they HAVE to save everyone. Again just your opinion.

"If they are spiritually advanced than us, they need to save everyone. If not, they are useless.

Does not imply that they aren't here though. But they aren't here simply because there is no evidence they are here." But that's exactly the point you trying to make in OP. Aliens are not here because they have not saved us.

Anyways I done here, it pointless to continue cause you keep flip flopping. As you said it not meant to be precise but emotional. I understand now, Good luck...

posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 02:25 AM
I wish more people would actually LISTEN to the original poster,instead of arguing the point. If aliens do exist,great. If GOD exists,also great. But we should treat each other and the world we live on as if they DON'T. Take care of each other. Take care of our one and only planet. So what if you're a democrat and your neighbor is republican? So what if your neighbor is pro-life and you're pro-choice? So what if they're muslim and you're the grand scheme of things,NONE OF THAT MATTERS!!!! AT ALL!!!!! We're all we've got people....stop fighting about all the stupid silly bull# and start working together to make sure our species continues into the future.

" I ain't looking for help from on high. That's a long wait for a train don't come."
edit on 14-3-2011 by The ? because: sp

posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 02:34 AM
because they did not fly in and help, they don't exist?? pretty selfish view on things op. ill have to agree though that we should help each other and not expect some et to patch things up for us. if they did show i am sure people would be happy but then the mood would change after they don't come back.then the question would be if they came then why didn't they help before. next thing you know et's will be labeled as super advance anti social jerks.

posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 03:03 AM

edit on 14-3-2011 by Cib2010 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 03:03 AM

edit on 14-3-2011 by Cib2010 because: triple post

posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 03:03 AM
I became an atheist and alien denier after joining ATS and reading believer tales

yea, no aliens just more hope that something or someone is looking after us

posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 03:06 AM
reply to post by laymanskeptic

agree'd. S & F

posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 03:07 AM
We are just tiny specs in an infinite universe.
It's possible that we could be alone, but the same is also true for other living beings to exist.
In other galaxies, too.

posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 03:11 AM
What about getting some information from the secrecy of area-51 . we know nothing about that place and many say they got alien related things but i don't know what's going on.

posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 03:46 AM
Oh Aliens please save the pandas!

posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 03:48 AM
if they are here and they're not going to help us then i don't really care what our government does when we go into space whether they want to take and take and take like we do now i don't care... b/c right now our population needs help and it might be something we can't help ourselves with like the radiation and the storms and the earthquakes

posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 03:52 AM

Originally posted by laymanskeptic
reply to post by THEDUDE86

Originally posted by THEDUDE86
reply to post by laymanskeptic

please go talk to your god

I don't have a god...

Sad. I wonder why you get the idea people WANT aliens to exist. They simply agree that it is entirely possible and even likely given the mass of photographic evidence and witness testimony.

Any thinking person would come to the same conclusion.
Naturally if you STOP thinking you will definitely run out of you so sadly have.
There is medication you can take that will improve your mood and re establish that vital sense of attachment to the world again. All the best with your recovery.

posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 03:58 AM
First off, most benevolent ET's are not intervenist, Call this evil in a sense but they are only here to protect our planet, not necesarilly us on it.

The ETs that intervene are mostly evil and have their own agenda.

the UFO's that do shut down our nuclear silos are the ones that show us that we are defenseless against them, they just show their power.

ET's exist, just not many good ones out there.

And what do we need massive robots for? I don't think the flying/transforming kind could even do much to help.

posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 04:45 AM
reply to post by laymanskeptic

You make far too many assumptions in your thought processes. You assume that Aliens, or Supernatural beings COULD or even SHOULD do something.

Lets start at the top....God. Whether he is real or not, your reasoning in doubting him is not logically valid. There have been PLENTY of HUGE disasters before....why should this one be the one that causes you to doubt him?! The 1923 Great Kantō earthquake in Japan wasn't as strong as this one, (it was a 7.9...which seems almost as strong, but by the way they rate Earthquakes, a full point difference is HUGE) yet it killed 140,000 people. It doesn't seem that this Earthquake's death toll will come anywhere near that. (not from the numbers released now anyway...I hope that doesn't change). Anyway I've always thought that if God made the rules for how the Universe order to break those rules he would have to work in a way that opposes his own creation. This may not be possible for God. He seemed quite specific when making the Universe. If he were to change one natural law...even for an instant it would have ENORMOUS effects the Universe over. Now having said this...who's to say he didn't bend the laws a bit? Perhaps he cannot stop nature because in essence he IS nature...yet maybe he can dampen it a bit. Perhaps he held back countless other Earthquakes, in Japan, till he simply could not bend the natural laws any further, and he was forced to let this one past. I think its remarkable the death tolls have not been coming back exponentially higher than they are. By looking at the past 7.9 I mentioned THIS earthquake should have killed 140,00 EASILY....We should be looking at millions killed by one this strong...yet so far that does not seem likely. Considering this, it seems at least plausible that some force was looking over Japan.

Now on to benevolent Aliens...of course Aliens don't have to be benevolent...but since you made this a factor we will only consider those type. This ones easy...Did you ever watch Star Trek? Star Fleet were the Aliens in it, more often than not....looking over a culture of less developed people suffering from a disaster. Yet they had a Prime Directive that made it impossible for them to intervene. Sure....generally they found a way to bend it a bit. But they always would fall just short of doing anything that would directly influence the natural evolution of an entire species that has not made official first contact. Why would you imagine that Real Aliens would not have such a law? It seems a plausible enough thing. And again....perhaps they DID intervene behind the make the death toll much less than it would have been otherwise....this of course brings us to another point...why would you believe that Aliens would have the technology to stop an Earthquake of this magnitude....even if they wanted to?!?!
edit on 14-3-2011 by bhornbuckle75 because: missing a single fixed

posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 04:55 AM
I am a firm believer that ET would opt out / stay far away from trying to help or save humanity if it came down to choice. Why would anyone want to help us, we are just fleas on a dog, in a methodic sense.

OP, you are been very closed minded on your assumptions, one has only to try anticipate the scale of our known universe to realise that the chances of our race been the only intelligent life form is now becoming a very arrogant, irrational and primitive way of thinking.

posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 05:21 AM
reply to post by laymanskeptic

well...i dont know what to say...ive always believed that we may not be alone...but well..if u say they dont exist then it must be the truth..right??

posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 06:01 AM
[Shakes Head], have a little read of my signature, I think we are polar opposites.

posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 06:01 AM
reply to post by DevilJin

That's just it though. Their reliance on their beliefs. Sure I'll admit to that as a Christian. But to say that intergalactic aliens take interest to a tiny spec of a world we now know isn't even all that unique is preposterous.

We're not that special. We're grubs on the skin of an uncaring world that couldn't give a damn if we get squished by a 9.1 earthquake or blown up in the reactors that fail as a resort.

There is no love or unity in nature. Only one thing killing another. It is humanity's duty to bring love and caring into brutal nature, because waiting around for nature to give it to us is death.

posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 06:05 AM
reply to post by fill0000

reply to post by NWOnoworldorder

I don't think it was said they don't exist. Just that they don't exist here. On our world. There are countless life forms out there, 99% of which are not going to look anything like us. Reptilians and grays are just fabrications for the need for the unknown to be familiar. In fact you're likely to find something like this:

posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 06:22 AM

Originally posted by radkrish
reply to post by laymanskeptic

I can tell you that there is more to this world than what we see everyday. We are not here to prove anything in person to anyone. No one needs a PHD to understand the vastness of the universe and the amount of life forms that could very well exist. I am not an expert on anything but I can always voice my opinion.

Speaking about magic and spirituality, you have indicated in your o.p that there is no magic. We didn't mention that there is magic. Magic is an illusion.

I was emotional when I said that. In reality, I believe magic is real. I'm not just saying that to troll you. Our reality now is based on magic, and it has always been like that.

Spirituality is a set of certain qualities that one nurtures himself to become a better living being. When we talk abut those qualities we are talking about world peace, consciousness, non-materialism, mutual respect, freedom so and so. The world is lacking these. And we all know the current situation of this world.

Spirituality is something else. But to achieve that, one must go through certain stages, these include attaining the basics like food, shelter, and other basic necessities like sex. Mastering that you progress to the next level achieving wealth, then power, then superior knowledge. Only after achieving these things can you move and step up to this thing called spirituality. Unless one understands these specific stages in life, one's so called "spirituality" is just an illusion. Spirituality is not a feel-good idea. It is something that is real, something that is experienced.

With the kind of advanced technology the aliens may possess, it could bring destruction as well as peaceful governance. If aliens are here, there could be several reasons:
1) They are our creators, so I see no reason for them to explain themselves to us. We could just be their experiment. Call them God/Aliens or anything by name.
2) They are like everyone else probably advanced and has technology to travel anywhere. They could be hundreds to millions of years more evolved-intergalactic even inter dimensional.

Now, let us say, they are our creators. Would a creator need to protect his creation? Thats their choice. But they have not wiped us out either. Now to choice two. They are far more advanced but that doesn't mean that they know everything. They are mortal. Their ships crash. They could bleed too.

But we have to realize that science just keeps changing. May be our science just depends on what we could see and feel. There could be more to it. What if 'our' science is based on our limited understanding and is a crooked version of the 'real' science that exists beyond our perception? Are we that intelligent to successfully become a galactic civilization? We are yet to figure out things about our own moon.
What if we are a dumbed down, not-so-intelligent and materialistic animals? I say the true science behind space travel and how things work is beyond our understanding. Its that simple. But our ignorance and our limited abilities
have shown us the world the way it is now.

The Vedas mentions beings able to control crafts with their mind. And scientists have just figured out mind-controlled computer games. It is not for us to say that aliens don't exist. We could very well be the remnants of a much brighter and advanced society that once lived here or who came here.

Why do we have messengers throughout our history? Why do we need a Jesus? Why Ram and the other avatars? Are they trying to tell us something? Is it their style of intervention?

I have speculated these too. But also realize that their existence depends on what is inside you. That may be hard to decipher. But the short of it is, What comes to you as instances of observation depends on your "receiving vessel" - your inner state. What is within determines what is without. Aliens or not, their reality is still tentative until further concrete observations are made. This will depend on our inner state.

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