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Ufo's, New Age. They are not what you think they are!

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posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 12:33 PM

Originally posted by 547000
Do as you believe. May one day you have your errors corrected before you die.

I don't have blind faith. I have knowledge. I asked, I received. I'm not one who could believe by faith alone.

The wisdom of the New Age and the occult is silliness to anyone who actually asked God and got an answer.

I don't rely on "New Age" anything. All of my knowledge and any "wisdom" I may have is all ancient teaching, and the application thereof. To obtain all of Ones knowledge form a single source is folly! For not all knowledge can come from a single source. imo.

Further, if you have truly read my words, you would see that the knowledge I have does not come solely from "new Age"", or "occult" sources. As I stated, I have studied ALL spiritual systems. Unless you consider Islam, Hindu, Buddist, Taoist, Amerind, and a host of others to be occult. Though, in all honesty, I have studied several occult traditions as well. What I am left with is a synthesis of all of these. And, if I have "faith" at all; it is faith in myself, that I have properly understood and reconciled these disparate systems into a coherent whole. If I have been successful, and I seem to have been, then I have an advantage that few others have.

I could also say; The Christan system is one that rarely, if ever, rises above the fundamental. Unfortunately, the Universe does not operate at only those low levels, and increasingly demands that its denizens rise to the challange.

The way you talk, the things you say, the idea you seem to have ... seems a lot like you telling my people that we are doomed simply because we do not worship your God. Or is it that simple to you; the Hindu, buddist, taoist, and Andromd are all doomed simply because we use different names? That, O Human, is utter folly! Ask your God; if he is truthful, he will tell you the same. (the last time I was in church, about 40 years ago, I was asked to say the prayer for communion. I wanted to do an "old style exorcism" of the cup and bread. I didn't because I knew it would freak everyone out. BUT, that is exactally what I was doing anyway, just not old school.)

Peace and Understanding

edit on 28-4-2011 by AnthraAndromda because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-4-2011 by AnthraAndromda because: to fix errors generated by this inadiquate editor

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 01:13 PM
reply to post by DaphneApollo

Thank you. Technically speaking; Ista is a Wolf-Dog. Commonly thought of as a hybred, the reality is that there is no difference between them, other than one is wild the other domestic. Either way, canines have been Man's companion for thousands of years. Oh, one other difference, Wolves are not as "inbred" as most dogs ... like that truly makes a difference.

I know about them being our "children". When Ista decided it was time to become a Mother, she left the yard and was gone for around 3 - 4 very long troublesom hours. Ista is my "baby"! I did not want for her to breed with a "dog", I wanted to find the right Wolf for her, and I didn't care about the expense; she of course had other ideas and solutions. I wanted to not get attached to her puppies. But, they were her babies, and that made them mine as well. It was rather hard for me to give them up, to allow others to enjoy the miracle of their little lives, but I did (still cry a bit over it, too).

I have heard about one of them, the last and perhaps the favorite, went to an elderly woman, who reports "little miss spot" is becomming rather spoiled and happy in her new home. Damn-it, someday I really have to get my emotions off my shirt sleeve; it is difficult to read with wet eyes, and difficult to type with wet fingers. Yeah, yeah, I crying a bit; the pain of giving up the babies, and the joy in knowing they have good homes.

That video sent "chills" up and down my spine! Thank you!! Back in my day, we didn't have videos to learn from. That one was wonderful, and is a very accurate description of the Tree and the Veil. In my system of Magick, that is one of the early lessons. We are taught to rend the veil, to see clearly the otherside, and to unite ourselves with the higher principles. A very hard road to follow, but the rewards are infinitely great. The Oneness with "The ALL" (or God as you would call it), is something that is well worth any amount of work, even if it takes a lifetime. One of the advanced stages involves the destruction of the "lower ego", and in essence "starting over" from the beginning. Most never make it, some few do. I like to think of myself as being one of the few ... can only hope that I'm right.

Etharzi od Oma (Enochian for: Peace and Understanding)

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 03:51 PM

Originally posted by DaphneApollo
reply to post by itscocobaby

Hi itscocobaby,

The Bible states he had a human mother and a divine father or God. That makes him an extraterrestrial of sorts, maybe Jesus is an alien from another planet who knows. One thing I do know is the old testament clearly states in Genesis 6:1-4

This very same thing I wrestled with for a long time also, which is why I started looking into Ufo's in the first place. Genesis 6:1-4 is about falllen angels and human daughters of men coming together making the 'Nephilim' . This was Satan's attempt to polute the seedline that Christ would come through. Seth down to Mary.

There is more to the story than you've heard of Genesis. You've seen a UFO, wow, I've never seen one or dreamt of one, even though it's all I've read about for over 20 years.


But for satan to know gods future plans kinda just makes the entire thing fall apart. It begs the question, how does satan know gods future plans? In fact how/why was satan allowed to obtain any power at all? Did lucifer find a loophole in gods plan and now we are in god's damage control phase of the "Biggest Mistake in the Universe". I'm of the opinion that religion is the true falseness. No religions promote love (they talk about it),harmony and peace. No, they promote seperation, fear and hatred to anyone who isn't in line with their sysytem. Just as this post is designed to spark fear in those of you on the fence about to break out from the real bondage on this planet.... RELIGION.

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 04:11 PM

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 04:36 PM

Originally posted by Munfett

Originally posted by DaphneApollo
reply to post by itscocobaby

Hi itscocobaby,

The Bible states he had a human mother and a divine father or God. That makes him an extraterrestrial of sorts, maybe Jesus is an alien from another planet who knows. One thing I do know is the old testament clearly states in Genesis 6:1-4

This very same thing I wrestled with for a long time also, which is why I started looking into Ufo's in the first place. Genesis 6:1-4 is about falllen angels and human daughters of men coming together making the 'Nephilim' . This was Satan's attempt to polute the seedline that Christ would come through. Seth down to Mary.

There is more to the story than you've heard of Genesis. You've seen a UFO, wow, I've never seen one or dreamt of one, even though it's all I've read about for over 20 years.


But for satan to know gods future plans kinda just makes the entire thing fall apart. It begs the question, how does satan know gods future plans? In fact how/why was satan allowed to obtain any power at all? Did lucifer find a loophole in gods plan and now we are in god's damage control phase of the "Biggest Mistake in the Universe". I'm of the opinion that religion is the true falseness. No religions promote love (they talk about it),harmony and peace. No, they promote seperation, fear and hatred to anyone who isn't in line with their sysytem. Just as this post is designed to spark fear in those of you on the fence about to break out from the real bondage on this planet.... RELIGION.

Hi Munfett,

This thread takes many turns and my original post takes many turns as well. You'll see that as you continue reading it.

In Ezekiel God created Satan, Lucifer beautiful, he was decked out in jewels was given the best God was proud of his creation of him. But, God and Satan had a huge fight before we were made ( humans) and he told Satan to serve us, that's what angels are supposed to do watch over us. Well, he didn't want to do that and didn't want to be under God any more. He hates God and anything God creates.

Satan has been working against us since our beginning, but God made a way out and that way out is Jesus Yeshuah The Christ. He tried there too. In the desert to tempt Christ. Nah, You don't have to go to the Cross dude, wouldn't you rather have everything I offer you instead. Jesus answers him, " It is written that you shall not tempt the Lord thy God." Ha Ha ! Satan is the lord of this world. God's trying to get us out of it. Satan is going to try again to win souls with the Great Deception.

Religion is the problem. Learn on your own if you can.

Welcome to the thread, keep reading. And watch videos, they go in a different direction than you think.

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 10:36 PM

Originally posted by AnthraAndromda

Originally posted by 547000
Do as you believe. May one day you have your errors corrected before you die.

I don't have blind faith. I have knowledge. I asked, I received. I'm not one who could believe by faith alone.

The wisdom of the New Age and the occult is silliness to anyone who actually asked God and got an answer.

I don't rely on "New Age" anything. All of my knowledge and any "wisdom" I may have is all ancient teaching, and the application thereof. To obtain all of Ones knowledge form a single source is folly! For not all knowledge can come from a single source. imo.

Further, if you have truly read my words, you would see that the knowledge I have does not come solely from "new Age"", or "occult" sources. As I stated, I have studied ALL spiritual systems. Unless you consider Islam, Hindu, Buddist, Taoist, Amerind, and a host of others to be occult. Though, in all honesty, I have studied several occult traditions as well. What I am left with is a synthesis of all of these. And, if I have "faith" at all; it is faith in myself, that I have properly understood and reconciled these disparate systems into a coherent whole. If I have been successful, and I seem to have been, then I have an advantage that few others have.

I could also say; The Christan system is one that rarely, if ever, rises above the fundamental. Unfortunately, the Universe does not operate at only those low levels, and increasingly demands that its denizens rise to the challange.

The way you talk, the things you say, the idea you seem to have ... seems a lot like you telling my people that we are doomed simply because we do not worship your God. Or is it that simple to you; the Hindu, buddist, taoist, and Andromd are all doomed simply because we use different names? That, O Human, is utter folly! Ask your God; if he is truthful, he will tell you the same. (the last time I was in church, about 40 years ago, I was asked to say the prayer for communion. I wanted to do an "old style exorcism" of the cup and bread. I didn't because I knew it would freak everyone out. BUT, that is exactally what I was doing anyway, just not old school.)

Peace and Understanding

edit on 28-4-2011 by AnthraAndromda because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-4-2011 by AnthraAndromda because: to fix errors generated by this inadiquate editor

Unfortunately hell and sin are both real. Unless you repent of it you are doomed. The Abrahamic faiths are a thorn on many people's sides because they seek freedom and want to do their own thing. The search for enlightenment is a red herring.

I have knowledge that no amount of books or studying can give, because I was given that knowledge by the divine. Ask God, not man. Do not assume God cannot speak in words nor give you unearthly experiences. That is assuming God is impersonal. It's not merely the same God in different words. There are different philosophies--and most of them are false ones.

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 11:34 PM

Originally posted by 547000

Unfortunately hell and sin are both real. Unless you repent of it you are doomed. The Abrahamic faiths are a thorn on many people's sides because they seek freedom and want to do their own thing. The search for enlightenment is a red herring.

I have knowledge that no amount of books or studying can give, because I was given that knowledge by the divine. Ask God, not man. Do not assume God cannot speak in words nor give you unearthly experiences. That is assuming God is impersonal. It's not merely the same God in different words. There are different philosophies--and most of them are false ones.

Indeed! Just how, prey tell, is the search for enlightenment a "red herring? I'm kind of wondering if you even know what enlightenment means! You don't appear to.

If you are speaking from that knowledge, given you by the divine, then I must submit that you have misunderstood. My species is rather telepathic, so much so that it is routinely used for long distance communication, think starships. There is a rather interesting learning curve involved with this, and one of the first lessons is to not allow One's personal beliefs, feelings, existing knowledge, etc. "color" the interpretation of the communication. You seem to have failed in this.

I have never, nor will I ever, assume anything about The All (God as you so quaintly put it). You see, I speak with your "God" frequently. He doesn't listen much, nor does he seem to have the same sense of honor as I. I have asked that he do thing to redress the ballance of the Universe, and nothing. And, these were simple things, that, if I had the resources I would do myself, an interesting state here, I never seem to be able to collect the resources, except for executing my magick, now why do you suppose that is?

You still seem to imply that my people, not being from around here are in some way doomed, simply because we don't seem to not follow your philosophy and/or God. There are billions of civilizations out there that don't know your God, at least not my your name. Are they doomed as well? The reality is that many of us "off-worlders" do have a religous system, that is, surprizingly similar to yours, but, they are probably doomed as well.

To state that anyone is doomed without knowing the truth of their philosophy is purely arrogant, and ignorant. Ask your God about me and my people; you will find I speak truth.

And, again; I don't deal in faith!

Etharzi od Oma.

edit on 28-4-2011 by AnthraAndromda because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 29 2011 @ 12:32 AM
reply to post by AnthraAndromda

I'm sorry, I just don't buy you are an alien or that you have talked with "my" God. I still contend aliens are a demonic deception. Unlike with you, I have actually had experiences that evidently show the existence of God. Do something alien-like and show me. If God could show me, why can't you?

Yes, enlightenment is a red herring. Eternity is not about seeing through maya, but about obeying God. There's no knowledge about good and evil that can ever give you access to the tree of life.
edit on 29-4-2011 by 547000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 29 2011 @ 01:57 AM

Originally posted by 547000
reply to post by AnthraAndromda

I'm sorry, I just don't buy you are an alien or that you have talked with "my" God. I still contend aliens are a demonic deception. Unlike with you, I have actually had experiences that evidently show the existence of God. Do something alien-like and show me. If God could show me, why can't you?

How dare you presume you know anything about my experiences. You are contiueing to show your arrogance! And, the behavior you are starting to display is getting closer and closer to a classical definition of Evil.

Here is a simple test; aliens are flesh and blood, just like you, demons are supernatural entities.

Something "alien-like"? Such as?

As for you buying that I'm an alien; when did I say I was selling anything? The fact is I don't give a whit whether you beleive me. I would however, prefer that you cause no harm. The act of denying me my God-given identity is the causing of harm and hence evil. You are showing your true colors.

Yes, enlightenment is a red herring. Eternity is not about seeing through maya, but about obeying God. There's no knowledge about good and evil that can ever give you access to the tree of life.

Enlightenment, and eternity are two completely different concepts. Neither of these has anything to do with God. Seeing through maya is about dispelling the illusions that all things are born with.

I'm, like, totally sure, you know all there is to know about the Tree ... NOT! The Tree of Life spells out a complete path to God.

By the way, if One is not enlightened, they are incapable of realizing the full grandure and glory of God. I will presume, for now, that you are not enlightened.

"For naught can unite the divided but Love." -- Liber 220

edit on 29-4-2011 by AnthraAndromda because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 29 2011 @ 02:12 AM
reply to post by AnthraAndromda

Why does calling out the name of Christ scare them away like the fleas they are?

Much of your "debunking" consists of the assumption that you are an alien. If you don't want me to take you seriously that's okay with me. I remember before that either some other member or you got a genetic test and was considered human and yet still insisted they were alien.

I don't mind coming off as arrogant, because any claim of knowing a truth comes off as arrogant in a postmodern society. The way is narrow, not wide. Christianity is not pluralistic. Thank goodness I'm not enlightened.

Why don't you list all your alien powers so I can pick one?

Oh, and from what I read, most aliens claim that they come from a higher dimension and some New Agers channel "ET"s.
edit on 29-4-2011 by 547000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 29 2011 @ 07:55 AM

Enjoy! I did. I am on the fence about a pre-trib Rapture, but for our sakes (Christian) I hope their is one. If not, we need to be prepared in any case.

Website this comes from, he/she has a great website 547000 about this subject :

"At the Name of Jesus the [Alien Abduction] Dissipated into the Air" liens-abduction.html
edit on 29-4-2011 by DaphneApollo because: added links

posted on Apr, 29 2011 @ 10:28 AM

Originally posted by 547000
reply to post by AnthraAndromda

Why does calling out the name of Christ scare them away like the fleas they are?

You would ask me to speak to the actions of yet another species? The ETs I know would have no reaction to the name YHShVH. But, I don't know any Greys, reptiles, etc. only a very few Pleiadians, and of course my own people.

The Pleiadians, some of who were actually living in Christ's time, may correct you on the history of the time, but I seriously there would be any fear. My people would think of it as just another Human word. My people would also be somewhat happy if Christ provided/completed a spiritual system for you. Neither would "run away".

I don't know about the Greys & company. To us/me they are nearly as primative as you. And, they are primative being only a few hundred years ahead of Humans, technologically anyway. I know nothing of their spirituality, if they have any.

You'll find that I don't have much regard for the Greys.

Much of your "debunking" consists of the assumption that you are an alien. If you don't want me to take you seriously that's okay with me. I remember before that either some other member or you got a genetic test and was considered human and yet still insisted they were alien.

No actually my "debunking" isn't based at all on any assumption. And it is not connected at all to the fact that I'm non-human. It is based solely on my studies in Western Ceremonial Magick; The Greater and Lesser Keys of Soloman, The Magick of Abramelin the Mage, and a few other "lesser" works dealing with demonology.

As an Engineer I don't usually deal with hypothesis, theory, perhaps, from time to time, but even that is kind of rare. SO this will be a bit awkward:

Hypothesis: Some species of Extraterrestrials may have DNA that is (nearly) indistinguishable from Terrestrial Humans. The actual differences will be found in the placement, and magnitude (repete counts, etc.) of genetic markers.

There are to my knowledge only two such examples extant on Earth. Bill Chalker,some years ago, submitted a strand of hair that was reportedly from an ET. The subsequent DNA testing showed it to be "Human". However, it was a fine strand of Blond hair, the DNA testing showed that it should have been from a rather rare Asian/Mongolian person. Neither of these sub-species of Human typically have blond hair, and the normal color is black.

In my case; DNA testing has shown that I should be of Indo-Africian ancestry. Yet, if my ancestry is traced through family lines there is neither Africian nor South Asian (India ... central) people in the family tree. The Africian line is from my Father; my Terrestrial Father traced his family line to15th Century Scotland, and the Royality thereof. So there are no Blacks, not Indian people there.

In both cases the evidence is small and further testing needs to be done. It is, unfortunately, rather expensive.

I don't mind coming off as arrogant, because any claim of knowing a truth comes off as arrogant in a postmodern society. The way is narrow, not wide. Christianity is not pluralistic. Thank goodness I'm not enlightened.

Why don't you list all your alien powers so I can pick one?

Oh, and from what I read, most aliens claim that they come from a higher dimension and some New Agers channel "ET"s.[

Arrogance typically comes from one of two sources; Abject ignorance, or great learning. I seriously doubt you have the learning (just an opinion based on what you've said)

Yes, the path is narrow, but with enough knowledge and experience; you can make hand and foot holds to assist you in following that path. By the way, the path for a mage is even narrower, and, has a pitfalls that must be avoided. So, please, don't speak of how narrow your path is. On my path there is also a great void, one that must be traversed my the aspirant. Most don't make it through (think Illuminati types). I like to think that I did, since all the indicators say that I have. I certainly don't have the usual negative indicators like greed, hate, lust (especially for power), etc. The one thing that I and any of the "black brothers" have in common is great knowledge of the Occult, and of course significant Magical ability.

Truth is not something that can be conferred, not by man nor by God. The true value and potential of "Truth" can only be earned through great work, and study. And even after you have this "Truth" it is still of no avail until one attains to wisdom. Wisdom comes ONLY from real knowledge and experience.

Here is to hoping that we all can attain to wisdom.

From learning and study comes knowledge. From experience comes understanding. The sum of knowledge and understanding is wisdom.

Peace and Understanding.

posted on Apr, 29 2011 @ 11:23 AM
God is the one who dictates what is truth, being all seeing. YOUR arrogance is astounding to me. You base all that you know on knowledge man has, but God has decreed it is foolishness to Him. Rather than ask God and see what He says, (and yes it is true what is said: if you seek with all your heart you will find Him, not just an vague feeling of oneness, but if you seek a specific and concrete experience, you will have it, which is why I implored you to try it!) you've built a fort of vain philosophies and knowledge. In will be crushed asunder in the end, and that will be your tomb.

Your claims to be an alien are strange. How would you know those many generations ago who your ancestors were? Was it recorded as family genealogy? Could it have been possible that somewhere along the line someone was conceived out of wedlock? Merely having genes from a different physical region does not mean you have alien DNA. This is quite a leap. Do you have any powers? If so, which ones, and how can we test that? Give me evidence and I will believe.

You're quite mistaken. I have had a revelation from God. I don't just have faith. I know. You can KNOW too. Just ask sincerely. You might have all the written knowledge of magick, the occult, demonology, various religions, and philosophies, but it's all in vain until you know God, because it won't serve you on Judgment Day. What God reveals to you is much more important then anything you could study. Which is why you should ask Him before interpreting what's written about things. There are many vain things written about the Bible. Some people even interpret it as merely symbolic astrology. Because they don't know that the God of the Hebrews is real, or they think He's merely a god rather than God.

I followed you debunking of this thread; you've accused people of prejudice and racism toward "my people"; then you said aliens were physical.
edit on 29-4-2011 by 547000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 29 2011 @ 11:45 AM

"Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty. Revelation 1:7-8 (KJV)"

edit on 29-4-2011 by DaphneApollo because: (no reason given)

edit on 29-4-2011 by DaphneApollo because: added video

posted on Apr, 29 2011 @ 12:26 PM

Originally posted by 547000
God is the one who dictates what is truth, being all seeing. YOUR arrogance is astounding to me. You base all that you know on knowledge man has, but God has decreed it is foolishness to Him. Rather than ask God and see what He says, (and yes it is true what is said: if you seek with all your heart you will find Him, not just an vague feeling of oneness, but if you seek a specific and concrete experience, you will have it, which is why I implored you to try it!) you've built a fort of vain philosophies and knowledge. In will be crushed asunder in the end, and that will be your tomb.

Me thinks you greatly misunderstand my words, and that is perhaps my failing. Though in my defence I will state that many of the idea and principles I'm trying to explain are transendental; which rarely survives translation (tis sad).

And, then there is your flaw; you assume! One should never assume anything.

There was a time when I beseeched God for answers; he responded with the path I now follow (and, yes, I did it with an open heart and mind). Please do not try to limit God by saying he would not do such a thing. To put it in your terms; God's Will for any given individual is not necessarily the same for any one else. We are each born/created with different talents, and God will make use of those as HE sees fit. I happen to be One that has the capacity to understand Magick in its proper context. And please do not think that this abiliy of mine in anything but a curse. But, then again it may also be a blessing. That is something that we can only fully understand in the fullness of time; God doesn't have that limitation.

And, yes, in the end all things will be crushed, even our understanding of God, such is the true nature of our limited abilities. But, it will not be a tomb. For that part of each of us, that which I call "The I" will remain unchanged except for the experience our immortal spirit gains during its time.

Your claims to be an alien are strange. How would you know those many generations ago who your ancestors were? Was it recorded as family genealogy? Could it have been possible that somewhere along the line someone was conceived out of wedlock? Merely having genes from a different physical region does not mean you have alien DNA. This is quite a leap. Do you have any powers? If so, which ones, and how can we test that? Give me evidence and I will believe.

Yes, it was recorded as a family genealogy, and in the official records of Scotland, England, and the United States. My terrestrial father's male line traces back the the Royal Stewart clan of Scotland; so you tell me the probability of an African male being in there. Remember, these are Royals we are talking about, even to this day, there is a strong effort to keep the "line" as pure as possible. So, do you think that a "bastard" child of one of the Tutors would be recognized? I think not bloody likely. Many of these people have their nose at an altitude that would make Everest look more like Death Valley.

No DNA from a different region does not make one ET; but, when those markers are "out-of-place" it may. This is why I suggested that you ask God. I already have, so I know the answer that you seem to be having trouble with.

The only "powers" I have are a rather underdeveloped ability in telepathy, and some amount of precognition. Again, these are not developed. To my people I'm a small child, so neither of these are expected to be very great. But, it does allow me the opportunity to look into the mechanics of at least telepathy, and, if I am fortunate enough, develop it. And to that end, I seem to have improved it to the point that I can "feel" some thing, "read" the minds of those close to me, and, sometimes it will work with strangers ... still rather unreliable. Although, I can say that the "mental processes" of Wolves, and other "lesser" animals is really foriegn. It seems that Ista is better at knowing certain thoughts that I have than I am at knowing hers

Ista, as I have already said, is a "spoiled house Wolf". She can be in another room, sleeping; somehow she knows when I have a food item she might like, or I am putting my shoes or hat on to go out. She will wake up and come to me. Yet, I can not tell when she is about to leave the yard. Fortunately I 'think" I can feel her presence even at a fair distance.

You're quite mistaken. I have had a revelation from God. I don't just have faith. I know. You can KNOW too. Just ask sincerely. You might have all the written knowledge of magick, the occult, demonology, various religions, and philosophies, but it's all in vain until you know God, because it won't serve you on Judgment Day. What God reveals to you is much more important then anything you could study. Which is why you should ask Him before interpreting what's written about things. There are many vain things written about the Bible. Some people even interpret it as merely symbolic astrology. Because they don't know that the God of the Hebrews is real, or they think He's merely a god rather than God.

Well in my experience knowledge cannot be conferred, not even by God. Conferred knowledge is faith as it has no foundation in physical fact. Any knowledge given by God neccessarily must be taken on faith. Thus it is faith. Please do not misunderstand, this does not neccessarily invalidate any knowledge gain this way. But, we all must understand that it is still only faith. I have had in the past great amounts of knowledge gain this way. When I started the study of Magick, it was like I had read it all before, though I had not. These are the sort of thing that most attribute to intuition, and for the most part it is quite valid.

So, again, perhaps a bit clearer; the studies I have, now or in the past, are merely a species of confirmation of knowledge I already had. It worked the same way with my Electrical and Software engineering. Those were six rather boring years I spent in college. I am fully aware of how limited my knowledge is; and, I look forward to returning to my people so that I may understand more of that which I already know, and perhaps some new knowledge. (actually I'm toying with the idea of on-line coueses in Physics. there are some aspects that intrigue me)

I followed you debunking of this thread; you've accused people of prejudice and racism toward "my people"; then yu said aliens were physical.

Yes? And?

Aliens are physical, and it is a racist statement to call any of us Demons. Though, in your defence, there are some ETs that seem to try rather hard to fit the description (that is their BAD). I don't see it as any different than the way American Indians, Africans, or other ethnic groups have been treated. And that is your BAD. (though not specifically you).

Etharzi od Oma.

posted on Apr, 29 2011 @ 10:38 PM
reply to post by AnthraAndromda

When you got your reply was it "Son, go into magick. It's the truth," or did you just feel it was the right path? Even many Christians say God spoke to them, but it's usually just an intuition or feeling.

If you want to believe you're an alien, go ahead. But I don't think the evidence confirms that. And thus I don't think your claims about being or knowing that aliens are physical are valid. Can you project your thoughts into my mind?

posted on Apr, 30 2011 @ 12:36 AM

Originally posted by 547000
reply to post by AnthraAndromda

When you got your reply was it "Son, go into magick. It's the truth," or did you just feel it was the right path? Even many Christians say God spoke to them, but it's usually just an intuition or feeling.

I can see where this is going; You will attempt, yet again, to restrict God. Problem is, it doesn't work that way. It is written that the only real Sin is restriction; how much greater is it when One attempts to restrict God?

All things on this plane of existance behave much like electrons, in that they seek the path of least resistance. All of us do this as a matter of natural course. Understand, I did not say that my path is such a one. But, it seems logical and probable as well, that if God were to speak to someone that it would be perceived as intuition, or "a feeling". It is further improbable that God would speak to them with a "voice", infact, many psychologists would have a rather serious label for that; something like schizophrenia. Is that where you suggest I go? You know the whold rest of the world, includeing every single "man of God" and church, would disagree vehemently with you.

This would make you "the odd man out", and would begin to suggest that you may be experiencing some serious issues.

If you want to believe you're an alien, go ahead. But I don't think the evidence confirms that. And thus I don't think your claims about being or knowing that aliens are physical are valid. Can you project your thoughts into my mind?

I did not say that my data confirms anything at all. However, perhaps you should know that DNA is not the only verifiable data I have. There is also data contained within the Bible itself, yeah, I know what your thinking. Don't need to be telepathic to know that. Follow the link in my sig. perhaps you can learn something.

Now than; through a mathematical method know as baysian inferrence; there is a somewhat better than 99% chance I'm right. And that value is obtained from what little data I've collected so far. Give me time and I'll push that to 100%.

However, my claims that ETs are physical is still supported by the available evidence, some of which is DNA (and not mine). And, while I don't like photographic evidence, there is plenty of that, and, non-corporeal entities can not be photographed. By the way, I don't like photographs because they are far too easy to manufacture. I'm very sure you could build something on your computer, I know I can on mine.

As for "projecting" my thought into you; sorry, you would have to be a fairly decent receiver, have the knowledge and practice to know the thoughts were not your own, and, I would have to at least know you reasonable well, or be in close proximity. When it comes to telepathy, I'm still learning, and trying to overcome the damage to that ability done by a well intentioned Human society. Personally, I very seriously doubt that you are up to that magnetude of challange.

Etharzi od Oma.

posted on Apr, 30 2011 @ 01:42 AM

Originally posted by AnthraAndromda

Originally posted by 547000
reply to post by AnthraAndromda

When you got your reply was it "Son, go into magick. It's the truth," or did you just feel it was the right path? Even many Christians say God spoke to them, but it's usually just an intuition or feeling.

I can see where this is going; You will attempt, yet again, to restrict God. Problem is, it doesn't work that way. It is written that the only real Sin is restriction; how much greater is it when One attempts to restrict God?

All things on this plane of existance behave much like electrons, in that they seek the path of least resistance. All of us do this as a matter of natural course. Understand, I did not say that my path is such a one. But, it seems logical and probable as well, that if God were to speak to someone that it would be perceived as intuition, or "a feeling". It is further improbable that God would speak to them with a "voice", infact, many psychologists would have a rather serious label for that; something like schizophrenia. Is that where you suggest I go? You know the whold rest of the world, includeing every single "man of God" and church, would disagree vehemently with you.

This would make you "the odd man out", and would begin to suggest that you may be experiencing some serious issues.

If you want to believe you're an alien, go ahead. But I don't think the evidence confirms that. And thus I don't think your claims about being or knowing that aliens are physical are valid. Can you project your thoughts into my mind?

I did not say that my data confirms anything at all. However, perhaps you should know that DNA is not the only verifiable data I have. There is also data contained within the Bible itself, yeah, I know what your thinking. Don't need to be telepathic to know that. Follow the link in my sig. perhaps you can learn something.

Now than; through a mathematical method know as baysian inferrence; there is a somewhat better than 99% chance I'm right. And that value is obtained from what little data I've collected so far. Give me time and I'll push that to 100%.

However, my claims that ETs are physical is still supported by the available evidence, some of which is DNA (and not mine). And, while I don't like photographic evidence, there is plenty of that, and, non-corporeal entities can not be photographed. By the way, I don't like photographs because they are far too easy to manufacture. I'm very sure you could build something on your computer, I know I can on mine.

As for "projecting" my thought into you; sorry, you would have to be a fairly decent receiver, have the knowledge and practice to know the thoughts were not your own, and, I would have to at least know you reasonable well, or be in close proximity. When it comes to telepathy, I'm still learning, and trying to overcome the damage to that ability done by a well intentioned Human society. Personally, I very seriously doubt that you are up to that magnetude of challange.

Etharzi od Oma.

Other have had tangible experiences of God too, so no, I'm not the odd man out. Ever read what many saints have experienced? The problem with intuition is that it can mislead you. How do you know it wasn't your own heart wanting answers in magick and God guiding you to magick? You're the one restricting God to merely being within and intuition. God can be a personal God as well as one who defies the laws of nature. What do you think about Marian apparitions, saints whose bodies never rot, stigmata, Eucharist transformations, and other such miracles? Do they involve aliens too? Or are they of the Devil?

Give me links to verified physical alien DNA. Who said spirits cannot appear in photos? And what's to say they cannot appear physical?

I find it ironic that you are insinuating that hearing voices in your head means you are crazy, yet still boast about having telepathy. Nevertheless it's not voices, but I have bean spiritually crucified. I have invisible stigmata, and it's been a confirmed experience of more than just me. I have also felt a consuming fire, as well as been filled by a light.
edit on 30-4-2011 by 547000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 30 2011 @ 03:15 AM

Originally posted by 547000

Other have had tangible experiences of God too

You have evidence? Is it verifiable?

How do you know it wasn't your own heart wanting answers in magick and God guiding you to magick?

At that point in my life (early 20's) I was a rather "hard core" Christian, perhaps more so than you, my faith was unshakable, and very steady. I was frech out of the military, and starting my second year of College (it ended up as my third year due to the education the Military provided). I had absolutely no interest in Magick what-so-ever. I prayed daily, and attended church as often as they would open the doors.

Then the memories that had been hiding in the back of my mind started to stir. I asked God for guidance. I was given a path to Western Ceremonial Magick. Which I rejected at first, and continued to pray. Then everything got almost impossible; every way I turned there was a block to progress, all doors closed with the exception of two. Magick and Electronic/computer technology. I persued both. As soon as I started down this path, all doors opened, progress as an individual, and engineer became possible, and has continued to this day.

I also spoke with my Pastor, he suggested a psychologist, I visited a few, all they had was rather hard drugs which only served to remove me from reality ... I stopped seeing them and taking their drugs. Reality came back, I finished College with two Master's degrees, and had an absolutely wonderful career. I was able to participate in the building of what you and most everyone else takes for granted today. I helped to build the early PC's, I participated in General Motors "factory of the future" (writing Robotic gateways). I was also involved in building the first automated testing equipment that made it possible to mass produce Microprocessors.

So, all in all; I would have to say that Magick and technology was the right decission.

You're the one restricting God to merely being within and intuition.

Again you fail to understand! I am not the One who is trying to dictate the manner in which God communicates with Man. I am not the One who insists that God's plan for an individual can not be through the Occult. I am very aware of the stories of your Saints, found some of them inspirational. But none of those Men we me, now were they. As I have stated before; God's plan for every individual is unique, neither I nor you can dictate the path of anyone else. An individual's path is something between them and God, and we have no right to say otherwise.

God can be a personal God as well as one who defies the laws of nature. What do you think about Marian apparitions, saints whose bodies never rot, stigmata, Eucharist transformations, and other such miracles? Do they involve aliens too? Or are they of the Devil?

Here I must take issue! Nothing can defy the Laws of Nature (Universe). They are called Laws for a reason; they are immutable! I can see an apparent defying of Laws known to Terrestrial science, but, that would likely be because of an incomplete understanding of them. But, if you can show me where a Law that I understand well has been defied, I may change my tune on that. How about we start with something simple ... show me where Ohm's Law, or Kirkoff's Law has been defied; ever! (again I will need something verifiable).

Give me links to verified physical alien DNA. Who said spirits cannot appear in photos? And what's to say they cannot appear physical?

I said as much already; there is no verified "alien" DNA; only human like DNA with "out of place" markers. Though while Mr. Chalker's case and mine do not say definately alien they both tend to support my hypothesis. And, this is the scientific way. First the hypothesis, gather evidence to prove it may be "real" and move it to Theory status, more proof, and it may become "Law".

Spirits, demons, and several other orders of "creature" are non-corporeal, thus, One can not photograph them except under extraordinary circumstances, and these are quite rare (well except for Magicians, we have little trouble evoking them into the physical for brief periods (usually some minutes). But, inorde to do this safely, One requires years of study and practice.

I find it ironic that you are insinuating that hearing voices in your head means you are crazy, yet still boast about having telepathy. Nevertheless it's not voices, but I have bean spiritually crucified. I have invisible stigmata, and it's been a confirmed experience of more than just me. I have also felt a consuming fire, as well as been filled by a light.

(I didn't say crazy, nor was I insinuating)

Telepathy has nothing to do with "hearing voices". It is the "joining of two minds for the purpose of communication, and both "sides" need to learn how to make it work properly. I can tell you from personal experience, it is difficult.

"Invisible stigmata"? So; just how does One go about confirming what can not be measured (seend)? So, it would seem that now you are making extraordinary claims. You do realize that to make such a claim also requires you provide extraordinary evidence. I've made the claim that I'm ET, I have provided evidence; the ball is in your court.

Consuming Fire, and filled with a light. These are thing I do at will. Though usually it is the fire of my spirit, and the light of God. Though, at times it has been Elemental Fire, but, I'm not really much into transformation, so only when needed. Besides as elemental forces go, I prefer Air and Water operating on the Earth plane.

Etharzi od Oma.

posted on Apr, 30 2011 @ 03:19 AM
o yes i agree man!

God aka the greater of life works in much deeper ways than visually. I'm stoked that we have the realization of this. Life is real, evil is real.

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