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Bigfoot hunted by helicopter? New Video.

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posted on Mar, 12 2011 @ 05:26 PM

Originally posted by FoxMulder91

Theres zero proof that he looks at the figure, stop saying it as if its a 100 percent fact.

Good point, but I think that it would be difficult for him NOT to see the motion with his head pointed in that direction.

You're right though - we have no idea if his eyes were even open.

posted on Mar, 12 2011 @ 11:18 PM
reply to post by thewesticle

It just doesnt make sense to me.
If he/they were faking a Bigfoot video, why would he look towards the Bigfoot like that? You would think he wouldnt pay any attention to it..trying to make it look more genuine.

Im not saying this is real, im just not going to quickly dismiss it like others seem to do sometimes.

edit on 12-3-2011 by FoxMulder91 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 12:38 AM
reply to post by FoxMulder91

Like I said earlier, the angle is off. If you were filming your family shooting guns you would be shooting from the other side in order to capture their reactions. They are doing it from the oposite side so they can caputure the hills with their buddy in a gorilla suit on the hill.

posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 12:46 AM
reply to post by predator0187

I swear hes skipping some how i feel this is fake it was added by a computer there seems to be some frames missing.

posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 05:09 AM
I'd be more interested in finding out who was in the helicopter or any signs/logos the eyewitnesses saw on it.

So then we may have a clue as to who are tracking these "bigfoot" creatures.

posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 06:36 AM

Originally posted by dragonridr
reply to post by predator0187

I swear hes skipping some how i feel this is fake it was added by a computer there seems to be some frames missing.

That's what I thought after three or four times watching it. There is something not right about the movement. I want it to be real, but I think it's more likely to be fake.

posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 10:28 AM

Originally posted by SlyingFaucers
reply to post by FoxMulder91

Like I said earlier, the angle is off. If you were filming your family shooting guns you would be shooting from the other side in order to capture their reactions. They are doing it from the oposite side so they can caputure the hills with their buddy in a gorilla suit on the hill.

Or may be they wanted to get the targets in the vid and be extra safe so stood behind the shooters, I stand behind and have my eyes all over the lads when I let them shoot one of my guns, no way would I be looking at some bush a couple of hundred yards away when I could be over seeing the shooting and passing of guns.

posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 10:57 AM
the other weird thing is the guy in the cap behind the shooter, he plugs his ears pretty forcefully for both shots the kids take with the "quiet" .22 (?)
but does not at all when the "louder" shotgun is being fired, nor does he flinch at all, which also happens to be the time the supposed bigfoot comes running out of the bushes.
Seems very planned to me, also the girl at the end stretches in an almost un-natural way, sort of like when you have a friend over and want them to leave by stretching and saying "man its late, I am tired" as hint to leave.

posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 05:30 PM
Well sorry but I'm not seeing anything that looks like anything other than a man running in dark clothes, I agree with the 'possible' convict/wanted criminal theory. I'd guess its someone being chased by the police for some reason probably wearing a hoody.

What about the person running looks Bigfootish?

Is it just because he's running in a fairly remote looking region? Several posters have said how big he is but without marker to show his height he could be 5' 8" for all you can tell here. I'm puzzled why this is even called a Bigfoot sighting

posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 10:26 PM

posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 10:34 PM
Fakey fake. The guy beside the kid is looking right in the direction of the 'bigfoot' for a moment and doesn't react at all.The movements look very human like too you'd have to say. Complete setup.

posted on Mar, 15 2011 @ 11:49 AM
It appears as though it could be real to me, but I can also see how it might be something like an escaped convict as someone else said on here. However, you would think that the people in the helicopter would warn the family somehow that there was an escaped convict in the area.

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 05:37 PM

Originally posted by FattyTravy
It appears as though it could be real to me, but I can also see how it might be something like an escaped convict as someone else said on here. However, you would think that the people in the helicopter would warn the family somehow that there was an escaped convict in the area.

It wouldn't have to be an escaped convict... In fact from the dark clothing I'd go for a car thief that's crashed whilst being chased hence the chopper. I suspect he bailed out and headed into the scrubs and the chopper was searching for him. They cant warn people about that.

edit on 16/3/11 by Versa because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 25 2011 @ 05:36 PM
reply to post by predator0187

My opinion fake, here why. # 1When the thing runs across in the distance, the dad is looking that way. Good assumpint that he would have seen it, but seems to not have. # 2 I worked on a helocopter base in the Marines for 8 years, you sound the copter on the video made shows me it was very very close. The three of them did not look up at all, They paid absolutly zero percent to something, most people find interesting no mind, and it was super close. #3 When the first 2 shots from the 22 cliber rifle were fired, the Male covered his ears and realed back. Anyone that owns a gun know with certainty that 22's are a joke, he seemed frightful, except when handing the gun to his kid. The dad was acting the part.

posted on Apr, 25 2011 @ 05:55 PM
This looks like a staged video to me the supposed BigFoot looks like a human on the run in a suit also they are in a very wide-open area i don't think BigFoot would be in that kind of area ..But it is a interesting video and i really want to belive there is a BigFoot but i haven't seen anything yet that shows me the beast really does exist..I need alot more proof then this..

posted on Apr, 25 2011 @ 06:10 PM
Scared off Hobo or some other dastard!

posted on Apr, 25 2011 @ 06:37 PM

Originally posted by SlyingFaucers
reply to post by predator0187

Sorry -- I know moms are annoying, but her dialog is an untolerable narration trying to sound genuine.
Second the father looks in the direction of the "BIGFOOT" immediately, and doesnt mention it?
Third (not that I have ever seen one) the strides seem way off the mark and it stops after being so scared as to run? seems odd.

There are more reasons I could list as to why I think its fake so if you still think its real I can go into more detail.
not sure if it's real but If you look again you will notice that they are looking at someone standing to their left not at the bigfoot.(second screenshot)

posted on Apr, 25 2011 @ 06:45 PM

Originally posted by Gordi The Drummer
reply to post by Frater210

If you listen closely, the young girl does mention the helicopter in the video soundtrack at around 33secs.
So, unless that voice was added too, the prescence of the helicopter is verified.

The helicopter may or may not be aware of the figure, we can't tell from this short clip, so the suggestion of the helicopter "hunting" bigfoot is just that - a suggestion. The occupants may be curious about the target shooting? or may have seen something moving in the scrub? Who knows.

If you pause / rewind the video, from the moment where the movement of the figure in the background catches your attention, you can see that the figure is visible, motionless in the background, for most of the video clip.

The man does glance over to his right a couple of times, but to me, it looks like he's keeping tabs on the young girl, rather than checking on any figure in the background.

I think it's an interesting video. It might not be "proof" of bigfoot, but there's certainly something/someone there in the background, and apart from the annoying mom commentary, nothing that really screams setup or fake to me.

nice find.
I think your the only one that seen the same video as I did,I don't get it how everyone says fake automatically,when the biggest question would be "why would they fake it?"

posted on Apr, 25 2011 @ 07:04 PM
A few things from my perspective:

First, the acting/dialogue. The woman is quite annoying, but to be quite honest it seems nearly identical to shooting trips I would go on with my parents when I was a kid. Usually dad would be the one loading/handling the firearms and mom would be giving "moral support" if you will. A little kid like that shooting, what appears to be, a 12ga shotgun is no small feat, so I wouldn't be surprised to hear her asking if he is OK. So drawing from my personal experience, the peoples behavior and dialogue don't appear to be fake.

Second, a few people have noted that they did not react to the helicopter. Watching the video a few times I see the man (assuming the father) look UP at the helicopter 3 times. So they did indeed acknowledge the presence of the helicopter. Whether or not there actually was a helicopter, or this was all an elaborate plan and they added the sound after I do not know, but it's obvious to me the father and the girl are looking up at the helicopter.

People also are mentioning the father is looking in the direction of the supposed bigfoot. I do not see this at all. I see him looking at the daughter a few times, which would make perfect sense. If you are out shooting with your kids, you would want to keep a constant eye on the one not shooting to make sure they don't get anywhere near the line of sight for the shooter. That seems like all the father is doing, to me at least. In addition, if this was a hoax, why would the father be so stupid as to LOOK at the bigfoot they supposedly didn't see until after viewing the footage? That would seem like a huge slip-up that someone putting this much effort into a hoax wouldn't make. Or at least if they did make that mistake, you'd think they would re-film it, as it's not exactly a long video and re-filming it wouldn't be any more difficult than the first run.

The actual bigfoot itself I am not going to comment on. From the distance it was seen trying to deconstruct the gait or size of the creature seems futile. And obviously if bigfoot really does exist, nobody knows what it walks or runs like, so saying "OH he isn't running like a real bigfoot would" means absolutely nothing in my book. Just like saying "OH that doesn't look/act/move like an Alien!" As if anybody would know.

As you could probably tell, personally I don't see anything in this video that jumps out as obviously making this a hoax. Nobody seems to be doing anything odd, the dialogue isn't any different than what I remember as a child while out shooting. I don't typically comment on these kind of videos because it seems everything I would have said is already posted in a thread, but in this case I felt I had to come out and "defend" the video, because some of the reasons people are calling this fake are nonsense in my opinion.

So until someone does some audio analysis and figures out the helicopter sound was added, or video analysis to figure out the bigfoot is CG, or the family comes out and admits this is a fake, then I honestly can't see how anyone could absolutely state this as a fake, let alone ridicule the video or posters in this thread who support the video. Keep an open mind until you have reason not to, and in this case nothing is out of the ordinary. Just because your family doesn't talk/act like that doesn't mean someone's doesn't.

And before I get accused of being blinded by my bigfoot support, I actually don't have strong feelings on the whole bigfoot thing at all. If it doesn't exist, nothing to see and move along. If it does exist, that would be pretty cool but honestly not anything groundbreaking IMHO. After all it would just be a previously unknown species of ape, which while definitely interesting doesn't carry the same weight as discovering proof of Aliens or something else along those lines.

So think what you will with regards to this video, but personally I can't see how any non-biased person could come out and declare this a fake/hoax as of now.

posted on Apr, 25 2011 @ 07:12 PM

Originally posted by Calmarine
reply to post by predator0187

My opinion fake, here why. # 1When the thing runs across in the distance, the dad is looking that way. Good assumpint that he would have seen it, but seems to not have. # 2 I worked on a helocopter base in the Marines for 8 years, you sound the copter on the video made shows me it was very very close. The three of them did not look up at all, They paid absolutly zero percent to something, most people find interesting no mind, and it was super close. #3 When the first 2 shots from the 22 cliber rifle were fired, the Male covered his ears and realed back. Anyone that owns a gun know with certainty that 22's are a joke, he seemed frightful, except when handing the gun to his kid. The dad was acting the part.

As I stated in my previous post I can obviously see the man looking UP at the helicopter, not over at the bigfoot.

Also, I own many guns, among them a .22, and they are no joke. Once while shooting, I forgot to put my right earplug back in after reloading. I fired a round from my Remington 597, out in the OPEN and STILL had a quite painful ringing in my ears for some time. So it's not surprising at all he would be covering his ears. Also, I'm not sure what model of .22 the kid is firing, but it appears to be a semi-auto, meaning hot brass shooting out the right side of the gun, right where the father is standing. Him "reeling backwards" could just be his attempt to avoid catching a hot shell in the face.

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