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The Office of Naval Intelligence and UFOs.

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posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 02:54 PM

Originally posted by The GUT
..His interest in these fields appears to have been triggered by personal
experience. Scott describes his UFO sighting, which took place when he was a
Navy fighter pilot in the Korean War, thus: "As I rolled into a split-S to
descend to low altitude from around 30,000 feet, I saw a silver disc directly
overhead" ("Advanced Aerial Devices Reported During The Korean War", R. F.
Haines, LDA Press, Los Altos, CA, 1990, Page 54).

Hey the Gut, thanks for the post mate and will certainly add that sighting to the Korean War UFO thread, haven't realy looked into the work of Scott Jones before but there does seem to be a hell of a lot 'silver disc' reports from that era, here's another interesting naval one where a UFO was allegedly tracked on radar by fourteen ships.

edit on 02/10/08 by karl 12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 09:54 PM

I don't know why I waste my fingers typing this cuz nobody will believe it, but here goes: My current business partner was a Navy Chief and was stationed at the Navy Research Center in Indian Head Maryland. They had a huge x-ray machine there and he told me the Navy brought more than one downed alien craft there to attempt to examine them. He told me the Navy is the primary service than deals with UFOs and alien matters. So yes, they know they are here and they are hiding it from us due to political, social and religious concerns. That "you can't handle the truth" mentality which drives me stark raving mad. I only relate what he told me and he has not a single reason to lie about it.


posted on Jul, 15 2011 @ 12:09 AM

Nondestructive Evaluation of Naval Munitions Using X-Ray CT -

In this manuscript, we present experimental results from a nondestructive evaluation (NDE) system that is being used to inspect naval munition components, such as missile rocket motors.

The X-ray computed tomography–based NDE (CT-NDE) system was developed by the NDE group at the Indian Head Division, Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC) in Indian Head, MD.

The maximum likelihood (ML) method has been used successfully to reconstruct transmission images in a medical imaging modality known as positron emission tomography. Motivated by this fact, we use the ML method to reconstruct transmission images for the CT-NDE system at the Indian Head Division, NSWC and investigate its performance using experimental studies. From these studies, we preliminarily conclude that the ML method reconstructs transmission images with good quantitative accuracy and significant detail, even when there is limited angular sampling.


GENERAL SCOPE: The Contractor shall provide and install a Dual Energy Linear Accelerator System on an existing Government hoist in Building 1140, Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC), Indian Head, Maryland. The X-Ray linear accelerator is necessary for radiographic inspection of a wide range of energetic devices ranging from Primers, Cartridges, and Igniters to large Rocket Motors.

The requirements of the inspection require that the x-ray beam be directed in particular orientations, and the linear accelerator system must be equipped with a powered manipulator for this movement. The linear accelerator system must be mounted to the existing crane and be able to meet all orientation requirements while mounted to the crane.

After installation of the new linear accelerator system, the Contractor shall take delivery of the existing Varian L200A Linear Accelerator tube head for disassembly and disposal. This tube head contains depleted uranium, so the Contractor must possess a current Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) license for depleted uranium.


Hmm... it would appear that indeed they do have, and had have, some rather large sophisticated x-ray equipment.

edit on 15-7-2011 by A51Watcher because: the usual

posted on Sep, 17 2011 @ 02:17 PM

Originally posted by A51Watcher

I don't know why I waste my fingers typing this cuz nobody will believe it, but here goes: My current business partner was a Navy Chief and was stationed at the Navy Research Center in Indian Head Maryland. They had a huge x-ray machine there and he told me the Navy brought more than one downed alien craft there to attempt to examine them. He told me the Navy is the primary service than deals with UFOs and alien matters. So yes, they know they are here and they are hiding it from us due to political, social and religious concerns. That "you can't handle the truth" mentality which drives me stark raving mad. I only relate what he told me and he has not a single reason to lie about it.


Very interesting account matey and yet more relevant speculation for the thread - it certainly does make one wonder if "the Navy is the primary service than deals with UFOs" and yes, it does appear they have some very impressive, highly sophisticated x-ray equipment.

edit on 02/10/08 by karl 12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 7 2011 @ 07:55 AM
More on allegations of debunker Donald Menzel's association with the ONI and CIA taken from OP article:

It was during this time in American history that Dr. Donald H. Menzel obtained one of the first degrees in astrophysics. Menzel years later would become a strict supporter of the intelligence communities first policy dealing with UFOs, the policy of denial..

Dr. Donald H. Menzel's complicity to the secret naval UFO investigatory group and UFO cover-up becomes vivid when his role played in the UFO theater is understood. Dr. Menzel had long ties and associations to the Joint Chiefs of Staff and Naval intelligence. He was most likely recruited by these agencies to investigate the phenomenon because he obtained one of the first degrees in astrophysics. The freedom of information act ceases to work when queries are made soliciting information about his early activities in the intelligence community. National security interests override the public's right to know of Dr. Menzel's involvement with the Joint Chiefs of Staff and Office of Naval Intelligence.

Dr. Menzel's academic and naval careers position him uniquely to have had a part in Naval UFO investigations. Dr. Menzel was associated with Navy cryptology, the Office of Naval Intelligence, the National Security Agency, the Naval Observatory, and the Joint Chiefs of Staff from 1930 to 1960. Dr. Menzel's academic passion in real life was astronomy and the study of the sun from his roost at Harvard. Dr. Menzel also lived a secret life in the world of top secret cryptological compartmentalized intelligence.

He had a long association with a "special group" originally lodged in the Office of Naval Intelligence and then later the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and finally the National Security Agency, throughout his entire 30 years of intelligence service. This association only became known because of a rift that developed between President Kennedy and this "special group" in 1960. Menzel offered to mediate the problem President Kennedy developed with this "special group" located in the national security structure because of his 30 year long association with it.


Stanton Friedman's take on the subject from Sceptic Overlord's ATS thread:

"I was truly shocked when I discovered in his papers at the Harvard Archives in 1986,( which I needed written permission from 3 different people to see)that he had a longer continuous association with the NSA and its Navy predecessor than anybody,that he did classified work for 30 different compnies, had a TOP SECRET Ultra clearance with the CIA etc etc. he was close to Vannevar Bush and lloyd Berkner, knew Bronk quite well etc. He was the best equipped of the 12 from both an astronomoical point of view and a debunking view. The EBD, CT, and TF memos are genuine as I note in two different articles on my website.

Stanton Friedman: What about Donald Menzel?

posted on Jan, 11 2012 @ 10:13 AM

Originally posted by A51Watcher

Ok I found the information I was looking for here:


So we now have official registers of who held what positions before and after Truman's restructure order.

A comparison of key positions may yield some interesting observations.


Am still looking mate but here's an interesting chart compiled by Michael D. Swords which looks at the staff structure as it was in 1948:

The Pentagon's Directorate of Intelligence was undergoing reorganization in 1947­1952. Much change also occurred in the executive positions of AFOIN, AFOAI, and its branches. The chart below is representative of the type of structure and staff as it was in the 1948 Project Sign period



posted on Jan, 11 2012 @ 10:21 AM
Definitely interesting stuff...

The only thing that caught my attention was the claim made about the top speed of the fastest nuclear aircraft carrier at 52mph... These ships can easily travel at 70+ mph which may still be classified, however, I'm not under any secrecy directive and can mention it.

posted on Feb, 1 2012 @ 08:18 AM

Originally posted by alienreality

Definitely interesting stuff...

Alienreality, thanks for the reply and yes it certainly is

Here's another interesting letter about the UFO investigations of the Office of Naval Research sent by Dr James Mcdonald, it turns out they definitely did carry out a project but the details of the briefing are unobtainable and 'no records exist'..

After UFOs were sighted by the pilots of planes carrying the Secretary of the Navy and the Chief of Naval Operations, the Navy instituted a short-lived UFO investigation project in the Office of Naval Research. After complaints from the Air Force about intrusion into USAF areas of interest, the project was closed. An outbriefing on the project was held, but details are unobtainable. A number of Freedom of Information requests to various Naval agencies have met with the same answer; no records exist.

A letter from Dr. James McDonald's files illustrates his attempts to find out more information on the 1952 Navy UFO project:

Dear Mr. Thomas:

During the past few years, I have been examining a number of facets of the still unsettled problem of the Unidentified Flying Objects. During a recent visit to Washington, I was discussing a number of aspects of the problem with Arthur C. Lundahl, who was affiliated with the Navy Photographic Interpretation Center in the early 1950s and has followed the UFO problem with some interest ever since. When I mentioned to him that I was most interested in trying to run down some more facts conerning a sighting that I had heard of from Adm. Delmer C. Fahrney, which involved Secretary of the Navy Kimball and Admiral Radford, Art remembered the sighting and told me that, as a consequence of Secretary Kimball's concern, something of a special study was undertaken within the Office of Naval Research, under your direction. He recalled sitting on the summary symposium at the end of the ONR investigations, but his recollection of the date seems just a bit hazy..

I brought up this particular matter today, when I happened to be talking about some of the early period of the Air Force UFO investigation with Gen. William M. Garland, Chief of Air Technical Intelligence in the 1952-53 period, when the UFO investigations were being carried out on a much more thorough basis than has ever been the case in ensuing years. General Garland who is now retired and works for Notth American in the Los Angeles area, dimly recalled the Kimball-Radford sighting and remembered being briefed on the ORN studies by Captain Ruppelt, then Project Bluebook chief. However, he was unable to recollect any details.

I am getting in touch with a lot of Navy personnel, many of them retired, many who were on active duty during the period of Korean hostilities and whose UFO sightings from that period are of unusual interest. The Maxwell AFB archives include original intelligence reports (now declassified, of course) on many of those sightings, and the scientific significance of many of them appears to be substantial. It would seem to me that a matter of no little scientific significance is involved here and has never received adequate investigation, particularly in the post -1953 years at Project Bluebook..

Sincerely yours,

James E. McDonald


Project 1947


posted on Feb, 3 2012 @ 08:09 AM

UFO Fact Sheet

There is no central office or activity in the Department of the Navy assigned the mission of collecting and maintaining information on UFO phenomenon, paranormal activity, and/or similar incidents.


If the U.S. Navy does not collect information about UFO incidents then why did the Chief of Naval Operations receive a U.S. government report about the Tehran case from 1976?

The Pentagon's Defense Intelligence Agency describes the case as "An outstanding report. This case is a classic which meets all the criteria necessary for a valid study of the UFO phenomenon." and recipients of the report included the Chief of Staff of the Air Force, the Chief of Staff of the Army, the Central Intelligence Agency, the National Security Agency, the Secretary of State, the Deputy Undersecretary of Defense, the White House and the Chief of Naval Operations.


A declassified document related to the famous Teheran UFO and jet fighter encounter in 1976.

This is a capital case, acknowleged by a US intelligence agency, where a UFO encountered an aircraft, and reacted in a superior ant intelligent manner to the aircraft's interception attempt by shutting down temporarily the aircraft's weapons system.

The DIA evaluation termed this "An outstanding report. This case is a classic which meets all the criteria necessary for a valid study of the UFO phenomenon." The analysis called the UFO performance "awesome," noting that the objects displayed "an inordinate amount of maneuverability."


Title: DIA Defense Information Evaluation Report IR No. 6846013976
To: Censored
Author: Major Roland B. Evans, USAF, Military Capability Analyst.
Date: September 22, 1976
Length: 5 pages.
Classification: Top secret, Declassified
CC: None.

Document One

Document Two

Document Three

Document Four

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 08:56 AM
Researcher Carl Feindt discussing Unidentified Submerged Objects and UFO/USO incidents witnessed aboard Military Naval vessels:

posted on Feb, 22 2012 @ 03:47 AM
Letter to John Greenewald Junior concerning missing U.S. Navy UFO records and the Office of Naval Intelligence.

posted on May, 1 2012 @ 06:29 PM
Thread about how an unexplained UFO incident over the Pacific Ocean sparked an official investigation by the Office of Naval Intelligence in 1952...the contents of which are still classified.

2000MPH UFO Incident Sparks U.S. Navy UFO Investigation

The incident occurred over the area of ocean between the islands of Guam and Hawaii and involved the aircrews of two separate Navy aircraft witnessing two 'disc shaped' objects which 'circled' their aircraft twice and departed to the East at an approximate speed of 1500 to 2000 mph - on board the aircraft was Admiral Arthur Radford and Naval Secretary Dan Kimball who later convened a conference with the Chief of the Naval Research Admiral Calvin Bolster about making a full investigation of all Navy and Marine UFO reports.


posted on May, 2 2012 @ 12:50 AM
Very interesting thread, was a bit surprised though that no-one mentioned JFK, whom was a serving member within naval intelligence. Would be very intriguing to know what he found out about the UFO reports in that time. S+F.

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 02:33 AM

Originally posted by karl 12
Researcher Carl Feindt discussing Unidentified Submerged Objects and UFO/USO incidents witnessed aboard Military Naval vessels:

Was disappointed to discover that these YT links don't work mate.
edit on 2-5-2012 by Zcustosmorum because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 12 2012 @ 10:05 PM

Originally posted by Zcustosmorum

Was disappointed to discover that these YT links don't work mate.

Works OK for me matey - have linked it on this thread so if anyone else is having problems please post.

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 03:57 PM
Dr Michael Swords reports on a UFO sighting by Moulton Taylor who was the US Navy's assistant director for missile research - there's also mention of an interesting UFO incident occurring at Bainbridge Naval Training Center in the spring of 1952:

Moulton Taylor, who was the US Navy's assistant director for missile research during WW2 and the time just after. While at an airshow in Washington State in the 1950s, he and his military friends got more of an airshow than they bargained for when a UFO entered the sky and put on a display. Taylor grabbed the public address microphone and made sure that all 200 or so persons saw it. Everytime he and his buddies got together over the years, it was one of the first things that they thought about. He often said "I wish they'd land, so I could get a look inside".


posted on Jul, 31 2012 @ 05:06 AM
ONI document showing records on Swedish UFOs in the late 1940's:

This document shows that the Office of Naval Intelligence, the secret service of the US Navy, was interested enough by the flap of rocket-like UFOs over Scandinavia between 1945 and 1946 to keep secret records about every case and to thoroughly tried investigate them.


posted on Feb, 3 2013 @ 02:59 AM
FBI document concerning UFOs sent to the Office of Naval Intelligence on January 31st, 1949.

"Army intelligence has recently said that "the matter of 'Unidentified Aircraft' or 'Unidentified Aerial Phenomena',otherwise known as 'Flying Discs','Flying Saucers', and 'Balls of fire' is considered top secret by intelligence officers of both the army and the air forces."

FBI issued memo on UFOs entitled "Protection of Vital Installations"
-Memo sent to the Office of Naval Intelligence and the Office of Special Investigations.


posted on Oct, 14 2014 @ 11:58 PM
Not much in content but a rare 1954 interview with J. Gordon Baethe from the Office of Naval Research where he discusses competent people witnessing UFOs and the need to keep an open mind (see 9:30)

Scientists from the Office of Naval Research talks about UFOs - AUG. 16, 1954.

AUGUST 16, 1954 Participants: J. Gordon Baethe, space researcher, Office of Naval Research, interviewed by Larry Lesueur and Kenneth Crawford. Topics: Building a space platform, developing rockets, space survival and travel, and Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) sightings

posted on Aug, 4 2015 @ 11:14 PM

originally posted by: ProfessionalCivilEngineer
If one is to believe the Bob Lazar story, he claimed to work for the Department of Naval Intelligence and presented a W2 form allegedly from that organization.

Recent thread here about that.

*Rare Footage* From court revealing Bob Lazars Naval Intelligence W2 Form existed.

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