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Republican Michigan Governor Plans to Raise Taxes on the Poor to Finance Tax cuts for the Rich

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posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 01:05 AM
reply to post by Misoir

How is raising 33% taxes overall from the lower income while giving 86% tax breaks to the wealthy corps, the right thing to do?

You'd need a lobotomy to be convinced!

He needs to be fired! And anyone backing him!

posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 01:05 AM
if he dosnt get the message after tha, wither his brain is that dense, in anywhcih case, he has no right representing the poeple of the sate,a nd should be fired, or he's evil and orchestrated a mass public rippoff.

posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 01:26 AM
reply to post by Unity_99

Maybe I missed something but when did he cut taxes on the wealthy?

posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 01:43 AM

Originally posted by CerBeRus666
reply to post by Janky Red

Jobs...are you suggesting giving them jobs?

They don't want jobs, they don't want to work, educate themselves, re-qualify, learn, or adapt, to new circumstances, create, or help generate, new wealth...nooooooo. That's so 50's!!!

They want handouts. They want to be slobs, and sit in their filthy houses, watching TV, drinking, and getting high, all day...that's what they want...

Jobs, let other have that hassle...keep those Big Government Handouts coming, that's what they want! And that is also why nobody, in their right mind, will give an "American Worker" so much as a look.

- Curiously, the immigrants find it quite easy to get those elusive jobs...maybe because they actually are willing to work.
- Also curious is the relation between State Bankruptcy, and the power of the Comm....errrrrrr Unions in those States...

Liked your post, but think you're being a little naive in actually thinking that "they" want Jobs...least of all to work...

I think you are imitating a peck

I believe most people want to work and have pride in themselves, esteem in what they do and what they can achieve. But hey those are the unemployed people I know, maybe you should get new mates. It is very easy to
have distain for the lazy unemployed....

very 1620's puritan,

thou lack employment for the lord does noth favor you and your eternal soul!

I reckon there is much more to a person worth than their pocketbook or their capital output, maybe I am perverted and sick. Maybe America should attempt something entirely new instead of recycling this mountain
of third hand go-tos.

posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 04:20 AM

Originally posted by Misoir
reply to post by desert

He is doing something which is unpopular with everyone regardless of political orientation but it is the right thing to do, I applaud him for that.

I hope you disapprove with his plan to give himself the ability to disincorporate municipalities in his state (based upon his determining there is a fiscal emergency), which would then give him the authority disband/replace elected officials of SMALLER parcels of governance with a singular manager beholden to him or private management firms. Very big/powerful government, well small too - just him, very double, one man enter, one man lead...

Or this little stinker, wonderful formulary here

>reduce income, then allocating that income in a way that will further reduce your future income, which by default increases your debt to liability ratio, then bemoan that your debt ratio is effecting your income. Repeat > reduce income...

Self fulfilling certainty and we have a budgetary crisis

edit on 9-3-2011 by Janky Red because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 04:54 AM
reply to post by SevenThunders

It's comments like this that remind me of why I like this site so much.

For a place with a motto of "deny ignorance", you can find plenty of ignorant gems.

posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 05:16 AM

Originally posted by HoldTheBeans

Snyder would like to replace the state’s much maligned Michigan Business Tax (MBT) — a sort of hybrid between a corporate income tax and a sales tax — with a true corporate income tax. The basic idea isn’t necessarily a bad one, but the corporate income tax Snyder has in mind is much too modest. Overall, the swap would raise $1.8 billion less per year than current law.

You corporate haters scream when taxes are lowered on corporations or are given tax credits now scream when they are risen. What the hell do you want?

You do realize that your statement makes no sense whatsoever? People complain when CORPORATIONS get tax credits while the poor get their taxes raised. That's how it has always been. That is what is happening now. What the hell are you trying to say?

posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 05:31 AM

Originally posted by CerBeRus666
reply to post by Janky Red

Jobs...are you suggesting giving them jobs?

They don't want jobs, they don't want to work, educate themselves, re-qualify, learn, or adapt, to new circumstances, create, or help generate, new wealth...nooooooo. That's so 50's!!!

They want handouts. They want to be slobs, and sit in their filthy houses, watching TV, drinking, and getting high, all day...that's what they want...

Jobs, let other have that hassle...keep those Big Government Handouts coming, that's what they want! And that is also why nobody, in their right mind, will give an "American Worker" so much as a look.

- Curiously, the immigrants find it quite easy to get those elusive jobs...maybe because they actually are willing to work.
- Also curious is the relation between State Bankruptcy, and the power of the Comm....errrrrrr Unions in those States...

Liked your post, but think you're being a little naive in actually thinking that "they" want Jobs...least of all to work...

You know what's funny? This describes 2/3 of the people who live on my block! I live in the Rust Belt near Detroit and I live in a predominantly white "working" class neighborhood. Not only do they sit around drinking 40's and getting high on crack all day, they brag about how hard of a worker they are and get almost violently mad when you call them out saying the only work they ever do is maybe to bang a few nails for a slumlord who pays pennies for a couple days a month and spend the rest of the time drinking and bragging about how hard of a worker they are, or screaming at and violently berating their spouse and children (EVERY couple/family in my neighborhood does this....every one), or watching countless hours of (mostly stupid) TV shows in their filthy houses while dishes pile in the sink and rats run rampant through the bags of trash that they're usually too lazy, drunk or high to take all the way to the damn trash can.

They're all on food stamps, half the storefront businesses (both foreign and American owned, non-white and white) in the area will pay 50 cents on the dollar for foodstamp cards, 3/4 of them are on Social Security and they're not even 50 yet for the most part, all of them "scrap" (or, loot foreclosed and empty houses and curbside bulk trash and dumpsters for scrap metal). One guy across the street from me just got his SSI check a few days ago. He spent $550 out of $685 on crack the first night he got his check. He was out in his yard begging for change for a 40 the next afternoon.

If you try and explain that the reason for their poverty is the decisions they make, they get violently defensive about their "right" to do....whatever the hell it is they're doing. People wonder why no one takes Americans seriously anymore...

edit on 9-3-2011 by Control because: to add clarity

edit on 9-3-2011 by Control because: fix font

posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 06:41 AM
reply to post by Jean Paul Zodeaux

All of this talk about get your own job, start your own business is rhetoric.

Though, there are many who do that already, so what you are talking about is a straw man.

The facts are, if you care to analyze them and forget that wall street propaganda, is that the vast majority of jobs have been outsourced by greedy American globalist and capitalists, and a bad trade policy. This is bad for the macro economy. Even Reagan’s ex economic czar Paul Craig Roberts admits to this.

THOSE ARE FACTS, what you are talking about is fantasy.

Millions of young people in good faith go to college in this country hoping to get a decent middle class job to contribute to the economic system and then get a loan that will burden them practically all of their life and now they cant even get a good job, and you blame them for the fractured economy and system.


edit on 9-3-2011 by inforeal because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 06:51 AM
reply to post by Misoir

Aren’t you forgetting, corporations are now people according to the Supreme Court.
Those are your rich people.

The same old scam of republican conservativism of give everything to the rich and hope things trickle down to the poor is being played again. As the very stupid American people put these fascist Republicans in office, they are now seeing the result of their mistake. In Wisconsin, Ohio, Michigan, New Jersey, and others are all cutting taxes on the rich and services for the poor. I am sorry to say even a democrat who should know better Coumo in New York is doing the same thing.

This will backfire soon, I hope.

All these people cutting taxes for the rich and trying to undercut the American middle class are dangerous enemies of the American people.

Before its to late I fear

posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 06:54 AM
reply to post by ziggy1706

Isnt the new dem gov of CT raising the taxes on the poor?

Last I heard he was pushing higher sales tax, an extra tax on clothing under $50, supporting mostly poor cities like Bridgeport and New Haven levying their own sales tax on top of the state sales tax, increasing the state gas and cigarette taxes.

Those are all taxes on the poor. Especially those city speciffic taxes. The poor cant afford to get in the car and go to the suburbs to avoid the higher taxes. They're locked in the city forced to pay extra for being poor.

It isnt the dem Malloy or the rep from Michigan. It's government. Government hates you.

posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 07:30 AM
What you are proposing is an impossibility. The poor do not PAY taxes. They get back from the govt 10x whatever they pay in through sales tax or gas tax, etc via Food Stamps, Unemployment, Welfare, and countless other programs.

posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 09:29 AM

Originally posted by Misoir
reply to post by desert

He is doing something which is unpopular with everyone regardless of political orientation but it is the right thing to do, I applaud him for that.

Finally, Republicans are coming out of the closet and being honest about "no new taxes" and "lower taxes" There will be new taxes and more taxes. And if not "taxes" then "fees".

I predict that Republicans will change their tune and start saying how patriotic it is to pay taxes, if you love this country you'll pay these new taxes. You don't want to see this country fail. God wants you to help His country. Tithe so the corporate high priests can have govt contracts for goods and services.

.....Michigan (I have roots there) has been bad off for quite awhile. In 1977 (oil crisis), I tried to buy an American car for good gas mileage. I ended up buying a Japanese made car; the only other choice was another Japanese car sold under an American label.

I still love my American brand 4x4 truck, nothing better. And I drive a Chevy car. But, hey, the world is global now. My Jeep had a Toyota transmission. And "American" car companies have foreign investment parts, too

With all the govt support of corporations for 3 decades, one would think corporations would have had the decency to reciprocate. No, American consumer citizens were left holding the tax bag, as they became less important than the global consumer.

posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 09:32 AM
The "Nerd" almost had my vote, but after thinking about the fact that he is a businessman who was willing to outsource jobs, I thought he wouldn't be good for the average working Joe. I made a last minute decision to vote against him. If this were the 80's I probably would have voted for him.

When I first registered to vote I registered as Republican. At that time I believed in trickle-down economics. I've come to realize it is actually trickle-up economics. For about the last 15 years I've been mixing it up based on candidate experience and who was more likely to win over a candidate I didn't want in office. From now on, as a personal protest against the two party system, I'm voting for third party candidates only .

posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 09:41 AM
America is been reversed to colonial times while the working class become slaves, but the rich get to keep their wealth even when they are the ones that causes the economic crisis in the nation.

When are you people going to learn the lesson, if the last economic crisis didn't showed you who is in charge nobody will.

The working class was forced to pay for the mistakes of those in charge. . .

Is going to get worst, as unemployment is not going to get any better and those that are working will be squeezed to death and inflation finally eat at our incomes along with taxes.

We have a mammoth health care reform in our steps, we are forced to carry the nations deficit on our hard working backs, our states are bankrupted due to the same mistakes the federal government does and the only solution is for the people to take to the streets and take our government back.

Wake up America.

posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 10:21 AM

Originally posted by DontTreadOnMe
I live in Michigan and will be affected by this.
I will not like it, but please what would your suggestions be to get more money into the Michigan Treasury?

How does giving business tax cuts put more money into the Michigan Treasury???

posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 10:26 AM
reply to post by Misoir

You are putting forth some good mis-information with those maps...and I'm pretty sure you are knowingly doing it.

Did you happen to forget to mention the fact that back when the South voted "Democrat" and the North/Cities voted "Republican" that the ideologies were switched? Republicans used to be the "liberal" party and Democrats were the southern "conservatives"?

The voting ideologies haven't changed...just the nametags.

posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 11:10 AM

Originally posted by MindSpin

Originally posted by DontTreadOnMe
I live in Michigan and will be affected by this.
I will not like it, but please what would your suggestions be to get more money into the Michigan Treasury?

How does giving business tax cuts put more money into the Michigan Treasury???

And how come you never see these tax breaks attached to performance? If all these cuts to corporations and the wealthy are supposed to generate jobs and bring the good life back to the middle come they don't come in the form of rebates, as opposed to incentives?

No jobs produced? Give it back!

posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 02:15 PM

Originally posted by desert
....Why are you looking at me funny, inforeal?.....oh, haha, my mistake....the Gov is a Republican. ....Ok, then explain to me why he is not lowering taxes?

Michigan is kinda sorta broke.
Public employees, unlike their private sector counterparts, are still receiving big salaries.
On the back of the taxpayer.

In my city, cops and firemen make, on average, in excess of $60,000. Same with teachers with ten years.
Sorry, I cannot afford that.
And the state can no longer afford to subsidize the cities, either.

posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 02:23 PM
I do not understand why people are surprised by this. Who finances campaigns? Who makes large political donations? This of course would the wealthy and business, then when their candidate gets elected they expect some sort of gratitude, usually in the form of tax breaks or lower taxes.

The poor do not make political contributions, or at least not large ones and will continue to get screwed.

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