posted on Mar, 8 2011 @ 08:34 PM
A friend of mine works in a local arsenal. He makes BIG guns, Doors for HumVees and things like that. They do not make the things that the big guns
go on to, nor do they make the hummers. They do attatch them to something though (he hurt himself last year lowering one of the guns) I am not sure
if they bring the stuff in to attatch them or if they ship out the parts. I have never really seen anything coming in, except for random military
vehicles and the small amount of vehicles that are kept on base, but they do have a rail line that goes directly into the arsenal with some large pay
loads. Point being, maybe they are transporting to other facilities to add the finishing touches, before shipping out, I assume from the East coast
because it's closer(?). Just looking for a mundane explaination.
I noticed alot of dark green/forest type camo and only a few desert type camo on that train. The arsenal has the green camo and grey camo for thier
on base stash of vehicles, I assume because that would be needed in this area. Quite a few medical vehicles too eh?