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HUNDREDS of " TANKS " .. APC's and Heavy Medical... being moved EAST through TEXAS.. March 7, 201

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posted on Mar, 8 2011 @ 08:09 PM
And a bit crazy that the media wouldnt pick up on it
If it was something of real concern
Cause the media Loves a drama, death or mayhem
edit on 8-3-2011 by Lil Drummerboy because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 8 2011 @ 08:20 PM
Probably Ft. Hood's equipment being sent to Ft. Polk, LA for predeployment training. Ft. Hood is all armor, so when they come to JRTC they have to bring that all with them. There is even a staging area right inside Ft. Polk where they download all of their equipment off of the rail line, and it looks just like that. It may be going somewhere else, but having been stationed there, and seen it for four years, that's what it looks like to me.
edit on 8-3-2011 by MGriff because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 8 2011 @ 08:34 PM
A friend of mine works in a local arsenal. He makes BIG guns, Doors for HumVees and things like that. They do not make the things that the big guns go on to, nor do they make the hummers. They do attatch them to something though (he hurt himself last year lowering one of the guns) I am not sure if they bring the stuff in to attatch them or if they ship out the parts. I have never really seen anything coming in, except for random military vehicles and the small amount of vehicles that are kept on base, but they do have a rail line that goes directly into the arsenal with some large pay loads. Point being, maybe they are transporting to other facilities to add the finishing touches, before shipping out, I assume from the East coast because it's closer(?). Just looking for a mundane explaination.

I noticed alot of dark green/forest type camo and only a few desert type camo on that train. The arsenal has the green camo and grey camo for thier on base stash of vehicles, I assume because that would be needed in this area. Quite a few medical vehicles too eh?

posted on Mar, 8 2011 @ 09:44 PM
reply to post by Newbomb Turk

I live right outside Ft. Hood, near the tracks...this is not unusual. I remember when I was a little girl in Beaumont, TX, seeing the same thing go down the tracks outside my grandma's house and that was during peace time. Nothing to get excited about.

posted on Mar, 8 2011 @ 09:58 PM
reply to post by Newbomb Turk

Thanks for the video.

I see some saying these are old vehicles. I do not know about the date of manufacture, but there appears to be no rust on the equipment. When you pause the video and look at the tracks, the wheels have no rust, and neither does the tracks. Even looking at the body, they are all painted with no rust visible. Compare that to the rail cars they are riding on. There is evidence of use and rust on the rail cars.

This don't mean anything, except it looks like the equipment has been maintained.

Down on the Gulf Coast I saw trainloads of military armor vehicles headed to Galveston during the Iraq war, and the build up to Afghanistan. Looked like the video, lots of equipment riding on the rail.

Thanks again for the video, and I sure like Texas roads, at least we put our money into something we use.

posted on Mar, 8 2011 @ 10:02 PM
That is a lot of M113 variants - the paint jobs look fairly new but that doesn't really mean anything since I wouldn't put it past the military to paint them (as per SOP or something) all before destruction or some # like that.

Not many of our first echelon troops use M113 variants anymore they are old - The Bradley variants are more common; however, I really don't know a lot about our armor units having spent most of my career in SF.

I know we still use some ambulance versions I have seen those as recently as 2 years ago and a larger M557 fire support vehicle was in use by Dyncorp at one Base in theater for Command and Control of their base defense.

Perhaps they are destined for the National Guard or even to be sold to the third world (i.e. Iraq or Afghanistan) under some sort of contract for foreign aid. The Egyptian Military uses our M113 variants as well as a good many of our other aid recipients.

If you had gotten bumper numbers we could find their parent units if they had them.

I would not be overly concerned…

edit on 8/3/2011 by Golf66 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 8 2011 @ 10:08 PM
reply to post by Newbomb Turk

Sorry, didn't see any tanks there, just APC's...
What's that sound, at about 1:18? Sounded like low-flying jets...

posted on Mar, 8 2011 @ 10:08 PM
There are hundreds if not thousands of defense contractors in Texas. At some point in time you have to move these vehicles no matter if they are going to war or going to be torn down. I think the OP got a little excited about an everyday thing.

Just a list of "some" of the contractors in Texas.

edit on 8-3-2011 by CaptSplatter because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 8 2011 @ 10:39 PM
reply to post by staciebee

Hey, Fort Hood is my home also! And FYI (this is not a response to you) in Afghanistan and Iraq our vehicles get painted desert tan before moving forward. The vehicles being seen there could be for training, or any other number of things state side. With that being said, they are certainly not coming out here. Not green any way! they would stand out like a lit match being seen under thermals!


posted on Mar, 8 2011 @ 10:48 PM
Here's something to try. Look at the numbers on the rail cars. I live near some tracks. normally you can type in the rail car number and it will bring up data on that car. I did it to these and found nothing. If someone else can please try. I would like to know who they are registered to. Normally you can just search that.

posted on Mar, 8 2011 @ 10:49 PM
reply to post by Newbomb Turk

Judging from wrong como paint etc my guess would be a unit returning from NTC. The National Training Center at fort Irwin. They do tanker training out in the desert and when a unit goes they ship by rail.When i was in the Military had to help load a train just like this when we went.

posted on Mar, 8 2011 @ 10:50 PM
reply to post by Nephi1337

The OP said moving East through Texas. Red River Depot in East Texas is one of the places equipment goes for serious overhaul. One reply mentioned the equipment appeared well worn. Best bet this train is going to the Depot.

posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 12:30 AM
reply to post by staciebee

Hey, Fort Hood is my home also! And FYI (this is not a response to you) in Afghanistan and Iraq our vehicles get painted desert tan before moving forward. The vehicles being seen there could be for training, or any other number of things state side. With that being said, they are certainly not coming out here. Not green camo any way! they would stand out like a lit match being seen under thermals!


posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 12:36 AM
Call me crazy but could this be the sign of Texans getting ready to declare independence?

posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 04:53 AM
very good post. Hmmm a week before March 15. let's see what happens. Great find.

posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 05:16 AM

Originally posted by MikeBoss
Call me crazy but could this be the sign of Texans getting ready to declare independence?

You are definitely crazy!

posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 07:19 AM

posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 07:31 AM
first they are not tanks! Second they are pretty old. Probably going to be shipped overseas somewhere and they will be repainted at their destination.

posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 07:37 AM
reply to post by

it would be way more suspicious if FEMA wouldn't have purchased stuff for coming catastrophes.

what do you want FEMA to do? nothing? they exist for things like "purchasing A LOT of meals" and stuff.

If 10 million people are starving and FEMAs gonna say "oooooops..we,FEMA, forgot to think about stuff like that.sorry" ??????????

nothing special in the video. we in germany have things like that happen all the time. they're just moving around their stuff. maybe bored. maybe they wanna get rid of some money. i don't know.
edit on 9-3-2011 by Rohdan because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 07:41 AM
If they are being railheaded for overseas they will go to Beaumont, TX to be loaded on the boats. This is more than likely a standard movement. Could be on the way to Ft. Polk for JRTC training as well. Check Ft. Hood's website for current unit deployments. Other bases that rail through Texas are Ft. Carson, and Ft. Bliss. I would check, but getting ready for work right now.

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