My dear Oz.. I dont like this development.
Youve gotten some great advise here, be yourself above all. When you find a real love, "flaws" arent flaws anymore from either ones perspective. You
love the person.. you love the whole person.
Im very far from perfect, quirky, and a real loner... IE not one of these folks that pretends they liek to be alone. I prefer to be left alone and am
not overly social by choice. My husband is not perfect, quirky, and NOT a real loner. LOL! Somehow it works and we hardly disagree and I cant recall
the last real fight we had. Married since 1992. You have to be YOURSELF as so many have said. No airs, no good behavior, no games. Hubby and I left a
bunch of pissed off folks in our wake until we found eachother.. we're BOTH the love me or leave me type. Dont try to please her.. if what youre
doing naturally as being yourself isnt enough, she may need something else as much as you do. Here is the question though... ARE you being yourself?
Is she really being herself? May just be a matter of immaturity.
Now in my world, my husband cant cook or clean. WHen I met him I knew what I was getting right away.
He survived on frozen burritos and I swear I
saw peepee on the wall by the toilet. he was physically clean, but the man was in need of ME.
I dont even ask him to help out with the cleaning and
I was recently in a BAD car wreck.. I begged him NOT to help me out.. Id get to it when I was well. He took it upon himself to do our laundry, and now
I have whites in all kinds of shades of pinks and blues. I couldnt say anyting to him as he did it cause he loved me... I KNEW what I was getting when
I married him. I just kissed him and thanked him for the work he did. Like I said.. I knew what I was getting, how could I ever fault him? She KNOWS
what she was getting when she got involved with you. WHy is she so displeased now all of a sudden?
I see a big fat red flag with her daring to tell you that she'd have left someone like you already in the past. Im telling you, if I were you and she
said that to me.. Id have said dont let the door hit you on the way out. What a way to undermine a relationship more than to place fear and doubt in
the other person.. which SHE DID on purpose with those words. Not good my friend.
From here on out.. be yourself. She can take it or leave it. Regardless of your love for her, you may miss out on real love that can be reciprocated
if you arent struck in a relationship with someone who does not return your love and acceptance. You can NOT love someone without accepting that they
too are a flawed and imperfect human. if she demands perfection and to be constantly in a state of blliss with another human being... she needs a
reality check.
You know where I am if you need me