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William Rodriguez is a Fraud

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posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 03:03 PM

Originally posted by GoodOlDave

Originally posted by Yankee451

Oh hey, lookie here, more ridicule without looking at the evidence; how unusual to be coming from an ATS regular.

Dude, what evidence could you possibly have that shows all the urinals were removed from the WTC?.

That's Mister "Dude" to you.

What evidence do you have that they were there? Did you not read all the testimony from first responders who claimed they found mostly dust, no phones, no carpet, no people, NO URINALS. It was a humorous example I plucked out as an example of what was missing from the pile....

Well lo and behold "pre-demolishing" a building by removing its plumbing and electrical cables, and carpets,and dividers, and anything else that could be recycled or prevented from becoming a projectile is standard practice.

All I can say is DON'T change a thing. The more you try to push out these weird claims of yours, the more ridiculous you're making the rest of the truthers look by association, so you're only discrediting them better than any way I ever could.. Accept or deny this at your own cost.

Oh the DRAMA.

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 03:05 PM
reply to post by Yankee451

Annnd, it's how you broached the subject, it was as if I'd painted you into a corner and your only chance to shut me up was to fabricate an eye witness. Again, if my sister had witnessed such a thing, I'd come out swinging with that, complete with images of a map of her location at the time, and a few descriptive details that would remove all doubt, but details to a lie can be traced, so none are forthcoming I'm sure.

So in other words everyone else needs to be lying in order for you to be telling the truth - got ya. Like I said, the end of line as usual, everyone has to be lying. Pretty sorry stuff. I do take comfort in the fact that nobody takes this seriously for the same reason - the large number of actual witnesses to the event.

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 03:11 PM
reply to post by hooper

So in other words everyone else needs to be lying in order for you to be telling the truth - got ya. Like I said, the end of line as usual, everyone has to be lying.

No, those are your words.

Pretty sorry stuff. I do take comfort in the fact that nobody takes this seriously for the same reason - the large number of actual witnesses to the event.

Again you're speaking for everyone? Nobody takes this seriously?

Whew, well don't I feel silly.

When you speak for others, do you hear voices?

Are you seeing double now? How many fingers am I holding up?

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 03:40 PM
reply to post by Yankee451

So, what you're saying is: there were urinals/plumbing/etc there at some point, but before 9/11, they were conveniently removed so that they wouldnt damage the surrounding area? Am I understanding you correctly?

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 03:45 PM
reply to post by Yankee451

Did you not read all the testimony from first responders who claimed they found mostly dust, no phones, no carpet, no people, NO URINALS.

Please, please, please show me the testimonial wherein a first responder exclaimed "Oh my God where are all the urinals"!?!?!

That's good stuff. So, the perpatrators, fully prepared to murder 1000's and 1000's of their fellow citizens, took the precaution of removing all the urinals from the towers so they wouldn't hurt anyone when they blew up the building full of people???

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 03:51 PM
reply to post by UrAllaBunchofIdiots

So, what you're saying is: there were urinals/plumbing/etc there at some point, but before 9/11, they were conveniently removed so that they wouldnt damage the surrounding area? Am I understanding you correctly?

What I'm saying can't be explained in a few sentences, so I suggest you read for a while.

When buildings are demolished by controlled demolition, it is standard practice to remove anything non-structural prior to the demolition. This includes electrical, plumbing, appliances, in short everything not integral to the building itself.

Does the evidence support the conclusion that the buildings were pre-demolished?

You tell me.

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 03:54 PM
reply to post by Yankee451

Sure. So when and how was everything removed prior to 9/11?

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 03:57 PM

Originally posted by hooper
reply to post by Yankee451

Did you not read all the testimony from first responders who claimed they found mostly dust, no phones, no carpet, no people, NO URINALS.

Please, please, please show me the testimonial wherein a first responder exclaimed "Oh my God where are all the urinals"!?!?!

That's good stuff. So, the perpatrators, fully prepared to murder 1000's and 1000's of their fellow citizens, took the precaution of removing all the urinals from the towers so they wouldn't hurt anyone when they blew up the building full of people???

Hah, you're a crackup, that's for sure.

1000s and 1000s, yes, oh, the hoorroor!

Buildings full of people, gasp! All witnessed by your sister!

Yes, you think I'm a moron, you're not actually genuinely terrified that the world is waking up.

I geddit.

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 04:02 PM

Originally posted by UrAllaBunchofIdiots
reply to post by Yankee451

Sure. So when and how was everything removed prior to 9/11?

I don't know; how would you demolish it if you had the resources of David Rockefeller and realized after 10 years your magnificent twins were gigantic mistakes which the pesky unwashed masses wouldn't let you demolish?

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 04:07 PM
reply to post by Yankee451

Lol. You completely ignored the question. Lets try again. How and when (according to your theory) did the "pre-demolition" take place without anyone noticing? Evidence please, besides conjectures?

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 04:13 PM

Originally posted by Yankee451

Originally posted by Crapspackle

Originally posted by Yankee451
reply to post by cayrichard

Its a long read...

But essentially it appears he made impossible claims of his own prowess, time frame and timing, and he makes conflicting reports throughout a transparently contrived story...from the article:

1. How it is that you cleaned the stairwells of t least 1, maybe (2) 100 story buildings each day, yet when these building fell, there was 16 miles of missing staircases. Where did those 16 miles of staircases go Willie?

2. Where are the 16 miles of staircase that you cleaned on a daily basis Willy? They are totally and completely absent from the debris pile. "Where did those 16 miles of missing staircases go to Willy? And why aren't those 16 miles of missing staircases at the world trade center part of your international crusade?

3. How is it that performed at bare minimum 97 minutes of miracles in only 17 minutes? From 8:46 a, till 9:03 am, the world wants an answer Willie Rodriguez, Mr. Last man out of the world trade center with nice white teeth not stained from tetracycline.

4. Whats your relationship again to James Randi, MASS Illusions and magic?

5. Where is a single piece of footage of any of your alleged claims on 9/11? To being pulled from under the fire truck, to everything else? There isn't a single credible reason you can give why there is no footage of you being pulled from the fire truck. News wires and reporters at that time would have descended the scene like seagulls in a McDonalds parking lot.

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edit on 3/4/2011 by semperfortis because: (no reason given)

I do not really understand what they are saying about the staircases. Are they saying he lied about staircases being in the building? Are they saying he lied about cleaning them? What does them being destroyed when the buildings came down have to do with his claim to be a stair cleaner?

Well, the research is still ongoing...and there's still contention about a lot of points, so however daunting the size of the OP is, and that forum is in itself, the only way to wrap your head around what the evidence is saying is to dive in.

Here's how its shaking out:

Based on the impact points of the "jets", it appears 911 was designed to give a pretext for global war, demolish the white elephant, asbestos-bomb, real estate duds known as the WTC, destroy investigations at the SEC and the Office of Naval Intelligence (among others), and their investigators, and their evidence of massive fraud in Big Finance (the Federal Reserve), the US Military, the US Government, Big Media, and Big Business in general.

So far the evidence appears to show that like most demolitions, the towers were "pre-demolished", meaning that in order to ensure 10000 urinals didn't become projectiles and go raining all over Manhattan when the towers were demolished, the urinals were all removed.

This sort of thing is too big for most folks to wrap their heads around, so they often resort to calling me "crazy". It's a blessing; its a curse.

You did not even touch the only question I asked.
Why even bother responding with all that?
Can you answer my question?

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 04:14 PM

Originally posted by UrAllaBunchofIdiots
reply to post by Yankee451

Lol. You completely ignored the question. Lets try again. How and when (according to your theory) did the "pre-demolition" take place without anyone noticing? Evidence please, besides conjectures?

LOL. You completely ignored the articles. There's a lot to read.

Come back again when you've caught up.

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 04:18 PM

Originally posted by Yankee451
What evidence do you have that they were there? Did you not read all the testimony from first responders who claimed they found mostly dust, no phones, no carpet, no people, NO URINALS. It was a humorous example I plucked out as an example of what was missing from the pile....

You know what. We know there were lots of walls on the outside with windows. How many of them turned up missing with dust in their place as well?

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 04:20 PM

Originally posted by Yankee451

Does the evidence support the conclusion that the buildings were pre-demolished?

You tell me.

None of the people that died in those buildings on that day actually turned out to be alive at home because when they got to work, all the staircases were missing.

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 04:21 PM

Originally posted by Yankee451

Originally posted by UrAllaBunchofIdiots
reply to post by Yankee451

Lol. You completely ignored the question. Lets try again. How and when (according to your theory) did the "pre-demolition" take place without anyone noticing? Evidence please, besides conjectures?

LOL. You completely ignored the articles. There's a lot to read.

Come back again when you've caught up.

None of that articles answer that question. You seem to have read them better than anyone. Why don't you just answer the question your precious articles apparently cannot?

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 04:23 PM
reply to post by Crapspackle

You did not even touch the only question I asked. Why even bother responding with all that? Can you answer my question?

Please forgive me, you are correct, I have been fielding a lot of questions from other people who like you haven't read the full OP, and i got yours mixed up with another.

I do not really understand what they are saying about the staircases. Are they saying he lied about staircases being in the building? Are they saying he lied about cleaning them? What does them being destroyed when the buildings came down have to do with his claim to be a stair cleaner?

If not all the floors for the towers were actually installed, then not all the stairs would be either, making Willy part of the scam, and part of the Controlled Opposition of the "truth movement".

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 04:24 PM
reply to post by Crapspackle

Sounds like you've already made up your mind. After poring over all the evidence, what was the deciding factor?

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 04:29 PM

Originally posted by Yankee451

If not all the floors for the towers were actually installed, then not all the stairs would be either, making Willy part of the scam, and part of the Controlled Opposition of the "truth movement".

You base that on his claim that he cleaned those stairs on a daily basis, not that day. So in order for him to be a liar, you need to know they were removed before the last time he was scheduled to clean them. None of your articles claim to explain how or WHEN the floors and stairs were removed.

Since you know he is a liar, you must know when it happened. When was that?

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 04:30 PM

Originally posted by Yankee451
reply to post by Crapspackle

Sounds like you've already made up your mind. After poring over all the evidence, what was the deciding factor?

Do not dance around my questions like this and I will answer yours.
Now I actually asked you something.

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 04:39 PM

Originally posted by Crapspackle

Originally posted by Yankee451

Originally posted by UrAllaBunchofIdiots
reply to post by Yankee451

Lol. You completely ignored the question. Lets try again. How and when (according to your theory) did the "pre-demolition" take place without anyone noticing? Evidence please, besides conjectures?

LOL. You completely ignored the articles. There's a lot to read.

Come back again when you've caught up.

None of that articles answer that question. You seem to have read them better than anyone. Why don't you just answer the question your precious articles apparently cannot?

If I was trying to lease office space no one wanted, I'd try my damdest to make sure it appeared to be thriving. If it became clear they were duds, I'd keep it secret and if it was illegal to demolish them, but I had the city, state and federal government in my back pocket, as leases expired, I'd not renew them. As tenants left the buildings, contractors would demolish the space and leave, leaving the rebuilding of the space to other contractors. The vacant space may be filled by a dummy company or left empty, as the FOIA tenant records appear to show.

Over time, only Intelligence services, dummy companies, and corrupt financial services corporations are left, leaving operatives within those organizations to finish gutting the building, plant laser guidance systems for the missiles, and explosives and military grade smoke devices for the demolition.

The towers always appeared thriving because of the subway and tourism traffic, but that traffic would never go further than the concourse, or most likely just go to the top, but that traffic is what gave it its "thriving metropolis" reputation to begin with.

Honestly, must I do everything?

How would you do it?
edit on 28-7-2011 by Yankee451 because: (no reason given)

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