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Open letter to the World by the Anons.

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posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 11:05 PM
Darn, I was hoping this was fight club not anon thread. Good luck guys I really do wish you luck! peace.

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 11:05 PM
reply to post by g146541

And you are an interwebz of one?

The infrastructure of this nation, of all nations, was built by blue collar workers. I listen to a lot of snide and snotty comments from people who think themselves above the working class, but one thing I know, not think, know, is that everything that happens in this world depends on the physical infrastructure. And there are a sizable number of blue collar nobodies who understand how it works better than the elite do. And they have the power to knock it offline, and get it up and running again, perhaps even more so than the elite do.

In fact, the elite cant take it down and get it back up without them.

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 11:07 PM
Let me go cower in the corner cause revolution talk is free speach and counter revolution talk is terrorism right? Scared much? I aint scared, yes they might come for me so what if they do they'll surely come for you to right,so who is free me or you?

You anons kill me really. Study liberty and see if you can find it in your movement. It wont matter to me,if you dont love our constitution I cant join you but at least I'll admit I can admire your bravery.

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 11:10 PM
Anyone can issue a fatwa in the name of Anon.
This will very shortly dilute the "brand value"...I predict that the meaning of Anon will cease to exist. People listen to Anon because they believe (wrongly, as it turns out) that it is some kind of centralized group with discipline and a well-constructed ideology. When the majority get it through their head that Anon is a franchisable meme and that any 14-year-old with rudamentary photoshop skills can "issue a statement from Anon," these pronouncements are going to be taken a lot less seriously. I'm not writing this to hate on Anon, but its the truth.

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 11:12 PM

Originally posted by purplemer
further most anon members are not hackers.. some might use computers in ways you dont understand though.


I about died laughing. If you only knew how true that was lol

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 11:13 PM
reply to post by g146541

You dont think I know what frequencies these dishes work on? You dont think I can blanket very large areas with an overpowering rf carrier? This isnt Egypt and I aint no dummie,what part of developed your network did you miss?

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 11:15 PM

Originally posted by nickoli
reply to post by vertedtwylight

Listen I can do lots of things,I can certainly cut off modems,lots of modems but you dont know how it works. My modems that I control,leave my router,a fairly big one,on one fiber. Where does it go? What rooms does it go thru? Lots,let someone on the inside tell you for once,there is nothing hidden,nothing encrypted including wiki and mirrors and proxies,those things just makes real techs chuckle. Those things exist because they are allowed to,like the deep net,the under net,its data mining it isnt hidden,nothing is hidden.

Wait, so what you ARE REALLY trying to say is you have the interweb killswitch at your disposal? And you are posting about it on ATS. Really?

Flip the switch.
We all really know that:

No, You Cant.

Your head is really quite large sir, I bet you have a hard time shopping for hats.

Anon exists simply because they are allowed to,not because they are anon,they are not anon,there is no anon on the net. Alot who claim anon are actually not anon but mi6,cia ,nsa etc.

Thats actually the best part about it. We come from all over the world. So even if CIA, NSA. MI6, Y2J, KGB, MLK, CYA could be considered anonymous.

Oh be big be bad be so smart and think you know better be all you can be,I'll call you nieve. Who invented the internet? Answer=The MILITARY Think they for one iota of one second gave up total control? Really? You believe that? You know nothing of warfare if you do.

Are you not the one who was claiming to have trained the Egyptian military to let civilians on their tanks, you sir no nothing of warfare either.

Anon has been co-opted,usurped all who claim anon are not anon and their goals are not good for the common man thats why they have such trouble explaining them. Its like the nwo nobody who says it wants to or will define it. You know why? Because liberty doesnt exist in their plans,thats why,grow up.

No, because we don't care about what you think. We are not all American, therefor, your liberty, and pursuit of the American dream is something Anonymous could honestly care less about. We never claimed to have plans for your liberty, or even goals, other than rule #31.

As it stands, you have claimed that:

▲You train Egyptian Military

▲You, not Al Gore, Built the interwebs.

▲You have the kill switch.

▲You are involved in "some very heavy groups" that are unspecified, My Guess: some sort of "patriotic US. militia"

▲That in Egypt, the CIA hid behind Anon, Though Later you claim that the CIA has infiltrated anon, which makes me wonder why they hid behind them

▲you pretend to know j35t3r, which if you really did, you would never admit to it. At least if you were smart.

You tell some tall tales my friend. Any proof for any of the above listed claims?

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 11:22 PM
reply to post by Illusionsaregrander

I dunno if i am an intarwebs of one, i do know i get a signal no wires into my computatator, i am not reliant on the comcast at my house either as i have 2 other routes to the web. errr 3 if i really wanted to go dialup, remember dialup, the thing us old folk used to reach BBS?
Now this infrastructure you refer to i know well. I retired as a plumber so i guess that makes me a non elite nobody too.
Do you really want to knock the web offline to prevent folks from speaking their minds?
I think that puts you in the elite chair sir.
As for etting the web back up, the elite would hire the lowest bidder of thousands to get a system back up, even if some blue collars won't do the job, Capitalism at it's finest.
See you at soccer practice.

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 11:28 PM
reply to post by nickoli

So, can really shut down the worlds internet with your super ray gun?
How much did it cost? Can i get it on Ebay? does it stop phone lines?
I agree, though you ain't no dummy.

See you at soccer practice!!

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 11:36 PM
reply to post by Vizzle

Well one thing about you,you do not hide. Fine anon thats good at least its not cowardly. I will not act blindly anon I discern and think I do not blindly follow orders and yes anon I can if I chose to wreak havoc on any network anywhere in the world.

Now on to the crux of the matter, I do value free speach.I do not value keeping the web up to facilitate a revolution on my country. I agree we have problems but I also adimantly hold our constitution dear,you anon do not and you are not Jefferson nor is there a Jefferson among you. I will fight you to the death should you fools try this in America.

I am done talking on the matter. This will not be Egypt anybody who thinks it will is very nieve. I ask you anon in peace one time to reconsider,the patriots here are far better prepared for this than you think we are.

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 11:37 PM
Do you people prattling on about the US Constitution actually realise that 95.5% of the planet does not recognise your constitution?

While i agree it is a beautiful document and a solid basis for a society, you cannot put a USA stamp on the planet and expect it to stick.

Please look outside your borders and think globally for once or you are no better that the elite who are trying to rule us.

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 11:46 PM

Originally posted by nickoli
reply to post by Vizzle

Well one thing about you,you do not hide. Fine anon thats good at least its not cowardly. I will not act blindly anon I discern and think I do not blindly follow orders and yes anon I can if I chose to wreak havoc on any network anywhere in the world.

I do not follow orders blindly, and neither does Anonymous. This is something you fail to understand. We choose to participate, or not to participate. Wreaking havoc on any network in the world, huh. With your fiber connection? You speak as if you are the center of the interwebs sir. We both know, you are not.

Now on to the crux of the matter, I do value free speach.I do not value keeping the web up to facilitate a revolution on my country. I agree we have problems but I also adimantly hold our constitution dear,you anon do not and you are not Jefferson nor is there a Jefferson among you. I will fight you to the death should you fools try this in America.

If you value free speech, then why say you will block free speech by "shutting down the interwebs"? Anon is not an "America Only" collective. Why should Anon's in london, or paris, or berlin, etc. hold the constitution so dearly when it does not affect them? If you hold it so dearly, why do you let the government tread all over you? I actually know a Jefferson in anon. Great guy, loves pictures of cats, has over 9000 of them.

Violence is never the correct answer.

I am done talking on the matter. This will not be Egypt anybody who thinks it will is very nieve. I ask you anon in peace one time to reconsider,the patriots here are far better prepared for this than you think we are.

Why are you done talking? you have yet to offer any proof to the bold claims you have asserted in this thread. I am still waiting for some sort of proof of of your outrageous claims.

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 11:47 PM
I dont give a rats ### about the rest of the world but if it comes to revolution here in America the rights gonna win and were gonna stay right for a very,very,very long time. So think long and hard and bring it on,we're well ready, are you?

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 11:49 PM


posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 11:49 PM

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posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 11:55 PM

Originally posted by nickoli
I dont give a rats ### about the rest of the world but if it comes to revolution here in America the rights gonna win and were gonna stay right for a very,very,very long time. So think long and hard and bring it on,we're well ready, are you?

That is quite apparent. You misunderstand the kind of revolution the press release was speaking of. I will quote the last paragraph for you to reread before you threaten violence again.

A peaceful revolution, a revolution of ideas, a revolution of creation. The twenty-first century enlightenment. A global movement to create a new age of tolerance and understanding, empathy and respect. An age of unfettered technological development. An age of sharing ideas and cooperation. An age of artistic and personal expression. We can choose to use new technology for radical positive change or let it be used against us. We can choose to keep the internet free, keep channels of communication open and dig new tunnels into those places where information is still guarded. Or we can let it all close in around us. As we move in to new digital worlds, we must acknowledge the need for honest information and free expression. We must fight to keep the internet open as a marketplace of ideas where all are seated as equals. We must defend our freedoms from those who would seek to control us. We must fight for those who do not yet have a voice. Keep telling your story. All must be heard.

see that. peaceful revolution. a revolution of ideas and creation. of enlightenment. So, you can tell your "right wing" buddies to relax. Anonymous will not kick down your doors with guns, though you may get a pizza or two. you may want to crack a beer or something and chill. really. violence is NEVAR the answer.

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 11:57 PM
reply to post by nickoli

I can't help but wonder what purpose is served by poking a beehive with a stick. The bees will only react to the provocation based upon that provocation. Any reaction would be no more involved than that. It seems a pointless exercise to me.

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 12:01 AM
Ok Anon, here is your chance to let
your light shine to the world.

I challenge your organization to draft
a World Constitution based upon
your ideology so we will have some
sort of written agenda on how this
NWO will work in your eyes.
Or maybe you already have one.
Please post it so the world can read it.
thank you


posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 12:02 AM
reply to post by Vizzle

Anon the only thing I care about here is America I do care about the rest of the world but our liberty is my main concern. As far as politics I intend to vote for Ron Paul its a loss probably but its a vote. I dont intend to end up under martial law like Egypt thats definantly a loss for us and usurps our rights,we then have none,

Of course I personally cannot effect your interwebz there we all know that. If it gets crazy the last thing I'll care about is the net on the other hand I keep it running and I wont care about that either so it wont run long without daily maintenence. What I know doesnt come from a book and I wont teach it.The whole system will crash without people like me in a matter of weeks,believe that.

Me and my childrens liberty as written in the declaration and constitution will be preserved over my dead body and I fight well so bring it on. Thats why I'm done talking and its late.

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 12:04 AM
reply to post by boondock-saint

Ok you have gotten the ball rolling, you have made the proposal to ANON.
Now the trick is for enough people to agree with you on this idea.
I do not forsee anyone wanting to do this as we cannot agree on anything as is.
And some folks just wanna play soccer for some reason.

edit on 3-3-2011 by g146541 because: i are not a spellificator.

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