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Golden Eagles Steal Livestock in Britain, Amazing Photo.

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posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 10:06 PM

Originally posted by CastleMadeOfSand
How long has the farmer been on earth? maybe 60 years?

How long has the eagle been on earth? maybe 1 million?

You should be a magician with such skills in 'slight of hand' tricks like that!

So you're suggesting that the farmer is perhaps arond 60 years of age and that the eagle is 1,000,000 years of age?
Or that Eagles have been around for 1,000,000 years and humans heve been around for 60 years?
You can't have it both ways and no matter what, I'm guessing that the farmer is older than the eagle and that humans have probably been here for at least as long as the eagles have.
Very amusing try to distort the facts to your advantage though...
Bravo! for effort!

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 10:37 PM
I was able to get the back story on the photograph of the cameraman being attacked by the golden eagle. I found one more photo as well...

Every year in winter the Kazakhs take their golden eagles out for for a hunting competition and that is where these photos were taken. It seems the cameraman managed to escape before being carried off and devoured. I just had to know for myself that the guy was OK.

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 01:19 AM
reply to post by Frater210

Holy crap can you imagine the damage done by that strike alone. Would love to know the weight and speed at which it was going to give it perspective. But damn by the look on the guys face he was in such agony the pain almost appears to overwrite the natural flight or fight response. Looks more like a frozen agony moment. Must have been like getting hit by freight truck with steal barbs on the front. What a magnificent animal .
edit on 3-3-2011 by drift393 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 06:31 AM
reply to post by dl2one

I was half expecting you to lambast me lol, you seemed so upset, which is understandable. Honestly though I feel for you farmers that are really getting screwed. I believe the same trend is starting here in Canuckistan. Family farm numbers are dwindling fast, I don't like that..

edit: also, that's awesome you get to see lots of wild animals near you

It is awesome here. I was born in New York City so I spend a lot of time with my mouth hanging open

I have seen white deer, pinto (brown and white) deer and even black deer. I never knew deer came in such colors! The bird life is incredible with blue birds, cardinals, grey heron, geese, hawks, vultures owls and others I can not name.

I have had red fox sit in my driveway and stare at me and seen the foot prints of bear on a couple occasions.

About Canada and food. Canada, the European Union and Australia have already been hit with similar laws. The all derive from the World Trade Organizations Agreement on AG. Right now One Australian farmer takes his life every four days.

These are the international food links By F. William Engdahl.

This gives you an Idea of the idiocy of some of these new laws and why the anger is mounting.

As Queensland, Australian ranchers are working day and night to save their cattle from the worst flood disaster in dozens of years the government enforcers quickly publish rules of how to handle cattle with electronic ear pins. Never before have ranchers been forced to not only ride and swim high water, but carry an electronic scanner for NLIS compliance. NLIS in Australia is the nasty sister to the USA NAIS ill fated regulations.

One recommendation by NLIS principal officer, Michael Lancaster is to identify “untagged” cattle by brands. Surely the ranchers will appreciate that clever recommendation to continue with a process they have used since the first cattle landed in Australia. No batteries needed for reading a brand — how convenient?

Queensland ranchers work at an exhausting pace yet government enforcers caution them of the exact methods of returning and reporting cattle with or without electronic devices. As highly paid government employees answer the phones and develop protocol from high and dry office buildings a safe distance from the fray, the ranchers work-on day and night. Never has a weather problem of this nature been compounded by extra NLIS rules and potential fines up to $17,000 for non compliance. Compliance or not, the good thing is that the enforcers will not be getting in the water and mud to slow down the rescue efforts. Say a kind word of prayer for the Australian ranchers, and also, that the enforcers will let them care for their cattle without fines and burdensome additional flood ID legislation.

One from the EU:

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 04:18 PM
reply to post by Frater210

ok that must of hurt!!!

I used to keep Harris Hawks and they could hit your arm with a fair thump!

posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 03:13 AM
reply to post by Aggie Man

Damn Nature You Scary!

posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 11:41 PM
around here we get falcons, hawks and the occasional bald eagle. My mother liked to sit her pet dove's cage on the porch so she could soak up the sun. She had run to the store and when she returned home she saw a MASSIVE eagle on the porch. It would have been beautiful and majestic had it not been eating her bird! My brother came out on the porch and it spread its wings. He said he's never been so afraid of an animal in his life, lol. The wingspan was damn near as wide as he is tall. It flew away but not before getting under the dove's wing and essentially hollowing her out.

posted on Apr, 14 2011 @ 12:20 AM
reply to post by Aggie Man

is that supposed to to be real? because some of it looks clearly fake, and the music and sound fx...i just don't know if this is a joke or not.

posted on Apr, 14 2011 @ 07:07 AM

Originally posted by Threadfall
reply to post by Aggie Man

is that supposed to to be real? because some of it looks clearly fake, and the music and sound fx...i just don't know if this is a joke or not.

It is 100% real. I have seen the same footage on the National Geographic channel.

posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 01:18 AM
Sooner or later they are going to figure out we are edible, too.

I see all kinds of huge birds of prey making a big comeback in the MD DC area. They are majestic but now that I've seen these pictures, I am not as excited about it as I once was. Life was good with just the cute little songbirds. I don't relish having to babysit my dog when I let her out to do her business in my yard.

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