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Tenn. bill would make following Shariah a felony

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posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 12:03 PM
Tennesse does not have this kind of authourity as Sharia law is the law of the land in The Middle East and while over there must be followed to a t. However, Sharia Law will never be mandatory stateside as our legal system acknowledges it but does not follow it on any domestic matter (where US law shall forever remain the law of the land while you are in The USA).

This is hatemongering and fearmongering plus the last thing we need know as there are way more pressing items that require our attention and care.

Hook, line, sinker, SUNK!
edit on 2-3-2011 by TheImmaculateD1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 12:13 PM
This is the stupidest thing I've heard of in a while, and there have been plenty of doozies lately.

This is totally contrary to the US Constitution, as GunzCoty mentioned back on page 1.

Originally posted by GunzCoty
reply to post by pplrnuts

First Amendment. Why do you want to give it up? (if your American that is)

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof


posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 12:26 PM

Originally posted by Violater1

Originally posted by toolstarr

What is the difference between this and the persecution of Christians in other countries?

We don't put to death adulterers or kill people for not being muslim

I honestly do not know anything about Shariah

That is quite evident.

Good for Tenn. If sharia is ever implemented there is no tolerance for any other religion OR mechanism to reinstate the u.s. constitution.
it's not"respecting a religion"!it a one way trip to theocratic tyranny.frickin' one world appologists.

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 12:30 PM
It seems like the law should be more specific to not be unconstitutional. I would expect that anything considered illegal in the practice of Shariah Law would be covered by existing laws (e.g. an honor killing). What specifically is it that TN wants to ban?

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 01:29 PM
reply to post by ararisq


Do I really need a second line when the first one covers the whole answer?

But its true. Thats why prior to this, they fought it up through the courts trying to make the claim that Islam was not really a religion, and thus its practice should not be protected under "freedom of religion."

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 02:27 PM

Originally posted by Bones_
Too many islamaphobes in this thread....
good luck

Hell yea Islam scares me. I am a woman and don't want them to make Sharia law as law. Islam is the most sickest and sexist religion around. You should look at some youtube videos of different clerics talking about women shouldn't be allowed to drive, to leave the house and have to have her husband or male relative with them. I am a feminist and I don't like Islam because it is a sexist male religion.

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 02:42 PM
reply to post by Chopper

Sharia Law will not ever come stateside.

I mentioned that Sharia Law itself is not and will not ever be a legal template whereas violations are prosecutable.

The Constitution does in fact give practitioners of the Islamic faith the authourity to practice thier faith fully but is still acountable to any and all laws locally and nationally to them (ie, United States Law). The main part of it that no one gets that with the addition of faiths since it's inception all are grandfathered in to protect them as well as this creates the foundation for the prevention and prohibition of an Official State Religion.

But, even though we have no State Religion here and as a Holy Roman Catholic I actually like that about our nation as this creates, allows for the creation, expansion of total universal understanding and tolerance of all. But the downside is that what we stateside will do and think nothing about can wind us in jail or worse in another nation as you are always subjected to the laws of the nation you travel to. Being a US Citizen doesn't somehow exclude us from laws of nations beyond our own borders so in this regard The Constitution itself becomes nullified and void as the protections contained therein only apply when stateside.

You take a life here it's Murder 1. In quite a few Islamic ran nations they are actually making moves to make the practice of Honour Klling a penatly punishable by death by either hanging or stoning. Every nation reserves the Soverign right to pass laws of its own choosing.

Every person who moves into our nation reserves the right to live in a manner that they've become accustomed to but the first generation or two of every immigrant family traditionally follows the customs from "The Old Country" but if you notice the younger generations are fully assimilated into our society here. The ones who still think in the old country are the ones designated to help keep the younger ones grounded and rooted in the family. Every person reserves the right to raise thier kids in a manner of thier own choosing and the law only steps in if the kid is either being neglected, abused or not being given an adequate education as outside of that the law has no legal standing or justification.

No one is here to perpritate a Coup De Tat over the United States so quit there as you are being fed some false information. I monitor lines like that and there is no indication that a secret cabal of Arabs is planning a takeover of The United States, even though ATS is all full of conspiracies (of which most are true) but this clearly is not.

The stance of how Islam shall be and is as seen by Mecca, Saudi Arabia who really and in reality truly represents the 1.45 Billion practioners of Islam across the planet is constantly time and time again drowned out by the 2.4 Million people who are actually against us. They are not nessecarily against us, the people of The USA their main bone of contention is TPTB so in that regard we do have some mutual foes.
MSM however will never report that because of the hypercritical nature of the message as TPTB can't have that.

al-Qaida, Hezbollah, ETA do not represent what Islam is and have since tainted the image of Islam forever and some will say irrepribally. Hamas has actually been impressing me as of late as they've launched no attack since 2007 and are actually adheering to a certain agreement that is still in effect saying that as long as they don't blow anything up they will have the world's ear in resolving the problems all Arabs face today and to bring all grievances to the world's stage. It never expires,

We are not designed nor structed for Sharia Law. Many Arabs come here to escape Sharia Law so that they can finally breathe.

Sharia Law itself cannot and does not apply as a legal platform, medium, avenue as well as not being a candidate for The Official State Religion for The USA as The US has none however The Constitution itself does allow for Sharia Law to apply to all who practice it but in cases like this the National Constitution usurps the State Religious Holy Doctrines of any faith on the planet.

Sharia Law is not designed, nor is it structured to work with the 43 States, 7 Commonwealths and 7 Territories of The USA. It is considered to be the legal platform and medium to any of the following nation :

Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emeriates, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Syria, Yemem, Oman, Bahrain, Pakistan, Palestine, Jordan, Kuwait, Qatar, Eqypt, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazhakastan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan.

And does not apply as legal law outside of any nation but the aforementioned. Respect for it however is required by all as every nation decrees the right to dictate or decree it's own laws, even if said laws circumvent or clash with any law on the planet. However, when traveling to any of the previously mentioned nations be forewarned that Sharia Law is in fact The Law Of The Land. Regardless of where you call home you are subjected to the laws of the nation you are traveling to any no longer under the legal jurisdiction of The USA. The most the Embassy or The Consulate can do is try to get you home no harm, no foul and at worst, get you banned for life.

People are actually trying to get that nullified and make every American subjected to American law while traveling abroad and that itself is unlawful and winds up in a whizzing contest with no clear winner.

Stop believing this lie. We have way more pressing items to worry about then these non issues!

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 02:50 PM
reply to post by toolstarr

I hold the utmost level of respect for Tenn. They see a real problem with islamic laws moving into american society to eventually overtake american laws. Kudos to you Tenn. And to any muslums reading this. You will never-ever take over america with islamic laws. We accept your faith as your faith but you cannot force it onto us americans we wont take it. And Obama cant enforce it,so go back to your american freedom homes and be happy you live where you can worship without ridicule.

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 02:53 PM
reply to post by ararisq

Basically tenn is stopping them before they get to far in their agenda. Yes we have the constitution but our current government seems to think our constitution has no meaning anymore states need to prepare to defend themselves against islamic laws and rule, otherwise we will be like the european nations and overtaken with theri religion and we will start getting bombed, and hey we dont want it so yes tenn is doing the american rightous thing by nipping it in the bud before it gets out of hand,

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 02:57 PM

Originally posted by allisit
reply to post by toolstarr

I hold the utmost level of respect for Tenn. They see a real problem with islamic laws moving into american society to eventually overtake american laws. Kudos to you Tenn. And to any muslums reading this. You will never-ever take over america with islamic laws. We accept your faith as your faith but you cannot force it onto us americans we wont take it. And Obama cant enforce it,so go back to your american freedom homes and be happy you live where you can worship without ridicule.

Basically tenn is stopping them before they get to far in their agenda. Yes we have the constitution but our current government seems to think our constitution has no meaning anymore states need to prepare to defend themselves against islamic laws and rule, otherwise we will be like the european nations and overtaken with theri religion and we will start getting bombed, and hey we dont want it so yes tenn is doing the american rightous thing by nipping it in the bud before it gets out of hand,

The United States is not a Christian nation so quit trying to shove Christianity down everyone's throats and as a Holy Roman Catholic I find it offensive that states are banning religions because of some twisted, racist, hatemongering ideals.

Islam is not taking over America so quit right there.

Evidently the Constitution which allows practioners of the Islamic faith to be safe and to be free to worship in the manner of their own choosing does not matter anymore because Islam is the latest boggymen in a long line of them.

Yet another case whereas someone puts party above nation which imho is the worst thing facing our nation now.
edit on 2-3-2011 by TheImmaculateD1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 04:13 PM
reply to post by TheImmaculateD1

Islam cannot work in america. Here we do not stone or behead a wofe or daughter because the husband or brother "thought" she had an affair. with islam law especially shariah it is permitted. Also here in america woman have equal rights. not in islam. shariah islam requires the woman to wear a burka, not here in america. therefore, noting to be specific because of the current islamic extremist cleric getting ready to protest to our government to make shariah law the amrican law, it has to be stopped know before it gets out of hand and we cannot stop it....

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 04:26 PM
I have no problem defending the freedom of religion, no matter how much I disagree with religion in general. However, Shariah law is not religion, but more an extremist ideology, which has no place in a civilised world. This is a step in the right direction.

We have people on ATS who don't care when young women are beaten, raped, and stoned to death for violating Shariah law, when it happens elsewhere. Their excuse is that we don't have the right to tell people what to do in their own country. Well, this is to protect our country from this ideology, and to help ensure it doesn't happen within our own borders. I'm all for it.

What's extremely hypocritical is how christians are treated in many middle eastern countries, and the treatment is even far worse in provinces which practice Shariah law. They are some of the least accepting cultures when it comes to accepting the beliefs of others, yet they want to come to our country and have us be tolerant and accepting of their beliefs? Please, do us all a favor and take a good long look in the mirror.
edit on 2-3-2011 by MysticPearl because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 04:26 PM

Originally posted by allisit
reply to post by TheImmaculateD1

Islam cannot work in america. Here we do not stone or behead a wofe or daughter because the husband or brother "thought" she had an affair. with islam law especially shariah it is permitted. Also here in america woman have equal rights. not in islam. shariah islam requires the woman to wear a burka, not here in america. therefore, noting to be specific because of the current islamic extremist cleric getting ready to protest to our government to make shariah law the amrican law, it has to be stopped know before it gets out of hand and we cannot stop it....

Islam just like Judaism, Catholicism, Christianity, Hunduism can work in America. It just needs to be guided and operated like the rest and make it fair for all.

No one is trying to make Sharia law replace American and US law, it is not going to happen, got it?

The youth in Arabia wants and has already stated intentions to rewrite Sharia so that it's more humane but when less then 100,000 dictate policy time and time again means the wishes of the youth will constantly get drowned out. The youth there is trying to push for equal rights for all as it was a founding principle of the recent riots and protests that are currently ongoing.

The problem is Sharia, like US law and most international laws have been manipulated to suit a small fraction of the populous and no longer respresents the populous as a whole and has been radicalized to be dictatorial.

To deny Islam and Sharia law means you must deny Christianity , the Mormons from interfering in our laws here as they serve The US a much more greater threat then a bunch of Arabs. It cannot be a one sided policy here as that makes it unfair for all.

The Muslim Faith as a whole requires females to wear the Burga as an Islamic Female more then has the right to get her driver's license photo taken with it on and fully displayed. The only thing we ask that the full frontal face unobstructed from hairline to chin and ear to ear be seen in the pic so that identifing the person can be done easier whereas in cases no dna exists. In Arabic nations males wear veil's because it helps shade them and keeps them cool from those balmy and sweaty 120 degree Farenhiet tempatures they deal with daily. Here in the US you see teenage and young females wearing a burqa and a pair of jeans and a pair of sneakers. It's the over 50 crowd who still wears burqa's exclusively.

You want to protest something that will have more signifigance stateside then this non issue, ask "Why isn't America being allowed to have a sucess story?", ask "Why do the rich constantly have to not pay their fair share?" Those are the q's that should be asked.

In Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon, Palestine, Pakistan has a sizable Christian contingent and is rarely ever harrassed or attacked as most who are not apart of the radical ideaology employ and endorse a "live and let live" philosiphy which thus far has worked great and continues to work great.
edit on 2-3-2011 by TheImmaculateD1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 04:52 PM
Some examples of Sharia Law (thanks for the info Wikipedia)


Requirements for Islamic Marriages:
The man who is not currently a fornicator may marry only a woman who is not currently a fornicatress or a chaste woman from the people of the Book.
The woman who is not currently a fornicatress may marry only a man who is not currently a fornicator.
The fornicator may marry only a fornicatress.
The Muslim woman may marry only a Muslim man.
Permission for a virgin female to marry must be given by her guardian, usually her father.
Any Muslim woman may demand her guardian marry her to a Muslim male, provided he is suitable. If the guardian refuses, a judge will effect the marriage.[91]
The father, or in some cases the paternal grandfather, may choose a suitable partner for a virgin girl.[92]
The guardian may not marry the divorced woman or the widow if she did not ask to be married.
It is obligatory for a man to give bride wealth (gifts) to the woman he marries – "Do not marry unless you give your wife something that is her right."[93


In Sharia law, a Muslim man is permitted up to four wives under the rules for nikah. All wives are entitled to separate living quarters at the behest of the husband and if possible. All should receive equal attention, support, treatment and inheritance.


A Sunni Muslim divorce is effective when the man tells his wife that he is divorcing her, however a Shia divorce also requires four witnesses.


Legal and Court proceedings

Testimony from women is given only half the weight of men

and testimony from non-Muslims may be excluded altogether

A confession, an oath, or the oral testimony of a witness are the only evidence admissible in a Sharia court, written evidence is only admissible with the attestations of multiple, witnesses deemed reliable by the judge.

Forensic evidence (i.e. fingerprints, ballistics, blood samples, DNA etc.) and other circumstantial evidence is likewise rejected in hudud cases in favor of eyewitnesses, a practice which can cause severe difficulties for women plaintiffs in rape cases.


In accordance with the Qur'an and several hadith, theft is punished by imprisonment or amputation of hands.[117] Several requirements are in place for the amputation of hands, they are:
There must have been criminal intent to take private (not common) property.
The theft must not have been the product of hunger, necessity, or duress.
The goods stolen must: be over a minimum value, not haraam, and not owned by the thief's family.
Goods must have been taken from custody (i.e. not in a public place).
There must be reliable witnesses.

Leaving Islam/Apostasy

Muslim theology equates apostasy to treason, and in most interpretations of Sharia, the penalty for apostasy is death.

Dress codes

Men have a more relaxed dress code: the body must be covered from knee to waist. However, under (strict interpretation of) Sharia Law, women are required to cover all of their bodies except hands and face.

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 05:10 PM
reply to post by Illusionsaregrander

Are you serious?
If Muslims were allowed to follow Sharia law here, that means in a court of law, they could not be punished for beating or killing their wife or children because it is allowed under that law. That's why they want to make sure nothing like that can happen.
Few years back, a Muslim man murdered his two children here because he said they had become to Westernized. He thought it was perfectly ok to do this. Nuts!!!!!!
This has nothing to do with fear or phobias. Everytime, in every discussion, someone screams phobic/racism. Look, just because you don't like something in another culture doesn't mean your a phobic/racist.
edit on 2-3-2011 by sickofitall2012 because: add

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 05:11 PM
reply to post by sickofitall2012

Killing your spouse is murder and beating your kids is child abuse so do not expect those two to ever change.

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 05:19 PM
Though under the Constitution, ( more specifically, the 1st Amendment ), allows for the freedom of Religion, and though Im a Contitutionalist.....I have to applaud Tennessee for their attempt to keep the Sharia law out of our countries borders. Hopefully, this will spread across the country. And FAST!

The entire concept of Sharia Law, dating back to present, is a baseless, and seemingly " 3rd " world country tyrannical based religion. The edict, that bringing " dishonor ' to the family is grounds for punishment, and death, seems to be rather primitive. As if, these Islamic peoples never evolved?

Islam, and its entirety, will never prove to be capable of being part of society. Further, it has no place in Western civilization.

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 05:20 PM
reply to post by TheImmaculateD1

So it's not true that when women are raped they're stoned to death?
So it's not true you could loose your hands if you steal? etc. etc. etc.

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 05:21 PM

Originally posted by sickofitall2012

If Muslims were allowed to follow Sharia law here, that means in a court of law, they could not be punished for beating or killing there wife or children because it is allowed under that law. That's why they want to make sure nothing like that can happen.

You are missing the point. Sharia law is a set of laws within the religion. Just like Mosaic law is a set of laws within a religion. The United States has its own laws, the law of the land, and these laws supercede religious laws of all kinds. So, you cannot stone adulterers to death because your Islamic faith and scriptures tell you it is ok, nor can you stone adulterers to death because your Jewish or Christian faith tells you to. You cannot have 5 wives because you are a Fundie Mormon, at least in theory, because our laws do not allow bigamy or polygamy.

See how that works?

Just like we do not need to make a special ruling outlawing Mosaic law, or any other archaic and barbaric law in the Bible, we also do not need to make a special ruling for Sharia or Islamic law. Its all secondary to US law.

If Christians would stop trying to blur the lines between church and state for their own nefarious purpose, they might not need to be so paranoid that Islam might become the majority here. You see the people in Tennessee who are wanting to make Sharia illegal, by and large do not oppose theocracy. They just want their team to lead it.

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 05:32 PM

Originally posted by Illusionsaregrander
Just like we do not need to make a special ruling outlawing Mosaic law, or any other archaic and barbaric law in the Bible, we also do not need to make a special ruling for Sharia or Islamic law. Its all secondary to US law.

Well said!

For cuh-rying out loud, the US citizens on this thread who are so frightened of Islamic law coming here should read the freaking Constitution.

The exact same thing that says Tenn. cannot outlaw Sharia (or any other religious) law says that Sharia (or any other religious) law can not become the law of the land here, because it is a religious law.

It's called the First Amendment.

You see the people in Tennessee who are wanting to make Sharia illegal, by and large do not oppose theocracy. They just want their team to lead it.

I think you nailed it right there.

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