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Kundalini Cobra Awakening: Ancient, Mystical, Forbidden Knowledge!

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posted on Mar, 10 2011 @ 10:44 AM
reply to post by jackieisinlove

I didn't know that buzzing/ringing in the head is also connected to astral projection. That's interesting. Since I was a kid, I step out of my body all the time, even while just hiking along a forest trail, or sitting in a classroom, or doing a hundred other mundane things. I astral project quite often while meditating, and more often I fly in my dreams at night. Usually I fly around to different places on our Earth and watch everyday life. I gravitate towards human activity and sometimes people can see me and kind of interact with me. Everything is very lucid and real looking, but I've always wondered if it's just me fantasizing - or is it really real.

I also wonder if I'm time traveling. Some of the places I go to seem so old fashioned, while others seemed ultra modern when I was young. Now they seem to be mostly current times. But sometimes I can definitely tell that it's about a future event in my life, and the 'event' becomes more of a 'vision' than astral projection. I make a point to remember those, and so far they've all come true. But those are just visions about myself. I've never had any prophetic visions of world events.

But I feel that all of these things are just minor aspects of Kundalini Energy. They are useful at times for insights and also self preservation. IMO, the most important thing for me to do is to go deeper into the Energy Itself. As I've alluded to in earlier posts, I believe that the core of Kundalini Energy is Divine Love - Love of Life/life. But I find that the deeper I enter into this Energy, this Divine Love, the more I myself project It out our human world - and then people misunderstand me and I get into trouble.

posted on Mar, 10 2011 @ 09:17 PM
reply to post by Orgone333

Very interesting. Can you explain what you mean by projecting it out into the world and why it gets you into trouble? Or did I miss that in a previous post?

As far as what you're seeing... past and future events... sounds like you've accessed the akashic records. You should either Google astral projection and akashic records or get a book called Astral Dynamics by Robert Bruce. There's so much that can be learned by astral travel. Unfortunately, although it comes completely naturally to me, I'm too terrified to utilize the gift.

It's hard to imagine astral travel happening while just walking or meditating, but I've heard enough people say that they've experienced that that I have to believe it. Not to negate the experience, but they sound more like visions when they haven't happened during sleep. When I sleep and astral project, it's as lucid and real as it is to be awake. In fact, it's even more real... it's hard to explain. Everything looks the same, but just a little bit "off" -- like furniture in my house might be placed at a slightly wrong angle or things might take on a slightly different hue. You can also meet with other people you know if they can astral travel too and you can experience the same things and will have the same memories upon waking. I've done this with my mother and she did it with her brother and a friend of hers. I've heard of the akashic records, but haven't seen them myself. Apparently you can view the past and future if you access them.

If all of that is minor compared to Kundalini energy, then I don't think I understand what Kundalini is and I'm a little bit intimidated. I guess I just thought it was energy within yourself that brings your chakras into balance? I practice Kundalini yoga, but have heard of people going mad when awakening Kundalini energy. I want to benefit from Kundalini energy, but your post makes me wonder if I'm delving into something that I'm not educated enough to be practicing. If I lose my mind, you know what happened.

posted on Mar, 11 2011 @ 02:02 AM

Originally posted by ThirdEyeofHorus
reply to post by grizzle2

I'm also curious about this machine.

But, have you seen any mad scientist movies (and did you get the moral of the stories)?

posted on Mar, 11 2011 @ 07:14 AM
reply to post by jackieisinlove

Hi jackieisinlove,

IMO, if you astral project, you are already awakened to Kundalini, but only a portion of It. IMO, it would be wise of you to work on making your mind strong and balanced, so if or when the Energy gets really strange for you, you can seek that strength and balance. And I know from personal experience that there are beautiful entities within that Energy that will help you if you call loud enough. They are full of Pure Love, and they will gladly share that Love with you if you allow them to. They've come to me in times of stress and they will come to you too I'm sure. But IMO, we're here on Earth to learn, so it's best to try and do it on your own, while following the positive flow of the Energy. Also, I think it's wise to talk with as many positive people as possible, but remember that most have not attained a large degree of firsthand experience with the Energy. Remember that It's called by many different names by different religions, and each person will have different advice, which may get confusing, but hopefully each of these positive people will have good hearts and strong shoulders to lean on for awhile. With you taking Kundalini Yoga, I would only take classes from a school where at least the leader has been fully awakened and can help you if needed. And use the yoga to make your body strong and healthy!

What I meant by "projecting it out into the world" and why I get into trouble is complex, but I can boil it down and simplify it. The deeper I 'go into' the Energy, there is less of 'me' and my petty self, and more of Energy - Divine Love. I get filled with Pure Love, and then I share that Love with everyone that I come into contact with, including some animals. It works best when there is eye to eye contact, but I've also found that some people can feel it when they get within a few feet of me. (They can also hear the ringing in my head if we're in a very quiet place and they put their ear by my head - the back of the head is the best.)

But there are many that never feel the Divine Energy that is in me.. Or they feel It as a sexual energy. This is where the trouble begins. These two types of people misunderstand many of the things I say and do. And I lived just outside of a small rural town with a different church on almost every corner, and they started gossipping about me. Then several people started making up lies - to say the least, it got intense and I wasn't sorry to leave that town ;-)

I didn't expect all that to happen. I thought everyone would be extremely happy to share Divine Love. It's clean, simple, extremely enjoyable, and there's no sex involved (especially when you're married like me ;-]) But the vast majority of people don't feel Divine Love, and they never have experienced It. For them It is not clean, simple and extremely enjoyable - It's dirty, dangerous, demonic, terribly complicated, and full of nasty, perverted sex, yet extremely enjoyable until you end up in hell ;-)

But there are other forms of projecting that you may be thinking of, such as projecting your thoughts or feelings or energy such as Chi or Reiki, and I have used some of them. I was told by a master of Qigong that I was a 'natural' at it, but he didn't know how hard I've worked to develop these natural 'skills'. And how hard I've worked to get this deep within the Kundalini Energy. (All without the aid of outside influences such as books and Qigong masters until just recently. I wanted to find it on my own, so I knew that it was 'real' and not a fantasy copy of what others said that it was supposed to be.) Anyway, the act of projecting is difficult to explain. First I clear all thoughts and 'open up' my mind. I 'push' my mind out. I 'expand' my mind. and then when I have 'percieved' a 'route' that's seems to open up, I 'pour myself' into it.

But that also leaves me open to Energy and forces outside of me to enter me. The vast majority of these forces are either 'good' or 'indifferent', but some are 'bad' and even 'harmful'. And, yes, these forces can drive you crazy. I spent 10 years or more of my early life struggling with all these forces. And what I did, was to let truth in all things guide me. I looked deeply at everything, especially myself, and I saw that the core of me was good, positive energy. I also found that I gravitated towards the good, positive energy in all things, and I found it very easy to block out the bad, negative energy/entities.

And as far as sanity or insanity, who in this human world can really judge who is sane or not. IMO, everyone is a little bit insane at many points in their lives. IMO, the most important thing is to find balance in the positive aspects of our minds, and to deny the negative aspects control of our minds before you attempt to awaken and access the full force of Kundalini Energy. Then a good question is, am I insane when I have done this? Is the Divine Love that I feel a form of insanity? Whether it is or isn't, I so very much want to reenter into that Divine Love and stay within It for the rest of my life!!!

But getting back to your post, you say that you're a natural at astral travel. Have you accessed the akashic records, or read much on it? Let me tell you a few of my experiences, then if you would, could you please tell me if you or others have experienced similar things? That really helped me out a lot to hear you say that other people have experienced out of body episodes while walking :-)

About 2 years ago my wife was doing Reiki on my lower spine. I had asked her to do this while I was meditating and entering into what I call the Energy. Her hands are usually very hot, but this time they felt extremely cold to me. (She said later that they never felt cold to her, but instead were extremely hot.) Anyway, I felt the Energy going strongly up my spine, and also branching out to the rest of my body, and then my head became sparkly, then white, and then a loud snap sounded in my head. It was so loud I had a momentary fear that something had broken within my brain, but then my mind expanded immensely! I felt like my head suddenly had doubled or more in size. It's really hard to describe. It was like the whole universe was in my brain. And then vision after vision filed past me, and everything was so very clear. They looked like recordings of individual lives. And since then, most of my dreams are very lucid and they seem to be about the daily lives of people I don't know.

Thank you in advance :-) May all that is Holy stand with you, may The Mother fill your heart with Her Divine Love, and may the Queen of all Angels, the Holy Mother Herself bless you.

edit on 11-3-2011 by Orgone333 because: Change "the" to "to" line 8

edit on 11-3-2011 by Orgone333 because: Rewording line 1 para 3.

posted on Mar, 11 2011 @ 09:22 AM
reply to post by jackieisinlove

Astral travel is a function we all do on some level. Some of us have our faculties awakend. In my view, that is the connection with kundalini awakening, in that all our spiritual faculties are awakening, and in the path of yoga, advanced individuals can have what the Hindus call Siddhis, or spiritual gifts and abilities. Perhaps it depends on what chakra you are working on. For instance, through my meditation I opened my Third Eye and enhanced that chakra and now I am able to see the auric forcefield and thought forms on the astral plane. The mental plane is the next step up, and the mental energy from our minds will result in these thought forms. The etheric plane is where akasha is stored. This contains both the blueprint of our life plans, and the records of past actions.
I have had dreams where I go in front of a large mirror. I saw myself as an Egyptian woman in this mirror. This mirror is described in the mystical writings of both the I Am movement and the Summit Lighthouse. It is actually located in the etheric plane in what is called an Etheric Retreat, where your soul can go to refresh itself and learn.
According to the book, "The Masters and Their Retreats" by Mark and Elizabeth Prophet, this "Cosmic Mirror" is located in the "Cave of Symbols", in the rocky mountains. This isone of the retreats used by the Master St. Germain's. He was a ruler on Atlantis. I believe that a number of us even here on this thread have awakened memories and gifts from incarnations on Atlantis, when spiritual awareness was heightened. The Priesthood of the Order of Melchizedek was also established in Atlantis, and the Christian bible states that Jesus was a Priest, "after the Order of Melchizedek".

edit on 11-3-2011 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 11 2011 @ 09:40 AM
reply to post by Orgone333

Orgon, this is why I have been reluctant to speak openly about these mystical things. In high school, my peers thought I was odd. I now know that I was just a bit ahead of them on the curve. Today, we can find all sorts of interesting web sites by people who have been awakened spiritually.
Even on this thread, some people have balked at the whole kundalini thing, but it seems not that they disbelieve it, but that they had bad experiences. I do want to respect their difficulties, as it has pointed me toward a better understanding that some people deal with things in a different way. I was surprised actually at the number of people who had dire difficulties.
This should not discourage people who are ready for the experience though.

Oh yes, also on the astral travel, Michael Pinder of the Moody Blues also had this experience of being able to astral travel spontaneously at an early age. Actually, this is also called Astral Projection.
edit on 11-3-2011 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 11 2011 @ 10:05 AM
reply to post by metalholic

Wow, what a neat video showing the swirling cosmic energies expressed in nature. Love it! When I first was awakened I went and asked somebody at the School of Metaphysics if they had something on "cycles". My soiul was looking for the Vedas and Puranas!

posted on Mar, 11 2011 @ 10:20 AM

Originally posted by grizzle2

Originally posted by ThirdEyeofHorus
reply to post by grizzle2

I'm also curious about this machine.

But, have you seen any mad scientist movies (and did you get the moral of the stories)?

Movies like Time Cop play with the whole quantum time/space continuum thing. Very interesing stuff. Then someone made that film, "What The Bleep" discussing quantum theory.
Was this a trick question? The whole point is to open our minds to new possibilities we have not explored much as a society.

posted on Mar, 11 2011 @ 02:24 PM
reply to post by ThirdEyeofHorus

I know quite well that feeling of reluctance to speak. And as far as being odd, after years of people telling me that I was odd, even I thought I was odd. What I didn't know then was that I was going through my first bout of Kundalini awakening. What I needed then was a Kundalini Master, but the only help I got was not from this human world. The only help I ever got was from the mystical world. In fact, the first time I met one of those helpful entities I mentioned in my earlier posts, was when I was about 10 or 12. It was a very stressful day for me. I had as usual been attacked and ridiculed at school, and then at home. I went out into the forest crying my heart out. I stopped under a huge oak tree and screamed over and over in my head, "Why am I different than everyone else? Why does everyone hate me?"

That's when a small gray-brownish triangular shaped yet humanoid entity appeared in front of me. (I don't think that he was what people are calling the Grey aliens.) Anyway, he told me many things, much of which I forgot over time. One of the things he told me was that I was different because I was pure Orgone. He told me that it was important for me to remember that; that it would be important to me in the future. Back then I didn't know what Orgone was. All I knew was that it was something good, which meant that I was something good. So I started calling myself Lord Orgone or Lord Argon as time went by, just so I wouldn't forget.

But getting back to the ridicule, I myself no longer care. People can say what they want, and be as hurtful as they want to be, just because they've had no experiences in the mystical realm. Or they can be fearful because they had a few bad experiences, or heard of others who were diagnosed as insane or whatever. Let them beware and stay off the Kundalini Path. But for those that decide to take that Path, I hope that my last post held words of encouragement.

posted on Mar, 11 2011 @ 02:56 PM
reply to post by Orgone333

Orgon, you meantioned Divine Love. This is so important, and why I posted the vids on Paramahansa Yogananda, because he exemplified it in his life. We can contact that love of the Cosmos. There are three Divine Attributes which are mentioned in the bible, Faith, Hope, and Charity. These three attributes combined create what we call the "threefofd flame", and is anchored in the heart center. So, it is like a plumbline to the Universal Cosmic Love. The yogis contact this when they meditate.

The little fellow you encountered in the woods, I wonder, because the Theosophical Society teaches that creatures of nature exist to nurture and take care of the forests, and all the forces of nature. These are called elementals. The old stories of gnomes are references to the elementals of the forest and the earth. I even had a book by a woman who apparently could see these little creatures. She also could see the giant etheric chakras over some of the cities of the world. Very cool book I got at the Theosophical book store. Also, there is a garden called Findhorn, which supposedly is a sort of guardian of elemental beings of nature.

posted on Mar, 11 2011 @ 03:56 PM
reply to post by ThirdEyeofHorus

Thank you, thank you, thank you ThirdEyeofHorus!!! After reading what you wrote about forest elementals, it dawned on me that the creature was a gnome, and he lived in that huge oak tree that I was under. I hope that the tree is still there, and that the gnome still has the tree for a home!!! Maybe I can find another helpful gnome here in Germany. There's a huge forest close by me here :-)

I'll have to check out your vids on Paramahansa Yogananda, and also think deeply on the concept of the "threefold flame". I'll also work on strengthening and balancing all my chakras, especially my heart chakra.

posted on Mar, 11 2011 @ 09:25 PM
Orgone and ThirdEyeofHorus: Interesting that you both hold that astral projection (or, rather, being aware of or recalling the projection) is a part of having been awakened to kundalini energy. Or partially awakened.

The experience of astral travel is so powerful that I'm, once again, intimidated by the thought of becoming 100% awakened to this energy. I'll explain why I'm beginning to get nervous.

Already, in my yoga, I'm almost regressing emotionally. I'm not sure if that's normal... but I've considered stopping because it's making me nervous. I'm reliving past experiences and feel emotionally like I did years ago. I thought I'd moved on from a lot of issues I had, and I was really satisfied with my life. I'm a mother of a beautiful 10-month-old now, have a beautiful home, and a loving husband. For the first time in my whole life, I was feeling settled. Now I'm feeling old things coming up and feel like all my growth was just covering up the same junk that I used to be. Now the fake growth (which I was totally happy with and thought was real) is falling away and I'm back to square one. Makes me nervous because I have a baby that I need to take care of and be stable for. Any thoughts on this would be appreciated.

ThirdEyeofHorus: I'm a devout Christian and haven't heard of that in the Bible. I'm definitely going to have to research that. Your posts are always really interesting and informative.

Orgone: First of all, thank you for putting all that time into your response. It was really interesting and informative. To answer one of your questions, no, I haven't accessed the akashic records, but I've done tons of research on it. My main goal has been to stop involuntarily leaving my body, which I've been able to do for the most part. Next, I hope to overcome my fear of astral travel and project with control (meaning on MY terms... if I want to, I can, if I don't want to, I can sleep). Then, if I ever accomplish that (lately I start to project, get terrified, then spend all night trying to wiggle my toe through the paralysis), I'd like to see if I can visit my mom who has passed on. Not sure if that's possible, but some have said it is.

In response to your request about experiencing similar things, the most amazing thing was to hear you talk about hearing the loud snap that made you think something had broken within your brain. That is absolutely leaving your body. Whenever I leave, I hear a loud noise... sometimes I even feel like I've been hit on the head really hard with a pan. I sometimes hear a snap, sometimes a crash, etc. I'm amazed that it seems you just immediately accessed the akashic records, though. I don't think I access higher planes when I project. I'm either in a world that's almost exactly like ours, only slightly "off" and statues can move (others have confirmed seeing this while projecting too) -- or I'm in a place that looks very different, but it's still a world to explore. I've never had visions while projecting or anything really profound happen. I've projected with my mother when she was living, but I've never come across any beings or other astral travelers while I've projected. I've only seen the "awake" people who can't see me.

Now, a couple more questions, if you wouldn't mind. You mentioned forces outside of you entering you. Does this mean that what I'm doing might make me vulnerable to possession? How can I avoid this? (Would love to hear anyone's answer to this).

Then, also, people can hear the ringing in your head? Doesn't that annoy you to the point of suicidal thoughts? If I'm risking hearing a ringing in my head that's even audible to others, no thank you. That would drive me insane.

posted on Mar, 11 2011 @ 11:41 PM
reply to post by jackieisinlove

Hi Jackie, first I want to congratulate you on the baby. Yes, being a mom is a wonderful sacred thing, and will be your primary focus. You can channel all that mother energy into just being the earth mom. I used to puree a lot of fresh stuff for baby, and got whole grain rice cereal for him, and even experimented with making almond milk. Today, you can get Earths Best baby food at the grocery, back when I was a new mom it was only at the Health food store. Perhaps instead of the kundalini yoga, you can try hatha yoga, which is a bit safer and will keep you in good physical condition. But it is up to you to know what is ultimately right for your path. You are already spiritually awakened, so trust in the natural process and keep studying. You can really enjoy the motherhood process. I am thinking that some of that stuff coming back up is for cleansing, healing, and transformation. Forgiveness is an important element in that, and you can eventually work through it and get some resolution.
If I can just impact a few people positively, it makes me happier.
See where the Spirit takes you and enjoy the journey. I was sitting in the sun today, and I just felt like every day I'm alive is a good one and an opportunity to love God and nature.
Oh here is the passage on faith hope and charity

New American Standard Bible

The Excellence of Love
1If I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but do not have love, I have become a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. 2If I have the gift of prophecy, and know all mysteries and all knowledge; and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. 3And if I give all my possessions to feed the poor, and if I surrender my body to be burned, but do not have love, it profits me nothing.

4Love is patient, love is kind and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant, 5does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered, 6does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth; 7bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

8Love never fails; but if there are gifts of prophecy, they will be done away; if there are tongues, they will cease; if there is knowledge, it will be done away. 9For we know in part and we prophesy in part; 10but when the perfect comes, the partial will be done away. 11When I was a child, I used to speak like a child, think like a child, reason like a child; when I became a man, I did away with childish things. 12For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face; now I know in part, but then I will know fully just as I also have been fully known. 13But now faith, hope, love, abide these three; but the greatest of these is love. "

And the Melchizedek reference: "Now onto the book of Psalms. Psalm 110:1-4 reads:

The LORD said unto my Lord [Messiah], Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool. The LORD shall send the rod of thy strength out of Zion [Jerusalem]: rule thou in the midst of thine enemies. Thy people shall be willing in the day of thy power, in the beauties of holiness from the womb of the morning: thou hast the dew of thy youth. The LORD hath sworn, and will not repent, Thou [Messiah] art a priest for ever after the order of Melchizedek."
"Hebrews 5:4-6 reads, "And no man taketh this honour [of becoming a priest] unto himself, but he that is called of God [becomes priest], as was Aaron. So also Christ glorified not himself to be made an high priest but he that said unto him, Thou art my Son, today have I begotten thee [Psalm 2]. As he saith also in another place [Psalm 110], Thou art a priest for ever after the order of Melchisedec."

posted on Mar, 11 2011 @ 11:54 PM
reply to post by Orgone333

Orgone, were those visions of your past incarnations? Or maybe even the past incarnations of your wife, as she had done the Reiki thing. I'm inclined to think it was your own past incarnations. Like when I looked in the Cosmic Mirror, I saw the face of a different person, yet I knew it was me in a past life.

oh by the way, I had a vision the other day in meditation of tectonic plates pulling apart, and I was sort of shocked to hear of the tsunami. lo and behold, another poster on ATS says he had a precogition of the Japan tsunami. You see we are all connected through the spiritual antakharana. CordDragonzord can also attest that I told him of my vision.

Oh, and that whole Universe in your head vision is a pretty amazing experience. Very extroardinary.
edit on 11-3-2011 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 12 2011 @ 03:37 AM
reply to post by jackieisinlove

Hi jackieisinlove,

It sounds to me like you really are going through Kundalini awakening. Your emotions will be totally heightened, you'll relive your past, (mostly the difficult and nasty parts) and you'll gravitate towards the truth in all things. This will be difficult for you, especially with having a young family.

I see that you're a devout Christian. Well. know that Angels are real. They are full of Love and Comfort, and all you have to do is call on Them. Pray to the Holy Mother, the Queen of all Angels, big and small. Trust in Her - She will know what's best for you. Understand that the Energy that is available to you is Love. When all your old issues come up to torment you, know that you have real Angels that Love you and They are on your side. They think that you will make it down the Kundalini Path, or else you wouldn't have been awakened.

But they also know when things are too much for you. If you find things too difficult, stop your yoga and just go for long, daily walks - with your family perhaps. And rest assured that the Angels are still watching over you. I've already started praying for you, and I wish the best for you :-) and your baby :-) and your husband :-) May you all be blessed by the Holy Mother and all Her Angels!

And for the moment, I'll have to leave on that note - on that prayer. I'll have to answer the rest of your post later.

posted on Mar, 12 2011 @ 02:00 PM
reply to post by jackieisinlove

jackieisinlove: I reread your post, and I also read ThirdEyeofHorus' response to your post. She gives a lot of good advice, plus her descriptions are very clear in several cases. Hopefully we can be of help to you, but remember, it is you who must decide for your own self as to what to do in your own situation.

I have gone through what you are going through at least twice in my life, and now I'm starting on my third, and probably last experience before total awakening. I have just started this third awakening, so it looks like we will be going through the experience together - if we stay in touch, of course.

But we may make different choices, which is quite understandable. You are young, with a child and husband, trying to live, survive, and perhaps prosper in a very materialistic orientated western world that mostly rejects and ridicules Kundalini and all the symptoms you have or will have. I am older and I can retreat from that world now and focus on prospering in the Kundalini Energy. I can understand and sympathize with you if you back away for now, because that's what I did twice when I was younger. But from my experience, the Energy will return to you again and again all throughout your life, so it's best to try and understand as much as you can as your life unfolds.

You are indeed going through a form of cleansing, and it would be best to go through as much of that as you can stand. You will be a better, stronger and more loving person, wife and mother in the end. As ThirdEyeofHorus says, "that some of that stuff coming back up is for cleansing, healing, and transformation. Forgiveness is an important element in that, and you can eventually work through it and get some resolution." If you need more advice on this, please just ask. I have tons of experience in the cleansing process ;-)

Now I will be going through it myself for the third time, and I will be as thorough as necessary. But I will also be going through a lot more than mere cleansing, if it's anything like the last time, so there may be times when I'm not on ATS for days at a time. It looks like there are others, especially ThirdEyeofHorus that could perhaps help you then.

Back to your post: Thanks for the info on the akashic records. It helps to hear first hand accounts of it, plus your speculations. For that one experience of mine, I think that the Reiki Energy that my wife was using on the base of my spine acted as a kind of turbo boost that slammed me up into the ether plane and the akashic records hall itself. As to your goal of trying to control your own astral trips, I have never tried that. And since you become paralysed when you try it, I would suggest that you should stop trying to control it. Pray, and ask for some inner guidance in these cases.

As to being vulnerable to possession, I tried to explain that earlier. Let me try again. I have looked deeply into myself. I know that I'm a basically a positive person. I know that I will never become a negative person. I am Light, and I shine no matter how dark it gets. Darkness cannot enter into me. I know, because it has tried several times, both in this physical world, and in the mystical world. In the mystical realm I turn my mind into a sharp, hard and bright diamond that repels all dark forces. I fight the darkness with everything in me, and the darkness gives up and leaves me alone. And I always turn towards the positive, loving forces that show up.

I've given you a few examples of the positive forces such as Angels, but I do not want to share any of the negative forces. I give them no advertisement and no breath from my lips. But there are other forces out there that can at times be unsettling, and I'll give you an example. This one morning I felt the strongest mind I had ever felt. It felt so sad that it was almost overwhelming. I drove all around town trying to focus in on this person, thinking that he might be suicidal and needed help. Well, it brought me to the town's park where it stopped at a huge tree and became silent. Later on, I found out that the tree used to be the hanging tree for the whole county I lived in. It appears that I was feeling the energy of at least one of those hanged people, if not all of them combined.

So - as I've said, it's best for you to look deep within yourself and find that inner strength before you delve too deeply into the Energy. Finish your cleansing first.

As far as the ringing in my head, it doesn't bother me at all :-) In fact, it is a constant reminder that there is more to life than I am currently seeing or accessing. And, FYI, I can hear just fine, so it's easy to live with. In fact, I enjoy it since it reminds me of the Angels and the Divine Love that is just waiting for me :-)

posted on Mar, 12 2011 @ 04:10 PM
reply to post by ThirdEyeofHorus

ThirdEyeofHorus, I don't know if those vision were past lives of either myself or my wife, but thanks for the idea. It's an idea worth contemplating :-) But whatever they were, they were the first things that I focused on in that huge area I came into, or I became. I say "I became" because it seemed to be me; it was my brain that had expanded. It was huge, but it seemed to have boundaries like my normal mind has. Anyway, I'll probably experience it again, and then I'll take much more time to explore it - hopefully the rest of my life to explore it!!!

That's really neat that you had a vision of the Teutonic plates :-) And it really does help to have the confirmation of telling CordDragonzord about the vision prior to the Japan incident! And the other ATS poster does indeed show that we are all interconnected in this mystical world no matter what terms we use. We are not as alone as we feel. Thanks for sharing all this :-)

posted on Mar, 12 2011 @ 08:55 PM
reply to post by The GUT

I was introduced to meditation from a catholic church member, I attended several meetings and read the book Open Mind Open Heart by father Thomas Keating.
For over a year I meditated 5 days a week 20 minute sessions.

One last vid. Stick it out--even if it offends you--because he makes some really interesting points about going "inner" that I would like to hear some counter-opinions on:

I've experienced some rather personal dreams I doubt I will ever speak openly about, so there may be the reason for being careful using this way of meditation. It did not harm me, but I can say my dreams are extremely vivid.
It felt like I was being tested, on several occasions I was in an interview setting. some I awoke knowing I had been angry.
As for me, I do think it is best to have someone to share your experiences with. It should be someone that can help you understand without condemnation.

I will continue meditating, it becomes a way of life.

I 'd like to add what Jesus said,
"Cast your nets on the right side and there you shall find". He is referring to the right hemisphere of the brain...

posted on Mar, 13 2011 @ 05:19 AM
reply to post by ThirdEyeofHorus

It's true, she did tell me of her vision.

I'm actually shocked that I forgot about it until now. It's amazing what we can do when we put our mind to it.

posted on Mar, 13 2011 @ 05:23 AM
Do any of you use stones or crystals during meditation?

I have a pretty high affinity with my Rose Quartz tower and the second I used it in a lay down meditation I could feel my body warm up. My crown chakra opened up and I could feel the tingling in my spine as I started to leave my body.

I have yet to get that far with any of my other crystals.

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