Excellent! I am so pleased that this thread came into my life at this time. I have been involved in a serious path of meditation and self realization
through a healing class that my wife and I got involved in three years ago. A while back, maybe a month and a half ago, I awakened my kundalini. I
felt the stirrings during a long introspective depression that I chose to meditate my way through, rather than drink my way through as I once would
I felt the stirrings a few times before it blew my mind. The first stirring came sitting up meditation style, hands together, feet together, back
straight. A very strange but recognizable (Thank God) stirring in my spine. It happened as I said, during a period of depression, during which I was
very closely examining my motivations for that depression.
Suddenly while driving down the road doing some qi gong energy circulation and breath meditation, My mind was blown. I connected...to what I do not
know. I went in a few minutes from feeling like the most lost and lonely person in the world to feeling the universal love and healing peace beyond
description. I was so charged with peace/love/joy energy I am very lucky I did not get a UA at work the first week.
I went home the first day and danced wholeheartedly for the first time in my life. The music demanded I move every part of my body, if I had a tail it
would have been waggin'! I came home every night for 5-6 days straight and danced till 3-4 am and wore everyone else plumb out! I went through a
month where I could not sleep unless the wife submitted to a kundalini energy rubdown so I could dissipate some of this tremendous energy.
I played the drum, the tambourine, the guitar, until my hands were cramped. I drew pictures, and was creative like never before. This has been a month
and a half ago or so, and I am now back to earth somewhat, but I am still wondewring if I should get medication, but meditation instead, is working
well for me, so I am sticking with that.
I have developed a strong urge to lose my addictive habits and clean up my vessel and I am working in that direction. The kundalini energy would have
rocked my world,and indeed it did and still is, if I had not had the background in this sort of stuff that I have had. Kundalini should come with a
strong warning of psychosis, as I went through a period of ten days or so where I was just not quite right before I adjusted to my new frequency and
found a balance for myself again.
Balance is a beautiful thing, but to move, we must take a step, and that movement involves going off balance, taking that step, then rebalancing
yourself again. Explore this with that warning at least. Google Chi psychosis
It is a very real thing. However, the benefits have indeed far
outweighed the negatives. I am filled with a sense of strength and vitality all the time, so much that I can barely sleep, but I have energy
regardless. However, I am overemotional, and get tears in my eyes at commercials or old songs way too often lol. I spend a significant amount of time
in another place, as if I am in deep meditation even going through life, and it is not good for my driving.
I am very much living in my heart, and
the world is a mean place to be doing that right now.
It remains very interesting...