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King Solomon's Temple

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posted on Feb, 28 2011 @ 05:26 PM
what if the ark was in the united states?

posted on Feb, 28 2011 @ 05:33 PM
reply to post by Maverickthelight

That is one of the proposed places.

One school of thought says that he who has the Ark has the power. It went from Jerusalem to Greece, to Rome, to France, to Britain, to the US, and soon to be to China. Final destination is Jerusalem where the circle will be complete, and that will mark the beginning of a new age.

posted on Feb, 28 2011 @ 06:00 PM

Originally posted by Skyfloating

Originally posted by GhostLancer

I recently saw a documentary on the Smithsonian Channel that explored clues that the Templars secretly made it to America. Some of the clues include Templar "code" and a letter known as the "hooked x." There is also a pre-Revolutionary War stone tower whose windows are in alignment with celestial events, and even stranger ---architectural features point to a geographic location in the midwest where a stone is half-buried, believed to have been chiseled-upon my the Templars. Great documentary.

The documentary concerned the Templars having the Holy Grail in America. If they were able to manage this feat, it's possible for them to have brought the Ark, too, perhaps. Even if they didn't bring the Ark to America all those years ago, if the Ark has been in the hands of a family or secretive group, that group could have taken it anywhere, including America.

Im impressed the Smithsonian would venture that far into the fringe.

If you come up with the name of that show, please post it.

This is a very interesting story. The "hooked X" was found on "The Kensington Runestone."

It is no secret that the majority of the Knight Templar escaped the wrath of "Black Friday," October 13, 1307. It is believed by some that they fled in several different directions. Many hid in the Alps, modern day Switzerland (perhaps the reason for objects like the Shroud of Turin surfacing in the area). The KT had a massive naval fleet that simply vanished and they had accrued a vass amount of wealth that, for the most part, was taken with them. Many believe that the majority of the KT's fled north to Scotland. In Scotland the KT's were allegedly given protection by way of trial in 1309. Many believe the St. Clair or Sinclair family was amoung the most powerful/influential of the KT's in Scotland at the time. The Sinclair family (not a proper clan) had gained "clout" in Scotland at the time. In 1303 the Scottish people won their independence from England by way of "The battle of Roslin," which the Sinclair family was quite involved in.

Lord William Sinclair, 1st Earl of Caithness is known for building the Rosslyn Chapel which stands were the battle took place. This is the Chapel in the fame book/movie "The DaVinci Code." Rosslyn Chapel is important here because it is one of the only other places were the "hooked X" is found. There are many theories that attempt to tie the Sinclair family to the Kensington Runestone. IMHO they seem to make sense. This also brings Oak Island into play.

The KN's arrived on the Temple Mount fairly late. I find it hard to believe they showed up and found the Ark of the Covenent there waiting for them. Perhaps they dug around and found gold, ancient texts, and perhaps some lost items. I seriously doubt they found the most cherished item of the Bible, left unattended. While Oak Island may have housed some of the wealth of the KT's, I do not believe the Ark was part of that. I also believe the Oak Island vault was only temporary. A place to keep everything until things cooled down. To think the Ark, or anything for that matter, is still there today is not very logical.

posted on Feb, 28 2011 @ 06:33 PM
Based on the research that I have done, I believe the Ark of the Covenant is either in Ethiopia or Israel.

These are just a few interesting links that support the Ark being kept in Ethiopia. If the Ark is in Ethiopia it is likely that it is empty. It's contents under lock and key in Israel. The story behind it's arrival in Ethopia certainly leaves plently of room for it to be a fake or a copy meant as a gift from King Solomon.

This would lead one to believe it is being held by Israel. In which case it would take an act of God before anyone see's it. Even then, perhaps most would not be worthy.

The Ark may very well be lost or no longer upon the Earth.

posted on Feb, 28 2011 @ 06:37 PM
reply to post by Lemon.Fresh

Lemon. Fresh..
How and where do you get the idea that the ark is making its worldly rounds? I am curious..I am not doubting you but rather but where does one obtain this information? Why do you think it is leaving the U.S.? and going to China...?
please fill in more info and what about the building of the 3rd Temple? I am curious to your thoughts? thanks

posted on Feb, 28 2011 @ 06:48 PM
I think alot of it is just fantasy to make a ruler(solomon) appear more powerful than he was in reality. Just a basic mind trick to keep more powerful enemys at bay. No useful weapons are barred from the battlefield. The modern day chuch will never show off a an empty box that does nothing. If it(ark of covenant)was real, christians would show it off all the time just as a conversion tool.

posted on Feb, 28 2011 @ 06:52 PM
Ive been to the Temple wall, and its remains indicate the structure was built in accordance with techniques of the day, BIG stones...... Not beautifully aligned either.....Yet I find it stunning to see.
Sorry no evidnece of advanced Metalic objects and structures....

The Dome of the Rock was excavatated under darkness a few years ago without permission, and archaeologists nearly weep as they go through the pottery shard and remains where the excavation debris was dumped by a bulldozer
It is nearly impossible to tell anything without forensically investigating the remains where they lay within the stratigraphy of the site.
The Muslim Wakf (religious administrative authority) had been carrying out secret excavations under the Temple Mount, to (possibly invent) or reinforce their own religious claims while disposing of all Jewish artifacts - some of these tragically lost from the First and Second Temple periods.

Additionally, Israeli excavations searching for ancient Royal burial sites has threatened to disturb foundations for the Al Aqsa mosque and The dome of the rock, traditional Islamic sacred sites.
Its very hard for any side to dig anywhere without religious factions screaming an outrage on encroachemnt of their sacred sites.
And each faction tends to excavate with the motive to justify their cultural existence...sigh~

As for the Flying Carpet myth, as thie Quran was written nearly a millenia after Solomon, I think we can put it down to fancilful story telling.

edit on 28-2-2011 by zazzafrazz because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 28 2011 @ 06:53 PM
reply to post by speaknoevil07

reply to post by speaknoevil07

That is not my personal opinion. Just an opinion I have read before.

It would be in the US right now because right now, the US is the superpower. China looks to be next in line for super power status, so the Ark would go there.

Can't remember where I read it.

My personal belief . . .

God has hidden it away in an unknown location, but within the borders of Israel.

God will reveal it when he is ready to.

As for the 3rd temple . . .

The plans are in place for i to be built. I think we can see it in the next year or two. All three Semitic based religions have a vested interest in the temple mount. It is a powder keg ready to blow, and when it does, Damascus gets blown up. Then the 3rd temple is built.

Just my opinion, though.

posted on Feb, 28 2011 @ 07:31 PM
Sure are.

posted on Feb, 28 2011 @ 08:46 PM
reply to post by Skyfloating

I believe this is the single most important issue in the world today, I also believe we are rapidly running out of time. The temple, it's contents and the land belong to everyone as we are all the same species, it is our birthright.

posted on Feb, 28 2011 @ 09:07 PM
In the apocryphal book (that is, noncanonical book) of Second Maccabees, chapter 2 (verses 1-8), we read that the prophet Jeremiah "following a divine revelation, ordered that the tent [i.e. the tabernacle of meeting] and the ark [i.e. the ark of the covenant] should accompany him and how he went off to the mountain which Moses climbed to see God's inheritance [i.e. Mt. Nebo; see Deuteronomy 31:1-4]. It said he found a room in a cave that once housed the remians of moses before his translation into the spirit realm. and then sealed it for all time. I'm assuming if this object was ever found it would directly be worshipped by modern day isrealites/christians.

You could imagine if they found it they would attempt to take back the dome of the rock causing a holy war to break out with muslims. King josiah must have searched for it with a fervor. so odds are it's hidden deep near mount nebo. the melchizedek high priest probably seen it wise to hide it, maybe even god told them too. If it's ever found regardless if it has some kind of power it would undo all the work god has tried to do with getting his people away from worshiping idols like mary and the saints. I would love to see if the staff of aron is still budding that would be off the hook.

posted on Feb, 28 2011 @ 09:49 PM

Originally posted by mrmmo
In the apocryphal book (that is, noncanonical book) of Second Maccabees, chapter 2 (verses 1-8), we read that the prophet Jeremiah "following a divine revelation, ordered that the tent [i.e. the tabernacle of meeting] and the ark [i.e. the ark of the covenant] should accompany him and how he went off to the mountain which Moses climbed to see God's inheritance [i.e. Mt. Nebo; see Deuteronomy 31:1-4]. It said he found a room in a cave that once housed the remians of moses before his translation into the spirit realm. and then sealed it for all time. I'm assuming if this object was ever found it would directly be worshipped by modern day isrealites/christians.

You could imagine if they found it they would attempt to take back the dome of the rock causing a holy war to break out with muslims. King josiah must have searched for it with a fervor. so odds are it's hidden deep near mount nebo. the melchizedek high priest probably seen it wise to hide it, maybe even god told them too. If it's ever found regardless if it has some kind of power it would undo all the work god has tried to do with getting his people away from worshiping idols like mary and the saints. I would love to see if the staff of aron is still budding that would be off the hook.

I agree if the Ark is truly "lost" that it would likely be in Mt. Nebo somewhere.

posted on Feb, 28 2011 @ 10:19 PM
Nice thread Skyfloating. It's been a while.

I never knew the magic carpet was associated with Solomon in other ancient writings. I heard that Mohammed the prophet was able to go from Mecca to the location of Dome of the Rock in record time, possibly using a flying carpet.

I don't know where the Ark of the Covenant could be. It's not even mentioned after the Israelites returned from Babylonian captivity. It's interesting to note the Urim and Thummim stopped working after the Temple of Solomon was destroyed. These two items are not mentioned either after the second temple was built. By the way, the Urim and the Thummim were devices that gave a divine yes or no answer to the high priest. The moment when Jesus died on the tree it was stated the curtain separating the holy from the most holy chamber ripped in two. There is no mention of an ark being in the most holy chamber during Jesus' day. However, that is no proof the Jews didn't construct and put one in there. The ark was probably taken as spoil by the Babylonians when they destroyed the first temple. Remember the Ark of the Covenant reeked havoc with other nations when it was in their possession? God allowed the ark to be stolen by the Philistines when he was mad at the Israelites. This is what happened when the ark was housed with the idols of the Philistines:

1 Samuel 5

1 After the Philistines had captured the ark of God, they took it from Ebenezer to Ashdod. 2 Then they carried the ark into Dagon’s temple and set it beside Dagon. 3 When the people of Ashdod rose early the next day, there was Dagon, fallen on his face on the ground before the ark of the LORD! They took Dagon and put him back in his place. 4 But the following morning when they rose, there was Dagon, fallen on his face on the ground before the ark of the LORD! His head and hands had been broken off and were lying on the threshold; only his body remained. 5 That is why to this day neither the priests of Dagon nor any others who enter Dagon’s temple at Ashdod step on the threshold.

If you read further in 1 Samuel 5 you will see the Ark was transported to other locations because it was causing so much harm. It went from Ashdod to Gath and from Gath to Ekron and everybody in those cities developed tumors. They didn't know what to do with it. The Philistine high priests tried to appease it with offerings but it kept giving them trouble. This probably happened to the Babylonians when they had it. They could have hid it away in some cave and sealed it away for all time. I don't think any new ark would have the powers of the first one. The other possible scenarios is that God removed his powers from it and the Babylonians used its gold for other things or God made it disappear when the Babylonians attacked.

Maybe out of desperation the Babylonians gave the ark to the rulers of Ethiopia hoping to end its scourge in their kingdom. They say its housed in a modern structure in Lalibela, Ethiopia. I think it would be more interesting if the real ark was housed in one of the rock hewn churches of Lalibela, a church that hasn't been found yet. The exterior of all those churches can be seen. What about a cave system that leads to a rock hewn church buried within the mountain? Any cloud above the mountain that glows at night would reaveal the true location of the ark. Has anybody seen any glowing clouds?

posted on Feb, 28 2011 @ 11:17 PM

Originally posted by Skyfloating

Originally posted by Dimitri Dzengalshlevi

Is that also the same object as Abaris' wand?

Im not familiar with arabis wand. What I am familiar with is literally thousands of legends, myths, stories of ancient that deal with rods and wands as magical devices.

Abaris the Hyperborean

Abaris is known as the priest of Apollo. There's a few stories about him walking around the earth while carrying a magical wand "where all the light flows from".

posted on Feb, 28 2011 @ 11:20 PM
It is my belief and opinion that the smoke between the two pillars were to be able to look into the sun, at one time the sun rose at the same place everyday, which is why so many temples were built facing the east. They are all off now by 23.7 degrees, worldwide. The Sun was worshipped for 35,000 years. You did a great presentation of the subject and thank you for sharing it. F&S

posted on Feb, 28 2011 @ 11:38 PM
I gonna throw out something out there but it makes one think alittle. So dont shoot the messenger to much.

Around 1000BC (I believe, could be off some), Didnt the mongolians ravage virtually the entire civiliazed world. I know they sacked China, Persia, Easter Europe, Southern Russia. Anyhow they were eventually defeated among other things by a French Noble??er well the Franks (I am sure France wasnt around back then but thats as far as they got).

So the story goes that when Ghengis Khan died (which was before the defeat) that he was buried in the mongolian desert with a vast amount of the worlds wealth that had been taken. Something like 100k men on horseback rode over his tomb so that nobody would ever find it. Curiously there sure is a big rush now for companies mining in Mongolia now...hmmmm. Anyhooo I was just thinking maybe they have the goods from Solomons temple

posted on Feb, 28 2011 @ 11:41 PM
Most of the mass wealth and gold of Solomon was later giving away for ransom or bribes by the kings that came after Solomon to pay off other nations not to attack them. All the answers to your original questions are right there in the Holy Bible, just keep reading
(the bible, not the koran)

Solomon was also a type or forshadowing of the anti-christ.... go figure?

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 12:20 AM
The Ark was kept at the same place as the Skull of Goliath, and on that day of judgment when the earth was split assunder, too catch those prescious drops of blood, so that they came too rest gently, upon that mercy seat,
so that in the day of vile sacrafice, that precious blood will overcome the putrid sacrifices they will try too was more re-establish.
For is there a more precious sacrifice than the blood of god???,, should bulls without blemish compete with, the lamb? , is god stupid,? is he without site? is he not a living god, or a dead thing upon an altar of sacrifice?
Wake up or not , it no longer matters.

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 01:13 AM

Originally posted by Echtelion
Bah! Not so awesome compared to Babylon...
it seems to be somewhat of a typically freemasonic/semitic obsession.

The Temple has more mystical and political significance than architectural. Babylon, having taken over or looted Solomons riches (reportedly) probably financed a part of their country with what they looted.

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 01:24 AM

Originally posted by Lemon.Fresh

That is one of the proposed places.

One school of thought says that he who has the Ark has the power. It went from Jerusalem to Greece, to Rome, to France, to Britain, to the US, and soon to be to China. Final destination is Jerusalem where the circle will be complete, and that will mark the beginning of a new age.

There does seem to be some kind of lineage passed down through the ages. The Knights Templar may have taken the object of power to France, giving rise to the French Empire, then to England, making the English Empire, then to the U.S. Currently, power is in China and then finally, it will be in a middle-east that has come to peace, giving rise to the New World Order. Interesting idea.

edit on 1-3-2011 by Skyfloating because: (no reason given)

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