reply to post by WeRpeons
One of the most difficult things when running a small business is what I call growth plateaus.
You start out with 5 employees and 2 years later business has grown and they are being worked to death and you are starting to turn away trade or lose
trade because they can’t handle it all.
How many more people do you now need to hire.
Hire one or two too many and people are twiddling their thumbs again and much of your profit is now going into unneeded labor cost.
There were times I have had months, even years when the economy is bad, when employees take home more than I have, even though I am often working
longer hours, harder, and taking all the risks.
That’s just the name of the game.
Employees aren’t always they are hoped to be, some will steal and if you don’t catch it or minimize it, it can really throw you for a loop if you
are struggling with cash flow and don’t have sufficient reserves.
If you are in the service business all it takes is one ambitious employee who decides to go into business for them selves and steal as many clients as
they can.
This usually involves them telling your existing clients some ugly rumor that you are going out of business, broke, being investigated for this or
that, do this or that.
If the employee is that client’s favored and normal point of contact with your business often they are believed, and the next thing you now 30% of
your clients have jumped ship and the phones aren’t ringing like they are supposed to.
If you sell a product someone else manufactures, a supplier who suddenly goes out of business can’t keep up with demand or changes the quality of
their product can do you in.
Some businesses have additional layers of regulatory oversight where all of a sudden an inspection or audit leaves you facing big fines, penalties, or
payments you never budgeted for, often over a mistake an employee has made by accident or on purpose and carefully did their best to hide from you.
Those are just a few pitfalls for being in business yourself, all of which can knock you out of the game or make it a game hardly worth playing as you
and your name remain on line and on hook 24/7/365 for what you and the business are doing.
It’s not easy being in business for your self, and no matter how well educated or experienced going into it, there is always a learning curve from
the unseen and unsuspected that some people rise to the challenge of and some people don’t.
Sure it’s easier if you don’t have to pay some expenses like taxes.
The flip side is some single parents would tell you it’s easier if you don’t have to pay for child care!
Yet you know you have to.
Life would be great if you could walk to work and save having to make car payments, buy gasoline and insurance and parking, but you live to far away,
and the bus service doesn’t do it for you, so you have too.
People don’t go around expecting free cars and child care from the government simply because these expenses make living harder.
Now here is yet another flip side, and one I know well, one of the best clients you can have for your business is the Federal Government.
They love to overpay for things, and they love to pay promptly!
With what? The tax-payers money.
But what if, corporations had no loop holes, and instead of lobbying the government for tax loop holes, and subsidies, in order to reduce their tax
liability and be profitable like they want, they had TO LOBBY GOVERNMENT TO SPEND LESS MONEY!
That’s right; they are always lobbying government to spend more money not less.
Why? Because they make more money off of government spending, and why shouldn’t they because in most cases they aren’t paying any tax.
Yet if they had too, and there was no escape from it, they would be trying to get the government to spend less and using their clout to do that.
That would help us all, if the people who clog up the halls of congress and really have their ears, the corporate lobbyists were working to get them
to spend less money so we could all be taxed less.
Sure when you have a singular point of view it’s easy to say, hey make it so when it favors me, but when it’s not all about just you, and you
realize you are in a boat with all kinds of other people and interconnected then not only do you see things in a whole new light, but you can do
things that are a whole lot smarter.
Many of the multi-nationals that monopolize the corporate landscape are so singular in focus they export jobs and leave entire cities and regions
rusting with no hope, their policies make it harder on not just citizens and tax payers but other businesses too, as they tend to think fiscally
responsible and community responsible are not compatible things.
They conspire to hold down wages, they conspire to keep the immigration laws unenforced and unchanged so they can in part do that.
They are in many ways a parasitical like entity that like a virus just wants to grow bigger and bigger and take as much as it possibly can from the
host body even if it means killing it in the process.
Sometimes Americans support them because they literally have no choice, if you want this product or service because they have monopolized the market
and control it for that product or service you seem to have no choice.
Yet you don’t have any choice either when they jump ship on your town and leave you unemployed unable to buy anything.
The corporate culture has destroyed America and they haven’t even had to pay for it.
That really does need to change.