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Alex Jones experiences melt down trying to wake us up.

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posted on Feb, 27 2011 @ 01:25 AM
reply to post by Lateralussicksicksick

Alex has been going though a learning curve. You, on the other hand are a shill or very well public school educated idiot. I listened to Bill Cooper on shortwave back when all there was for an internet was a BBS system (pre-1992). Can you not realize that Alex Jones has grown with the truth movement that has overtaken this nation. Your edited "you tube" videos only expose your agenda. Bill Cooper was murdered for speaking the truth and was much wiser than Alex, in his early days. Bill was doing nothing more than educating Alex to the facts that he is now aware of.

Alex has issues with his zionist relatives (VIA WIFE). He is sorting this out. What concerns me is, the young folks on this blog that are having a hard time sorting out the truth from the bull#. I have been fighting the banker cartel since the 1980's farm credit issues. (google farm credit issues 1980's) I have been aware of all the lies that have robbed you and your future from you. The wonderful and great youth of this nation are now realizing the peril that they are in. Four year degrees are as worthless as an 8th grade education was 50 years ago. The young people of our nation will be the savior (if possible) of our great nation. Alex Jones is learning each day and becoming more informed. His rage is simply an expression of the truth that overwhelms him. We should all be that fortunate.

posted on Feb, 27 2011 @ 01:26 AM
God forbid that the masses should wake up and see what's going on and take control of this situation, as Mr. Jones would no longer have a job.

Jones is one part truth, plus one part spaz, plus one part charlatan, plus one part fear all adds up to cash for Jones, and if his ratings start to drop, all he has to do is scream a little louder and blow some situation way out of proportion to gain some listeners back. To put all your eggs in Jones' basket is not wise, especially when he is in love with Charlie Sheen. Anyone who would allow that maniac to stand along side them in this kind of fight and expect to be taken seriously is smoking crack right along with ol' Charlie.

posted on Feb, 27 2011 @ 01:39 AM
reply to post by NightGypsy

Alex is beyond chasing the almighty dollar and you are not. You measure your worth by what physical assets (sic) your can accumulate. Truth is much stronger than this drive to collect a bunch of worthless "property". You are frustrated that your dream cannot be manifested. You will never "get what you deserve". The dollar is a bogus concept, property ownership is a bogus concept, success has been a lie perpetrated by the public school system to keep your and your social security number as an asset to the bankers (money men/ slave masters). Your whole world is not what you have been taught it is.

posted on Feb, 27 2011 @ 01:42 AM

Originally posted by rexorooter
Alex has been going though a learning curve. You, on the other hand are a shill or very well public school educated idiot.

I tried to will myself and read the entirety of your post after seeing that you called me a "very well public school educated idiot"

Alex Jones is learning each day and becoming more informed. His rage is simply an expression of the truth that overwhelms him. We should all be that fortunate.

Well I managed reading through your whole reply and I am very disappointed, besides from calling me "a shill or very well public school educated idiot." there is nothing more to your posts than that sir. Name callings is not well accepted here in ATS.

Also what did Alex Jones learned? How to scam gullible teens or some conspiracy nut? I see the point you are making here but you are wrong about Bill Cooper educating Alex Jones. Bill said he is "lying, sensationalist bull# artist". How's that?

Also you call us fortunate? Wow, Alex Jones has really gotten deep into you. I see no point in arguing with any more Alex Jones fans because all they do is call me names. How pitiful.

posted on Feb, 27 2011 @ 01:45 AM
reply to post by gladtobehere

Alex Jones decided to make Justin Bieber, a teenage entertainer, an object of original. Is this the same Alex Jones that takes Charlie Sheen seriously? This guy is a f*cking tool. That clip convinces me more than ever. His outrage was so feigned you have to be an idiot to buy into it. But, of course, if you are an Alex Jones follower you ARE an idiot.

posted on Feb, 27 2011 @ 02:03 AM
Oh this was AWESOME!!

Thanks for sharing this with us, Star & flag!!!!

I love AJ!!!

posted on Feb, 27 2011 @ 02:06 AM
reply to post by Lateralussicksicksick

Playing yourself as some kind of enlightened person will not mesmerize the youth of today. I have more confidence in them than you. They are capable of making their own decisions with an outcome of correct determination much better than you. I have faith in our youth. You summarize our youth can be manipulated by a talk show host. I do not. I believe they have the capability to discern the truth.
And let me say that Alex would be more a follower of me than I of him.

posted on Feb, 27 2011 @ 02:07 AM

Originally posted by Kamesan
Wow... well, this is somewhat expected from AJ since it would seem he is rather out there to begin with, now unfortunately this will only go to further repudiate himself from what would be a valid and seemingly sane individual.

Don't get me wrong, I like the guy to a certain extent, and I absolutely see where he is coming from at times and find a lot of his points to be extremely valid, but unfortunately it is the way he comes off as does someone like a glen beck or that of one in an asylum...

If only there could be a leader of the people that could stand up and present themselves as someone with whom all people could get behind and make a change for the better for people all around the world...

But alas... we may never get to see that in our lifetime, or could we? Only time will tell...

Until then... the only way people will ever be truly free is when we all just ignore the lies of "wool" pulled over peoples eyes and ignore all of our differences to actually make a difference in this world...

Just imagine if we all could be united in our differences, and not think of ourselves as separate races, gender, hair color, social class... you name it there will be something that will always try to keep us divided and as the common old saying is United we stand and divided we fall...

So lets all if we all want REAL change for the better then let us all be united in our differences and start thinking of ourselves as all one people THE HUMAN RACE...

It's too bad you probably didn't see the show Glenn Beck did, where he gave an overview of the schedule of his typical workday. I'm suprised he can keep going like that. Looks like about 4 hours of sleep per day.

posted on Feb, 27 2011 @ 02:17 AM

Originally posted by Wildmanimal
reply to post by WeMoveUnseen

Hey There fellow ATS friend, don't get so excited. That fellow is a snake oil salesman . Traveling on a fly
by night wavelength of fear. In The United States of America he is free to do so. God Bless America.
Special Rights to those who are intelligent enough to discern the difference.

My relatives didn't storm Normandy for just my freedom, but for yours as well.
Did you ever stop and think for a moment that maybe "We are Keeping an Eye out for you"?
You just don't know it yet because your intel is fractured. It isn't your fault.
Just Remember the Angel and her wings.

Vid Clip

Please put down the pipe and try your hardest just to think for one moment. Why would someone go so far out of their way to buck the system? There must be a better way to make a living, right? I think he is a true believer, and not only that, I think the cause is just. Make those 'relatives' of yours proud and think about it.

posted on Feb, 27 2011 @ 02:28 AM
Alex Jones is just as much of a pop icon as Just Beiber.

posted on Feb, 27 2011 @ 02:37 AM
Golly! I sure would like to view the video but it appears my system gots the chiggers. So I clicked on the linky and got:

"You need to upgrade your Adobe Flash Player to watch this video. Download it from Adobe."

Can anyone provide a transcript or at least highlight key ares of truth that us sheep need to know from this AJ character?

posted on Feb, 27 2011 @ 02:48 AM

Originally posted by kalamatas
Are you totally missing the point here?

No I didn't miss it.
I'm calling it for the drama it was.

The loudness is part of his personality, and that's his method of self expression for things he feels strongly about.

Yeah, I've heard pro-Wrestlers and O'Reilly do the same thing.

You're taking his comparison of Justin Beibler to Magellan literally?

No, you're taking what I said literally.

I'm saying let teens be teens, and stop trying to tie in some vast conspiracy, into the fact that they act the way they do. Certainly don't act as if the fact that they love the latest teen icon of the month, is a surefire indication that they are doomed to some sort of puppet-life, manipulated by the man behind the curtain.

I've grown out of a lot of silly things that I liked as a teen.
Just like Alex, I am sure.

The thing is...he's older now, and like his parents, he finds the music and other obsessions of the youth to be crappy.

It's quite normal.

It's simply an example of teenagers idolizing famous people who cater to their unhealthy societal focus of sex, vanity, and fitting in.

Like the sexual indulgence, drug abuse and vanity on display from his buddy Charlie Sheen whenever he's doing interviews in the company of prostitutes while drunk or high?

Jones doesn't seem to have a problem with those things when it comes to ratings.

Keep in mind, some people say it's unhealthy focusing on conspiracies, and idolizing loud-mouth truthers who cater to unhealthy focus on unsubstantiated topics of sheer paranoia and fear-mongering.

But who am I to judge?

For teens it's a phase and a lesson I think they need to explore, for Alex it's a means to an end.
He's no different than Glenn Beck in my book.

His generation had their Justin Beiber's and so did his parents, and grand-parents.

What''s the possibility that if we raised kids in a way that fostered their self confidence, intellect and removed the overabundance of media crap that feeds the converse, some may actually focus on an individual who made great accomplishments in this world.

What's to say that just because you like Bieber you don't have self-confidence, lack intellect, and don't know anything about those who've made great accomplishments in the world?

That's a pretty arrogant and judgmental stance to take.

It's no better than those that say people listening to Charlie Sheen and Alex Jones are a bunch of tin-hat fruit cakes with delusions of grandeur, easily swayed by paranoid melodrama.

Seriously, some people act as if they were never a teenager idolizing a goofy singer from some band they "thought was cool, before everyone else did".

Who do you think kids idolized before today's media was around?

Magellan, obviously.

- Lee
edit on 27-2-2011 by lee anoma because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 27 2011 @ 03:05 AM
This is one's a pretty good remix that someone made that I keep as my opening vid on my Youtube channel to get people's attention if they happen to stumble on it.

edit on 27-2-2011 by Brad Jones because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 27 2011 @ 03:17 AM
At least he didn't say Christopher Columbus! How are we supposed to take this seriously? So in order for him to have a wider audience, he chose to make sure that he would get all the key demo's. Like those that
lived in the 1500's (we cant leave them out), the 1990's, and more recent with Justin Beilbler.

He had a window and IMHO he blew it.

Peace, NRE.

P.S. I have nothing against older people, but I dont remember anyone living till they were 500+ yrs old, so I think I'm safe.

posted on Feb, 27 2011 @ 03:19 AM
reply to post by lee anoma
Today's youth have a lot more access to the latest gossip about the latest heart-throb. T.v., radio, ipods, cell phones, lap-tops, etc. we just didn't have that back in the day so its easier for kids to be distracted. Try engaging some of them in a conversation sometime and it should scare the hell out of you. I swear a rock has a higher i.q. then some,

posted on Feb, 27 2011 @ 03:21 AM

Originally posted by Threadfall
reply to post by gladtobehere

Alex Jones decided to make Justin Bieber, a teenage entertainer, an object of original. Is this the same Alex Jones that takes Charlie Sheen seriously? This guy is a f*cking tool. That clip convinces me more than ever. His outrage was so feigned you have to be an idiot to buy into it. But, of course, if you are an Alex Jones follower you ARE an idiot.

wow, such a display of intelligence there, Threadfail. seriously. did you go to college?

posted on Feb, 27 2011 @ 03:27 AM
I hear more about celeb gossip on ATS than in the real world...wonder why some people here are so anti-mainstream that they are totally fixated on others whom follow some aspect of it.

Get over it...stop worrying about others so damn much and focus on yourself. People whom are breathlessly anti-celeb gossip and such are just replacing it with local people fetish and what others are interested in.

posted on Feb, 27 2011 @ 03:38 AM

Originally posted by Brad Jones
This is one's a pretty good remix that someone made that I keep as my opening vid on my Youtube channel to get people's attention if they happen to stumble on it.

edit on 27-2-2011 by Brad Jones because: (no reason given)

That was highly amusing

posted on Feb, 27 2011 @ 03:44 AM
reply to post by Wildmanimal

He has great intel ... but he is a drama queen! I have a hard time listening to him but I struggle through to gain as much info as I can. I'd like to tape his mouth shut sometimes!

posted on Feb, 27 2011 @ 03:52 AM
Alex has kept his composure quite well in the past few years. It is normal to get angry at this type of mass-behavior. This is not the first time that he has shown such emotion about popular attention. Grow the **** up people.

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