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This Can't Be A Coincidence! Denver Airport Close Encounters Connection

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posted on Feb, 26 2011 @ 09:14 PM

Originally posted by manuellabors
reply to post by weedwhacker

Why should I do it again? It worked for me.

The guy on before its news got both results.

Take a pill and slow down.

I dont think he/she can help themselves

posted on Feb, 26 2011 @ 09:36 PM
What is more likely is that the writers chose a patch of empty land and used the coordinates.. and that later the land became DIA, I don't think this is anything more than what you think it's not ... a coincidence..

It was a plot of land that is now in use... that's pretty much it.. If you plugged those coordinates in and a walmart showed up then you might just be thinking that there's a secret base under walmart ..

posted on Feb, 26 2011 @ 09:39 PM
I put the coordinates into Google Earth and it takes me to DIA. I also checked the coordiantes and there are a few geocaches there too.

posted on Feb, 26 2011 @ 09:41 PM
Funny how this works as long as you are running a certain version of google earth, type the coordinates in a certain while facing west hoping on one, between the hours of ............... Come on guys this is just number Theorists #e. Trying to find something that isn't there.

Guess what I had a dream about The apocalypse last night then woke up screaming bloody murder at 3:15am. Then my girlfriend called me and said she wanted to go to the movies a flick that started at 3:15. Then I noticed while playing a game of FIFA 11 on my PC today that i paused it at exactly 3:15 when my mom knocked srtopped by to drop off some mail.

Couldn't it just be numbers. I mean if Nevada, NM, Utah are all loaded with secret bases above and underground. Them maybe Denver is too. Also if they wanted to build something what better cover than building under something else. I'm sorry for coming off like a di&k but this thread has quickly imo turned into a lot of folks fording something into nothing just because.. Basically like this whole site.

Funny with all the talk about dis info agents on here, I say why. I've only been here a month and I've run across so much #e that I'm pretty close to done with this place. I'm starting to think I'd rather be ignorant than grouped in with a good % of the folks here
edit on 26/2/11 by TrowaBarton because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 26 2011 @ 09:42 PM
Seems like there is a conflict on how the number need to be entered in google earth. Does anyone have a GPS system that allows you to enter the coordinates instead of addresses. My old one did but I don't have it anymore.

posted on Feb, 26 2011 @ 09:48 PM
Sorry that last post was out of line. I'm just so frustrated with this place. I came here trying to make myself more aware and all I've done is basically make my friends and family think I'm a bigger anti-social nutter, and drive myself bat #e crazy. I think I am done with all of this but maybe in my case sadly it would just be better to play dumb..........

posted on Feb, 26 2011 @ 09:51 PM
reply to post by Signals
Hey Signals, great find.
I have seen many of your posts before I joined and appreciate your diligence. I have just recently joined and had mentioned "Close encounters of the third kind" in my Introduction. Please check it out as I would love to hear your feedback.
Anyway, regarding your post I can see how some people write it off as coincidence yet I have had my fill of coincidences and suggest we/you look into some of the consultants and other contributors to the movie. This is quite an amazing connection in my opinion. I would but I am currently trying to add something to some current threads before I start my own researched thread.
Look forward to any developments.

posted on Feb, 26 2011 @ 10:05 PM
To be honest, I'm not seeing these match.

I'm not sure why google earth takes you to this location but it doesn't match the actual number.

posted on Feb, 26 2011 @ 10:09 PM
reply to post by miniatus
I respect your opinion but have to say that your Walmart anaology fell short.
It could be a coincidence but don't you think it is at least an oddity that makes you wonder?

posted on Feb, 26 2011 @ 10:24 PM
reply to post by Signals

Here's the scene.

Someone in another forum brought up how odd it was for them to take the globe down and roll it down to the computer, instead of just looking at the globe in the office where it was at. Symbolism?

posted on Feb, 26 2011 @ 10:32 PM
Has it been mentioned why the founder of this discovery decided to use apostrophes?
edit on 26-2-2011 by la vie because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 26 2011 @ 10:43 PM

Originally posted by la vie
Has it been mentioned why the founder of this discovery decided to use apostrophes?
edit on 26-2-2011 by la vie because: (no reason given)

Allow me to answer this question. The apostrophes are used because that is the only way to achieve this miraculous coincidence. If we correctly enter in the coordinates, it leads us to the destination of a boring piece of farmland. Apostrophes = conspiracy = knowledge = dilliussional fantasy.

** I feel it may be a necessity to note the sarcasm for other readers ** __________________________________________________________________________________________

Originally posted by SunnyDee
reply to post by weedwhacker

It's not the proper way to put in the data to google earth!
It is still a coincidence all the same!
If you don't find it a coincidence, then so be it!

Coincidence: the occurrence of events that happen at the same time by accident but seem to have some connection.

No. You are wrong. It is not a coincidence at all. The correct way compared to the incorrect way is not even close to the "same". It is not happening by 'chance.' Using an improper method of labeling the coordinates to manipulate the results in order to meet your own goal, is actually the complete opposite of a coincidence. In order to get the results of DIA, one has to follow the designed plan which has been laid out for you.

IF we would have all watched the movie on our own, and IF we had entered in the coordinates into Google Earth in our own style, and IF in this scenario we had all reached the same conclusion of the OP, then that would be a coincidence. Being told to do something incorrectly, in order to reach the goal that is desired, is not a coincidence at all.

This thread is like a powerful drug. I am intrigued by the idiocy of blind believers who deny logic, but at the same time I feel as if I am losing brain cells each second that I am on it.

(Disclaimer: My last statement was not directed towards any one person. It is directed at the entire mass ignorance that has put up a shield to block and deflect all logical thought from entering into their minds.)

posted on Feb, 26 2011 @ 10:57 PM

Originally posted by Signals
The Movie Close Encounters uses the exact coordinates for the NWO Denver Airport.
Did you really read this thread before posting?

yep read it and went to check it out... No airport there Maybe Spielbergs house?

Denver Airport...

39° 51′ 42″ N, 104° 40′ 23″ W

Devils Tower

39° 51′ 42″ N, 104° 40′ 23″ W

Now if you fudge it and use minutes instead of degrees

YOU MUST PUT THE TICK MARKS AND THE WEST AND NORTH HEADINGS. ..... Yes, when you put in W104' 44' 30' N40' 36' 10' the airport comes up

But those are not valid coordinates

edit on 26-2-2011 by zorgon because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 26 2011 @ 11:00 PM
reply to post by BrokenCircles
If I could I would like to say that simply adding apostrophes is not equated to manipulations.
I mean if signal suggested to multiply the coordinates by 33 ( for the free masons ) and then divide by....... you get the picture. I don't think this discussion is complete yet. The jury is still out. I am new but one thing I have learned from following this site and these discussions is that if it is a hoax it will wash out in a day or two.
But if the only descrepency is apostrophe's than it is still relevant and deeming of further looking into. And certainly not to the level of manipulation.

posted on Feb, 26 2011 @ 11:05 PM
Now then..

Yawl DO know that the movie is based on a real incident right? The French guy in the Movie is suppoed to be Jacque Vallee, UFO dude extraordinaire and member of the Aviary. He was Partridge. Hal Puthoff was the Owl and its rumored Vallee was MJ07

Jacques Vallee (PARTRIDGE), Ph.D., formerly an astrophysicist with GEPAN, the French Goverrnment's UFO investigative agency,

Just google it

posted on Feb, 26 2011 @ 11:09 PM

Originally posted by Daughter2
To be honest, I'm not seeing these match.

I'm not sure why google earth takes you to this location but it doesn't match the actual number.

THAT is the million dollar question that every one is skirting... Why indeed does using the incorrect tick marks hit just the exact center of that swastika shaped airport?

I don't believe in coincidences

edit on 26-2-2011 by zorgon because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 26 2011 @ 11:11 PM
reply to post by zorgon

Good call Zargon.
I mentioned a short while back in this thread that we should look into the consultants and other contributors to the movie. I mean you never know, this could uncover something big or fiz out. For now it is very interesting. Needs more work. Thanks for your addition, we are headed to sorting this out.

posted on Feb, 26 2011 @ 11:15 PM

Originally posted by BrokenCircles
IF we would have all watched the movie on our own, and IF we had entered in the coordinates into Google Earth in our own style, and IF in this scenario we had all reached the same conclusion of the OP, then that would be a coincidence. Being told to do something incorrectly, in order to reach the goal that is desired, is not a coincidence at all.


So WHY were we told and WHO told us to look that way? The fact that those numbers with that trickery hit that exact spot is no coincidence... so we need to track 'who dun it' Who pointed us to this spot. Also consider that IF the DUMB exists under there they may have built it first, THEN put the airport on top later

posted on Feb, 26 2011 @ 11:16 PM

I live in the Uk and I just tried telephing those numbers (using the USA dialing code 001 then the numbers)... and I got through to an answering machine message... it was really strange. There was an electrical hum for about 4 seconds. Then the phone was picked up and I'm sure I could hear strange breathing and what sounded like faint moaning or screaming in the background.

As this was happening the sky outside turned dark really quickly, like a storm was coming in, but I went to the window and there was no storm. I looked to the sun and the strangest thing happend. A booming voice rang out and said...'This thread is desperate. The co-ordinates don't go to DIA. '

Then I went and researched something useful. Like 'why people are so gullible'.

posted on Feb, 26 2011 @ 11:27 PM

Originally posted by miniatus
What is more likely is that the writers chose a patch of empty land and used the coordinates.. and that later the land became DIA, I don't think this is anything more than what you think it's not ... a coincidence..

It was a plot of land that is now in use... that's pretty much it.. If you plugged those coordinates in and a walmart showed up then you might just be thinking that there's a secret base under walmart ..

lol man you are stupid, you know that denver airport aint really what it seems right? youtube and google it you dumb gfark

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