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Stephen Harper commits treason. Signs secretive deal with U.S. to remove Canada's sovereignty.

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posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 11:47 PM

Originally posted by Aeons
I probably wouldn't.

But NAU isn't this thing you are claiming it to be.

Even if it became akin to the EU - Britain is still Britain, France is still France, The Irish are still Irish, the Finnish are still humourless, and the Germans still are too organized and have big heads.

Tell me, ask the Irish if they are still the Irish now that they have to pay back all the IMF loans. Did they vote for that? Nope, courtesy the EU. Did their taxes go up? Yep. Who is funding all the lagging countries at the moment in the EU? Germany. Are the German people happy? Nope. The EU was a scam. This would be a scam. It would only serve the IMF and the cronies pulling the strings.

edit on 26-2-2011 by alyoshablue because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 26 2011 @ 12:31 AM
OOps were getting into deeper waters......
Funny thing, last time the english, french, and metis/natives got together in Canada, we had a huge bonfire party down DC way....but that was 1812 ..........
Canadians by and large do not want closer ties with america.
Living next to the USA is like sleeping in the same bed with an elephant.
You have to be constantly on guard the damn thing dont roll over and crush the life out of you.
We have survived as a people, even through multiculturalism, by being constantly aware of the danger.
It just so happens we like our national personality, it suits us fine.
We dont like bragging as a rule, but when it comes to those bragging rights, we stand second to no one in the world.
We are proud and protective of the many subtle differences between us,and though we enjoy thefriendship, and would fight to the death to preserve the both nations intactus any time it is required of us.
We have no wish to be an integral part of the govermental system which america espouses.
We are also determinedto make our own way in the world community.
The wars and other actions initiated by the US goverment have become transparently about enriching US coffers, and corporations.
This is where the two countries part ways idealistically.
I could say more but why get all wound up?

posted on Feb, 26 2011 @ 01:59 AM
reply to post by mydarkpassenger

Just might be time to start shooting some folks.

Wow, it doesn't take much to stir up the sillies does it? :shk:

"Start shooting some folks," huh. I didn't know this was some sort of video game where you just went out and started shooting people... oh wait, it isn't... your talking about really killing people. You know - putting a gun to their head and pulling the trigger and watching their gray matter and blood explode all over the place. Wow. I didn't know that it was such an easy thing for a person to do... I thought people had some type of mechinism called a conscience so they wouldn't rob other people of those "Folk's" lives so hastely... Interesting to see such a point of view.

With such a broad statement, I wonder if you have ever had the chance to take a human life - to watch someone take their last breaths, to watch their life essance drain from them and puddle on the floor, all because you thought it was a necessity, because you judged them in accordance to your illusions and beliefs. Kinda sick statement if you ask me.

posted on Feb, 26 2011 @ 02:05 AM
Considering Canada's incredibly lax immigration standards, it's no wonder this would be seen as a benefit for national security.

That said, as others have pointed out, Harper does not have the authority to sign something like this, and this 'news' source is laughable.

posted on Feb, 26 2011 @ 02:41 AM
What if the deal included information about Canada's Military installations..

Hell they could drum up some propaganda about some Canadian in a Cave with a WMD wanting to attack Washington for a preamble for invasion its happened twice recently already.

Watch this video.

Part 1 - 3:05 Watch from here for some of the most startling revelations about attitudes.

The differences in attitudes is stark.
edit on 26-2-2011 by Gestas because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 26 2011 @ 02:44 AM

Originally posted by darrylss
reply to post by eArth33lr


Were not so quick to Slam our Government In Canada We all know we are the government... things work differently up here... our government doesn't put us on various levels or terror, our government is always willing to work things out... Besides... Canada Hold no authority of the First Nation Peoples territorial you see its impossible In Canada... we support or we don't support our Canadian government as we see fit.
Were not so quick about believing HYPE about changes that would effect our Great Sovereign Canada Nation. I don't know if the world knows that "Stephen Harper" doesn't have the AUTHORITY to make such a change on his own... There are other players In Canada Who represent the crown, and it would take a lot more than Stephen to wipe out a boarder between the US and Canada... so... I call FAKE and FLAG!
edit on 24-2-2011 by darrylss because: (no reason given)

"our Great Sovereign Canada Nation." vs. "players in Canada Who represent the crown."

Never quite understood this. So which is it, sovereign nation or representatives of "the crown"?

Didn't the Queen dissolve your parliament one time?

posted on Feb, 26 2011 @ 03:47 AM

Originally posted by Aeons
I am unconcerned about the concept of the NAU. Sorry. It fails to make my blood boil.

Trade and such will happen. Having a say in it, that I find preferable to the alternatives. And having my elected representatives doing so is one way I can do that.

Ya, then Australia and New Zealand become 2 more States of the US, then England is annexed, then a few more "valuble allies". Then we all get to shine in the glory of Americas Healthcare system and sue each other for anything, anytime, anywhere, and get massively fat on their nutricious state sponcered GM foods and McDonalds superzising...

What a wounderful thing being part of the USA will be for all of us... !! (sarcasm - off)

I'll die first..!!!
edit on 2/26/2011 by Ironclad because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 26 2011 @ 03:51 AM
reply to post by g146541

canadians already have the priviledge to have arms....and many many do....we have some of the best hunting in the world...and many of us are licenced gun holders...we don't consider carrying guns a right but we think of it as a just don't hear about it quite so much as we don't tend to go around shooting people with them.
now being a canadian that lives abroad....Canada has been getting absorbed into the US way of thinking for a long time....and it is a sad thing that Canadians are voting in people like stephen Harper just another Neo con...
but none of this makes any difference as things are heating up in the middle east and the world will be at war soon.....
the Stupid human race...we call ourselves intelligent beings....Yeah right.
edit on 032828p://f53Saturday by plube because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 26 2011 @ 06:09 AM

Originally posted by Fox Molder
Did you know that B.C. has had a Separatist movement for longer than Quebec???

I just wanna say one thing though.

Quebec already does a lot of trading with the US. If they separate, they will have little choice but to engage in even more trade with the US to survive, and probably even become economically assimilated (not like we already aren't...).

And if Quebec separates, then the rest of Canada is likely to fall like dominoes into the USA. This is what a lot of Canadian political and economic intellectuals believe anyways.

So in other words, Quebec is staying in Canada for the sake of all of us. This is one of the few controversial issues that I have to side with the central government on. Quebec is a keystone to this country.

What if the deal included information about Canada's Military installations..

The Americans are looking for free access to our land and sea. Obviously it will include info on them, plus it will probably mean American troops in our bases too.

Look at NORAD. Let's break it down. NORAD is controlled by NORTHCOM, a division in the Pentagon. NORAD covers all of Canada's and the US airspace. The top commander in NORAD is never a Canadian. The Americans decided that under NORAD, any airspace intrusion in Canada should be intercepted by American units before Canadian.

Do you know how you assert control over a territory? You put your troops in it and make damn sure you do more there than anyone else. In other words, the Americans already assume they own North American airspace. Now they want sea and land, and Harper is pretty much saying that in order to fight terrorists, we need American boats and soldiers to patrol our own territory because we don't have as sufficient capability as they do.

Well no sh!t. The Americans have always had sufficient capability to cover our land- because they believe that they own it (manifest destiny).

Someone mentioned something interesting to me once about this whole Harper/Obama deal. Our only real threat is an invasion by a serious Asian army. If China or Russia ever tried to invade us through the Pacific/Bering Strait, then the US would intercept them anyways. The public side of this deal covers the reality that we already have. So obviously there are some secret protocols and power transfers in the works that we are in the dark about.
edit on 26-2-2011 by Dimitri Dzengalshlevi because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 26 2011 @ 11:24 AM

Originally posted by Ironclad

Originally posted by Aeons
I am unconcerned about the concept of the NAU. Sorry. It fails to make my blood boil.

Trade and such will happen. Having a say in it, that I find preferable to the alternatives. And having my elected representatives doing so is one way I can do that.

Ya, then Australia and New Zealand become 2 more States of the US, then England is annexed, then a few more "valuble allies". Then we all get to shine in the glory of Americas Healthcare system and sue each other for anything, anytime, anywhere, and get massively fat on their nutricious state sponcered GM foods and McDonalds superzising...

What a wounderful thing being part of the USA will be for all of us... !! (sarcasm - off)

I'll die first..!!!
edit on 2/26/2011 by Ironclad because: (no reason given)

Honey, good governments are built on good bureaucracy and administration.

Something that the USA doesn't have. Dear god, their administration is absolutely ridiculous. They can't throw a birthday party without a Federal push to organize it.

(Please do not lump their military bureaucracy into this picture. I totally grant that the USA's military supremacy is built on being very good at this - with a normal margin of problems any system will have)

Even if some of their politicos did try to over-extend the limitations of a trade and security union, they don't have the bureaucracy to out compete us. Their bureaucracy is a mess that even THEY can't untangle, and their political system assures that it'll continue to be that way.

Good statesmen and stateswomen understand this concept, and embed their best ideas into bureaucratic mechanisms. Politicians don't. Politicians come and politicians go, but bureaucrats live FOREVER.
edit on 2011/2/26 by Aeons because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 26 2011 @ 11:25 AM
reply to post by eArth33lr

Harper being a fuking dumba$$ again

posted on Feb, 26 2011 @ 11:40 AM

Originally posted by Aeons

Originally posted by Unity_99

Originally posted by Aeons
I am unconcerned about the concept of the NAU. Sorry. It fails to make my blood boil.

Trade and such will happen. Having a say in it, that I find preferable to the alternatives. And having my elected representatives doing so is one way I can do that.

I'm sorry, but most Canadians don't like the way Amercians view politics as a whole. We are Federalists, believing in Universal Programs, which we support, much more like Norway than you can ever imagine adn consider it dishonorable to not look after your own. Peroid. There is no way your country is going to merge with mine.

Treason is a crime. The contract is nullified by one illegal clause in it. That is basic law. He will go to jail. There is no debate.
edit on 24-2-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

I am a Canadian. I am not a Conservative.

And I don't care. This will have no impact on sovereignty, and assures that the government is not leaving the issues of how we interact up solely to lobbyists and companies.

The USA won't take over Canada. They're Rome. In taking over Etruria, we'd still end up completely rewriting their bureaucracy and society and thousands of years from now they'd think that that was how they'd always been.

I have no concerns about this.

Agreed. As usual, people are reaching here to pretend that some basic legislation that gets canada's borders up to speed with the modern world is NOT the same as 'losing sovereignty'.

Ironically, many canadians love to pretend they are so distinct and separate from the US, despite giving away almost all of their raw materials to us manufactures for centuries.

posted on Feb, 26 2011 @ 11:42 AM

Originally posted by Ironclad

Originally posted by Aeons
I am unconcerned about the concept of the NAU. Sorry. It fails to make my blood boil.

Trade and such will happen. Having a say in it, that I find preferable to the alternatives. And having my elected representatives doing so is one way I can do that.

Ya, then Australia and New Zealand become 2 more States of the US, then England is annexed, then a few more "valuble allies". Then we all get to shine in the glory of Americas Healthcare system and sue each other for anything, anytime, anywhere, and get massively fat on their nutricious state sponcered GM foods and McDonalds superzising...

What a wounderful thing being part of the USA will be for all of us... !! (sarcasm - off)

I'll die first..!!!
edit on 2/26/2011 by Ironclad because: (no reason given)

You base those scenarios on WHAT actual information based here in reality?

posted on Feb, 26 2011 @ 10:45 PM
reply to post by alyoshablue

So long as you continue to pretend that nobody and nothing needs to be done to administrate and regulate trade and banking, you'll continue to leave it up to those who are operating on the international level.

International trade isn't going to go away because you find it complicated.

posted on Feb, 27 2011 @ 08:52 AM
reply to post by Aeons

Well, I don't think international trade is that complicated, but others may think so. Trade deals are brokered to extract wealth from countries. Observe:

Trade Unions, which essentially is what the EU is, are currently benefiting not the citizens, but the oligarchs that are running the show. Sovereignty, is slowly being replaced with austerity and further removal of rights.

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 04:40 PM
I've resurrected this thread because I've some signs of inpact to share. Please read the following carefully.

"Health Canada inspectors and police no longer require a warrant to enter private property in Canada. Under this new law, police and Health Canada inspectors can remove anything from a home, and not have to report what was taken to the local court."

"Prior to this bill, we had the courts to rely on if Health Canada wanted to recall something like folic acid. Now there are no legal rights to protect us.”

"an eerie part of Bill C-36 is its “harmonization provisions,” which subjects Canadians to the demands of “international organizations and trade agreements” without any debate or control. "

The full article is in my signature line.

Alberta has been sold out, leaves people in shock

edit on 22-3-2011 by aboutface because: I goofed on the video link

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 01:55 PM
reply to post by eArth33lr

Got a letter from my MP regarding my questions. As usual it was mostly fluff and took 2 weeks to get here but he responded. I'm going to scan the letter and post it later

posted on May, 3 2011 @ 04:26 PM
I've decided to revive this thread in light of the recent events that have taken place over the last week, especially since May Day weekend.

With Harper's Conservatives winning a majority government in our country, and OBL suddenly being killed (by who, doesn't really matter), Al Quaida has made it clear that retaliation attacks will occur if he is killed. MSM is also pimping out to be ready for new attacks to take place too.

My suspicions lead me to consider the following scenario:

A new 9/11 could occur on Sept 11, 2011 on both American and Canadian soil in order to sell us the North American Union. I can totally forsee something like this happening that it almost brings chills to my body. I sure pray it doesn't, but Harper has made it clear that he intends on integrating us with the US on many levels. An attack of this nature is definitely most likely as it would meet virtually no opposition and would be swiftly put into place along with the Amero as the US Dollar tanks near the end of the summer.

We must stay vigilant, and figure out a way to bring this to light or expose it in some way shape or form before it actually happens. Any ideas on how we may do this guys and gals?

posted on May, 3 2011 @ 04:53 PM
reply to post by eArth33lr

My faith in Canada has taken a serious hit in the last 3 days to say the least.

Being a Calgarian I had the fascists keep me up last night with their party. Every waahoo and car honk was like a dagger to my heart.
NDP you may have won a personal victory but it came at the expense of Canadian sovereignty.

Reality being NDP have less power then they had before the election.

Here is a thread that I started after Harper's Osama speech but couldn't get going because of all the hyper fluff and distraction. It is surprising I think all the party leaders are in on this treason because no one would bring it up.
USA are you messing with Canadian election?

posted on May, 3 2011 @ 05:01 PM
reply to post by MinorityReporter

Hey Im in Calgary too. I'd rather have NDP as official opps instead of the Libs tho. Ignatieff would've definitely went along with an NAU, although Jack may be able to put up a bit of a fight, I'm hoping anyways. We may have to flood his office with this.

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