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Hey my brother .
Glad to see the thread in all its beauty ,nicely laid out and well reasoned .
Well done man.
Im glad your receiving the credit you deserve .
Good job bro .
I agree in that sense. We shouldn't go back to the stone age.
I myself am amazed with space exploration for instance. Think of what we can do with technology.
Technology is awesome.
No it isn't. I believe its a weapon of the NWO/Elite. Cause the revolutions, and soon they will swoop in under the guise of saving, or bringing order to the lawless. But they will never leave, that is until they have the leadership they want in charge. The ones who will vote yes, when it comes time to join the African, Middle East, etc. state. As we begin our path to a one world government.
Originally posted by amkia
Technology is privilege not right, but at the same time it is like relationships between drug and the addicted.
I was into this kind of philosophies many years ago and let me add this pearl of wisdom to your excellent post.
"All affirmations are true in some sense, false in some sense, meaningful in some sense, true and false in some sense, true and meaningless in some sense, false and meaningless in some sense".
If we honestly understand the text above, then our mind will be free of all tendencies to believe that "thinking alone" can solve everything.
We will thereby, rendered delightfully empty and robustly innocent, allowing us to enjoy the "irrational bliss" that life will soon offering us.
Thanks again for your excellent post kroms33 S&F
Sorry I'm late here... I had to go do my background homework in the concepts presented in order to formulate some sort of notion of what they represented.
Unfortunately, I don't believe in "love" either. As near as I can tell, it's nothing more than a word people use when they are trying to wheedle something out of you. Grand concept, flawed execution. Just another word folks use to try putting order into Kaos to their own advantage. Sure, I help folks when I can, and have even risked life and limb to do so. Didn't have anything to do with "love", though. I just had something they didn't, and it was what they needed at the time, so I gave. All the "love" I got in return involved scar tissue, both physical and psychic. Ah well, that's just the way it goes, and it is as it is. I'd do the same again, because I can't think of anything better to do. I'd just be a bit more selective of the recipients of the benefits of it. We're only here for a while, and so NO damage is permanent.
For the most part, I don't really care whether Kaos or Order is the rule of the day - as long as whichever it is leaves me alone to BE. Unfortunately, that is not to be. This recent unrest sweeping the world has come home, hit the city right next to me just the other day, in the form of the Union Protests. As is the usual case with unions, it was not sufficient for them to merely protest, they had to assault passersby who had no dog in that fight. I expect it will be here shortly, and then it's once more into the breach.
Folks all over the world appear to THINK they're "waking up", but they're not. They are just seeing that someone else has something, and they want that for themselves. They appear to be perfectly willing to give up what they have in order to launch themselves into that vulnerable place occupied by the "elite", co-opting that place for themselves, so that they can have more "stuff", never realizing the vulnerable spot they are vying to take. They THINK they are awakening, but they can't see beyond the illusion. Worse yet, they don't think anyone else can, either, and so assume that we ALL want to take that spot they want.
I don't want it, not even slightly, but I'll bet dollars to donuts that I'll be coming under fire as much as the next guy, simply because they can't conceive of what I'm saying - they can't conceive that someone would NOT want to be in that vulnerable position. Just as the SEIU goons recently did in Greensboro NC, they will blindly attack folks who don't have a dog in their fight, simply because they are incapable of realizing that there are folks in the world who just don't care about their pursuits, and would rather just get on with their own lives. Oddly, they think we all HAVE to be on one side or the other of their little dramas, and will pre-emptively attack.
The "elites", sensing but not comprehending the vulnerability of their tenuous positions (Khaddafi is a good example) will of course counter attack, to attempt to preserve what they don't even really have, and can in no way, by no means, hold on to forever. The rest of us, and especially those who don't really give a damn one way or the other WHO thinks they're at the top of the heap, will without a doubt be caught in the crossfire.
Because THEY can't see beyond the illusion, we will ALL suffer for it.
Originally posted by kroms33
If you read my posting, you would note that there is nothing but Chaos, and that order and disorder are only illusions imposed upon Chaos...
I don't want to impose any views upon you - and if you don't believe in "love" I accept that.
But realize this, even though I do not know you - I feel for you brother. The sense of dread in your post has affected me because it sounds like you have given up.
I know love... I feel love daily. I have a son who melts my heart... I feel it physically and emotionally. I feel for you because you have cut it from your emotional state. Either forcibly or by choice you have segregated yourself, or have been segregated. Why?
I see a growing trend to "rise up and kill" our "masters" - why kill? Just don't participate is all I ask. Don't join in the system that wants everyone dead. We all feel it coming do we not? Why not take measures to uplift humanity instead of destroy it...
See the illusion. Don't embrace it and point to one particular group. It is an illusion, what is it they fight for? Look at both sides - what are they fighting over? LOOK DEEP my friend. They are fighting over the same thing, why?
Perhaps you are right? So, step out of the illusion. You allude to people THINKING they're "waking up" but they are not... perhaps not, so guide them, teach them. They are made of the same flesh and blood that runs through your veins. Perhaps your words or beliefs are more powerful than other people?
They will blindly attack - but yet again, you need to refur to exactly what I have written. I do think I left an 'out' for humanity. Why would I raise my hand against another person but in defence of myself or family? If SHTF, this country (USA) will see terror at the hands of the government never before witnessed by humanity. They want it to happen... it is falling into place to quickly - it seems planned.
Ah - the top of the heap... see, in what I wrote - there is no "top of the heap" - there is just "us". I could come up with some pretty words, try to convince you - but that is not my cause. My cause is to show that we are all living under the illusion of false rule - and perhaps how to stop it.
We have needs my friend (and yes - you are my friend damn it). I don't care about how you feel about unions, I don't care who you want to vote for, I don't care how much money you have or don't have - I do care how you feel and how you perceive the world around you.
You don't need to choose a side, you don't need to do anything really. If you feel that you are justified in your life and no one else matters but you (because you don't believe in love), no one can tell you differently. I respect you, and wish you no harm in your life. I am human, and I do not have all of life's answers... I learn daily.
Perhaps I have even misunderstood or misinterpreted what you have wrote...