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Dolphins go to Hell

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posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 10:27 PM
reply to post by Farnhold

Whoa... you are totally taking that bible verse out of context.

I have never heard of dolphin prostitutes first of all...

Second of all... the point of that verse is the immorality of prostitution- selling one's body for sex, or buying one's body for pleasure. If the women prostituting her body was not going to make money, or was asked by the same man if she weren't selling her body... would she consent?

When it comes to sex in the bible... you have to understand a few things;

First, the bible was written before birth control existed. So if you decided to have sex outside of marriage, you had just of much chance of getting pregnant as you did if you had it in marriage. Henceforth, it makes sense the bible restricts sex to being moral only in marriages as a marriage is a representation of a new family- a commitment to grow and live together and have children. If you have sex for fun outside of marriage, children can come just as easily as in marriage, only they would have a much lesser chance of living in a loving family.

Second, the bible treats sex as a union in flesh- the ultimate expression of love. It is sacred- the deepest, most meaningful gift you can give to the person you love. As anyone will agree to, if you treat sex in such a way that you remain chaste until you are married, it will be a much more sacred, meaningful experience, as you are treating it in such a way that you are not sleeping around for fun.

Third, inside marriage, sex can be as pleasurable and fun as you want it to be. Do you think Christians believe God made a mistake when he designed humans to have pleasure during sex? God made sex to be pleasurable and enjoyable between two lovers- believe me, I was raised in a catholic family, and from a young age I had all the whole catholic-sex-morality story bolted into my head.
If you are still convinced the bible thinks sex for pleasure is immoral, take a look at The Song of Solomon. It is basically soft-core porn in the bible.

Fourth, the bible is about humans and their relationship to God- Not dolphins.

posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 11:15 PM

Originally posted by Farnhold
reply to post by NOTurTypical

Well, Bible is difficult book to read. That term can be understood in more ways. Have you ever read any hard books besides Bible?
And btw, quote that I gave you from Bible does not say anything about outside marriage immorality, it simply says that sexual immorality is bad, and sexual immorality can also be understood as having sex only for pleasure, because sex was made for procreation.
That quote does not state anything about having a wife and banging a prostitute at the same time. Or maybe it does, but it may be understood in more ways, just like sexual immorality

The Bible defines what is moral and immoral sexually in Leviticus. There is NOTHING in the Word of God condemning sexual interactions between a husband and wife. Nothing, zilch, nada. Secondly, I don't think there is a more complex book on the face of the Earth than the Bible.

And btw, can you give me some evidence that your God is exactly how Bible describes him to be? Can you, lets say, post a video where God himself confirms things described in Bible? Maybe a voice from skies, or anything else, I dont know.

I don't think the Lord has a YouTube channel. And the Lord displays His authorship and integrity in His Word. 8 times in the Tanakh it states God cannot lie. Personally, God has kept every promise He's made to me so far from His Word. I have no complaints.

So far, you have not debunked my thread.

Your OP was based upon a straw man argument, how can I debunk a straw man???? God's Word says nothing about sex with your wife for pleasure being a sin.

You have not given me any evidence that God and everything Christians believe in is real.

I can agree with that, I haven't even tried to give you evidence my God and Christianity is true.

You have a still long way to prove me that you are right (which I doubt that you will
, because there is no way to prove that).

You're right, salvation is of the Lord. He chooses who is saved and who isn't. All I can do is share my faith.

Come on guys, lets be realists. Truth is, that there are only two ways. Only one of them is right.
You either believe there is something ABOVE us or don't. You cannot really prove either way.

I disagree, the prophetic nature of the Bible proves without a doubt that it's an integrated message system that had to have originate by an extraterrestrial source that's outside the space time dimension. It details future events with absurd accuracy, hundreds even thousands of years out.

What religions do is that they mock THEIR IDEA of "god". But they will never prove they are right, never.

You'll never catch me trying to defend "Religion", can't stand it myself. Maybe you can watch the short video in my signature entitled "Do You hate religion as Much as me?"

Atheists don't believe in anything.
Agnostics do, but we don't specify who or what it is, how does he/it look like, behave, do,etc, because we don't know. That gives us free will and no pre-determined rules. We follow rules we consider to be right. But regarding "God", we will probably never find out, because we can't. We choose to believe in something because it's easier to think of. We have some hope that our lives have at least some meaning.

I don't agree, not only can you know truth, but you can have a personal, fulfilling relationship with the Creator of the universe today, just as you are.
edit on 24-2-2011 by NOTurTypical because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 11:21 PM

Originally posted by Nebulous1973
You don't "get it" because you're a dern fool idgit. "Dolphins go to hell because they have sex." Wow..just wow...I have to say thank you because now I realize no matter how bad it all gets in this world..I am sooooo happy I am not living with a brain like yours..good luck to you..maybe you should go into the ocean and try preaching to them damn dolphins..maybe you can save them..Myhuhahahahahahaaa...oh man....I'm surprised you're able to breathe on your own.
edit on 24-2-2011 by Nebulous1973 because: (no reason given)

OP obviously is pointing out that it is a pointless rule in the bible. They don't think dolhpins are going to hell, if you'd bothered to read their entire post...

posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 11:27 PM
reply to post by chancemusky

OP obviously is pointing out that it is a pointless rule in the bible. They don't think dolhpins are going to hell, if you'd bothered to read their entire post...

The only thing the OP pointed out is he/she is unaware that a straw man argument only carries weight on the playgrounds of the world.

He/She claims the Bible says something that's found nowhere in the text. At best he/she is honestly ignorant to the Bible, at worst he/she is being dishonest.

posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 11:46 PM

Originally posted by Farnhold
According to Bible, having sex for pleasure is a sin.

No it's not! The Bible doesn't say that anywhere, and I want you to show me where it does. I ma quite confident you will not be able to.

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 12:19 AM

Originally posted by Farnhold

And why was Mary Magdalena judged for being who she is then?

And what do you think she was? It's a popular folk belief that Mary Magdalene was a prostitute but it is not actually supported by the Bible.

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 12:26 AM

Originally posted by Farnhold

So far, you have not debunked my thread. You have not given me any evidence that God and everything Christians believe in is real. You have a still long way to prove me that you are right (which I doubt that you will
, because there is no way to prove that).

Oh, so, not a genuine question or a real discussion then, just angry-atheist trolling. If you're an agnostic, wth were you doing in a church? You're a child, a teenager or a liar, I vote for the latter.
I am really sorry I wasted my time answering you before!

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 06:24 AM
reply to post by Monts

Lol, you are twisting the point I am trying to show you. Dont you get it? I was not talking about dolphin prostitutes, I was talking about pleasure itself. Hell, I dont know if there are any dolphin prostitutes (and I personally cant even imagine what would be the point of being a dolphin prostitute, as far as I know, they dont even have money
, and many other things like we do, we have technology, they dont, they obviously need very little), we've never talked with dolphins,but there are dolphin homosexuals for sure. There have been cases where same genders had sex. From observation of course. Dolphins would go to Hell anyways.
But still, that is not the point I tried to show you. It was all about the pleasure.
Besides that, birth control was used long time before and also at the time of christ.
Women used herbs, lemon, etc. There were different ways, so try to research a little bit more

I too was raised as a christian, but I learned that religions are pure bull# because they were never proven to be real. They are actually trying to stop you enjoy your life, because you are not allowed to do so many things that are not bad at all, that its just incredible. Those that came up with their ideas of god and mocked it to people are the ones that bluffed them and controlled them with fear of bad afterlife. Lets take for example middle ages, people had to buy tickets to make their sins forgiven. If they had not bought a ticket, they would go to Hell
But how do they know what is afterlife like? They dont. Have they ever died and came back? And I dont mean NDE, because they have never got to the other side and came back. In some cases, NDE could be real (when he was able to tell exactly what what happening to him even though he was unconscious, which I know there were some cases, but not anything like heaven or hell described in Bible, just a room where was his body located), and in some not, it could be pure hallucinations. Science is here to prove what is real and what is not real. They could try one experiment I will describe to you below:
They could prove if heaven/hell is described exactly like in Bible if a person was dying, had NDE/OOBE, remembered certain things that happened while his body was unconscious(for example if doctors placed certain things that were not there before when he became unconscious, or how they moved and everything was captured on camera), got to the other side, seen what is over there, came back, told people that were in room with him what they were doing (and what and where have they placed) while he was unconscious and what is other side like. That could pretty much prove whether Christianity is real or not. Huala, finito! Here you go, I believe you and I will become Christian again! Just prove me you are right and I'll be more than happy to become one of you again.

I see no reason why Christianity should be true religion and other religions not. What makes you more believable than any other? Nothing.
Or do you want to tell me that every religion is true? Because if that was the case, then we have here polygamia. Jews and Christians may share same god, but moslims do not.
And what makes your religions more real than ones that were in Ancient Greek or Ancient Rome, or any other place where they had polygamic religion. First everyone believed that there are many gods, then someone came up with idea that there is only one and now everyone believes there is only one.
I personally agree, ok, there may be only one, but there is not a single way to find out what is he like. None.So, the christian's ideology is not based on facts, not at all. Just like many other religions

edit on 25-2-2011 by Farnhold because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 06:38 AM
reply to post by NOTurTypical

We can know the truth? Really? And how is it possible that we dont even know everything about our planet, our body, how is it possible that there are still people dying because of diseases? We dont even know TODAY how universe works, and we know who created it ? And what is beyond that, how it all started? Lol, and people 2000 years ago who had not things and inventions we have today knew? Now we have more knowledge and understanding, and machines that can measure things, but that is still only 1/XYZ things that we know. Again,your religion is based only on one "prophet", who convinced people that he is right, and his followers wrote about it, because they believed him.
The truth is, that we DONT KNOW anything at all! We humans are still in diapers and are discovering things. We are getting close to type 1 civilisation. MAYBE when we reach type 3, we will find out, maybe not. That is not only question of IF, but then again if IF is real, then question of WHEN. Who knows, only time will show, not in our lifetime unfortunately.

edit on 25-2-2011 by Farnhold because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 06:43 AM
reply to post by Vicky32

Why did I go to church? Because I have a friend who is a very strong believer, and he asked me to go there. I promised and went there. I rather remained passive even when I had strong desire to say something, but I remained silent. But that lecture pissed me off so much that I had to say something, at least here. Because that what was said over that is just ABSURD. They are against sexual pleasure, and so on. Basically, what I said in my OP.
I went to Augustinian church to be more exact.

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 04:13 PM
So, since you christian guys were connected today, checked my thread again, I guess you have nothing else to say to prove me you are right.
You have to admit guys. Religions are fake.

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 04:18 PM
Sex was designed to be fun. Which is why it is fun (go figure..). Although, God designed human sex to be between a husband and wife. Animals are animals.. they don't go to heaven or hell, they are here for us to eat.

As an aside: The threads in this forum get weirder and weirder as people try to make ridiculous attempts to make the bible look bad. Truth is, the Word of God needs no defender. All you have to do is read it with an open mind, but amusingly it is with a closed mind that most non-christians look at the bible. And then proceed to call Christians close-minded. Har.

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 04:26 PM

Originally posted by RapturedNotBeamed
Sex was designed to be fun. Which is why it is fun (go figure..). Although, God designed human sex to be between a husband and wife. Animals are animals.. they don't go to heaven or hell, they are here for us to eat.

As an aside: The threads in this forum get weirder and weirder as people try to make ridiculous attempts to make the bible look bad. Truth is, the Word of God needs no defender. All you have to do is read it with an open mind, but amusingly it is with a closed mind that most non-christians look at the bible. And then proceed to call Christians close-minded. Har.

Ridiculous attempts? Really? What is ridiculous in this thread? Please, read whole thread before making a statement like that.
We are not close minded. We are open minded. We follow facts, not made up bed-time stories.
And what Word of God are you talking about? Bible? Bible was written by man, therefore its a word of man, not a God
Bah, just read the whole thread. I am not going to explain everything I explained before again.

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 04:31 PM
The bible was written by man, but spoken to him by God.
And yeah, this thread is pretty ridiculous. I mean, really.

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 04:34 PM

Originally posted by RapturedNotBeamed
Animals are animals.. they don't go to heaven or hell, they are here for us to eat.

Apparently you don't know anything about dolphins. There's evidence that they're at least near the same level of intelligence as people. Should that still be considered an "animal"? I'm inclined to say no.

Also, only here for us to eat? Surely you don't honestly believe that. The entire ecosystem doesn't exist solely for humans to survive. You're not making religion look any better with this post.

Most people on ATS aren't making ridiculous attempts to make the bible look bad. It basically throws all the ammunition needed to do that right at us.

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 08:06 PM
reply to post by NOTurTypical

Look, op said it was, im not saying thats true, for I don't remember anything that specific there. But I AM saying they are saying that rule is pointless, the dolphin part was to show the absurdity

posted on Feb, 26 2011 @ 03:47 AM
reply to post by RapturedNotBeamed

Spoken by God? Havent you thought that Jesus could be a mentally disturbed person? If he ever existed of course.
Voice of God could simply be schizophrenia

posted on Feb, 26 2011 @ 04:00 AM

Originally posted by chancemusky
reply to post by NOTurTypical

Look, op said it was, im not saying thats true, for I don't remember anything that specific there. But I AM saying they are saying that rule is pointless, the dolphin part was to show the absurdity

Agreed. I am laughing at Christian laws. I mean, come on, whoever wrote Old Testament was one sick man. Having sex with angels is ok? And many other things.
Lets not also forget:
# God killed everyone in Sodom and Gomorrah. This was because, so say the Christian Right, some homosexuals lived there
# If a man has sex with his father's wife, kill them both. 20:11

# If a man has sex with his daughter in law, kill them both. 20:12

# If a man has sex with another man, kill them both. 20:13

# If you "lie" with your wife and your mother-in-law (now that sounds fun!), then all three of your must be burned to death. 20:14

# If a man or woman "lie with a beast" both the person and the poor animal are to be killed. 20:15-16

Isn't this kinda... cruel? I dont know if thats only me, or...
edit on 26-2-2011 by Farnhold because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 26 2011 @ 06:40 AM
reply to post by warbird03

I watch the discovery channel too, I know that dolphins are smarter than most animals, but it is still an animal. Jesus did not die on the cross to save the dolphins, or the whales, or the seals. Also, I was kidding when I said they are only here for us to eat. The bible says in Genesis 2 that they are also here so that we are not alone. God created entire ecosystems worldwide for humans to enjoy.

posted on Feb, 26 2011 @ 07:02 AM
Thank God I'm an atheist!

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