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Originally posted by ~Lucidity
reply to post by AntiNWO
Why would you assume that it would be okay from the left either? See this is exactly my freaking POINT here. NONE of them should be doing this. You're just attempting to excuse his behavior by saying they all do it? Please.
Originally posted by frankensence
Wow, how is it they haven't recalled or impeached this guy yet????
Walker is damned lucky it was ONLY a prank call, if that had been the FBI, he'd be looking at some serious accusations.
REPLY: If there are issues with the call, someone in the administration would be looking into it as a way to have something against Walker. Hasn't happened, has it? Why? ..... because there's nothing there.
The call raises some serious questions about Walker. He was way too open, talking about his political schemes, admitting to the idea of planting troublemakers, these are not the sort of things someone would say to a complete stranger.
REPLY: Way too open? ..... as in "transparent." No, Walker did not bring up the troublemaker issue, and you've got it exactly backwards, the prank caller wanted to know if Walker had thought of the issue of troublemakers at the protests (brought in by the unions, acorn, etc) and Walker said he'd thought about it and thought he (they) could handle it if it happened.
Wisconsin's ethics panel had better get on this case, I hate the idea that our politicians are so completely in bed with greedy manipulative billionaire financiers.
REPLY: Have you posted your disapproval against Soros and the multi-millions given to the Dem machine?
If this had been a Democratic governor and Soros, you'd never hear the end of it, but because it's a republithug and Koch, all we see are a bunch of neo-con apologists.
Well Wisconsin, I hope you like having DAVID KOCH as your new puppet master, NOW DANCE, it will amuse him.
REPLY: At least the Kock brothers are Americans, who love this country, as opposed to Soros and the current regime.
Originally posted by zappafan1
all we see are a bunch of neo-con apologists.
Well Wisconsin, I hope you like having DAVID KOCH as your new puppet master, NOW DANCE, it will amuse him.
REPLY: At least the Kock brothers are Americans, who love this country, as opposed to Soros and the current regime.
Republicans stand for evil, corruption, manipulation, greed- everything that Americans think is okay after being conditioned to it during the eighties. Republicans stand for all the values that Americans now hold dear. Plus they have more balloons than God, and for a nation raised on cartoons, that tells you something. Anybody with balloons, they're okay. They don't tell you what kind of crippled people had to blow those suckers up.
Republicans stand for raw, unbridled evil and greed and ignorance smothered in balloons and ribbons.
Sure.... I'll say it again if you'd like, because the truth hurts, doesn't it? Soros..... Acorn, both of whom are Marxist groups/people.
Originally posted by maybereal11
reply to post by zappafan1
Hey Zappafan...just a sidenote
Republicans stand for evil, corruption, manipulation, greed- everything that Americans think is okay after being conditioned to it during the eighties. Republicans stand for all the values that Americans now hold dear. Plus they have more balloons than God, and for a nation raised on cartoons, that tells you something. Anybody with balloons, they're okay. They don't tell you what kind of crippled people had to blow those suckers up.
Republicans stand for raw, unbridled evil and greed and ignorance smothered in balloons and ribbons.
Can you guess who made those statements?...I'll give you a hint...take a look at your Avatar
Sorry, couldn't resist.
REPLY: I like his music, not his politics. I recall very well his stand before congress, fighting both there and other places the controls the Dems wanted to impose on music, speech, etc.
Originally posted by Blackmarketeer
Sure.... I'll say it again if you'd like, because the truth hurts, doesn't it? Soros..... Acorn, both of whom are Marxist groups/people.
Which raises the question whether you even know what a Marxist is. Its a standard play from the GOP/Fox/Oligarchy playbook, throw around labels and demonize opposition, divide and conquer. Fox and the puppet masters like Koch or Rove et al want you fighting against the lower and middle classes because they DON'T want you coming after the "elite".
Labels? If the government takes even one dollar from someone who earned it, and gives it to someone who did nothing for it, that's Marxism. There's but a hairs breadth difference between Marxism, Socialism and Communism, and there are many in the current administration who fully believe in all of those evil things. You got your education in a public school, didn't you? And, I forgot to mention the SEIU and a few others.
REPLY: Then why is it the Dems who use class warfare to reach their goals, and you seem not to have learned that? The Left doesn't care about Blacks or other minorities. But now they are used by the Dems to divide the country. For decades it was the Dems who fought against the very idea of desegregation. But in the late 60's they realized they could use it for their own purposes; none of them good. Now, the leftist colleges have Black studies; Black dorms and separate cafeterias, so who's dividing whom? All the money and loss of lives in the Civil War have been reduced to a footnote.
...Then why is it the Dems who use class warfare to reach their goals, and you seem not to have learned that? The Left doesn't care about Blacks or other minorities.
...But now they are used by the Dems to divide the country. For decades it was the Dems who fought against the very idea of desegregation. But in the late 60's they realized they could use it for their own purposes; none of them good.
... Now, the leftist colleges have Black studies; Black dorms and separate cafeterias, so who's dividing whom?
Originally posted by inforeal
reply to post by frankensence
Frankincense you make a lot of sense!
It seems that we are slowly being programmed to accept criminal activity from Republicans. This is potentially a dangerous development being that the PTB may be setting another major crime like 911 up again; of course such things are most often done by the GOP scoundrels, e.g. 911, the Iraq war, Iran Contra, and Watergate.
I seem to recall most every Dem agreed that we had to get rid of Hussein. You really need to do more research on the other things you mentioned. Do you learn that crappola in school? I listened to the entire scam phone call, and Walker, 'nor the caller, said that the Republicans planned to have people there to be violent. The caller mentioned it, and Walker said they'd thought of it (if there were violent people there) and said their people could handle it. Check out the You Tube vids, and who is committing the violent acts against Republicans or Tea Party people. It's those like the SEIU and other unions who..... wait for it..... support Dem's.
[In the 1960s, the courting of white Southern Democratic voters was the basis of the "southern strategy" of the Republican Party's Presidential Campaigns. Republican Presidential Candidate Barry Goldwater carried the Deep South in 1964, despite losing in a landslide in the rest of the nation to President Lyndon B. Johnson of Texas. Johnson surmised that his advocacy behind passing the Civil Rights Act of 1964 would lose the South for the Democratic party and it did. The only Democratic presidential candidate after 1956 to solidly carry the Deep South was President Jimmy Carter in the 1976 election.[7]
Originally posted by kynaccrue
Except if you want to see it as corruption, you will see it everywhere. You say that it's a phony crisis but if you look at the big picture, the current trend will not continue to give surpluses to Wisconsin.
So better they try a tax cut now to boost business and maybe draw opportunities from other states than to wait until the depression gets worse and theres nothing left to cut.
Not to mention until Walker does something I don't like politically, I'm going to support what hes doing.
He can be as corrupt as they come but I don't expect there to be a squeaky clean politician.
At least Walker believes what hes doing is the right thing. That for me is as good as it's ever going to get.
The PUBLIC unions need to be busted. Collective bargaining rights is a scary thing.
The government already has trouble letting people go under normal circumstances. Only when the deficit grows to a certain point can they even consider doing away with the glut of the system.
Yes I know that corporations and Wall st. are EVIL, and they did cause the economic depression. But
don't get caught in the duality in thinking that just because corporations are evil, unions of the people aren't.
We gotta fix what we can and Walker's policies does that.
Unions collectively bargained many states to bankruptcy.
There were teachers protesting on budget cuts and wants to state to raise taxes to continue to pay for their benefits.
The bottom line is, no one cares about anyone else. Wall st. don't care about you, and Main st. don't care about you either. Everyone just want their pot of gold and they will do anything to get it.
Originally posted by VitriolAndAngst
"...Wisconsin has a SURPLUS, if Walker had simply NOT given $139 Million in EXTRA tax "incentives" to businesses already in the WI area; namely -- the $140 Million shortfall was precipitated BY THE TAX GIVEAWAY. Furthermore, if just kept tax levels the same in the last 4 years, they'd have a surplus -- would THAT require emergency tax giveaways to keep businesses in the area? Seems to me, that there will be LESS of a market for business, and over time, less educated people entering the work force. If Business does not pay for education ...."
REPLY: PLEASE tell me/us where you went to school/college and learned this crappola; you sure never took economics. Tell us so we can fire every one of the teachers/admins and hire people who know what they're talking about. Businesses already pay for education through taxes, and also the taxes of the people they employ. Businesses already pay there "fair share" by providing jobs and products/services to the community. If most cities had decent taxes to begin with there wouldn't be any need to have tax breaks, would there? The extra tax breaks you mentioned.... was that the Harley Davidson issue? They could have easily moved to another state, a right to work state, but the tax break helped them decide to stay in the state where they have their heritage and beginnings.
"...That's a lot like the State Lotteries; it works great if a few states are doing it -- brings in a lot of money. When every state does it -- it brings in NO NEW MONEY. The money usually comes from the poorest and is funneled up to the Middle Class -- seems painless. But then you've got people gambling, and "wishing" and you've destroyed a work ethic -- something to consider for all those Libertarians out there who don't believe in a free lunch...."
REPLY: There is no free anything; someone has to be paid for it. State lotteries are basically a tax on the stupid. For any state that has lotteries, every dollar is "new" money, as it's money the state didn't have in their pockets before. Most people who can afford to gamble have jobs, and they take care of what needs done before they waste it on tickets or casinos.
"... Paying that off for 20 years turns people into indentured servants -- the Corporations should be paying for something, or they are merely parasites."
REPLY: And there's a difference that paying dues to be able to work is any different? Corporations and "the rich" pay for over 80% of our taxes. The unions collect dies from people who could otherwise use the money themselves, so who are the parasites?
"....Give money to a few well placed individuals in government.... "
REPLY: You just described the unions perfectly.
"....Note, that they have easily embraced Capitalism, without a Democracy -- Democracies are expensive and inconvenient for Capitalists -- so WITHOUT a strong government control over business -- and WITH any reciprocal relationships with Business helping Politicians, a Democracy cannot survive...."
REPLY: America is not a Democracy, and the capitalism that China is trying is what has created millions of jobs that weren't there before.
"....What would be the WRONG thing politically? We already know he busts Unions NOT for fiscal reasons (because the Unions already agreed to the Pay cut) -- the argument is about Collective Bargaining in the future...."
REPLY: The collective bargaining of the future, as you put it, will only add to the unfunded mandates of the unions, and the un-funded pension benefits Wisconsin already owes; about $8 Billion.
So is it better he steals for two rich Billionaires instead of tens of thousands of working families just so it isn't a "Class warfare" issue?
REPLY: So stealing (your term) money from non-union families to give to the unions is ok? Read my other post. The Koch brothers only gave a total of 46K to Walkers campaign.
".... These fat cats have been winning the battle against Unions for decades now -- and America has gone from it's height of prosperity in the 1975's (yes, before the Oil Cartels and Bank cabals got together to shut Jimmy Carter down, we had some good buying power)"....
REPLY: you weren't alive then, were you? Ex-president peanut was and is a joke. I recall quite vividly seeing him on TV, in his cardigan sweater, telling us the we have to turn down our thermostats. His policies caused the price of fuel to skyrocket, and every single foreign policy was a disaster; and we;re paying the price right now (Iran for one.)
"....America has gone from a family where the Bread winner (a man), could drive a bus, and have a home and health care and put two kids through college -- to a society where the AVERAGE person, needs both parents working, and who can go bankrupt WITH Health Insurance, and if they struggle, can put one kid through college."
REPLY: That's due to over-taxation and over-arching government control.
"....And before Reagan, we almost cured ourselves of homelessness and poverty."
REPLY: Again; where did you go to school? Listen... lowering tax rates is not a political thing; it's an economic tool, and it worked every time it's been used. It worked for Queen Elizabeth the first, and John Kennedy, Reagan, and now Bush Jr. Lowering taxes ALWAYS brings more money into the government coffers. That's why Johnson had money to burn on his (failed) war on poverty. Reagan's turn gave America over 90 months of economic prosperity, almost tripled the amount of taxes going into the government; helped to create more women and minority companies than ever before, and over half the population moved up one "class." Bush Jr, after the tax rate cuts actually kicked in, brought in about a 40% increase in taxes; employment was 100%, and created more NEW WEALTH (not redistributed) equal to the entire economy of china, consumer confidence was at an all time high;and it all happened in less than two years.
"... Why do you think that rich people spend a Quarter Million $ getting into a Country Club?"
REPLY: Ask the people who work at that country club... mowing lawns, doing dishes, tradespeople doing maintenance, etc, if they mind that there's a new member joining the club. Union dues are nothing more than money laundering. Through collective bargaining, unions negotiate with elected officials for wages and benefits. They then get the state to collect union dues for them by withholding the dues from public employees’ checks. With the accumulated cash, the union then makes campaign contributions to the favored (most always Democrat) public officials, and also lobby for bigger government and more pay and benefits. It's also very close to being in violation of the Hatch Act.
"...We could legalize drugs, and cut another few million jobs, and save at LEAST $70 Billion a year."
REPLY: I kind of agree with you there. There's way too much money being spent on the failed war on drugs; but I wouldn't legalize any of the hard drugs.
"...We could cut another Million out of our Military. We could save $380 Billion by halving our Defense spending each year."
REPLY: National defense is Constitutional, whereas money given to schools/colleges is not, and neither is the $700+ billion every year for Health and Human Services.
".... paying them to drill offshore (where the oil is)."
REPLY: The Exxon Valdez spill, and the recent BP fiasco is the direct result of environmentalists. There's so much oil and natural gas on-shore that we have enough to last for 500 years, and could actually export it. But the Dems and enviro-whackos/Luddites just don't want it to happen.
"....NOT Regulating Wall Street and Banks has cost us more than ALL ENTITLEMENTS TO THE POOR AND MIDDLE CLASS."
REPLY: It was government regulations that caused the mortgage meltdown, forcing banks to give home loans to people who simply couldn't afford a house... and "that's not fair" according to the Marxists in government. It sure bought the Dems a lot of votes, though.
".....If a Union is corrupt -- I'd look at back room deals between the Union heads and the corporation itself."
REPLY: ALL unions are corrupt, and all they do is guarantee someone more money than the job is worth.
"....How? To me, Walker is PART of the problem. I don't see how lowering wages of marginal income workers helps the economy. The money that goes to Union workers gets spent on products and services in the community. The money made in PROFITS for incentives to businesses, goes to bonuses and companies do NOT hire more workers than they need -- hence the myth of trickle down."
REPLY: "Marginal" income workers? Like teachers making $100K, including benefits, and only have a 40% graduation rate? Or where city bus drivers make $80K plus benefits, when a non-union driver makes about $14 to $16 per hour?.... (which is all the job is worth.) The money that union workers make does go into the economy, but that money is forcefully taken from many thousands more non-union workers, so it's a net loss. True, I know of no state where unions have caused it's downfall (but plays a large part), but look at any company today who is on the verge of closure, and in most cases you'll find a union. What do you think happened to the (failed union model) of the auto companies?
".....Like taxes get blamed for businesses leaving. It's a scape goat, but a lot of people SAYING this is what happens, doesn't mean it is true."
REPLY: High corporate taxation has caused hundreds of companies to close or move to more company-friendly states/areas. And is also many companies have had to move part or all of it's operations overseas?
"...How can you get benefits like healthcare IF YOU ARE PAYING FOR THEM?"
REPLY: And how do you expect non-union families, making real-world wages, to pay for health care or their kids college education, if they are constantly paying more and more taxes to pay for union members benefits? You can't have it both ways.
"...Well, I agree with you -- except I CARE. It might shock you to realize, that there are people who do care about innocent Iraqis being killed for oil."
REPLY: PLEASE.... not the oil thing, again. Read my previous reply.
"...I just have to tell you; YOU will benefit more from looking out for the AVERAGE WORKER in this country, than you will by looking out for the welfare of the rich and powerful."
REPLY: Again, the average worker of which you speak are non-union workers, which is 88% of the private work force. Look at the right to work states and you'll find them doing quite well, if not showing a surplus (or very close to doing so.) They're employees are happy, and more and more companies are moving there because it's less expensive, and easier to compete in the world marketplace. Why do you think the unions turned to the public sector to unionize? Because companies/corporations have a bottom line, and have to watch every dollar to keep the doors open. But, in the public sector, they see an endless supply of money they can redistribute from the taxpayers.
edit on 2-3-2011 by VitriolAndAngst because: To fix some "quote" tags