posted on Aug, 16 2004 @ 05:04 PM
I am not able to teach you, because you do not understand me.
You are still stuck at the level of pride/humility, law/sin, and your knowledge still comes from other people, and not from your own understanding.
You are only able to lay charges against me, because you are not able to attain equality with me.
You will notice that I do not seek to discover your weak points, or to challenge the words you say. We are totally incompatible beings.
You do not understand Jesus, you think he is a great king, or a lawgiver, or some kind of deity. Yes, Jesus is a deity, but he is not alone, he
worked alone that he bring about a nation of equals under his teaching.
Equals. Equals. Equals. Does the english sense of this word still denote equivalency?
You modern christians are unable to conceive of equality with Christ, or taking matters into your own judgment. You attack those who are able to do
so, JUST like them that attacked Jesus, for the same reason.
I get frustrated with you because you are so rich, pampered, and luxurious, and pretend to have knowledge, but are not able to share any with me,
instead you array yourselves against me and attack my words.
The whole point of Christhood is the attainment of divinity. Christ whole purpose to appear to men is to make it easier for us to attain divinity and
rejoin the Godhead in the union of the "Bridal Chamber".
Away, ye profane, that is not a teaching for you.
You are stuck in the old testament, making equivalents to Jesus to those that slew him. Fools! You make a hideous notion a public praise. I assert
my words because they are correct, and only a sharp blade can cut through thick heads.
You will never attain Christhood with others, you will not find any wisdom in books, you will find only confusion, deception, and the sons of
hypocrisy. Follow them if you like, speak as them if you like, I will have nothing to do with you.
Your quest for Christ seems vain, and I will convict it openly. You keep learning and speaking, yet you do not advance at all, your mind is a dark as
it was when you began, except now you have armed yourself with the weapons of the hypocrits, which is the law and the book.
Have you yet discovered the power of the divine mind? If not then you should not speak at all, becauase if you do it is like the murmer of water, or
of the business of leaves.
The Bible does not teach you of the divine mind, nor do your pastors, priests, teachers, or businessmen. What then, are they on about? If they have
attained authority over you at all, and you submit to them, why do you do so, if they do not have divinity within themselves? They are the very same
vipers and hypocrits that slew the Teacher from Nazareth.
You may ask, what exactly is divinity? You probably think that men cannot be divine. But divinity is what Jesus COMMANDED you to attain. Confused
still? That's because you aren't really pursing it, but are pursing the world.
You pursue the world, and then read the book, and think that the law of the book is holiness, and you are saved through reading it. Some of you more
modern Christians think that you form a "personal relationship" with your savior. How are you able to say this straightly? The knowledge of Christ
is not like meeting your pastor. It is not like meeting the merchants inthe street, you do not find him for speaking or praying, you can only meet
him when you acquire divinity for yourself, and are then able to reach the place where Christ IS.
The whole business of AUTHENTIC religion is living a manner in which you might acquire knowledge and divinity, and thus salvation, and having others
around who are sharing the same goal as you, so that you make your burdens easier.
FALSE religion is what is offered to you today, and FALSE religion is what you have offered me as though it were geniune currency. Yet I have found
the mark of the empire upon it, stamped clean through, and know it to be the dross counterfeit of foreigners.
You don't know how to speak to men wiser than yourselves, because you are unable to receive wisdom. You are constantly seeking the advantage against
me because you are unable to meet my mind. You become irritated at my words because they are like a sword, and do not mumble and mitigate, I do not
lower my standard to speak to the pigs.
My "whineybaby" post that you pointed to was the equivalent of a profanity being yelled at you. You seemed to think that my anger at you revealed
me for "what I am". What profane person you are. My anger at you is justified, along with all those who fight against wisdom, and insult wise
If you were truly authentic Christians, or even truthseekers, then you would join me as brothers, and would speak in a manner similar to myself. You
would avoid confronting me like wicked persons, accusing and persecuting.
And to answer a stupid question, Godhood and divinity is exactly what we are SUPPOSED to be after. Yes, I am. I was once ingorant, but never evil, I
was one dirty, but never defiled, I wash clean from the filth of the world as many times as I have need to. Am I any different than you? My
knowledge is greater. Yet I did not always have knowledge,
Why don't you attain it for yourselves, instead of hampering the path of others who do? We have a name for such persons, and it is not flattering,
and it is the same name shared by them that questioned Jesus and sought to convict his words. For the same reasons you do this to me, because you are
compelled to.
Let us weigh the gold, then, rich ones:
My posts are filled with knowledge for you. (plunks my posts in the pan on the right)
Your posts are filled with accusations and mockery (plunks your posts in the pan on the left)
Now we need a third party who is literate enough to read the markings I have left here. Your posts may be read by any sighted third grader.
Shidge, Dbrant, and Raphael_UO, you have responded to many of my posts in this forum, and you have yet to rise to my level. You don't seem to really
have any knowledge of your own to share with us, and you don't elaborate on the things I say. We are not brothers, equals, or even friends.
I am making you angry because I am declaring your wickedness openly. Yet what of me do you declare? We have heard them all before. Just read the
words of the pharasees to Jesus, and you will be there.
Next I know I will hear "Are you a prophet Arkaleus?" "Do you think you are Jesus?" "Do you think you have attained Godhood and divinity?"
I don't call myself anything, I don't pretend and play. I am real in my business, and not a hypocrit. I am something new, and something old, I am
the fruit of my Father. I tread upon your malicious questions, and your rude statements.
Do not post responses to me if you can't meet me as an equal, otherwise this whole thread becomes a mockery, and no one gains any wisdom at all.
Again I ask to you, where is YOUR wisdom and YOUR divinity? If you really had it, you would show it, for there isn't anyone who hides the light
once it is lit.
Away, ye profane.