My argument is specifically against the expectation of some global world-influencing antichrist figure like expressed in the movies, and publicly
decried by various fundamentalist Christians.
Jesus never spoke about this character. Other men did. Who is the greater authority?
The book of Daniel is a Dream Vision. Ezeziel saw spinning wheels with faces on them. Are we to expect those coming out of the clouds too? You can
interpret the words of the apostles your way if you want, but I have seen the fruit of this and I don't like the taste of it.
It's okay to use reason and common sense when reading the Bible. Jesus didn't give us funny prophecies, or rediculous visions to decode. he
didn't have to. It's been 2000 years, and there are billions of people on the earth. There's been all sorts of nasty wicked men, all sorts of
demonic and satanic leaders, wars, and religions unleashed upon us. I don't think that's going to change for a while, or at least until the age
winds to a close.
It's a chicken little mentality that these "doctrines" encourage. Every famous leader becomes a suspect "antichrist" which is obviously silly.
It is popular among the least educated of our people, and promoted by folks who have no real understanding of what they are reading.
It boils down to whether to imagine the bible to be an infalliable document. You are using a modern translation of the bible in your quotes, which
are common among American Protestant types.
You accuse me of challenging scripture. There are many scriptures, from different prophets, from different eras and traditions. There's not just
the bible, and there was a lot written in other countries about the same kind of matters. The "Antichrist" is an abberation not repeated in any
other text, tradition, or religion. Therefore I safely disregaurd it, and I challange any one of you fundamentalist types to prove or predict this
"person". You can't. You just end up accusing any famous person who appears on the radar.
While I believe in the divinity of Jesus, and in the holy mission of the Christ, I think that the words of other people, especially commentators on
the Bible are chasing after boogeymen.
That's why I say to shun these doctrines and interpretations! They are not profitable for us to pursue, they do not assist us in our faith or
perfection, and they have no bearing at all on the state of Christianity or any other religion. They just end up confusing people, spreading fear and
suspicion, and keeping people ignorant. That is more the work of our enemy the devil, than anything Jesus did.
We should focus on making our ranks strong, and detaching ourselves from the world as much as we can. Then it won't matter what happens in it, our
salvation is secure.
So go chase after the next "antichrist" you have found, he's just the latest in a long line of those whom your mentors have accused. You'll just
find a man there, more or less evil like the rest of public figures nowadays.
Yes, we are going to challenge the scriptures, and we are going to take them apart by the tools of reason and truth, and if they don't hold up, then
we will tread on them. Sound like trouble? Watch out for our feet.
Most of men's religious confusion and hatred comes from reading the words of these men and books, and then giving them the force of law. Stop that!
That's not what jesus did. Do what He did.
Have you read any other books besides the bible? I always ask this when people throw bible quotes at me. Does your entire philosophical and
religious awareness come from a plain english translation of the bible? Are there any snake handlers in your family? (Just kidding
Jesus is the Christ, silly. We are his little brothers, and there is nothinng hidden from us, we can throw around anything we want, and examine every
mystery without fear. We can challenge your most sacred doctrines and precepts, and that's our inheritance. Cheers!