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How to properly discern the good truth!

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posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 07:37 PM
Originally posted by AdonaiChristBless

For now let me ask you and everyone else reading this thread the following questions.

Alright, I will answer your questions.

Do you recognize that oppositions exist in all things or do you deny that oppositions exist?

Yes I do and I do not deny that oppositions exist.

Do you recognize that the Sun shines it's Light or do you deny that the Sun shines it's Light and gives Light unto the world?

The Sun shine it's Light and it would be ignorant to think and say not.

What is Truth?

Whatever "resonates" with a person. It's a Truth for them.

Where do you come from?

From a particular previous life, Sirius A or B. I am not too sure which one specifically. As in the grand scheme of things, "home", simply "home".

Why are you on earth?

To learn a particular life lesson or lessons and/or to gain wisdom and knowledge.

Where are you going?

Learning particular life lessons that will help me someday decide which life experiences to experience next.

Is there something you were meant to do in your life?

I think every person is meant to do something in their lives.

Is there something you were meant to figure out or know?

Yes but I haven't figured that out yet.

Is there such thing as an afterlife and higher states of existence that are in utopia and heavenly states of existence?

Excellent question. From what I learned, read, and gathered so far (based on many sources), yes. Though some experiences might be false experiences created by advanced technologies of secrets governments and/or aliens.

If so, how can you also get to higher states of existence?

Meditate, astral project.

What do you need to do in order to get there?

Become somewhat Christ-like or Buddha-like or just simply a "good" person that understands the natural laws and knows what to do, what not to do, and how to apply those natural laws to own life. Also, meditate a lot.

Are there requirements and necessary things for you to accomplish in your life?

There are probably "markers" or "checkpoints" in life to remind.

Are there consequences for your actions, thoughts, deeds and interactions with others?

Yes, a person's Karma can suffer if they do bad deeds and interactions with others.

Must you gain an awareness and figure out certain things to properly live in order to meet the requirements and reach these higher levels and states of existence?

Yes, especially gaining Wisdom is important.

edit on 22-2-2011 by sphinx551 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 23 2011 @ 06:18 AM
reply to post by midicon

Hi Everyone and Midicon,

I'm filling in for the OP right now since he has his hands full in Australia with other things.

There is no such thing as a 'good' truth.

Let's analyze that statement.

First of all our communication with each other via text right now is in a human language based on human understanding of words being used and human definitions given to those words.

Perhaps what the OP is suggesting is that there is a 'Truth' about what is 'Good.'

The truth usually is good or those who are good usually tell the truth otherwise they would be lies and what is the opposite of truth? Of course lies according to human definition/understanding right? And if there is a right must there also be a wrong?

So in writing Good Truth perhaps it means the Truth is Good because the Good only tells the Truth and deceivers or liars or those who intentionally deceive and tell lies are not of 'Good' or the opposite to Good.

Let's take another look at 'Good Truth' - Some people have their own definitions and understandings of the word God and usually they all vary in definition or meaning of what God represents and IS.

Perhaps part of the meaning of what God is represents the Good side or God=Good and all that is Good.

Good Truth --- God Truth or representation of the Good Truth, those who tell the Truth because they are Good and only the opposite of Good lies and deceives and tells untruths.

There are even other ways to look at this but from Light vision the Good Family or all those beings that represent Good would never consider themselves to be Gods in the way mankind has portrayed and defined them to be but surely the universe is not about a tornado passing by and putting it all together into a universe creation so that life could exist on earth and elsewhere in the universe. But if you asked an insect (if it had enough intelligence and way to communicate with you on this topic) it might believe in such a thing. Not to put down humanities intelligence level or awareness but moreso to make a point and use an analogy that mankind is equivalent and on the level of insects in comparison to those on a much higher level of awareness when it comes to Creation and the Universe. So minds well stick to the basics in this discussion. Such as perhaps the world is somewhat round as humans understand it to be and not flat, would you agree? Do you consider that to be a truth?

Or how about perhaps the Sun gives off Light and that the Light humans see and perceive in the world or that which mankind considers to be Light really exists or does it really? What do you believe to be the truth of the matter?

What I've seen so far in this thread are a few simple and basic Truth understandings being presented by the OP.

Truth is an undisputable fact and good is a relative term.

So now that we are discussing what truths are according to your understanding of truths being 'indisputable facts' and that's more than fair to say as it would be the dictionary definition according to human understanding. Of course that is what most of the world believes and thinks, but has mankind really looked at the earth structure properly, carefully and clearly discerned the indisputable facts and truths? So a Truth would be like for instance that the world is not flat but more round, is that correct and is that a truth for you? How about that the earth's solar system has a sun and that the sun shines Light, is that also considered to be an indisputable fact and truth for you?

Why do you think anyone needs a definition of unconditional love?

Everything we are sharing now in information/communication via text is again just human words in some human language based on the intelligence level/understanding of humans with given defined meaning to these words.

What is your definition of Love and why does the word Love need a definition?

What is your definition of 'unconditional' and why does such a word need a definition?

And what's with that list of silly questions?

Some of the questions beings asked are probably the most asked and wondered about questions in all of human history. Starting with - What is the meaning of life?

I really don't believe that you are serious with this nonsense.

The OP is very serious and so AM I --- but what AM I, I am what I AM that I AM.

Love & Best Wishes!

posted on Feb, 23 2011 @ 06:30 AM
Concerning the discernment of truth - I see no other way than to challenge truth to reveal its foundational capacity and its proper application.

I want to thank everyone here that's challenged me and allowed me to challenge them. I'm taking a short break to study what I've learned here, and to figure out how it affects what I came into this arena with. There are times for activity and times for gestation to allow for new birth and new growth. I'm entering a gestational period.

I look forward to coming back to test whatever has emerged from this reflective period with you, and I appreciate all that you've helped me with to this point.

Thank you, again.

posted on Feb, 23 2011 @ 06:43 AM
reply to post by midicon

Hi Midicon,

I have a little time and thought I would reply to those questions of yours.

Since I'm filling in for the OP right now I will follow up on the rest of your comments.

At least someone made an attempt to answer some of the questions asked by the OP besides Sphinx551.

“Do you recognize that oppositions exist in all things or do you deny that oppositions exist?”

You will have to be more specific. Are you saying that all things have an opposite?

To be more specific most things have a direct opposite or opposition to them, there can also be midpoints between two opposites or 'middle grounds' as previously brought up in this thread. There are other things in existence that are considered to be unique that according to human understanding would not have a direct opposite. For example things that humans have created and manufactured or man-made products however if we break down everything internally to the ingredients or contents of objects meaning what is contained within these objects there are still oppositions in one form or another that can be found. There's always an effect to a cause, movement or reaction. Oppositions can also be found in forces such as positive and negative polarities or charges of objects that have effects based on cause and effect or movements/actions/cause with a reaction/interaction.

The question to you is do you believe that there is an opposite to such a thing as Light? Do you identify that Dark is an opposite to Light and do you recognize such a thing and consider that to be a Truth?

How about Heat and Cold, do you believe that Cold is an opposite to Heat and do you identify and recognize the differences between the two? Do you consider that to be a Truth?

Is Night the opposite of Day according to human definition/understanding and do you recognize the differences between the two? Do you identify that to be a truth?

Is there an opposite to sadness?

Is there an opposite to pain?

Is there an opposite action to hurting a person?

What is the opposite?

“Do you recognize that the Sun shines it's Light or do you deny that the Sun shines it's Light and gives Light unto the world?”

Is that a real question?

Sounds like a real question, do you believe that Light as humans perceive/define/understand it to be really exists or do you believe that Light is merely an illusion?

What is the real Truth and is there such a thing as real or Truth?

“What is Truth?”

An undisputable fact.

Is the Sun existing an indisputable fact for you?

Do you really exist as a person, is that an indisputable fact for you?

Does the sun shine Light and is that Light real, is that an indisputable fact for you?

“Where do you come from?”

Nobody knows.

What you suggest is not an indisputable fact but of course what you believe in unless you can prove to the world that nobody truly knows. Somebody may in fact know but it's not yet been allowed to be released or proven.

“Why are you on earth?”

See above.

I realize that you are simply unsure but perhaps you should be seeking to find out the answer to that question because if you remain unsure and 'death' as you know it is an 'inevitability' according to mainstream human 'undeniable fact' understanding then what is the meaning and purpose of life?

Do you believe that you will ever live again after death of the human body as humans understand and perceive it to be or do you feel that when you die that is the very end? Or perhaps you simply just don't know and are left in the 'middle zone' gray area on what you believe?

Are these questions that you've asked yourself before? What is the meaning of life? Isn't life without real meaning or purpose if nothing ever moves on and everyone and everything simply vanishes away forever? Wouldn't everything you learn in life be for nothing, all that you experienced and so on if it's all for nothing to simply disappear and seize to exist forever?

Or is life all about not ever worrying about or seeking the answers to these questions but rather go along with the flow of things and accept life as it comes while eating, drinking and trying to be merry while you still can and have the chance before it all ends?

“Where are you going?”

I have no plans to go anywhere.

Let's assume that you really have a spirit or 'soul' and that you as a person or intelligence will move on, would that be important or mean anything to you?

“Is there something you were meant to do in your life?”

Procreate probably.

What is the meaning of life and the reason or purpose for you existing right now?

Probably, maybe, could be this or that, nobody knows for sure is that about how you feel?

“Is there something you were meant to figure out or know?”

How to procreate successfully.

Are you a procreation type of machine being used to simply procreate on earth? Believe it or not some people believe in that type of thing and that they really have no freewill or self, were programmed basically in personality/consciousness to do whatever it is they are doing on earth and they are simply a phase of the creation that put them into play to fulfill a role of the main-frame machine of the universe that needed them to procreate or be a piece of the earth planet or part of the overall machine/creator operation and so on.

After death of the phase of you --- off to the recycle bin you go into the main-frame machine of creation where you are used as scrap materials to be reused for new phases of the creation machine/creator. It's not an intelligent being/creator but machine really for some like a tornado creating a nice rolls royce vehicle out of infinite so called empty space/energy. Those non-intelligent creator/machine tornadoes and hurricanes are truly intelligent with excellent creation skills and capabilities-)

“Is there such thing as an afterlife and higher states of existence that are in utopia and heavenly states of existence?”

Which term should I choose to answer i.e. ‘afterlife’, ‘utopia’, ‘higher states’ or ‘heavenly states’?

The after life is fine or even spirit world but if you wanna move up a few notches you can call it utopia or heavenly existences really. These are of course simply human words defining something based on human understanding of such. Some religious words are much more conditioning for some as they quickly turn people off and who can really blame them. It's preferred to not use the word heaven because it then suddenly brings a thought to people's minds based on the many human definitions/understandings and misconceptions/misunderstandings and distortions of what that type of place really is and what it's all about and like.

Utopia or blissful higher states of existence representing peace, love, unity and happiness works just fine. Who in their right mind wouldn't want to go to such places where dreams may come true in the beyond human understanding/comprehension --- incomprehensible heavenly existences beyond, unlike anything that humans could ever possibly imagine or create in their minds. Such a place (IS) beyond this universe, call it graduation and eternal progression that goes on Forever into the Eternities and it only gets better and better Forever. Never say never when you're dealing with Forever. Of course such things are not to be shown, given or proven at this time, TIME being the key to all of Eternity. Let's start with the very basics of simple truths that can be clearly shown and understood and even be scientifically proven according to current day human understanding and see where it goes from there.

“If so, how can you also get to higher states of existence?”

What are ‘higher states of existence’? you need to be more specific.

Let's take a 1st world wealthy country for instance on earth where many people have it better off than others for the most part, a nice house, car, plenty of food, even the homeless eat, good water, swimming pools, luxuries, entertainment and a decent way of living. Then we compare that to a 3rd world country like Ethiopia or other countries where people are starving to death with hardly anything and statistic wise over 40,000+ children under the age of 5yrs old die every single day due to the lack of simple food. Well those living under such difficult circumstances have it much harder, their lives are clearly much more difficult in those circumstances in comparison to those in a 1st world country having everything they need to live at their fingertips even for the homeless wouldn't you agree? So now let's apply this earth world to another place where people being spirit intelligences can live, each person having an eternal spirit, and let's say in those places there is no war, no need for money and far greater things available to them than anything that could ever be found on earth and they all share wonderful things beyond human comprehension in perfect harmony, peace and love and get along in a perfect good loving spirit having a much higher level of understanding/awareness.

Those that exist in such places have access to things humans would only dream of and can traverse the universe and other places with such capabilities/creation/technologies at will as earth humans take vacations. Let's just imagine that those in such places have way more answers about creation and do not need proof because they know of a surety of these things as they are the proof. Let's say they have created their own type of worlds/creations and done all kinds of things and understand them perfectly just as mankind on earth manufacturers planes, trains and automobiles. Let's imagine such beings on that level have their own understandings/capabilities to create existences/wonderful-things on a much higher level than anthills, sticks and stones or caveman technologies mankind creates on earth. Now we are speaking about a very tiny example of a higher existence where there is no 'tiny' that is on a much higher level than humanity is on earth. Those who exist on such levels are on a much higher frequency (vibratory state) and feel much more happiness and joy at a far greater and higher capacity than humans could ever experience on earth due to their higher understandings/level of awareness/advanced-more progressed spirits, bodies and blissful existences. What can really be said to describe such a place of blissful feelings of joy, happiness, peace and love. Sounds good doesn't it, so the question to you then would be if there was such a place would you ever want to go there? And if there were requirements for a spirit intelligence or person like yourself to reach such a place would you want to work towards getting there and be made aware of those requirements? Would you feel this to be important and wouldn't you want your family to also go with you and find great happiness and joy to be together forever? Families are Forever and Never say Never when you're dealing with Forever.

“What do you need to do in order to get there?”

See above.

Got it and wouldn't it be nice if you had it?

“Are there requirements and necessary things for you to accomplish in your life?”


Are you sure of yourself?

“Are there consequences for your actions, thoughts, deeds and interactions with others?”

Are there any actions without consequence?

What do you think?

“Must you gain an awareness and figure out certain things to properly live in order to meet the requirements and reach these higher levels and states of existence?”

What are these ‘higher levels’ and ‘states of existence’…far too vague to answer.
And anyway why must I do anything?

If you do have a spirit intelligence or 'soul' let's say that's eternal and moves on after you leave the body and there are other places out there far greater than earth with certain things necessary for you to figure out and accomplish in your life in order to get there wouldn't that truly be important for you to know and figure out?

Regards Midicon.

Kind Regards and Eternally Best Wishes Forever.

ET_MAN or my user-name was chosen to point out that all things technically come from non-terrestrial origin even the very earth itself before it came into existence originated from outside of earth's atmosphere being non-terrestrial in origin coming into existence from one boundary/place or another. I've explained this quite a few times already though I must repeat myself since many do seem to easily get the impression that I'm trying to claim myself to be an ET in the literal sense that came down on earth in extraterrestrial body/form.

Love & Best Wishes!

posted on Feb, 23 2011 @ 08:17 AM
reply to post by NorEaster

Hi NorEaster,

what you think you know.

In humility I say that what I know IS Truth, but one-1 must first take the time to think about it further where there is no first or time and come to their own realization/remembrance of it according to the eternal understandings in spirit.

I have a very powerful belief that I know the answers to all of these questions.

Please share and let's further discuss.

The question is, am I right?

Is there such a thing as right or wrong according to what you believe in or is there only a right?

The real question is - how can I know if I'm right?

By understanding what right IS first where there is no first and by coming to a realization/remembrance and higher understanding/awareness of the simple and plain Light Truths that are Eternal understandings that intelligences have always had an understanding of if one-1 could only recall/remember.

Jesus challenged everyone around him, and anyone would say that he was doing so out of concern for the people being hoodwinked by those people. I know that I'm not Jesus, but what makes that statement of mine any different, since my motivation is exactly the same as Jesus' motivation.

The Truth (IS) the Truth and has always been and will always be as it's unchangeable and one-1 eternal straight path/course (round). What makes your statement different is that if your not sharing the Truth and claim something to be the Truth then it can never be the Truth nor can it ever hold up as untruth will crumble and fall apart when faced with the real Light Truth of creation/matter.

Regardless of what anyone believes and how many claims of truth people have out there it can never change the one-1 and eternal Truth nor can anyone ever debunk or disprove the one-1 and eternal Truth as the Light and Truth always has an answer of Truth --- Light (IS) Truth and reveals the Truth of the 'matter.'

You cxan say that the difference is that "he's doing God's work", but what makes you believe that you have the authority to say that I'm not doing God's work?

If One-1 is not doing GOOD works then how can One-1 be doing Gods/Good work and what IS God?

This is a question that anyone who is professing the Truth must ask him/herself. Why is it impossible for you to be mistaken. I'm vetting my "truth" in every post I respond to.

It's never a person sharing or anyone else being mistaken when the Truth is being shared as the Truth can never be mistaken or comprehended for those who remain in darkness not yet properly seeing/viewing/discerning the Truth of Light behind the 'matter.' As it's been written "the darkness comprehendeth not the Light" It's never about a messenger or person sharing or who's more intelligent or better when it comes to someone sharing the Truth, it comes down to what (IS) The Truth and if the Truth is being shared about the 'matter' then how can the Truth ever crumble or fall?

Black and White is a great human expression, didn't Michael Jackson use it.

It can be clear as Day and Night once the remembrance/awareness and Light IS turned on.

Love & Best Wishes!

posted on Feb, 23 2011 @ 09:35 AM
Realistically, emotions are on a spectrum, and it is not simply the emotion itself, but the means of interpretation that defines good or evil.

posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 03:23 AM
reply to post by SystemResistor

Hi SystemResistor,

the means of interpretation that defines good or evil.

As long as a person can recognize the difference between the two and understand that there are opposites and oppositions, such as cold and heat, good and an opposite to good, that's what truly counts and is the most important thing for a person to properly discern truth. Oppositions in actions and reactions with cause and effect, attraction and consequence for one's action. Everything is not just Love and Heaven on earth even though some may believe it to be. Many are in denial and some choose to live in their own fantasy land version of reality believing that everything is merely an illusion even their very existence as if earth reality is not real at all and nothing is real. Clearly that is a pixie dust land version of reality because some things may be perceived as an illusion but some things are surely not an illusion and real as well. There is a fine line between the two and a line on what could be considered to be an illusion based on one's interpretation/perception of it and what is not illusion and really truly exists.

You do exist.
The Sun is real.
Light from the Sun is real.
These are the basics and a good place to start.
ABC's and 123's

Love & Best Wishes!

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 10:56 AM

edit on 25-2-2011 by midicon because: experimenting

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 11:20 AM
reply to post by ET_MAN

Hi ET_MAN, sorry about the delay in replying.

There is no such thing as a 'good' truth.

“Let's analyze that statement

Perhaps what the OP is suggesting is that there is a 'Truth' about what is 'Good.'”

Then why not simply say that instead of trying to dress up words and terms in unnecessary verbiage”

“The truth usually is good or those who are good usually tell the truth otherwise they would be lies and what is the opposite of truth? Of course lies according to human definition/understanding right? And if there is a right must there also be a wrong?”

Good is always a relative term, what may be good for you may not be good for me. And there can even be a ‘good’ lie. One could lie to protect others, save others and that’s a ‘truth’…and a ‘good’ lie! Sigh…so many truths…and there may not even be an ultimate one. Truth is what it is, neither good nor bad.

“So in writing Good Truth perhaps it means the Truth is Good because the Good only tells the Truth and deceivers or liars or those who intentionally deceive and tell lies are not of 'Good' or the opposite to Good.”

Good ultimately is that which benefits self…Liars and deceivers are in the same boat.
They are not in opposition…both sides of the same coin. Nietche coined a nice phrase when he wrote ‘Beyond good and evil”.

“Let's take another look at 'Good Truth' - Some people have their own definitions and understandings of the word God and usually they all vary in definition or meaning of what God represents and IS.”

No one can define ‘God’ that’s just silly talk by silly people…and what he represents is another judgment call…never mind ‘IS’.

“Perhaps part of the meaning of what God is represents the Good side or God=Good and all that is Good.”

Key word being ‘Perhaps’…and I see God is creeping in a lot….maybe God is just what’s ‘good’ for ‘you’…and please remember…good is a relative term.

“There are even other ways to look at this but from Light vision the Good Family or all those beings that represent Good would never consider themselves to be Gods in the way mankind has portrayed and defined them to be but surely the universe is not about a tornado passing by and putting it all together into a universe creation so that life could exist on earth and elsewhere in the universe. But if you asked an insect (if it had enough intelligence and way to communicate with you on this topic) it might believe in such a thing. Not to put down humanities intelligence level or awareness but moreso to make a point and use an analogy that mankind is equivalent and on the level of insects in comparison to those on a much higher level of awareness when it comes to Creation and the Universe. So minds well stick to the basics in this discussion. Such as perhaps the world is somewhat round as humans understand it to be and not flat, would you agree? Do you consider that to be a truth?”

There is no ‘Good Family’ or dare I say it ‘Light vision’…well maybe ‘Light vision’ could be elaborated upon. And I have no idea what all those beings that represent good would consider themselves to be. Let’s not forget that ‘good’ is a relative term. You make too many assumptions based upon what you think is good. And too many assumptions are contained in the rest of the paragraph. There is also no analogy between humanities level of awareness and anything else…that’s just silly…and not only that it’s presumptuous. And even if I were to accept the analogy…what makes you think I require one, this is not kindergarten…and of course you would like to keep things nice and basic because there is no depth in your premise.

“Or how about perhaps the Sun gives off Light and that the Light humans see and perceive in the world or that which mankind considers to be Light really exists or does it really? What do you believe to be the truth of the matter?”

Why are you asking this question…you are asking me if light exists? What does that have to do with anything? Are you now going to write an unneeded list of light affirmations…which like all those other examples are unnecessary?

“What I've seen so far in this thread are a few simple and basic Truth understandings being presented by the OP.”

Indeed, simple and basic…and well never mind.

Truth is an undisputable fact and good is a relative term.

“So now that we are discussing what truths are according to your understanding of truths being 'indisputable facts' and that's more than fair to say as it would be the dictionary definition according to human understanding. Of course that is what most of the world believes and thinks,”

So far so good…now we wander back off into la la land with…

, but has mankind really looked at the earth structure properly, carefully and clearly discerned the indisputable facts and truths? So a Truth would be like for instance that the world is not flat but more round, is that correct and is that a truth for you? How about that the earth's solar system has a sun and that the sun shines Light, is that also considered to be an indisputable fact and truth for you?

I suppose scientists do their best to understand the earth’s structure and increase our knowledge and understanding of such things. And make no mistake they do so as ‘properly’, ‘carefully’, and clearly as they can…and indeed gather as much ‘factual’ information as they can…and anyway what does that have to do with anything? You now jump to some obvious statements in the form of a question…shall I say ‘the earth isn’t round’ or ‘the sun doesn’t shine’? Let’s not forget the original statement ‘good truth’. I questioned the term ‘good’ saying it is a relative term and truth was well…an undisputable fact. However having thought about it I could have said ‘and the sad truth is’ can we have a sad truth? I could start a thread about the ‘sad truth’. Well I couldn’t really it would be too pessimistic.

Why do you think anyone needs a definition of unconditional love?

“Everything we are sharing now in information/communication via text is again just human words in some human language based on the intelligence level/understanding of humans with given defined meaning to these words.”

I have not seen any real information so far should I summarize for you…?
Never in a million years.

“What is your definition of Love and why does the word Love need a definition?”

There is no definition of love…and why would it need one?

“What is your definition of 'unconditional' and why does such a word need a definition?”

I’m sure anyone reading this knows what the term ‘unconditional’ means or implies do I really have to go through all that long winded palaver. I’ll leave that to you, you do love that sort of stuff. How about another list of ‘opposites…

Anyway I’m just having fun here really…my own experience of this reality is ‘fine and dandy’ and I’m sure I’m not talking to anyone ‘more’ or ‘less’ aware than me. I’ve read enough, thought enough, dreamed enough about every thing. And this ‘family of light’ I could never squeeze them in… you see so much light was caught, squashed up and bottled up inside me that there’s no room left…my super conductivity is all used up…isn’t that how it goes? Such is the way…
Perhaps all love is self love really and you have things the wrong way round…opposite in fact…and you do love opposites. Should I go into the nature of opposites…they used to be my thing…perhaps not.
And you can talk about love, in the language of love, and wax lyrical about love…but you can’t give love, it’s not yours to give…you can’t even receive love… In fact if you wish to experience unconditional love you can’t…it will brush you aside and overwhelm you.
Anyway as you can see this isn’t the thread for me, I should never have entered into this dialogue but I am impressed by, if nothing else, your politeness and thank you for that.

Regards Midicon.

edit on 25-2-2011 by midicon because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 03:39 PM
reply to post by ET_MAN

“Where do you come from?”

Nobody knows.

What you suggest is not an indisputable fact but of course what you believe in unless you can prove to the world that nobody truly knows. Somebody may in fact know but it's not yet been allowed to be released or proven.

I never said it was an undisputable fact…in fact I have no undisputable facts. Maybe I should have said ‘I don’t know’…and having said that…it doesn’t really bother me in the slightest about not knowing I used to know lots of stuff about everything. I may have forgotten more than you know…you know!

“Why are you on earth?”

I could care less for a ‘why’. I'm happy to be here.

I realize that you are simply unsure but perhaps you should be seeking to find out the answer to that question because if you remain unsure and 'death' as you know it is an 'inevitability' according to mainstream human 'undeniable fact' understanding then what is the meaning and purpose of life?

What I am sure of is the last thing I should be doing is ‘seeking’. Now you have brought in ‘death’. Where did that come from? Now that death has appeared my life now has to have meaning and purpose? And somehow I am required to justify a happy life without said ‘meaning or purpose’. God grant us freedom from ‘meaning and purpose’.
Only the dead are concerned with death…

Do you believe that you will ever live again after death of the human body as humans understand and perceive it to be or do you feel that when you die that is the very end? Or perhaps you simply just don't know and are left in the 'middle zone' gray area on what you believe?

I have no reason to believe in any of that…don’t get me wrong…I read so much…it was too much really, now I’m happy to ‘cross that bridge’ when I come to it. It’s not a big deal.

Are these questions that you've asked yourself before? What is the meaning of life? Isn't life without real meaning or purpose if nothing ever moves on and everyone and everything simply vanishes away forever? Wouldn't everything you learn in life be for nothing, all that you experienced and so on if it's all for nothing to simply disappear and seize to exist forever?

Why is this so important to you? You know what’s going to happen don’t you…one day you will wake up and realize…well never mind.

Or is life all about not ever worrying about or seeking the answers to these questions but rather go along with the flow of things and accept life as it comes while eating, drinking and trying to be merry while you still can and have the chance before it all ends?

So now you want me to worry and seek? There is something wrong with your mindset.
And where did ‘eating’ and ‘drinking’ come from? So now I am a merry, eater and drinker! Desperately trying to stuff it all in before I pop my clogs! This is fun.
Too many assumptions about me

“Where are you going?”

I have no plans to go anywhere.

Let's assume that you really have a spirit or 'soul' and that you as a person or intelligence will move on, would that be important or mean anything to you?

It would if I assumed it but I assume nothing.

“Is there something you were meant to do in your life?”

Procreate probably.

“Is there something you were meant to figure out or know?”

How to procreate successfully.

Are you a procreation type of machine being used to simply procreate on earth? Believe it or not some people believe in that type of thing and that they really have no freewill or self, were programmed basically in personality/consciousness to do whatever it is they are doing on earth and they are simply a phase of the creation that put them into play to fulfill a role of the main-frame machine of the universe that needed them to procreate or be a piece of the earth planet or part of the overall machine/creator operation and so on.

I suppose I was a little ‘flippant’ with my response although when you get right down to basic human drives…

After death of the phase of you --- off to the recycle bin you go into the main-frame machine of creation where you are used as scrap materials to be reused for new phases of the creation machine/creator. It's not an intelligent being/creator but machine really for some like a tornado creating a nice rolls royce vehicle out of infinite so called empty space/energy. Those non-intelligent creator/machine tornadoes and hurricanes are truly intelligent with excellent creation skills and capabilities-)


“Is there such thing as an afterlife and higher states of existence that are in utopia and heavenly states of existence?”

Which term should I choose to answer i.e. ‘afterlife’, ‘utopia’, ‘higher states’ or ‘heavenly states’?

The after life is fine or even spirit world but if you wanna move up a few notches you can call it utopia or heavenly existences really. These are of course simply human words defining something based on human understanding of such. Some religious words are much more conditioning for some as they quickly turn people off and who can really blame them. It's preferred to not use the word heaven because it then suddenly brings a thought to people's minds based on the many human definitions/understandings and misconceptions/misunderstandings and distortions of what that type of place really is and what it's all about and like.

Hold on…’move up a few notches’, what does that mean…so moving from calling it ‘spirit world’ to ‘heavenly existences’ is ‘moving up a few notches’…but never mind because this last paragraph speaks for itself.

Utopia or blissful higher states of existence representing peace, love, unity and happiness works just fine. Who in their right mind wouldn't want to go to such places where dreams may come true in the beyond human understanding/comprehension --- incomprehensible heavenly existences beyond, unlike anything that humans could ever possibly imagine or create in their minds. Such a place (IS) beyond this universe, call it graduation and eternal progression that goes on Forever into the Eternities and it only gets better and better Forever. Never say never when you're dealing with Forever. Of course such things are not to be shown, given or proven at this time, TIME being the key to all of Eternity. Let's start with the very basics of simple truths that can be clearly shown and understood and even be scientifically proven according to current day human understanding and see where it goes from there.

It’s going from bad to worse here. ‘Dreams come true’, ‘beyond human comprehension’, ‘heavenly existence’, ‘beyond anything we could imagine’. And what is (IS)? That’s just too much. What else have we got? ‘graduation’, ‘eternal progression’, ‘Forever into eternity’, ‘better and better forever’, I can’t even comment on that. And lo and behold ‘time’ is the key to eternity, who would have thought it. I fear for my sanity!

“If so, how can you also get to higher states of existence?”

What are ‘higher states of existence’? you need to be more specific.

Let's take a 1st world wealthy country for instance on earth where many people have it better off than others for the most part, a nice house, car, plenty of food, even the homeless eat, good water, swimming pools, luxuries, entertainment and a decent way of living. Then we compare that to a 3rd world country like Ethiopia or other countries where people are starving to death with hardly anything and statistic wise over 40,000+ children under the age of 5yrs old die every single day due to the lack of simple food. Well those living under such difficult circumstances have it much harder, their lives are clearly much more difficult in those circumstances in comparison to those in a 1st world country having everything they need to live at their fingertips even for the homeless wouldn't you agree? So now let's apply this earth world to another place

No lets don’t that’s just a silly analogy that makes no sense. You want to jump from the known to the unknown concerning something you know absolutely nothing about.

where people being spirit intelligences can live, each person having an eternal spirit, and let's say in those places there is no war, no need for money and far greater things available to them than anything that could ever be found on earth and they all share wonderful things beyond human comprehension in perfect harmony, peace and love and get along in a perfect good loving spirit having a much higher level of understanding/awareness.

Deary me…and sad to say the rest is just a poor man’s spiritual fantasy.

Those that exist in such places have access to things humans would only dream of and can traverse the universe and other places with such capabilities/creation/technologies at will as earth humans take vacations. Let's just imagine that those in such places have way more answers about creation and do not need proof because they know of a surety of these things as they are the proof. Let's say they have created their own type of worlds/creations and done all kinds of things and understand them perfectly just as mankind on earth manufacturers planes, trains and automobiles. Let's imagine such beings on that level have their own understandings/capabilities to create existences/wonderful-things on a much higher level than anthills, sticks and stones or caveman technologies mankind creates on earth. Now we are speaking about a very tiny example of a higher existence where there is no 'tiny' that is on a much higher level than humanity is on earth. Those who exist on such levels are on a much higher frequency (vibratory state) and feel much more happiness and joy at a far greater and higher capacity than humans could ever experience on earth due to their higher understandings/level of awareness/advanced-more progressed spirits, bodies and blissful existences. What can really be said to describe such a place of blissful feelings of joy, happiness, peace and love. Sounds good doesn't it, so the question to you then would be if there was such a place would you ever want to go there? And if there were requirements for a spirit intelligence or person like yourself to reach such a place would you want to work towards getting there and be made aware of those requirements? Would you feel this to be important and wouldn't you want your family to also go with you and find great happiness and joy to be together forever? Families are Forever and Never say Never when you're dealing with Forever.

“What do you need to do in order to get there?”

See above.

Got it and wouldn't it be nice if you had it?

To be honest it sounds like some sort of airy fairy la la land…a Jehovah’s witnesses fantasy run wild!

“Are there requirements and necessary things for you to accomplish in your life?”


Are you sure of yourself?


“Are there consequences for your actions, thoughts, deeds and interactions with others?”

Are there any actions without consequence?

What do you think?

“Must you gain an awareness and figure out certain things to properly live in order to meet the requirements and reach these higher levels and states of existence?”

What are these ‘higher levels’ and ‘states of existence’…far too vague to answer.
And anyway why must I do anything?

If you do have a spirit intelligence or 'soul' let's say that's eternal and moves on after you leave the body and there are other places out there far greater than earth with certain things necessary for you to figure out and accomplish in your life in order to get there wouldn't that truly be important for you to know and figure out?

No…it will all take care of itself eventually. Knowing and figuring out will be the spiritual death of you…once you stop figuring out and knowing…and seeking…well you know how it goes.

Regards Midicon.

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 10:25 PM

I don't believe in superstars,
Organic food and foreign cars.
I don't believe the price of gold;
The certainty of growing old.
That right is right and left is wrong,
That north and south can't get along.
That east is east and west is west.
And being first is always best.
But I believe in love.
I believe in babies.
I believe in Mom and Dad.
And I believe in you.

Well, I don't believe that heaven waits,
For only those who congregate.
I like to think of God as love:
He's down below, He's up above.
He's watching people everywhere.
He knows who does and doesn't care.
And I'm an ordinary man,
Sometimes I wonder who I am.
But I believe in love.
I believe in music.
I believe in magic.
And I believe in you.

Well, I know with all my certainty,
What's going on with you and me,
Is a good thing.
It's true, I believe in you.

I don't believe virginity,
Is as common as it used to be.
In working days and sleeping nights,
That black is black and white is white.
That Superman and Robin Hood,
Are still alive in Hollywood.
That gasoline's in short supply,
The rising cost of getting by.
But I believe in love.
I believe in old folks.
I believe in children.
I believe in you.
But I believe in love.
I believe in babies.
I believe in Mom and Dad.
And I believe in YOU.

With Love,

Your Brother

edit on 25-2-2011 by IAMIAM because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 26 2011 @ 09:13 AM
reply to post by IAMIAM

I do wonder sometimes why people feel the need to quote song lyrics.
If you want to be lyrical why not write your own…or just say it like it is.

Is it because you can’t find words that say what you want to say…
Or because you lack creativity and insight

And of course that song isn’t about truth…it’s about belief and sentiment.
And those beliefs and sentiment may represent your version of truth…
It may not represent mine…
In fact that song is a fine example of conditional love…is that the truth?

What you believe to be true may not be true…just because you believe it won’t necessarily make it so.
I love… but I don’t make the mistake of thinking it is something I can affix other labels to or claim fundamentally that it is this or that.
You may like to think that ‘god is love’…well at least that’s what the song says…and that may well be true…but then again the reality of it may be a totally different thing altogether…who can say?
All love may indeed be self love…projected outwards…and god, whatever that is, may be nothing at all or something else entirely…who can speak for god?

Two years ago I asked myself…in the spirit of earnest endeavor…’what is love’.
Strangely enough I was given a reply and it took me a long time to recover from it.

Regards Midicon.

posted on Feb, 26 2011 @ 09:22 AM

Originally posted by midicon
Two years ago I asked myself…in the spirit of earnest endeavor…’what is love’.
Strangely enough I was given a reply and it took me a long time to recover from it.

Regards Midicon.

Truth is not a belief. Truth IS.

You asked the wrong question my friend. You should have asked "Who am I?". And you should have pursued that question until you were broken down to nothingness.

Instead, you focused on the wrong question. Answer That question, and all other questions become meaningless.

Know thy self.

With Love,

Your Brother
edit on 26-2-2011 by IAMIAM because: (no reason given)

edit on 26-2-2011 by IAMIAM because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 26 2011 @ 10:01 AM
reply to post by IAMIAM

There are no wrong questions.

And I have already said that truth isn’t a belief.
Unlike those song lyrics…perhaps you picked the wrong song.
Anyway there is no answer to ‘who am I’, or even ‘what am I’
Unless we want to be clever and answer with ‘silence’
And the self cannot know the self…
And incidentally…the answer to ‘what is love?’
Requires the dissolution of self…

Regards Midicon.

posted on Feb, 26 2011 @ 10:07 AM

Originally posted by midicon
And the self cannot know the self…
And incidentally…the answer to ‘what is love?’
Requires the dissolution of self…

Regards Midicon.

The limitations you are stating are self imposed.

If you need those limitations, keep them.

Do not assume they apply to all.

You do not know who I AM.

You cannot set limitations for me.

With Love,

Your Brother

posted on Feb, 26 2011 @ 10:33 AM
reply to post by IAMIAM

And yet you set limitations but I suppose that’s fine.
After all you are who you are.
And I don’t assume anything. I just read what you write.
It is you that makes assumptions about me.
And I have no desire to impose limitations on anyone.
Let me see I said “the self cannot know the self’
Show me why that isn’t true.
And can we answer ‘what is love’…without the dissolution of self?
That should be fun.

Regards Midicon.

posted on Feb, 26 2011 @ 10:38 AM

Originally posted by midicon
Let me see I said “the self cannot know the self’
Show me why that isn’t true.

I understand what you are trying to say here my friend. It would be better worded as such:

The observer cannot observe itself.

The self can know itself,
but only when it can see itself
in all others.

I believe in Love,
cause I believe in You.

Originally posted by midicon
And can we answer ‘what is love’…without the dissolution of self?
That should be fun.

Do what I have said above, and you will find the answer to this question.

With Love,

Your Brother

P.S. It is more than fun, it is pure JOY!
edit on 26-2-2011 by IAMIAM because: (no reason given)

edit on 26-2-2011 by IAMIAM because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 26 2011 @ 02:42 PM
reply to post by midicon

And incidentally…the answer to ‘what is love?’
Requires the dissolution of self…

This is fascinating. After a lifetime of asking the same question, this is the answer I received:

Love is where self is not.

posted on Feb, 26 2011 @ 03:37 PM
reply to post by mysticnoon

That is a great definition. Love focus's on the other.

posted on Feb, 26 2011 @ 06:23 PM
reply to post by midicon

Hi Midicon,

Hi ET_MAN, sorry about the delay in replying.

No rush or worries.

Then why not simply say that instead of trying to dress up words and terms in unnecessary verbiage”

Maybe you should ask that question to the OP, everyone's different and presents information in their own unique way. From what I've observed if you ask me, this thread is still in the process of just opening up. Give it a little more time, I've chosen to get involved so that I can also further share what I see and know for myself on the subject of discerning truth.

“The truth usually is good or those who are good usually tell the truth otherwise they would be lies and what is the opposite of truth? Of course lies according to human definition/understanding right? And if there is a right must there also be a wrong?”

Good is always a relative term, what may be good for you may not be good for me.

There are many ways of looking at the word good but if we are referring to a human behavior or action of a person rather than simply a good thing for your own personal life or a good thing for my own personal life than good would be more about the actions of a person to another based on their understanding of the word and intent for doing such an action. So not necessarily good in the context as in this food tastes really good while that same food might not taste good for another person but rather good in the context of doing actions unto others. I previously started a thread a while back asking the question - what is right and what is wrong? that can be found here - but in regards to good if we are referring to good as being an action that a person does to another person than it's quite different when used in that context of the word in comparison to what's simply good for a persons health while that same thing may not be good for another persons health based on their own personal life's circumstances/situation. As an example, hurting someone in the literal sense of hurting them knowing clearly what you are doing to another by allowing them to suffer or feel pain out of anger or hate for them would not be considered to be a Good thing out of Love wouldn't you agree? That should be as clear as the Light of day for people to pick up on but what is your 'undeniable fact' truth in such a 'matter'?

And there can even be a ‘good’ lie. One could lie to protect others, save others and that’s a ‘truth’…and a ‘good’ lie!

This is a good example showing the very thing brought up previously in this thread that good is based on a persons true intent towards another. So if a person as you put it lies to protect and help others then their true intent or intentions are only good. They are doing what they do with good intentions and for good reasons as they are withholding certain information to merely protect and help someone out of love and goodness. So there are exceptions to withholding information form others depending on the circumstances/situations and everything of course should be done in wisdom. I'm glad that you brought up this example. Another applicable scenario and example could be for instance if certain information was released to the general public that could potentially cause mass panic, fear even rioting and other such civil uprisings/actions among the people that could potentially do more harm than good just in releasing the information than in wisdom it's better that people keep that information from ever being released in the first place. Just another example out of many that could be used of course.

so many truths…

Withheld information from others with good intent in order to protect people is not truth. There is only one truth of the 'matter' that remains the same regardless of the many stories and untruths being told. So even though there are many different versions of the stories being told there is truly only one truth of the 'matter.' For example, who is your real mother on earth? Do you believe that you have only one real mother that gave birth to you or are there more than one? What is the one truth of the 'matter' and who is your real mother? Could you have more than one or only one? What is your 'undeniable fact' truth of the matter?

and there may not even be an ultimate one.

There is always one real deal 'Truth' regardless of the many different religions, beliefs, philosophies and opinions out there. In the same way that there is a Sun and there is Light from that Sun, regardless of what people believe in about that Sun or the Light that comes from the Sun or how many different versions of people's own truths, theories, philosophies, religions and belief systems there are out there it never can change that one-1 truth about the Sun and the Light of the Sun that remains the same and IS what it IS. In the same way that regardless of what people could possibly say, think or believe about who they say, think or believe your real mother IS that gave birth to you there will only be one truth about who your real mother IS on earth. Such IS the Truth in the 'matter' and it just IS and remains the same regardless of the many theories, philosophies, religions and belief systems out there.

Truth is neither good nor bad.

Of course truth is neither good or bad as it's not an action but just IS, and by the OP writing good truth we understand that he could have also written light truth, dark truth, good truth, earth truth, mother truth and so on. In other words the truth about Light, the truth about Dark, the truth about Good, the truth about Earth, the truth about a Mother and so on. Truth is just that ---- THE TRUTH --- and it IS what it IS.

Good ultimately is that which benefits self…

Regardless of what anyone believe's Good to be or the Sun to be, or the Light of the Sun to be, it doesn't change the truth of what these things are. There IS a truth to what Good represents, stands for and IS (if understood correctly) regardless of what anyone believes. But in order for one to clearly and properly discern what Light Truth IS behind earth's existence one must first clearly and properly understand what Light IS. If one understands what Light IS then one also recognizes it's opposition distinguishing Light from an opposite or Dark bringing knowledge in awareness/understanding to a person of the oppositions where one thing/action exists from another that can be distinguished/discerned based on one's level of awareness/understanding. With understanding, awareness, knowledge, experiences, realizing and seeing comes responsibility and accountability for one's choices, decisions and actions based on one's true intent for making such choices, decisions and actions against others. ACTIONS - Freewill they say comes with having an understanding and awareness of the differences and oppositions in choices, decisions and actions realizing and seeing the oppositions with a freedom to act, choose and decide for one's self with power to choose and decide between the two and everything in between. This includes all choices, actions and decisions from one side of the fence to the other, all middle grounds and gray areas (included). The creation structure and process of (BECOMING) behind all of creation. Understanding the structure of existence/creation and oppositions, understanding the cause and effects, energy attraction sent and received and consequences for one's actions based on one's intelligence of understanding/awareness and most importantly one's true intent of the heart.

Liars and deceivers are in the same boat.

Please further explain?

They are not in opposition…

Is helping someone out of kindness and love the same as hurting someone out of anger and hate?

No one can define ‘God’

Not unless one understands the word God to be Good. I personally don't use the word God due to the many definitions/interpretations of the word, especially found throughout the many religions with variations of definitions in understanding. But the word Good or Creator works well. So let us use the words Good and Creator or Good Creator and if such words are defined, understood and interpreted correctly in their true definition/meaning of what they truly represent, stand for and are. Then just as they are and as the Sun just IS and the Light of the Sun IS (if interpreted correctly) the Truth also just IS as it's always been and will always be because it just IS.

There is no ‘Good Family’

Do you have a family on Earth?
What is your definition/understanding of Family?
What is your definition/understanding of Good?

well maybe ‘Light vision’ could be elaborated upon.

One-1 who sees the Truth for what it IS, Light reveals the Truth and Light (IS) Truth. One-1 who sees with a Light Eye can properly discern what Truth IS, because the Truth IS just that --- THE TRUTH --- and just IS.

And I have no idea what all those beings that represent good would consider themselves to be.

The Good Family IS what they are --- representing all that IS Good and Love, desiring the very best possible outcome always, desiring to bring happiness and joy to everyone in creation and existence.

The Truth is the Truth and just IS. We are discussing the basics and haven't gotten into much more than ABC's and 123's but as this thread progresses it will get clearer and clearer for those following if the discussion IS continued and allowed to open up. Nobody can disprove the Truth because the Truth just IS. Light is Light, Good is Good, Love is Love and just IS, Truth is Truth and just IS.

You make too many assumptions based upon what you think is good.

There are no what if's, buts or assumptions about it, there IS only one Truth and one Good based on the true understanding/definition of the 'matter' of all that Good truly stands for, represents and IS. Regardless of the many beliefs and different definitions out there of what Truth or Good IS, it doesn't change the Sun or the Light of the Sun because the truth just IS and has always been.

this is not kindergarten…and of course you would like to keep things nice and basic because there is no depth in your premise.

This is more like preschool for now because in order to understand the more complex and in depth things one must first understand the basics, such as the truth about the Sun, the truth about Light and oppositions. Baby steps, ABC's and 123's IS a good place to start.

“Or how about perhaps the Sun gives off Light and that the Light humans see and perceive in the world or that which mankind considers to be Light really exists or does it really? What do you believe to be the truth of the matter?”

Why are you asking this question…you are asking me if light exists?

Does Light exist? Is that to you considered to be an 'undeniable fact' truth?

What does that have to do with anything?

It shows that Light IS Light, Truth IS Truth and regardless of what anyone thinks or believes about Light or Truth, Light is Light and Truth IS Truth because it just IS.

Do you believe that Light exists?
Do you believe that Truth exists?

What I've seen so far in this thread are a few simple and basic Truth understandings being presented by the OP.”

Indeed, simple and basic...

What's been shared so far has intentionally been kept simple and basic and you must admit that even you've seemed to be struggling with these simple and basic truths in understanding. Once we get past the basic and simple understandings of oppositions clearly distinguishing and discerning one thing or action from another then perhaps we can move up a level and apply such understandings/truths to other more complex and in depth understandings found in creation and existence. Eventually the picture and puzzle starts to come together and things get brighter and clearer as if the Light was suddenly turned up. Put some of this information to the test, challenge it and if you feel the urge or need, go with that feeling and make an attempt to disprove it. But I can assure you that the Truth of the 'matter' cannot be dis-proven because the Truth of the 'matter' just IS as Light just IS. Even the most intelligent and so called 'brightest' minds in the world according to human definition/understanding in all fields of science and walks of life with their very best attempts could never disprove the Truth of what IS. Even with all the attorneys in the world on their side making their very best attempts and efforts to twist and distort the Truth of what IS could not find fault or error in the Truth because there are no faults and errors to ever be found in the TRUTH of what IS. The Light just IS and the Truth always remains the same being what it IS --- THE TRUTH --- Light (IS) Truth and the Light of Truth cannot be dis-proven. So this is a direct challenge to any and all, make your very best attempt and effort to put this information to the test or even make an attempt to disprove what's being shared here because it's the real deal TRUTH of what IS.

shall I say ‘the earth isn’t round’ or ‘the sun doesn’t shine’?

Please do share, what is an 'undeniable fact' truth for you according to your definition/understanding of what Truth IS?

can we have a sad truth?

A sad truth, a truth about sad.
A happy truth, a truth about happy.
A hate truth, a truth about hate.
A love truth, a truth about love.

Why do you think anyone needs a definition of unconditional love?

So people can understand what 'unconditional love' truly represents, means and IS. I suppose you could ask yourself why does anyone need a definition for anything or even a language for communication.

How about another list of ‘opposites…

Antonyms/opposites in words - the information structure.

accept refuse
alpha omega dark light harmful harmless
alive dead deep shallow hate love
always never decrease increase healthy unhealthy
ancient modern despair hope here there
answer question disease health heavy light
admit deny dry wet height depth
arrival departure early late hero coward
ascend descend dusk dawn horizontal vertical
attack 'offence' defence easy difficult hinder aid
backward forward East West honest dishonest
attention inattention entrance exit Birth/death humble proud
beautiful ugly empty full imprison free
beginning ending end beginning include exclude
below above expand contract increase decrease
agree disagree fail succeed inferior superior
bad good external internal inside outside
ally enemy false true intelligent unintelligent
asleep awake foolish wise inhale exhale
big small fast slow interior exterior
better worse few many interesting uninteresting
blame praise famous unknown internal external
bless curse fat thin intentional accidental
bitter sweet find lose join separate
bravery cowardice first last junior senior
build 'create' destroy freedom captivity justice injustice
timid meek fold unfold king subject
bright dull forget remember knowledge ignorance
broad narrow found lost laugh cry
clear vague fresh stale lawful unlawful
close distant friend enemy land sea
clever stupid full empty like dislike
cold hot gentle rough leader follower
combine separate gather distribute North South
captivity freedom glad sorry left right
correct incorrect gloomy cheerful long short
conceal reveal giant dwarf magnetise demagnetise
come go granted refused master servant
common rare guest host night day
comfort discomfort guilty innocent noisy quiet
cruel kind happy sad peace war Poor Rich
danger safety hard soft right wrong

Should I go into the nature of opposites…they used to be my thing...

You should further seek the truth and by doing so one-1 must ponder and think upon the opposition structure so that they can properly and clearly see, discern, recognize and distinguish one thing/action from another to know the Truth of the 'matter' of what IS.

In fact if you wish to experience unconditional love you can’t…it will brush you aside and overwhelm you.

Is that your 'undeniable fact' truth?

but I am impressed by, if nothing else, your politeness and thank you for that.

You recognize 'politeness' but could there also be an opposite to 'politeness' that distinguishes 'politeness' from something else?

Regards Midicon.

Love & Best Wishes!

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