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what happened to the old fashined 50s way of life?

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posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 05:45 PM
reply to post by HarmonicNights

Alright already ...

i didnt create this thread for immature bickering.

i created it for an adult discusion of how much sociaty has changed in the past 50 or 60 years and weather or not that said change is for the better or the worse...

Anne and hamoricnights please stop the bickering...

thank you..

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 05:46 PM
So - moving on - - I don't like the term "Old Fashion".

Today is such an exciting time really - - - in the whole scheme of change and things happening - - - historically.

People all over the world fighting for their individual freedoms and rights. You just can't hide in your own little corner of the world anymore. You can't suppress people - - - because you can't suppress knowledge.

Revolutions are probably the most deadly and sad wars - - - because your own people are dying. I don't think there can be the quietness of peace when in progression - - - because its all about change.

I do hope there are plans for the direction of change resulting from the Revolutions.

The "Responsibility of Freedom" - - - now there's a subject.

I will take the chaos of irresponsible Freedom - - over suppression any day. Need the Freedom first - - before learning to rein it in.

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 06:00 PM
reply to post by alysha.angel

I agree op, but the problem has become very apparent.
Men in general have never cherished women.
They felt that they Owned them.

After the honeymoon is over, is when much of the trouble starts.
I know, it come from both sides,
However, it is always harder on the woman if she is/was the old fashioned stay at home wife.
When the split comes she has no skills to support herself and possible children.

For this reason a woman should always be prepared.
Never, Ever depend on a man for your financial support.

I don't believe that anyone should stay with a partner who is incompatible making him/her self mizerable for life.

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 06:17 PM
In my own opinion I'd say the 60's happened and thus started the downfall of our society. Once liberals truely became a political and educational force and started manipulating people through the media and elections they pretty much damned us to what we have now.

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 01:58 AM

Originally posted by OhZone
reply to post by alysha.angel

I agree op, but the problem has become very apparent.
Men in general have never cherished women.
They felt that they Owned them.

After the honeymoon is over, is when much of the trouble starts.
I know, it come from both sides,
However, it is always harder on the woman if she is/was the old fashioned stay at home wife.
When the split comes she has no skills to support herself and possible children.

For this reason a woman should always be prepared.
Never, Ever depend on a man for your financial support.

I don't believe that anyone should stay with a partner who is incompatible making him/her self mizerable for life.

Your ignorance of history is shocking to say the least. Then again those who are brainwashed by rhetoric tend to not care about the triviality of facts.

If women where viewed as property please explain to me how Hershey Chocolate company was financed?

If women where viewed as property please explain to me why it was once a serious crime for a man to even curse in-front of let alone at a woman?

In truth at the founding of our nation women where viewed as perpetually child like. By the mid 1800's that mindset began to fade rapidly with the rise of the Mothers of the Republic women's rights movement that fought for the right to be SAHM. In-fact women caught on quick that they could use children to get out of earning their keep(read literature from female authors 1840's+ and many try to weave the notion that factory work was a great "drudgery"). The 1950's was the DREAM of women from the 1840's+.

If you do something called "look the facts up" instead of getting your info from a hate groups fan club brochure you come to realize that all this gender warfare nonsense is women rebelling against their grandmothers while blaming men for it. And if you actually look at the women's rights movement, it was fascist from the beginning. Women never wanted freedom or equal rights; women since the 1800's(or perhaps even earlier) wanted absolute dominion over men and children.

And here is some food for thought, during the Dark Ages some men where victims of domestic abuse and couldn't bring themselves to hurt their wife. So if some guy's in the middle ages didn't have it in them to hurt a woman, as society became more civilized wouldn't it stand to reason that the number of men unwilling to hurt women would increase? And if abuse was such a problem why where women obsessed with prohibition?

Heck the great "crime" of men that women started the whole hate cycle in the 60's-70's over was BOREDOM! God knows how many males have been driven to suicide because women got bored(the child to adult suicide rate among males has been increasing at an alarming rate since the 70's. Most of this is likely attributed to female on male sexism in education and discriminatory factors men face in employment and court proceedings).

All I can say is nature demands balance. 30-40 years of out right hatred doesn't just disappear, and it is going to be a very,very amusing day when the misandry bubble burst's.

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 03:29 AM
reply to post by alysha.angel

The world is a more dynamic place and will continue to get more complicated. But this may be a good thing.

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 04:25 AM
reply to post by korathin

I just love how people rewrite history!!!

Just what does hershey's financing have to do with anything??

Our company originated with candy-manufacturer Milton Hershey’s decision in 1894 to produce sweet chocolate as a coating for his caramels. Located in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, the new enterprise was named the Hershey Chocolate Company. In 1900, the company began producing milk chocolate in bars, wafers and other shapes. With mass production, Hershey was able to lower the per-unit cost and make milk chocolate, once a luxury item for the wealthy, affordable to all. One early advertising slogan described this new product as “a palatable confection and a most nourishing food.”

by the way you sounded, I was beginning to wonder if it was started by a women.....didn't think so!!

oh, and if you hit the next button on that a few times, you will see lots of those imaginary female workers, working at their imaginary jobs!!!

women always worked, only now, we have the legal right to keep our paycheck, where at one time, we didn't even have that right!!

posted on Jun, 14 2011 @ 10:35 AM
Being an old fashioned male I thought I would reply. First of all I have been happily married for over 18 years. I chose my wife because we had so much in common. However, with all of the failed relationships before her I learned what I did not want. There are some key factors in having a successful, lasting relationship that both sides won't or don't admin to. First of all, communication is a major factor is a successful relationship. If you can't be open with your partner, it will never work. Second, too many men/women use sex as a weapon. By that I mean they will "cut off" their partner for whatever reason they deem justifiable. This is why most people find an outside partner to cheat with. Now there are some men who by nature will always cheat. To them sex is a game, and they must win. But for most men sex is a way of expressing affection, to SHOW love. A lot of women don't understand that. They try to force men to believe showing love should not be about sex. But it is. I chose my wife because she understood that. Sex is not a powerplay/issue. We do not punish one another by cutting the other off. If we disagree, we talk about it. In the 19 years we have been together I can count on one hand the number of times we fought, and by that I mean seriously heated arguments. We have a common goal in life and we enjoy what we can and make the best of what we don't. If more women would quit trying to control men with sex, thing s would improve greatly.

My .02 but a valid observation from a long term relationship.

posted on Jun, 14 2011 @ 05:58 PM

Originally posted by haarvik
If more women would quit trying to control men with sex, thing s would improve greatly.

I am willing to bet that there's just as many men out there thinking that the little lady should be just happy as can be to obliged them when ever they get the urge...regardless of how she feels, or much of anything else really, so well, I imagine things would greatly improve if these men would stop thinking that it's their god given right just as much!!!

by the way it's hard for someone to get into sex after being totally ticked off with ya, might be better to give her a little time to cool off??? just what are these women trying to control the men about???
edit on 14-6-2011 by dawnstar because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 07:22 AM
Here is what I have experienced, so I am sure others have as well, which is what my post is related to. I have dated women who are after one thing only, to get a wedding ring. Sometimes the true intention is not discovered until after the wedding, but usually you can pick up on it after a while. What happens is they think they have you in pretty solid, and then they all of a sudden have excuses every time you get the urge. Even after a romantic evening, they all of a sudden don't feel good, etc. But prior to them feeling confident in the relationship it's as though they couldn't get enough. All you have to do is people watch, and you can tell which ones are like that. After a while you get pretty good at it.

Now I am not saying every time a man wants some the woman should just spread her legs. I know there are times when someone doesn't feel good, or you just had a major blow out. However, to deceive someone just so you can be married is wrong, and just ends up making both sides bitter towards the opposite sex. More marriages end over affairs than anything else. And if both sides were honest, the cheating one would site lack of sex from their partner as the motivating force. I can guarantee you that if a man is constantly turned away by the one who supposedly loves him, he will look elsewhere for satisfaction. Sex is, and always will be a major factor in a relationship, especially for men. If it weren't, then brothels, prostitutes, porn videos and sexy ads would not be prevalent. There's a reason sex sells, and it usually sells to men!

posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 08:20 AM

Originally posted by alysha.angel
50 or 60 years ago when wives stayed home raised the kids took care of the shopping housework ect things n my opinion were a lot simpler.

Are you white?

when people got married back then they took their weddng vows seriously and they stayed married 9 tmes outta 10 for life....but being a divorced woman with kids in modern times im expected to go out and work or at the very least get an education, now im not complaining about being a student.

An odd mixture of things to say. Pray tell, why are you divorced?

As for the notion in general, I don't think you are giving my generation much credit (I'm mid 30's). I married a single mom and had 3 more children with her. I work and she stays at home, because she wants to. I don't have a college degree and work my ass off just to scrape by and there are many like me.

The difference is that women now have the choice to work, not work just as men do. Hell, we even have the choice to make non-traditional families that don't get "married" or include gay couples. This is the essence of freedom and to be honest, while I wish people were more honest and nice to each other, I'd prefer freedom to homogeneity.


posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 10:19 AM

Originally posted by KrazyJethro

Originally posted by alysha.angel
50 or 60 years ago when wives stayed home raised the kids took care of the shopping housework ect things n my opinion were a lot simpler.

Are you white?

when people got married back then they took their weddng vows seriously and they stayed married 9 tmes outta 10 for life....but being a divorced woman with kids in modern times im expected to go out and work or at the very least get an education, now im not complaining about being a student.

An odd mixture of things to say. Pray tell, why are you divorced?

As for the notion in general, I don't think you are giving my generation much credit (I'm mid 30's). I married a single mom and had 3 more children with her. I work and she stays at home, because she wants to. I don't have a college degree and work my ass off just to scrape by and there are many like me.

The difference is that women now have the choice to work, not work just as men do. Hell, we even have the choice to make non-traditional families that don't get "married" or include gay couples. This is the essence of freedom and to be honest, while I wish people were more honest and nice to each other, I'd prefer freedom to homogeneity.


im divorced because the guy i married was and is nothing but a worthless homeless bum who sits on his ass all day and does nothing, , and the fact that he alone ruined me for anybody else .

im white and hispanic
edit on 15/6/11 by alysha.angel because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 10:40 AM
Comparing lifestyles of the modern day to those of the 50's era presents a very clean cut contrast. One on hand, familial life tended to be a lot more successful due to the contemporary repression that was manifest in various forms. On the other, our modern lifestyle is indicative of chaos as we fall further and further away from the balance beam that one held us together, if imperfectly.

Nowadays, both man and woman must work if they want to support a family, whether they like it or not (unless they're very fortunate to be able to survive on a single income). So, when a woman has a baby, it will generally have to be the man being the main provider for a while, because it's very unlikely that the female will be able to hold onto anything more than a part time or casual job far beyond her skill level for some years to come. This causes tension, as why should the woman be the one to forfeit her career? And vice versa!

I love my career, but if I wanted to settle down with a family I'd much rather be able to stay at home and focus on raising my children, at least for a while. That is not possible. No way. It's either a job, or kids (unless I marry a bloody millionaire). One or the other. And that is why society is faltering on this front. Women's liberation is all well and good, but social change takes a while to fully implement itself - people need time to adjust, and it's all happened a little too fast I'm afraid. No-one knows what the hell to do when it comes to starting a family, hence the higher divorce rates etc.

posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 12:20 PM

Originally posted by alysha.angel
im divorced because the guy i married was and is nothing but a worthless homeless bum who sits on his ass all day and does nothing, , and the fact that he alone ruined me for anybody else .

im white and hispanic
edit on 15/6/11 by alysha.angel because: (no reason given)

Isn't taking marriage vows seriously a part of fixing or working on those situations? I do, and one would think that since you were complaining about others not taking their vows seriously you might want to have included your situation as well?

Not trying to be critical or anything honestly, but I'm curious. My personal opinion on the matter is that anyone who gets a divorce for reasons other than infidelity, serious abuse, or serious addiction is either weak, didn't make smart choices in the beginning (i.e. thinking about it even slightly) or both.

Additionally, only you choose how to react to other people. If he ruined you, you allowed it. I normally don't get so involved in personal matters, but I grow tired of the whining by those with rose colored glasses about the past when they are normally only partially correct at best or full of it at worst.


posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 12:26 PM

Originally posted by KrazyJethro

Originally posted by alysha.angel
im divorced because the guy i married was and is nothing but a worthless homeless bum who sits on his ass all day and does nothing, , and the fact that he alone ruined me for anybody else .

im white and hispanic
edit on 15/6/11 by alysha.angel because: (no reason given)

Isn't taking marriage vows seriously a part of fixing or working on those situations? I do, and one would think that since you were complaining about others not taking their vows seriously you might want to have included your situation as well?

Not trying to be critical or anything honestly, but I'm curious. My personal opinion on the matter is that anyone who gets a divorce for reasons other than infidelity, serious abuse, or serious addiction is either weak, didn't make smart choices in the beginning (i.e. thinking about it even slightly) or both.

Additionally, only you choose how to react to other people. If he ruined you, you allowed it. I normally don't get so involved in personal matters, but I grow tired of the whining by those with rose colored glasses about the past when they are normally only partially correct at best or full of it at worst.


how about spousal rape? emotional and mental abuse , oh and he did cheat on me in the end . and the fact that i couldnt stand him even before i married him .
edit on 15/6/11 by alysha.angel because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 12:26 PM

Originally posted by DeepThoughtCriminal
Comparing lifestyles of the modern day to those of the 50's era presents a very clean cut contrast.

Depends on what race you are, aside from other things.

Nowadays, both man and woman must work if they want to support a family, whether they like it or not (unless they're very fortunate to be able to survive on a single income). So, when a woman has a baby, it will generally have to be the man being the main provider for a while, because it's very unlikely that the female will be able to hold onto anything more than a part time or casual job far beyond her skill level for some years to come. This causes tension, as why should the woman be the one to forfeit her career? And vice versa!

Garbage. I live in the second richest counties in America (meaning it's really expensive to live here). I have 4 kids and my wife stays at home because childcare would cost us $800 per week (or $3200 a month or $38,000 per year). I don't make a lot of money, have no college degree and don't have training in a trade.

You can live most other places in this country and get by on almost no money cause you can buy a house for under 100k.

I love my career, but if I wanted to settle down with a family I'd much rather be able to stay at home and focus on raising my children, at least for a while. That is not possible. No way. It's either a job, or kids (unless I marry a bloody millionaire). One or the other. And that is why society is faltering on this front. Women's liberation is all well and good, but social change takes a while to fully implement itself - people need time to adjust, and it's all happened a little too fast I'm afraid. No-one knows what the hell to do when it comes to starting a family, hence the higher divorce rates etc.

There are plenty of dads that stay home with the kids while the wife works. This isn't the 1950s anymore and there are a range of options for how to structure your financial future not to mention resources for how to do it.

What you propose is garbage and untrue.

posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 12:31 PM

Originally posted by alysha.angel
how about spousal rape? emotional and mental abuse , giving me a STD as a parting gift then lieing about having it , oh and he did cheat on me in the end . and the fact that i couldnt stand him even before i married him .

1) You didn't mention that previously. I do believe I asked you specifically why you got divorced.

2) You might re-read my post since I clearly covered serious abuse.

3) As for you not being able to stand him before you got married, well I can't really say how stupid I think that is because I'd be nailed by T&Cs. However, it should be clear that it would be rather strongly worded and well earned.

4) You seem terribly bitter, which is sad to me because when it's all over you will have wasted your time on that bitterness. Hope you find some way to change that, but making smarter choices would be a good start.

Also, being what seems to be not to clearheaded or objective in any way, do you think your romantic view of the 50's has any credulity at all? I don't think so, and why should it?

posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 12:42 PM
reply to post by alysha.angel

Any woman who puts herself in the position of being dependant on a man for financial support has put herself in a very bad perdicament. Not only is it nearly impossible to live on his wages alone, but with the chance that the marriage will fail leaves her, usually with children, to try to make it on her own.

Every woman should therefore prepare herself for the worst by getting adequate skills to find a decent paying job.
Even that is difficult, as we still have the problem of women being paid those "old fashioned" woman's wages, whereas a man doing the exact same job will be making as much as double the $$. I lived this scenario.

posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 12:48 PM
Ok, here's my 2 cents. I am and have been a stay at home mom/housewife for 20 yrs now. I consider myself very fortunate. I had the pleasure of spending time with my kids, teaching them, loving them, etc. and was able to raise them to be great kids. My kids were not babysat by a tv or a daycare. My kids and my husband get meals home made from scratch. I grow a garden every year and supply our family with veggies for the year. I cook, can, freeze, etc. and taught my kids how to do these things. My hubby works and when he comes home, he doesn't have to worry about a thing. I do all the yard work, all the home maintenance and repairs--all the cooking and the cleaning. I do everything. I am working from morning till late evening doing something for the family or the house.

My kids turned out to be great kids, and I owe it all to being able to stay home with them. I am so thankful I was
able to do this. I know not many are able to. I am happy with my life and very satisfied that this is the path I chose. I would do it all over again, in a heartbeat.

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