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what happened to the old fashined 50s way of life?

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posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 10:35 AM
This crap really get's silly. It's just stupid rose-tinted glasses retro thinking, that "back then" everything was great, earth was a paradise and everything was fine.
Was it?
It wasn't
Does ANYONE really believe, that nothing bad happened in the 50's? The "good" thing for most guys back then was, that nobody cared. A husband abusing his wife? No problem, nobody cares. A father punching and abusing his kids for no reason? No problem, nobody cares. I don't even want to know how many kids in the 50's got punched, abused with leather belts or whatever, because those were "the old days" were we "followed the rules" and most of them were silly and fathers thought to raise a child you have to abuse it. No wonder that after the 50's the United States had so many insane serial killers. You would be insane too if you were abused for years by your father or by the teachers who abused their 'powers'.
Oh and the 50's were such a wonderful place, where the government had the ability to flat-out lie to the people. After all, nobody cared, there was no Internet, there was nothing to get any true informations. Instead the people were brainwashed sheeples following their government without questioning them once. Great days indeed!

And as for women: Yeah great times, when women were only there to cook and spread their legs. Oh and we could rape women any day of the week because nobody cared and we raised the girls so they're ashamed to admit when they get abused, raped or misthreated in any other way. Great days indeed, when the man could get aggressive, abusive and insane and no one will ever hear of it.

Really, how can anyone be so stupid, so insane to wish those dark ages back?
I guess the OP is a sad sack of (i better censor it) who never encountered real life, was raised by possible backward thinking inbreds in some rural redneck pieve of country and his little smushed brain doesn't understand the 21st Century. I feel really sad for you

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 11:09 AM
I can't wait to be a stay at home dad

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 11:10 AM
To the OP: What you're lamenting is your loss of a domestic slave.

You don't want a woman, you want your mommy - grow a pair, grow up - preferably both.

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 11:10 AM
reply to post by alysha.angel

Well by good sir. Just as any group of people, when you educated them and tell them to be their own, they reject the current groups of people leading them.

You don't treat your wife like crap. You treat her like your arm or your leg. A part of you. Something to treat with respect and listen to when it gives input, and something to use to benefit the whole and make better the whole. This is what a relationship is. This is how it worked.

The ideal that was formed from that 50s montra was nothing short of crap. Nothing good came from it. And nothing good came from its response in the 60s. In fact, nothing good pretty much came from the social stuff from the end of ww2 up to around the mid to late 80s, other than the civil rights movement.

IE, Suck it up. You rose them from ignorance, now they are your equals. though technically they always were.
edit on 20-2-2011 by Gorman91 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 11:12 AM

Really, how can anyone be so stupid, so insane to wish those dark ages back? I guess the OP is a sad sack of (i better censor it) who never encountered real life, was raised by possible backward thinking inbreds in some rural redneck pieve of country and his little smushed brain doesn't understand the 21st Century. I feel really sad for you

i dont think of the 50s as the dark ages ... please get your historical time lines correct.

two i was raised in both new york and Bergen norway. and yes i have lived real life as you put it .. and granted life sucks no matter what age group you were born in. if you think thngs are better off now well n a few aspects your right but its gone too far .

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 11:48 AM
.... Nevermind, I kind of went off topic!


edit on 20-2-2011 by valiant because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 12:02 PM
Progress in everything but family values.

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 12:09 PM
reply to post by Hefficide

Tammy Wynette pard, Tammy Wynette. During women's lib she let everyone know that she could take it.

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 12:38 PM
reply to post by VelvetSplash

Maybe a little harsh on the OP? Thing's were never perfect and won't ever be perfect but even back then women were not domestic slaves. Women to my knowledge use to get together and talk amongst other things in their community. They could leave the home, they were not slaves at all.

If you wan't to talk about domestic slaves, lets talk about cell phones with GPS tracking. The recording of conversations and in house/store/street monitors. The only difference is now that we are on the road to enslaving eachother but most people are to blind to see that.

Big brother has become you, me, that guy over there and his niece or anyone with a phone camera and a facebook account. I think if people were to actually wake up to the fact they would perhaps maybe my actions are all subject to interpretation and judgement from 3rd parties.

At this point one could argue... Being a stay at home parent is potentially the best thing going considering (with regards to opression). Give technology another twenty years when your face is recognized by sensors and tracked alongside nobody even knows what else.

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 12:47 PM

Originally posted by Nitemare26
DID YOU KNOW? Women never wanted to be "liberated" until a CIA psy ops told them they wanted it?

What? Are you a woman? Woman don't have minds of their own? That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard.

I was a stay at home mom because I chose to raise my own children. But other then the children - I hated it. I have no domestic interests or talents - - - and do not want any.

In my spare time I read the encyclopedia and National Geographic and anything else to stimulate my mind. I craved knowledge and intelligent stimulation.

My great grandmother was the head nurse at an Ohio hospital during Lincoln's presidential campaign. I still have the campaign photo he gave her.

How dare anyone try to force me into a "box" they thing all women should be in.

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 01:00 PM
Hi, I'm new here and when I read this thread, I had to reply. The good old days weren't so freaking fabulous really. But then today's society isn't so fabulous either. Women got the vote, got the right to work, why? It has nothing really to do with women's liberation, just that half the population that was going untaxed, unmortgaged and without personal debt. The bankers wanted more money.........period. Greed lead to our freedom as women but it also lead to a slavery of a different kind.

I'm 39, I'm a widow, single mom now raising two daughters. So I've experienced both sides of the coin. What I can say from my personal experience is this, yes women have the right and ability now to support themselves and their children which is a godsend, yet, even when there are two partners, guess who is expected to be the 50's housewife with a perfect home, perfect children and perfect meals and still work fulltime to help support the family? Oh yeah, that would be mom.

I think women's disatisfaction stems from this fact, we are in alot of cases experienced to hold down two full time jobs and do both perfectly and it's often the children that are slipping through the cracks. Employers don't care if you are a single parent (male or female) raising children and trying to support them at the same time, produce or get out.

Society does not need to go back in time but rather adjust the '50's' mentality of women and man's roles to reflect current times. In the case of divorce often the mother has the children full time and the father has 'visitation' (or mother, depending on the situation), usually about 4 days a month. Wtf is wrong with that picture people? If both parents are working full time the division of time of caring for said children should be divided equally but it is not. Matter of fact I know at least here in Canada if a parent chooses not to see their children or participate in raising them, leaving the job completely on the shoulder's of the other parent, there is no recourse.

You cannot 'mandate' parental participation. It should be mandated except in cases of parental abuse. You helped create children, you are responsible to care for said children, not only with a monthly financial contribution but YOUR time. However that is not modern society's reality. So that leaves alot of single mom's and some single dad's in a very frustrating and exhausting position. They are doing the job of a family unit alone. No easy task, leaving the children to be raised by daycare, sitters who don't really care about instilling anything of value in your kids, missing important events, feeling utterly exhausted after a 18 hour day on a daily basis.

I think this is bottom line where the unhappiness lies. It's not easy being both mom, dad, provider, nurturer and yet be a whole person in and of yourself. Something is gonna slip, it's bound to. So perhaps the answer lies in society re-evaluating children as the priority of our society and working together, regardless of marital status to ensure every child and every parent is given the support and help they need to suceed.

I was fortunate enough to be able to stay home with my kids when they were very small and let me tell you, I wouldn't trade that for anything. It wasn't about me getting a 'free ride' from a man, trust me I worked very hard at home with no pay, it was about me and my husband wanting our little ones formative years to be nurturing with a parent doing the raising versus a company. Alot of parents today do not have that luxury and I certainly feel empathy for them. Who can say it's better for a baby to be in a daycare with say 10 other babies, versus at home with one parent devoting all their attention to them?

As for relationships between men and women and fidelity. The problem isn't women working or women's lib, the problem is we are living in a Me first society where actions do not require forethought of the reprecussions on others. I want to be happy, I want to be pleased, I want be fufilled, versus we want to be happy, we want to be pleased and we want to be fufilled. Staying in a crappy relationship isn't the answer, but leaving an imperfect one for greener pastures isn't the answer either. All relationships will have hiccups, bumps and if more people gave 100% into their relationships and put their partner at the top of their priority list there would be less divorce. Divorce would still exist of course, but the numbers would drop. Selfishness and a committment between two individuals is never going to gel. Call me crazy but true love means selflessness and putting your partners needs at equal to your own needs, compromise is a lost art.

I recently saw a couple married for 35 years break up, why? Not because of abuse, not because of any major problems, just that 'loving feeling' was gone on the part of one partner. Umm yeah, ok, maybe you need to redefine what you think that 'loving feeling' is. And the grass was most certainly not greener for the partner who ended the marriage and when he realized this, his wife had moved on to a new love, he's still alone, unhappy and regretting losing the love he forget he had.

Society as a whole needs to update it's value systems to reflect current society. If a relationship cannot be salvaged, so be it, but if children are involved the priority should be both parents contributing equally on all fronts to the developement and happiness of those children. Until society changes, we will only see an escalation in farked up dysfunctional human beings who's world revolves around themselves.

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 01:20 PM
reply to post by sweetstuff

wow i dont know you yet but i have to agree with everythng you said...

my exact thoughts on the subject yet better written...

thank you..

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 01:25 PM
Well, what did happen?

Women now have choices.
Blacks now have choices.

Perhaps it reminds us of simpler times. Times where women had to stay home and take care of the kids while worrying about making her perhaps abusive husband dinner when he comes home from a long day of work.

Times where blacks couldn't use the same water fountain as a white person. Times where blacks and whites just couldn't share the same room.

Ah yes, they were quite innocent, weren't they?

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 01:33 PM
reply to post by alysha.angel

That good ol' fashioned 50s life never existed. You're describing Leave it to Beaver. Marriages weren't better then - people just felt more compelled to remain in bad relationships, regardless of whether or not they were miserable and abused. Without a level playing field with regard to employment, women were at a severe disadvantage outside of a marriage. Without birth control, unintended pregnancies probably created even more marriages that never should have been. Children growing up in the atmosphere of a shotgun wedding is not a good thing.

Racism, segregation and lynchings probably weren't too much fun either. Organized crime was at its peak.

Your romanticized view of the 50s is naive and ignorant. If you like sexism and racism, there's plenty of countries that still condone that kind of behavior.

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 02:13 PM

Originally posted by alysha.angel
Im sorry if i piss off a lot of feminists and womens liberation people but i gotta speak my mind.

50 or 60 years ago when wives stayed home raised the kids took care of the shopping housework ect things n my opinion were a lot simpler.

when people got married back then they took their weddng vows seriously and they stayed married 9 tmes outta 10 for life .
now a days women are expected to go out and work and still raise the family and do everything else as well....

the world wide divorce rate is higher then ever . a lot of women and men now fear love and commitment and some avoid the whole issue all together ...
you got more and more cheating spouses , ect.
yes ll be the frst one to admit that im extreamly old fashined and outdated for id much prefer to stay home and raise the famiy ect yet. but being a divorced woman with kids in modern times im expected to go out and work or at the very least get an education, now im not complaining about being a student.
what im complaining about are sociates expentations of the modern woman..
its too much....
where the hell is the MAN who is willing to take responsiblty for his actions take care of the WOMAN who for as long as historys been kept cared for her ,is strong when shes at her weakest . and simply cherished her .
im sure theres bond to bea few of this type left in the world but their used to supressing it. because of the motto
" i dont need a man what ever a man can do women can do better.
thoughts and comments are appreciated ...

you answered all your own questions.

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 02:18 PM
reply to post by alysha.angel

Yeah those were the good times. I remember them well. I remember taking driver's education in high school in a brand new '56 Chevy. America was secure and prosperous. Vietnam changed the innocence to caustic rage though and we've been paying ever since.

BTW the reason we were so well off then and the reason most women were able, if they wanted, to be homemakers was because of our tax rates then. The highest rates for the super rich was at right around 90%. You see when the government has lots of money the entire country benefits. Just the opposite is happening now. What little our government has is being wasted on stupid wars.

We could, once again, look forward to things like the first Chevies with V8 engines. That was in May of '55. We could once again get excited about the advent of color television in some newer counterpart today. We could relive history as Hawaii and Alaska were becoming States. But no, what we do now is suffer through a weakened America and listen as we're told that we must give up even more. What a load of crap.
edit on 20-2-2011 by trailertrash because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 02:40 PM
reply to post by alysha.angel

I miss the old way of life. When everyone was happy, people dated, flowers were standard for any woman you took out, women were more feminine, chivalry wasn't dead, you said hi to your neighbor, people helped each other, lewd behavoir and language was unheard of. The list could go on forever.

That kind of society has been demonized by the "modern times".

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 02:43 PM
The 50s saw the return of soldiers from WWII and the Korean War and the GI bill. Eisenhower authorized the building of the interstate highway system and we had cheap gas. Home builders started developing the suburbs. I wont go into civil rights of women and minorities and how they played a role back then......

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 02:56 PM

Originally posted by intelinside451
reply to post by alysha.angel

I miss the old way of life. When everyone was happy, people dated, flowers were standard for any woman you took out, women were more feminine, chivalry wasn't dead, you said hi to your neighbor, people helped each other, lewd behavoir and language was unheard of. The list could go on forever.

That kind of society has been demonized by the "modern times".

Really? Everyone was happy? Kind of in denial and naive way of thinking, no?

Flowers still work for me.

Women are more feminine than Ever before in history.

I'm dating someone.

I say hi to my neighbors and go over to their bon fires.

I help the homeless.

Lewd behavior and language was unheard of? What country were you living in?

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 02:57 PM

Originally posted by TheRemedial
reply to post by VelvetSplash

Maybe a little harsh on the OP? Thing's were never perfect and won't ever be perfect but even back then women were not domestic slaves. Women to my knowledge use to get together and talk amongst other things in their community. They could leave the home, they were not slaves at all.

If you wan't to talk about domestic slaves, lets talk about cell phones with GPS tracking. The recording of conversations and in house/store/street monitors. The only difference is now that we are on the road to enslaving eachother but most people are to blind to see that.

Big brother has become you, me, that guy over there and his niece or anyone with a phone camera and a facebook account. I think if people were to actually wake up to the fact they would perhaps maybe my actions are all subject to interpretation and judgement from 3rd parties.

At this point one could argue... Being a stay at home parent is potentially the best thing going considering (with regards to opression). Give technology another twenty years when your face is recognized by sensors and tracked alongside nobody even knows what else.

I don't own a cellphone and never will.

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