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what happened to the old fashined 50s way of life?

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+17 more 
posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 04:10 AM
Im sorry if i piss off a lot of feminists and womens liberation people but i gotta speak my mind.

50 or 60 years ago when wives stayed home raised the kids took care of the shopping housework ect things n my opinion were a lot simpler.

when people got married back then they took their weddng vows seriously and they stayed married 9 tmes outta 10 for life .
now a days women are expected to go out and work and still raise the family and do everything else as well....

the world wide divorce rate is higher then ever . a lot of women and men now fear love and commitment and some avoid the whole issue all together ...
you got more and more cheating spouses , ect.
yes ll be the frst one to admit that im extreamly old fashined and outdated for id much prefer to stay home and raise the famiy ect yet. but being a divorced woman with kids in modern times im expected to go out and work or at the very least get an education, now im not complaining about being a student.
what im complaining about are sociates expentations of the modern woman..
its too much....
where the hell is the MAN who is willing to take responsiblty for his actions take care of the WOMAN who for as long as historys been kept cared for her ,is strong when shes at her weakest . and simply cherished her .
im sure theres bond to bea few of this type left in the world but their used to supressing it. because of the motto
" i dont need a man what ever a man can do women can do better.
thoughts and comments are appreciated ...

+14 more 
posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 04:13 AM
Humans moved on.

+18 more 
posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 04:16 AM

Originally posted by alysha.angel
where the hell is the MAN who is willing to take responsiblty for his actions take care of the WOMAN who for as long as historys been kept cared for her ,is strong when shes at her weakest . and simply cherished her .

This man was served papers by his cheating wife while he was away working to make her life better.

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 04:18 AM

Originally posted by badgerprints

Originally posted by alysha.angel
where the hell is the MAN who is willing to take responsiblty for his actions take care of the WOMAN who for as long as historys been kept cared for her ,is strong when shes at her weakest . and simply cherished her .

This man was served papers by his cheating wife while he was away working to make her life better.

my point exactly no one takes their wedding vows seriously anymore
you one of the few good guys left im sure ...

and i know that must have hurt like hell at the time.
edit on 19/2/11 by alysha.angel because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 04:22 AM
reply to post by alysha.angel

Sexual liberation happened and now you are more freeeeee. Now you can think up a moral justification to cheat on your spouse. If they can't give you what you need, fool around behind their backs, they don't own you dammit!

+28 more 
posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 04:25 AM
Alysha, the fifties weren't all that we tend to make them out to be, I think. You can point to some of the good things. But it's easy to overlook all the bad. Sure, the divorce rate was lower. But spousal abuse was much more prevalent. I mean, shoot, who needed a divorce when you could just slap your wife into compliance? This was socially acceptable behavior in those days. Just as long as you didn't break bones or cause massive damage, smacking the wife around was part of normal life for a lot of people.

Women didn't have options like they do now. I had an aunt (she's dead now) who was a housewife in the fifties and she told me, a few times, that she'd made it through those years (her first marriage) solely because of wine and Valium.

That's no way to live...

The truth is, the good ole' days weren't really all that good.


posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 04:30 AM
The men from the 50s weren't the happiest of men either. It wasn't a Utopia for a lot of them.
Most left school at or before metriculation to look forward to back breaking hard work.
Families averaged 5 children and a lot of men escaped to the clubs and pubs often leading to alcoholism to get away from all the burden.
Not to mention they worked their asses off in dirty hard jobs for very little pay under very bad conditions.
Often dying young and if not, were very OLD BEFORE THEIR TIME.
So yeah, if you really want to go back in a time machine to all of that, be my guest.
If you don't mind the bad with the good, fine.
But it wasn't all Leave it to Beaver, that much I do know by working in a Nursing Home for 6 years and hearing hundreds of stories from the oldies who lived it all back then.

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 04:32 AM

Originally posted by Hefficide

Alysha, the fifties weren't all that we tend to make them out to be, I think. You can point to some of the good things. But it's easy to overlook all the bad. Sure, the divorce rate was lower. But spousal abuse was much more prevalent. I mean, shoot, who needed a divorce when you could just slap your wife into compliance? This was socially acceptable behavior in those days. Just as long as you didn't break bones or cause massive damage, smacking the wife around was part of normal life for a lot of people.

Women didn't have options like they do now. I had an aunt (she's dead now) who was a housewife in the fifties and she told me, a few times, that she'd made it through those years (her first marriage) solely because of wine and Valium.

That's no way to live...

The truth is, the good ole' days weren't really all that good.


Heff !
im not promoting spousal abuse in any shape or form , i know how bad it was back then and to some extent i know why the womens liberation all got started . but personally i think they took it a bit too far .
or they could have done it a bit differently ..
still what they should have done is illegalize spousal abuse , get help for those women who were abused things like that they just took it too far and now its gotten out of hand...
edit on 19/2/11 by alysha.angel because: (no reason given)


posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 04:36 AM
Blame money, greed, multitasking and females being complicated. Woman wanted jobs, fair enough but they wanted to afford everything a man could and although its fair, the markets greed stepped in. Since a working couple making alot more money then when only the man would work, they threw their money into a house not because it was worth that money, but because they could afford it. That worked for a while untill people were lulled into cheaper and cheaper houses to the point where only two incomes would afford a house.Same thing happend with credit/debt.

Heh, I wonder what would happen if the govt. sent out a poll to women asking if they would rather stay at home and the prices go back to the way they were. IMO that would start a revolt, even if every one was alot more happy in the 50's.

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 04:38 AM

Originally posted by Hefficide

Alysha, the fifties weren't all that we tend to make them out to be, I think. You can point to some of the good things. But it's easy to overlook all the bad. Sure, the divorce rate was lower. But spousal abuse was much more prevalent. I mean, shoot, who needed a divorce when you could just slap your wife into compliance? This was socially acceptable behavior in those days. Just as long as you didn't break bones or cause massive damage, smacking the wife around was part of normal life for a lot of people.

Women didn't have options like they do now. I had an aunt (she's dead now) who was a housewife in the fifties and she told me, a few times, that she'd made it through those years (her first marriage) solely because of wine and Valium.

That's no way to live...

The truth is, the good ole' days weren't really all that good.


Well said... I think most of our perceptions of the 50's and the "good old days" are from TV show and movies. I grew up in the 60's with a stay at home mom who wanted more so much more in life. Every generation has its problems, probably since the beginning of time.

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 04:40 AM
Sorry dude but she doesn't love you.
edit on 19-2-2011 by marklancedance because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 04:41 AM
Get out of my head!

It is so odd you post this because the other day my friend and I were discussing this exact situation. As you know I have been thru relationship hell as of late and my friend is going through the same exact thing as I am and the other day we had girl time and discussed the exact things you just brought up.

We are both very old fashioned, traditional and simple. I don't for the life of me get what is wrong with the majority of men and women today. I too think it was better back in the 50s and I on more than one occasion have said if I lived then I'd be married with kids by now because men appreciated a women who was decent to them and meant what they said and was willing to take care of the house. I won't like I like to cook, clean and take care of others. I have always been that way even as a kid. I would have no problem being a house wifey
because to me that is a wonderful job, taking care of your family. I know there are those who think that housewives sit at home all day and watch soaps, well that is not the case.

I talk to a lot of older guys on a daily basis at work and they tell me about the 50s and how it was then and they too think relationships were different then. People meant it when they took vows. Now it's "oh lets get married after we have known each other 6wks on a reality show" type crap. No WONDER the divorce rate is high. Look at how society shows relationships on tv and in movies. I can't stand movies where they have one person cheat and then they have a temp breakup then get back together. Um sorry but cheating is never ok or acceptable and in today's society it seems like it is! Well for me it sure as hell is not. There are websites to help you cheat without getting caught. I mean wth is that?! Cheating is betraying another's trust in the worst way. I can forgive and forget many things but not cheating. When you have been cheated on many times it gives you very different views on it.

I have never cheated and I am one of the most the most loyal people I know, well my friends all say that, yet I have been put thru thr ringer with guys. Oh and you know what their problem always was??? They were bitter and jaded because some woman before me cheated and used them and them spit them out. Women like that I want to hit.
So when they do meet someone like me who is not the stereotype so many guys complain about they freak out. WHY?!?!?! I guess I am a rare breed of woman stuck in a world of people who are relationship challenged cause I know I am not the one with the relationship issues. I have my insecurities but I am more that willing to be open about it with someone I am with. People make relationships so hard and it really isn't that hard. Communication really is the key. IMO people are either wimps or let pride get in the way so they won't talk to their spouse about things that bother them when you should be able to tell your spouse anything. Ryan was my best friend as well as my bf and I could tell him anything, even though half the time I sounded like a goof trying to get it out but I liked how we could tell each other things....guess he should have said more
Anyway....To me if people communicated more and took the time to listen to their partner there would be less divorce, break ups and heartache.

So yeah I would have been just fine with being a housewife in the 50s. It would not have really bothered me since I like doing all the things you mentioned lol. Although I would still have to work. I like to be independent in that way so working would be a must and it all can be done!

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 04:43 AM
reply to post by mblahnikluver

sorry its how i feel and i never cheated either on anybody lol

thanks for your insight.

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 04:47 AM

Originally posted by alysha.angel
reply to post by mblahnikluver

sorry its how i feel and i never cheated either on anybody lol

thanks for your insight.

I know we think a lot alike

I read my post now and damn I rambled lol I need some coffee!

No I agree with you. I know the 50s werent perfect but it just seemed some things were valued and now a days they are not. I just look around at people I know and society and it seems so many family values that even I had growing up are just gone. It's sad.

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 04:49 AM
i would love to find a woman who would be content at just staying home and taking care of home business. don't get me wrong, i believe women should have all the same rights as men... it would just be nice imo to find a woman who won't go out get a job find some other guy to spend all of her time with leave me and then do the same thing to the new guy a few years down the road (bitter experiences trying to stay repressed). the problem with the "old" way of doing things revolved around the concept of a woman being, forgive me for using this term, a possesion. clearly not the reality of it but that was the concept. the problem lies in both man and woman's need for love both physical or otherwise. even further the man or the woman's ability to control that need or better phrased channel that need in the "right direction" would need to be addressed. it is neither one nor the other sex's fault that the divorce rate and single mother/father rate has increased but a combination of the two. as a whole the female and male population have both "cheated" or done something (toothpaste tube curled up or toilet seat) to upset the other one. what happened to forgiveness? we have all lost sight of what really matters in our lives.

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 04:49 AM
The fifties were full of ignorance and while it yielded a more sheltered environment, it also contributed to the many ecological and social problems we face today considering the tyrannical moral boot has yet to die completely. A proliferation of unsustainable infrastructure and industry has set America up along with other facets to create a truly massive problem and inevitable decline. The boob tube did a great job sabotaging the American people and ushered in an age of idiocy that will still be felt years from now.
edit on 19-2-2011 by SmokeandShadow because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 04:52 AM
reply to post by alysha.angel

Hell it was still like that in the 70's, I remember a girl in school who was the child of divorcing parents, the only kid in school who anyone knew personally, going through such an ordeal. Now you are hard pressed to find a man and a woman married with children that they are both the parents of!!!!
It was nice to not have to lock your door, to go out and play, ride your bike, meet up with all your friends and have adventures in the neighborhood, and your parents didn't have to worry about you!
It was perfectly ok for kids to come in from school, do homework, then go out to play, which meant you would be home by dark, and you were really just out having fun.
It is a sad state of affairs these days when it comes to quality family time, even quality family!

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 04:53 AM

Originally posted by thegiftbearer
i would love to find a woman who would be content at just staying home and taking care of home business. don't get me wrong, i believe women should have all the same rights as men... it would just be nice imo to find a woman who won't go out get a job find some other guy to spend all of her time with leave me and then do the same thing to the new guy a few years down the road (bitter experiences trying to stay repressed). the problem with the "old" way of doing things revolved around the concept of a woman being, forgive me for using this term, a possesion. clearly not the reality of it but that was the concept. the problem lies in both man and woman's need for love both physical or otherwise. even further the man or the woman's ability to control that need or better phrased channel that need in the "right direction" would need to be addressed. it is neither one nor the other sex's fault that the divorce rate and single mother/father rate has increased but a combination of the two. as a whole the female and male population have both "cheated" or done something (toothpaste tube curled up or toilet seat) to upset the other one. what happened to forgiveness? we have all lost sight of what really matters in our lives.

my point exactly well said....
in my case my ex husband not only emotionally and mentally abused me he flat out refused to get a decent job.. or any job so after a while i left him.
edit on 19/2/11 by alysha.angel because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 04:55 AM
reply to post by thegiftbearer

Forgiveness? I hope you don't think people should forgive for cheating because that will never happen. People who cheat and forgive the other never really forgive the other. They tolerate it but deep down they will never trust that person again, They betrayed you and hurt you. How could you forgive them? Now if you werent referring to cheating when it comes to forgiveness then I agree.

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 05:00 AM
reply to post by space cadet

I agree! I was telling my roommate the other day how if this were when I was a kid we would hear kids outside all day til it was night. There is a huge neighborhood with many kids but I never seen them outside. Ever. I don't even hear them and I would hear them, being on the 6th floor the noise travels lol. I see them ride their bikes home or walk from school but they are never outside playing. We were always outside playing kick ball or baseball or something.

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