It really was an amazing game for it's time. It's still massive even by today's standards, and there's still a number of mod projects that either
improve the original game or in the case of a certain mod, transform the entire game into the Star Wars universe. Probably my biggest disappointment
in video games ever was finding out they cancelled the sequel. I could forgive them for making it 360-only, but not for cancelling it altogether
But anyways, yeah it's an amazing game. Could have been so much more, but thankfully there's many mods for that.
edit on 22-2-2011 by warbird03
because: (no reason given)
I can't believe I have forgotten about this game. Truly one of my favorites as well. Wonder when the next chapter will come out and when it does will
snake still be alive?
I seriously doubt it, especially since snake is to old to be sneaking around and taking giant mechs down, at the end of metal gear 4, he was pretty
much on his death bead. If they make a part 5, hes going to be walking and sneaking around using a cane, and caring iv bags around. He ain't going
to be sneaking up on anything thats for sure, and might break his hip firing a rpg or magnum off. And also kojima said he is not planing to do any
metal gear 5, but if he does I don't think snake is going to be in it. Unless they clone him, but since he already is a clone with a short life
expectancy, how the hell is that going to work out.
And on topic, from what i'v read online, kojima is working on another game, Zone Of the Enders 3. And though I posted this intro on this site on
some other thread. Here it is again, since it came up. The intro from Z.O.E. 2 which is a better game in some ways, then the whole metal gear saga
games, it also has one of the best intros in any game out there as well.
I too like the fallout New Vegas intro. I think the intro to the Brotherhood of Nod in the first C&C game is cool too: "I am Seth, just Seth. From
God, to Cain, to Seth."