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Madeleine McCann is In America!

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posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 08:59 AM

Originally posted by raybies
Its just a false story so it re-ignites public interest in the case. I read somewhere a short while ago that the McCanns were running out of money. Sorry but this looks like a devious little plan by a devious couple to extract more money from a gullible public.

And what do you know exactly?? Your ASSUMING that this is the case! You have no factual evidence to base that assumption on, do you? So keep your silly little slandering to yourself in future. Everyone is entitled to their opinion but you cross the line with your sick and twisted comment based on nothing but thin air!! Please..... get a life!

And as for the people saying how could Madeline have been taken without her screaming and the parents hearing.... you do realise that there are professionals out there who kidnap and abduct children to order....with this in mind you can guess that there are many ways to silence a child and these guys would be adept at doing so no??

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 09:08 AM
And I just want to say to all of those implying that there is something sinister going on...You are doing so without Factual you realise what that means and what that says about you as a person? Or has innocent until proven guilty been eliminated from society altogether. The parents were never charged with any connection to the abduction or no evidence indicating such has been found! So your accusations are unfounded and quite disturbing to be honest! You all sound like a tabloid newspaper! How about thinking before you write....actually think!!

Edit to add: On the fact of leaving their children alone.....we are all human and we all make mistakes, especially on things like holidays, we never think anything bad can happen till it actually happens... this is a mistake they will pay for the rest of their lives, why not put yourselves into their shoes for a minute and you will realise that they will replaying this mistake in their minds over and over again till the day they die I expect!
edit on 18-2-2011 by kcfusion because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 09:40 AM
reply to post by kcfusion

I wouldnt want to belittle the pain the McCanns must be feeling having lost their daughter, but to categorise the incident as a 'mistake' is a little disengenuios in my opinion. The McCanns are well educated people. Their children were out of sight and out of ear shot and they chose to take a calculated risk in leaving their children for reportedly half an hour to 40 minutes at a time without checking them. Even if Madeline hadnt gone missing there was a real danger that either of the two infants could have been in trouble through falling, choking etc.

I dont want to be appear judgemental, as I know parenting can be difficult, but they made a simple (and some would say selfish) decision that evening to leave their children alone whilst they dined with their friends.

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 09:42 AM

Originally posted by silo13
reply to post by Predator90

Its a shame things like this happen to children or anyone for that matter but this is getting dragged out a bit isnt it.

So when should the world stop caring about their babies?

A month? A year? Two?

Your post makes me sick. 'insert vomit smiley here'


With all the hopes and prayers I've got I pray this time we've found Maddy!

Here in Europe we're horrifies over a pair of twins that are missing.
Beautiful little blond twins.
I couldn't help but think of Maddy when it came up on the news about these girls missing.
My first thought? Abducted by pedo-rings.

Keep hoping and praying people, we might just find these babies yet!

S&F to the OP for keeping us posted. THANK YOU!

edit on 18-2-2011 by silo13 because: ...

If you feel that way about what i said, fair enough. I wasn't implying that people should ever stop caring about their babies or stop missing them for that matter if they did go missing.

Just that this has been going on for a long time now and there is no 100% credible evidence of her being seen somewhere, I mean there must be 100's maybe 1000's of girls out there that look similar to Maddie at a glance or from a distance.

It could just go on for ever, when do you get to the point where you stop looking..?

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 09:53 AM

Originally posted by eyestotheskies
reply to post by kcfusion

I wouldnt want to belittle the pain the McCanns must be feeling having lost their daughter, but to categorise the incident as a 'mistake' is a little disengenuios in my opinion. The McCanns are well educated people. Their children were out of sight and out of ear shot and they chose to take a calculated risk in leaving their children for reportedly half an hour to 40 minutes at a time without checking them. Even if Madeline hadnt gone missing there was a real danger that either of the two infants could have been in trouble through falling, choking etc.

I dont want to be appear judgemental, as I know parenting can be difficult, but they made a simple (and some would say selfish) decision that evening to leave their children alone whilst they dined with their friends.

I do agree with you, leaving the children like that is not something I personally would do, and they will regret that decision for the rest of their lives.

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 04:20 PM

Originally posted by Predator90
Is this still going on..

It has been what.. 3 or more years, with basically no hard proof that she has been in any of these countries that she has supposedly been sighted in.

Its a shame things like this happen to children or anyone for that matter but this is getting dragged out a bit isnt it.
surely if she was still alive and kicking somewhere , someone would of found her by now or at least grabbed a photo or quick vid of her or something.

i do feel for the mcanns but in all fairness , if they were good parents and didn't leave their three young children unattended in a hotel room on there own none of this would of happened.

When it's your child, you never give up searching and I like many would agree they should never have left the children alone - but they will pay for that mistake for the rest of their lives and at the end of the day, this is about Maddie and I'm sure IF she is still alive she wouldn't want them to give up on her.
You only have to think of those kids found who've been kept in cellars for years to know that we should never give up on any kid.

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 04:26 PM

Originally posted by kcfusion
And I just want to say to all of those implying that there is something sinister going on...You are doing so without Factual you realise what that means and what that says about you as a person? Or has innocent until proven guilty been eliminated from society altogether. The parents were never charged with any connection to the abduction or no evidence indicating such has been found! So your accusations are unfounded and quite disturbing to be honest! You all sound like a tabloid newspaper! How about thinking before you write....actually think!!

Edit to add: On the fact of leaving their children alone.....we are all human and we all make mistakes, especially on things like holidays, we never think anything bad can happen till it actually happens... this is a mistake they will pay for the rest of their lives, why not put yourselves into their shoes for a minute and you will realise that they will replaying this mistake in their minds over and over again till the day they die I expect!
edit on 18-2-2011 by kcfusion because: (no reason given)

Thankyou for standing your ground here - These people have no empathy whatsoever and what ever they think of these Parents who are swamped in guilt and always will be this is not about them THIS IS ABOUT MADDIE! and she wouldn't want them ever to give up the search - how many children are kept in cellars and hidden away for years I'll bet they spent every day hoping one day someone would rescue them.

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 04:29 PM

Originally posted by Predator90

Originally posted by silo13
reply to post by Predator90

Its a shame things like this happen to children or anyone for that matter but this is getting dragged out a bit isnt it.

So when should the world stop caring about their babies?

A month? A year? Two?

Your post makes me sick. 'insert vomit smiley here'



With all the hopes and prayers I've got I pray this time we've found Maddy!

Here in Europe we're horrifies over a pair of twins that are missing.
Beautiful little blond twins.
I couldn't help but think of Maddy when it came up on the news about these girls missing.
My first thought? Abducted by pedo-rings.

Keep hoping and praying people, we might just find these babies yet!

S&F to the OP for keeping us posted. THANK YOU!

edit on 18-2-2011 by silo13 because: ...

If you feel that way about what i said, fair enough. I wasn't implying that people should ever stop caring about their babies or stop missing them for that matter if they did go missing.

Just that this has been going on for a long time now and there is no 100% credible evidence of her being seen somewhere, I mean there must be 100's maybe 1000's of girls out there that look similar to Maddie at a glance or from a distance.

It could just go on for ever, when do you get to the point where you stop looking..?

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 04:34 PM
If you really care about Maddie please flag this post and help people remember her.



posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 06:59 PM
When I lived in San Francisco my little girl was two years old, blonde hair and blue eyes. We in lived in Pacific Heights. Our corner grocery store was hit. The mother had placed her child, blonde hair and blue eyes, in the children's seat of the shopping cart. She was in the produce section, focused on her shopping list and looked back to find her toddler was gone.

From then on I tied my daughter and my son to my arm if I was going to look away to perform a task until they were of screaming age. By that I mean, when hearing me scream was scarier than anything else that could possibly happen.

The house we own had a childhood death from the original owners. The mother told her five year old he could go outside and she would be right out, she turned her back to get something. The boy saw something across the street, ran in front of a car and was killed.

We are talking seconds here. I am not so sure we can judge...or maybe we can...

I ended a relationship with a dear friend from Germany because she let her five year old (blonde hair, blue eyes) in LOS ANGELES, go to the restroom alone in a busy restaurant, theatre, etc. where the restroom was located by the front doors! We fought over this. I was told this was a cultural difference between Americans and Europeans. My son dark black hair, dark brown eyes had to go in the Women's Restroom until this year (13 years old) and only after he had three serious years of a martial art called Krav Maga.

Maybe nothing will ever happen, but it only takes one thing.

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 07:13 PM
Well the McCann's PR certainly worked. I can't believe that people still think that the McCann's just made a mistake, and that it was like dining in the back garden (Gerry McCann's words)

9 children, all under 4, one who was 8 months old, were left in various apartments on their own in an unsecure holiday complex, whilst their parents went to the tapas bar, that was 120 metres away, with a swimming pool between the bar and the apartments, not just one night, but every night of the holiday. One of the nights, a neighbour who owned the apartment above where the McCann's were staying, heard a child crying for 75 mins, before one of the parents returned and the crying stopped. Even if leaving the children on their own was the McCann's and their friends only crime, it is still a crime, parents are prosecuted all the time for leaving young children when none of them have come to harm, and will do jail time if something does happen. This is not a mistake, it is neglect, plain and simple, a mistake is forgetting to put your child's gym kit in their school bag, and yes, most parents have made mistakes like that, but I do not know of any parent who would leave a child under 4 to go to a bar (yes some parents do that and they are quite rightly prosectued and vilified by the public)

Anything can happen to a child, yes accidents can happen when you are there, but at least you are there and whilst sadly some tragedys cannot be avoided, to willfully leave young children like that is criminal...And I don't want to hear the next McCann soundbite..."oh but they've suffered enough" Nonsense, what about the suffering of the children, left alone, in the dark, in an unfamiliar apartment in a foreign country, even if they just woke up and were scared, that is bad enough, let alone if they choke, are unwell, fall over, or for that matter if a fire breaks out! 30 minutes (the times between checks according to the McCanns and their friends) is way too long, the damage has been done!

I've followed this case since it broke, and many things have not sat properly with me, the immediate hiring of lawyers and PR spokespersons, the huge media blaze, the parents going jogging, jetting off round the world and to meet the pope, (leaving their remaining children in Portugal in the creche) the organising of events weeks in advance to mark the 50th day of Madeleine's disappearance, she could have turned up by then! The setting up of a fund, (not a charity as they like to imply, a private limited company, of which Kate and Gerry McCann are directors, and of course they paid mortgage payments from that schoolkids and pensioners donated to search for their daughter) The fund that has spent 13% of donations on the actual search, the rest on lawyers and PR etc. The immediate slagging off of the Portuguese police, even though the night Madeleine disappeared, the parents didn't actually go out and search themselves, because it was too dark...Though the entire population of Praia de Luz were out combing the streets and remained doing so for days, as did the police!

The Lies, the contradictions, the never ending media hype, their downright weird behaviour...But most of all the evidence of the sniffer dogs that were brought in some time after the disappearance, Eddie and Keela, these dogs have a 100% success rate for alerting to human blood and cadaver odour. This was detected in the McCanns apartment, Kate McCanns clothes, the cuddle cat toy she carried around (and cuddle cat is another long story!) their hire car, the hire car key fob. The dogs alerts show that a dead body was in contact with all of these locations, not in any of the other apartments, clothes, cars etc, just the McCanns.

The McCanns have managed to hijack the MSM and bend the story to their own agenda, and I really can't believe that on a site like ATS, I am reading exactly the same soundbites that regularly appear in the Sun etc..."oh the poor parents, haven't they suffered enough, they just made a mistake, it could happen to anyone etc and the accusations to anyone that challenges their version of events that you are a hateful nasty person, who thinks they are a perfect parent blah blah blah blah..

I don't know what happened to Madeleine, but I don't think she was abducted, there was no evidence of a break in or of anyone else having been in the apartment, and according to the McCanns own timeline, the abductor would have had to have got into the apartment, taken Madeleine and disappeared within approx 3-5 minutes, and of course not leaving a single trace, and as another poster pointed out, without waking and scaring the other children or Madeleine herself.

There is an excellent reference site, which gives a huge amount of information, and highlights some of the lesser known facts that the MSM don't print, and I think that ATS posters should give it a look before condeming anyone on this thread who is suspicious of the parents, here is the link McCann Files

But sorry, I do feel that the parents are implicated in some way, and I definitely know that they are guilty of neglect, but seem to have been treated differently to others and were not prosecuted.

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 07:18 PM
reply to post by angelwrangler

Just to correct you about cultural differences, neither I nor anyone I know would ever leave their young child like that! That was another myth the McCann's PR machine put out, that it was just a different style of parenting in the UK (this is because the Portuguese were horrified, they never leave children and would just have taken them to the tapas bar) and we had all these silly media women on daytime tv, lorraine kelly, fiona phillips, kate garroway etc saying, oh but we all do it...

NO WE FLIPPING WELL DON'T... Sorry for the shouting but that's why I get so annoyed at people defending the McCanns, they have created so many misconceptions to cover their own's infuriating!

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 07:25 PM
reply to post by kcfusion
And what do you know exactly?? Your ASSUMING that this is the case! You have no factual evidence to base that assumption on, do you? So keep your silly little slandering to yourself in future. Everyone is entitled to their opinion but you cross the line with your sick and twisted comment based on nothing but thin air!! Please..... get a life!

My silly little slandering? Like you said everyones entitled to their opinion but obviously only those that believe the McScams.Where is my sick and twisted comment? Im merely giving my opinion, which i hasten to add you yourself said im entitled to. Oh and i have a life, one thats not filled with deceit.
edit on 18-2-2011 by raybies because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 08:25 PM
And this picture, taken on the 12th May 2007, 9 days after Madeleine disappeared, on what would have been her 4th birthday. I find it incredible that they could be laughing and smiling like that, yes we all react differently in situations but this is just quite unbelievable, and there are so many more like this.

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 08:39 PM
I have read all post and I pretty much agree with them all. Yes I think they were wrong to leave them, no way would I ever have done that but at the same time I feel utmost sympathy for them.
However as to the task of finding her the one thing that sticks in my mind is the fact that Maddy had a VERY distinct and unusual pupil. It looks like the shape of a keyhole and would be recognised at any age for it, this I find weird because by now someone should have seen her as it is so unusual.

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 08:43 PM
reply to post by destination now

Thanks for that, I remember hearing over and over how this was just common behavior for UK parents. I live in the states, and I was just horrified and mystified as to why there were more child deaths. Idk, maybe my kids weren't the brightest but I was constantly ensuring their safety.

Yes, child abductors scare the crap out of me, but if I were considering leaving them home alone I would more concerned with them doing something stupid or dangerous and killing themselves or one of their siblings. I would never ever consider leaving a three year old and two babies. One of mine started doing flips out of the crib at 9 months old in the middle of the night when we were home, God knows what they would've or could've gotten into if we weren't home.

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 08:46 PM
reply to post by destination now

Wow, that's crazy. No way would I be celebrating and laughing. I understand that "laughter is the best medicine" but 9 days after your 3/4 year old disappears is unacceptable, I would have been knocking doors looking for my kid.

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 08:48 PM
reply to post by searching4truth

Just like to say it is NOT common for British parents. None of my family or friends would leave their children unattended and especially in a foreign country. I accept some parents would but it is certainly not common.

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 08:54 PM
reply to post by squizzy

The coloboma is another bit of a red herring, yes, Madeleine does have a slight eye defect, but it's not that noticeable, the main publicity picture (of a 2yr old Madeleine???) the coloboma was photoshopped to be more prominent, they admitted that!

Also the police advised them not to publicise that as it could lead to harm to Madeleine by her abductor (the police were going with the Mc's version at that point) but no...Gerry did it anyway because...It was a good marketing ploy!

And how can you see such a small mark in someone's eye, you have to be very close to them, and sadly there have been multiple incidents where innocent people have had their young children grabbed by strangers to look into their eyes, terrifying the kids in the process...and the Mccanns encouraged this. Like the most famous allegedly abducted child is going to be at the beach, or in a shopping centre. And all of these innocent kids who get their pictures splashed across the press...Is this Maddie??? What about the privacy of these kids, why don't they check these things out before printing the pictures, and I might add all of these sightings come from the Mc's private detectives, so the Mc's are basically exploiting other people's kids to further their own agenda!

There has also been the implication from the McCanns from day one that their daughter was snatched by a paedophile, most kids are dead withing 48hrs of such an abduction and the prognosis of such an event is never good. However, the McCanns keep saying that they don't believe Madeleine has come to any harm??? Of course she will have if she was abducted.

Sorry but their whole story reeks and sadly I think the child is dead and has been since the 3rd of May.

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 08:56 PM
reply to post by searching4truth

Yes, the laughing pictures are an abomination!

And I totally agree that leaving young children is unacceptable, and I cannot understand why people still defend the McCanns and say they did nothing wrong

EDIT and you are correct, children are far more likely to come to harm as a result of an accident if left alone, rather than by stranger abduction, which is in fact, very rare

edit on 18-2-2011 by destination now because: to add a bit

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