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wow ,consciousness has really stepped up a notch

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posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 10:34 AM
reply to post by thepixelgarden

i'm glad you like the thread

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 10:44 AM
Just because people are protesting and rioting around the world doesn't mean that consciousness is expanding among the masses. Remember, the protestors are basically protesting about new budgets that affect them as workers, and they are still completely in the dark about the powers that are working behind the front lines of the monetary system. Plus, probably over half of them don't even know what they're protesting about.

Consciousness is your own, and once you open it and have that hunger for expansion, it's always going to expand just by learning more. It's not much of a phenomenon.

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 10:45 AM
reply to post by Chewingonmushrooms

You're welcome. ^__^

And thanks for the warm welcome to the site. So far I am loving what I am reading! So many different perspectives - sometimes they clash, but that's ok. It's good to read different points of views.

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 11:02 AM

Originally posted by Chewingonmushrooms
I have felt an urgency of late, beginning mid January and have done things that I have been afraid to do in 3 years that has kept me back. I have definitely changed my priorities and no longer want to conceptualize and instead want to experience. I haven't felt this way since 2001(exactly 10 years ago) when a complete change in consciousness happened within me by a certain catalyst that I am not allowed to speak of in this forum. That sent me down the rabbit hole for a few years when I researched all that I could about the real nature of the world, and why it was in the shape that it was/is. Soon after that I experienced a burnout simply out of frustration and inexperience, which caused me to "go along with the machine" and allow myself to become "normal" (asleep) again. Recently that has changed and I did a complete 360(or better put 180) which I do not find as coincidence.

Don't get me wrong I am not trying to say that I am fully awake, but at least I am peaking with one eye open and trying my best to open the other. Things that have been obsessing me lately is to find that which is not speakable in this forum, to learn how to grow organic produce, and try my best not to continue the wave of consumerism. I have also felt an urge to move and pull away from where I live now (NYC). I am no longer fighting my intuition, no matter how much my analytical mind objects, and have lessened my possessions 3 fold since that time (month and a half ago). I know some might say it's all in my mind, but in all honesty, that's fine because they are entitled to their own opinions. I no longer feel the need to convince or debate that matter as it has become sort of a inward thing for me.
edit on 17-2-2011 by Chewingonmushrooms because: minor grammar corrections

I didnt know there were any subjects that were not permitted to be discussed here. What is it you are speaking about? If its really prohibitted just u2u me. Thanks.

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 11:36 AM

Originally posted by NorEaster
do tell

Seriously, how the hell would you ever know "consciousness" as opposed to your own experience of being alive and thinking about stuff?

And don't throw garbage at me about how I would already know if I was enlightened or "aware" or walking hand-in-hand with the Blood Of The Risen Lamb, or whatever the riff is that your holy-handshake club uses as a door pass. You people are going to be gargling on your own hysteria by the time December of 2012 rolls around and it'll be your own damn fault.

You can feel it. There is change - constantly. Regardless if you believe in the aspect of mass consciousness there is always a shifting of Human awareness forward as the illusion of time unravels itself.

A paradigm shift is at hand and the shifting gains speed exponentially with each passing infinite moment.

The comment Blood of The Risen Lamb is quite irrelevant to the thread topic and somewhat ignorant in perspective.
edit on 18-2-2011 by 11118 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 11:47 AM
I can give you an example of what I feel. I always have dreams and weird feelings that something is about to happen. And this feeling that I have of something about to happen isn't good it may seem good at first but I've been collectly recording my dreams and thoughts and for some reason most of my dreams are coming true but everything that was in my dream wasn't in reality. But what my dreams have been hinting at is that even though all looks like it is going well don't trust what is going on. And the feelings that I have about all this is mixed I really feel something different in my mind but I don't understand what I'm supposed to do with what is going on I feel that everyone that is waking up needs to meditate and practice the art of astral projection and remote viewing because I have had many spontanious out of body experiences but now I've got to the point to where I can controll them but I haven't mastered how to travel and remote view. There is a reason that this is happening to people and we need to pay attention to the change that is going on around us. Please everyone that this is happening to research how to become more focused there is a reason for this we just have to figure it out.

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 12:06 PM
reply to post by karen61057

I don't think I can u2u being that my post count is so low. If you want to know what I speak of just simply look at my handle/screen name. Dunno if the rules have changed but before I read that it was against the rules to speak about the consciousness shifting power of ethogens/psychedelics. FTW I have done that particular fungoid once in my life and nothing was as powerful or awakening for me since then. I went from being an Atheist/somewhat agnostic (indifferent) that believed in materialism or scientific realism, to lets just say something else =-).
edit on 18-2-2011 by Chewingonmushrooms because: (no reason given)

edit on 18-2-2011 by Chewingonmushrooms because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 12:24 PM
I think this "wave" of consciousness has been manifesting itself for the last few years- its just starting to hit a critical mass of people.

In terms of what it is- I would just simply say it is the idea of people realizing the true power that is not only in themselves- but in community.

We are seeing it manifest in its most visible form in the middle-east- people are seeing there power as individuals and collectives, and aren't going to stand up to being oppressed anymore.

Of course anyone could say "They are just poor and sick of having no food"... but the key here is that they are banding together- in peaceful protest. And you also have to take into account how these events are inspiring people around the world- heck they fill me with hope!

I think over the next few years we are going to see a huge increase of people who are willing to stand up to oppression. That is what this new consciousness is all about- banding together in the name of justice.

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 12:31 PM
After February 11 I see a really bright light when I close my eyes and meditate. And I am more efficient in what I do, even if I don't understand what work I do all the time. But, I will continue with my craft. I have also been eating more vegetables and fruit since then. And I taken up exercise again. Good times. Ride the wave :-)

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 12:40 PM
reply to post by AdamJagger1111

i can't give you an example because you aren't feeling it! and it's nothing to do with thinking i am better than others just because i'm awakening ,

Sorry to say but that doesn't prove that there is a global shift.

I do feel more aware about what is going on in the world, but it has to do with what I learn and experience. Maybe it's happening now because there is some kind of shift going on, but to there is NO proof about anything concerning a massive consciousness shift. Believe me when I say I hope it happens for everyone on the planet, but a single person waking up doesn't mean that morning is near.

It may be just you who started to get ride of some of the sh@t layers on lies you've been bombarded with all your life.

It may sound cliche, but the only true consciousness level that we are in now, is for some of us to truly understand that we don't know anything....anything at all.

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 12:48 PM
reply to post by IAMSEEKER

when did i say i wanted to prove any thing?

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 12:49 PM
reply to post by IAMSEEKER

what do you mean a single person??! look at the posts on this thread alone and you will notice a lot of people are feeling this.

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 12:57 PM

Originally posted by Gab1159
Yep. I'm definitely waking up more every day. I mean, it's not even questionable for me. Look, last September, I wasn't even aware there were big conspiracies in this world. I then learned about UFOs, which got me into this Illuminati/NWO stuff. I've got scared away by all the NWO/FEMA thing, but managed to get back on track with the New Age bull#. At that time, I would believe anything I would read, including channels and such. Long story short, after nearly 6 months of intense research on alternative subjects, I'm not the same.

I've learned discernment, to connect the dots. I'm now aware of what is really happening in this world. 6 months ago I was a sheeple. So those who say a shift in consciousness isn't happening, maybe you didn't get the chance to experience it, but you will. I mean, the Middle-East protest are obviously signs of this shift. Even though some of you will come with the usual NWO planned revolts, they are not the one fighting in the streets for liberty. NWO or not, these people are standing up for their right, the intention is genuine. This is a big indicator.

Another sign a shift is occurring? Facebook! The only purpose now I'm on this social network is to publish as much articles about 2012, breaking alternative news, space exploration, science, etc. When I started to do this (about a month after discovering UFOs), people would laugh at me and see me as a pothead gone wrong...But now? There are so much people following my every move now! People I would never expect to check my profile page, people I don't even know, friends of friends. I've been asked by several people to start a website or a blog (which I'm on the process of doing) so it would be even easier to follow and show to others. PEOPLE ARE GETTING MORE AND MORE INTERESTING ABOUT THESE SUBJECTS.

As for the poster on the first page (this is the only one I have read) wondering what consciousness shifting feels like, it's unexplainable. See, if the theories are right, we're headed towards a higher dimension, so the feeling some of us are getting is simply unexplainable. How would you conceive a feeling that is so alien to you simply because you're brain isn't on the upper dimension vibration. It is simply impossible. However, I can still give you a preview of what is to come to everyone.

It's all in the way you think, your perception of reality. It's really hard to explain, but I feel the thought patterns inside my head are definitely different. I also feel more energy. As a matter of fact, on December 21st of last year, when we had a total lunar eclipse on winter solstice, I felt buzzed, almost like on a gram of magic mushrooms, and I know this is when my consciousness shifted (brought me from STS to STO). I don't think the same since.

So I won't the day here, but for all of those who are saying we'll look stupid when nothing happens on 21/12/12, the shift is real and I am a living proof of it. I would be disappointed if nothing happens, but I will still be a better person, a more reasonable. I've learned so much about the universe, myself, people, politics, economy, geo-politics, spirituality. So how would I look stupid if nothing happens, I'm already satisfied with the changes occurring inside me and I know there is more coming!

Remember, I used to be a sheeple 6 months ago, and I'm on the process of awakening maybe a hundred or so people so they ARE definitely waking up, because they are now open to topics they used to laugh at me. I have so much hope for humanity!

I agree with this post wholeheartedly. It is damn near exactly how I feel, and those feelings definitely affected how I live my life for the better.

Not EVERYTHING has changed about me, not in a long shot. But I've definitely grown. And growing is the most that we can ask out of a physical form, is it not?

I'm an atheist full and through in the most true sense... I DO NOT BELIEVE IN GODS OR DEITIES. I respect religion fully, and the idea of Gods and what not. But I think that what we experience now isn't THAT much different than what ALL life experiences and feels. We have a unique way of going about things, specific sections of our consciousness, minds and bodies that will grow.

We all have a right, requirement, and a gift to do all that we can with this life. To provide for fellow man. My favorite quote right now is "You're only worth as much as you can provide for your fellow man".

So while not being religious in any way (although having researched every religion in depth in my personal seeking of knowledge), I am highly spiritual. I have my own theories that blow my mind every day when I sit down and ponder them while looking at the massive, blue sky. I believe in souls. I believe in ascension. I believe in truly doing all you can to live the most fulfilling, exciting life.

And that does include working (and this is spawned by the "it's unnatural to work" thread). You will always have to work at EVERYTHING YOU DO. Everything. When you make love, you're working. When you build your own shelter, work. Grow your own foods, work. Raise a kid (or multiple!!!) is easily the hardest JOB anyone will EVER have. But isn't it also the most fulfilling, rewarding experience? That you've been given the privelage to bring in new life and will get to prove yourself, to yourself, that you are a decent human being. That you could take your life, and put it into YOUR hands for what is important to YOU. But also taking what you do for yourself and apply it everyday to your world.

Religion has a lot of things right, but when it comes down to worship and all of that I am deeply perturbed. I've always, always LOVED the philosophy of Islam. That is my favorite religion to date in terms of how interesting it is, the region, the crazy amounts of people involved in radically different ways... Their fundamentals, and pillars are really a thing of philosophical wonder. But it's translated in all the wrong places in all the wrong ways, sadly.

It does break down to a 'spiritual' level though with EVERY religion, regardless. It's always about inner peace, enlightenment, living for your fellow man, growing your consciousness and living a 'clean' and just plain GOOD life while paving a path for others to do the same.

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 01:03 PM

heres the weekly "everybody is waking up thread"

Im here to say as usual that this has been going on for years now, and i have yet to meet anyone in real life that feels the same way some of you people do.

Wheres all the spiritual awakening in Canada at???

I feel good, because its finally spring and my driveway isnt a brick of ice. Cant we just attribute our good spirits to natural phenomenon and normal happyness, rather then allah and his spacebeams tripping you out and freakin your mind.

I like the way things are, so i say to hell with the bloody spiritual awakening.

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 01:07 PM
Now to start the crazy talk... So I don't believe in deities or an almighty, powerful, loving, but menacing God. Living a life in fear of God or anything else is no way to live AT ALL. But on a spiritual side the idea of souls is what stands out to me most in what is true and through. The idea that every living thing has a soul, or contains energy from the cosmos that can't be destroyed nor created (as far as we can tell
). Any part of nature is a being. It's why we can feel the wind and hear its whispers, why the groaning of a tree can have such an impact on somebody in the face of deforestation, why the crumbling of rocks can make some cry. Why some can experience the paranormal (ghosts, spirits, seeing souls in transition), why some can astral project and meditate to seek answers. It's not blind praying, it's searching yourself and what is directly around you to find your own path, happines, your own future.

I am all on the ascension binge personally. I do not hold myself any higher than anybody else, will still have a highly respectable conversation but there's too many coincidences for me to not feel at my heart that the ascension is real at least for a few. I've had so many peeople walk into my life recently from left field that have awakened me to new and amazing things in the most genuine, loving matter I've ever comprehended. I know a girl who has been able to see spirits since she was a kid, can interact with rocks and minerals, fills you with this ever lasting presence of love and can literally take the dark energy inside you and disperse it. I also met a guy who is a spiritual fighter. He's directly encountered evil beings, can astral project... and he's been able to do that for years, albeit with a lot of practice. And he's come to live with me somehow in the past 2 months of my "awakening" that I experienced very similar to the post I quoted above, and we both back off each other to provide support when things get a little too crazy or when we see something new, or news about something relative. Last year I had somehow through the grapevine heard everything about this kid, and didn't think I would like him. Turns out he's known the same about me, and we've gotten super close recently... again, highly coincidental

But we all feel something big is about to change... they feel it will be bad, I don't know what to think. Earlier it was mentioned that there was, from what I interpreted, "No point in seeking the good as everything is about to crumble anyways" and how would that not directly lead to what we all the positive people here in this thread aspire to achieve. If all government corruption, greedy corporations fell and their evil power was gone, and when religionist's Gods don't come to magically whip them up into a cloudy, magical place with Unicorns and a lack of chairs of everlasting happiness, joy, and perpetual BOREDOM doesn't happen... what's left to but start with the good? Create a framework of community, love, care and providing for those around you. It seems like in every thread I read someone mentions "There's not even any neighborly feelings to those who live around me", and they miss it deep down. Community, love, gatherings is what humans are with nature.

We aren't all going to zip into the stars, we aren't going to be wiped out as a race in some mass, genocidal spiritual wrath. We have our physical lives here for a reason. Do with it the most you possibly can. Travel to where your heart takes you, experience different cultures that fill a cultural void in your soul. Learn about how different, yet the same we all are. How to care for others, your family, and yet sustain yourself. We will never become more without growing, and every aspect of us is always growing, including our souls.

I will embrace the spiritual ideals into my life, will practice meditation, astral projection. I will try to 'connect' with rocks, feel the tree's tremble. I will get a college education in computer science because that is what I absolutely LOVE is technology, computers. And in my life I will combine all of my terrestrial interests, spiritual interests, what growth I've achieved and what I see ahead of me to pave a path to help others. To advance technology in a humanitarian way, bring internet and schooling to the less fortunate than me.

And you know what's craziest to me? Is I've learned ALL of this in a crash course with basically just myself. I've only had myself to rely on for the past 3 years of my life. Partly my choice, mainly not. But I'm still very happy, quite successful for where I'm at in life and will continue to grow with the help of the spiritual world, some close friends, and BEAUTIFUL nature!!!

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 01:14 PM

Originally posted by AdamJagger1111
hey all who is feeling this rapid increase of consciousness starting around about feb 11th, it's like we are intergrating consciousness downloads in waves and each wave is getting more intense than the last one.

I think your confusing you consciousness waves with nothing more than the reality of a very screwed up society.
Are you waking up and realizing that things aren't what they're suppose to be?
Please excuse me but this consciousness thing is just not for real. Everyone does need to wake up, but not with this new age crap. It's just another smoke screen that will get you deeper away from the truth and deeper into the cave of darkness. You will still be controlled and you will still be living in a matrix, so to say.

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 01:17 PM

Originally posted by nidstav
After February 11 I see a really bright light when I close my eyes and meditate. And I am more efficient in what I do, even if I don't understand what work I do all the time. But, I will continue with my craft. I have also been eating more vegetables and fruit since then. And I taken up exercise again. Good times. Ride the wave :-)

It's called, stepping out from the cabin fever syndrome
spring is on it's way

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 01:20 PM
reply to post by hawaii50th

this is real ,i'm not confused, i know what is happening.

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 01:24 PM

Originally posted by hawaii50th

Originally posted by AdamJagger1111
hey all who is feeling this rapid increase of consciousness starting around about feb 11th, it's like we are intergrating consciousness downloads in waves and each wave is getting more intense than the last one.

I think your confusing you consciousness waves with nothing more than the reality of a very screwed up society.
Are you waking up and realizing that things aren't what they're suppose to be?
Please excuse me but this consciousness thing is just not for real. Everyone does need to wake up, but not with this new age crap. It's just another smoke screen that will get you deeper away from the truth and deeper into the cave of darkness. You will still be controlled and you will still be living in a matrix, so to say.

Wow, what a positive and motivating image for life!!! Really? That's it? We should just lay down on the ground and whimper because society has already advanced so far that people don't need to hope for good, but just realize all that's evil around them and continue a dull, feet dragging life? Great.

Your said yourself that people 'Are you waking up and realizing that things aren't what they're suppose to be', is still in essence a consciousness shift. We can't change anything for good without realizing what's there to be fixed. You can't possibly learn more without knowing what you DON'T know, so to say.

I truly do feel for your sadness, sir, if all you can do is focus on the negative. If you don't have any hope for our future, can't see any bright light down the tunnel... I really don't see what it is in life that you appreciate at all, how you can enjoy any moment of your day. And it really hurts me to see that pain...

On a side note!

Originally posted by AdamJagger1111
reply to post by hawaii50th

this is real ,i'm not confused, i know what is happening.

Dude, seriously. You're really hurting your own thread by continuing with your single line posts. Actually churn out some content for your readers!!! Lol. Enough with the one line crap and terrible grammar, actually contribute! You obviously have a lot of good input on this subject, use it effectively.
edit on 18-2-2011 by shagula because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 01:27 PM
Sorry for my ignorance, but could someone please explain the significance of the date "February 11th" that keeps popping up in this thread? Or is it just a date that some started feeling a change?

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