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wow ,consciousness has really stepped up a notch

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posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 01:35 PM
A TON of my friends, just in the last week have been askimg me (As I am always on about it) about 2012.
For some reason, people are REALLY starting to talk about this big time.

Even my own mum. All she does is clean and cook stuff.
She asked me the other day re: 2012.

A lot of people are expecting a big "BANG" on 2012.
I am telling them a gradual build up of wierd stuff heading towards 21/12/21 will and is happening.

Stange times indeed, but a brilliant time to be alive on earth I say.

I said in a thread months ago, away back in 2008 I noticed this:

This, 2009:

And just under a year ago:

Most of these threads, and I have a lot more, got no interest. Why? lol

Good topic !!!


Peace out.

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 01:36 PM
reply to post by AdamJagger1111

No. I just don't do some of the bad things I used to. But that's a purely subjective claim in terms of what's bad in Christianity. So thus, no.

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 01:38 PM
feb 11th was a date when i felt like things stepped up a notch ,but everyone will be feeling this process differently at different times,amounts.... it all depends on how much you are able to digest at one time because if we were to be given all this at once we would simply go mad because we have been disconnected from the light,source,higher self however you want to describe it for so long.

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 01:42 PM
I am sad to say that this thread had potential, but all I see now is arguing and bickering over "who's" right which IMO defeats the whole purpose of being an observer and participant of a new form of thinking/feeling/acting/being. Maybe we cannot escape duality, but I would like to believe that we would eventually reach a point when we get past the point of pushing one's beliefs on to another. Not to say expressing your beliefs is pushing one's belief on another. I think we can all help the world be a better place by "not feeding the trolls". I say if you feel strongly in your convictions, whatever "side" you stand on then save your much needed energy. You shouldn't feel the need to show the error on another persons ways.

It takes two to argue. To continue a converstation/debate based on conflicting view points defeats(correct me if i am wrong) the original purpose for the thread, and derails it towards another direction. In all humbleness, the adult moves past the "I know you are but what am I" cycle, difficult as it is at times (I get caught in that trap all the time).
edit on 18-2-2011 by Chewingonmushrooms because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 01:42 PM
and i feel deep within my being that this process is not just awakening and the world is going to be a better place ,we are actualy evolving or ascending into a new realm altogether,A new state of being.

is that better contribution? lol

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 01:46 PM

Originally posted by Ghost375
reply to post by Ghost375

Wow people think we should reject monism and materialism? I forgive you for you know not what you speak of. This debate was finally solved only 200 years ago. And it has been outcast by the church the whole way. The REAL change in consciousness must be that all humans would become monists. Not the other way around.

Materialist Monism (matter alone is primary and consciousness is nothing but an epiphenomena of matter, which isn't workable in truth)

Monistic Idealism (consciousness is primary, as a first/last cause)

If Monistic Idealism is adopted (and it's the only framework capable of satisfactorily resolving all the quantum paradoxes) within the framework of what I would call "the relativity of human being", then the central tenets of all the major religions and spiritual traditions, are validated, and may be seen as informative.

What I am very interested in is the possibility that, within the relativistic framework of human being as the highest expression of consciousness, being or having the capacity for being, self aware, or self realized - there may reside a methodology or a process for mutual reconciliaton and the resolution of all conflict, at all levels, from our own seemingly limited sphere of influence, all the way to the largest context of an emerging global civilization, or in other words a "new world order" of the wholly loving kind as an emergent, bottom-up process, who's very heart of which is the sacred space of the innermost desire of the human heart, for loving mutuality.

The prevailing view of the "ruling elites" is that man must be REGULATED, the masses, controlled and manipulated, lest the animal nature of the human being run amok, but this isn't a true and accurate understanding of the most fundamental nature of the human being, and is not the least bit helpful, and in fact UNDERMINES the individual via all manner of overt and covert manipulations which amount to nothing but the dumbing down, and devolution and degeneration of the human being, who was actually made in the image of God, as conciousness itself.

Like Terrance McKenna has pointed out, the higher we go within the beaurocratic hieararchy of most if not all institutions of government, the more primitive the manifestations of human activity become, at their apex, leading to war and all manner of barbarism (just look at Dick Cheney for example and what he wrought).

The individual is the fount of the new creation but only when framed within the appropriate contextual framework, since context and framing means everything.

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 01:46 PM
sorry for the short few word posts, i'm not a very good communicator when it comes to speaking long paragraphs.I don't have the expertese in the area of grammar.

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 01:54 PM
reply to post by AdamJagger1111

Oh ok, I see. I totally agree about not being able to digest everything at once. Sometimes I get emotionally overwhelmed just by small tidbits of info. If it all came at once, I would definitely explode *poof*! And there would be little pieces of thepixelgarden all over the place. Which would render the whole point of obtaining the info moot.

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 02:03 PM
reply to post by thepixelgarden

yeh,it would be like plugging a 5000 watt power supply into a 50 watt power supply ,it wouldn't be able to handle that much input.the powers that be have done a good job keeping our mentality sheep like but that is changing rapidly and we are waking up to the magnificence of who we all are ,each one of us equal in our own right ,no one is any more important than another, animal life is equal to us,plant life,all of life is equal.

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 02:05 PM

Originally posted by Chewingonmushrooms
I am sad to say that this thread had potential, but all I see now is arguing and bickering over "who's" right which

Nobodys right. If a select group of people think that their acsending into spiritual oneness then so be it. Flocking in are insane people who feed off each other and think their special. They are right by their own accord, so theres no use arguing against it.

If they FEEL special, they sure are special, all right....

Maybe not exactly in the way they want to be. But hey! special is special
edit on 18-2-2011 by SPACEYstranger because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 02:07 PM
We are taking responsibility for our self instead of following laws that were invented by a few people to control the many,We are understanding that there is wayyyyyyy more to our existence than we ever imagined,We are waking up to the divinity of who we are,We are moving into our heart instead of our monkey mind.

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 02:11 PM
We are waking up to the fact that we shouldn't have to work #ty jobs with #ty pay to earn a living,We are understanding that there is starving people all over the planet yet we spend all that money we could use to help them on wars that KILL other members of our human family.
edit on 18-2-2011 by AdamJagger1111 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 02:12 PM
the whole world is backwards and is the opposite to what it should be.

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 02:19 PM

Originally posted by AdamJagger1111
sorry for the short few word posts, i'm not a very good communicator when it comes to speaking long paragraphs.I don't have the expertese in the area of grammar.

Hehe you're good, you found an interesting subject you wanna keep on top of. That's good!

But maybe just build up your thoughts for a while and post them all at once addressing multiple issues at once, tying them together, developing those smaller thoughts (posts) into one, complete thought (post).

Originally posted by AdamJagger1111
yeh,it would be like plugging a 5000 watt power supply into a 50 watt power supply ,it wouldn't be able to handle that much input.the powers that be have done a good job keeping our mentality sheep like but that is changing rapidly and we are waking up to the magnificence of who we all are ,each one of us equal in our own right ,no one is any more important than another, animal life is equal to us,plant life,all of life is equal.

This is another very interesting thought to be brought up. I know earlier, somebody had mentioned 'densities' of life that surrounds us. It's also very true that as our minds, science, the Earth, our solar system and the entire universe has adapted, changed we have come to learn more about what is, and what could be. We learn more about the universe and its boundaries every day that make this life we have now absolutely miniscule... aside form the fact that we, ourselves, had the amazing capability to find out that information!! It's really a catch 22, as are most situations in life. But what it comes down to, is are you going to make the most of what you can, or get dragged down into believing all that follows this life is looking at a wodden box and dirt. Which I'm not denying, I'm not saying this life we have doesn't just end in a split second, nothing following it. It's not unreasonable.

But I do get a strong feeling there's more to this 'spiritual' learning we through, and hand in hand with today's technology and science it's crazy!!! We can't possibly look at the possibility of extra terrestrials 1,000 years ago as we can today now that we can actually SEE other planets in different solar systems with mega complex telescopes that are built by absolute GENIUSES who are entrhalled with the idea of life, and its exploration! That's very beautiful to me, and gives me hope for this life alone, if not for the rest of my 'existence'.

Back on to why I originally made this post is in regards to humans, plants, rocks really all being equal. It's why these 'supernatural' pheneomena and 'powers' exist in a certain few. You maybe be able to speak so well you can make a crowd of a million cry with a speech, or you could have dedicated that time that you spent on emotional psyche towards spiritual growth and maybe gained the ability to communicate telepathically or astrally project. It's what all of nature does - find your niche, what makes you happy, what you're good at to become the most you possibly can.

And I derailed myself again: On the topic of 'densities', this article has stood out most to me of anything I've probably ever read. It sounds nuts, but you know what, it feels right to me. And I will definitely respect any opposition but will keep walking with my head up high

David Wilcox on spiritual densities

And as to provide kind of a 'different' view of things, I have this video. It pretty much denounces any religious or spiritual feelings, but gives you great insight in what we can make of our life today which, if anything, will always translate good to ANY sort of spiritual or religious ending. Why not?

A beautiful video that literally makes me cry when I watch it sometimes, for anybody who's gained a recent interest in space, how we became, what's to come and how the universe will always unfold itself... watch "Science Saved My Soul"

Science Saved My Soul

I stepped out, of a supernova.

Gives me the chills... every damn time.
edit on 18-2-2011 by shagula because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 02:28 PM

Originally posted by Tripple_Helix
I agree...........

I have just been feeling some heavy ups and downs recently. I have started a new job which makes me really depressed. It's so materialistic- retail
All I am surrounded by the whole day is the white noise of peoples footsteps through the mall and the chitter chatter about season end sales. I have to stare at Kate Moss in seductive pose for some piece of crap sunglasses that cost a fortune to buy but peanuts to manufacture.

I have to watch people buy on credit for something they want and don't need even though they can't afford their kids school fees most of the time. I have to smile and pretend I enjoy watching people spend ridiculous amounts on a pair of Prada's when there are homeless children outside the door with holes in their clothes and empty tummies.

THE TRUTH IS, I DON'T HAVE TO DO ANY OF THIS!!! ...and I know it but yet I carry on doing it.

I finished work the one day and stood by the cliff at the ocean...I just looked out onto the big open sea and I felt so free for a moment....So light. I enjoyed the small things like my comfortable clothing, the breeze and the sunlight. I wish I could feel like that all of the time.

I even went to help out at our local animal shelter that day. It was awesome to be around animals and help them by feeding them, being nice to them and giving them loads of attention and affection. I walked out there so dirty and stinky but it felt great! I would gladly work there for a minimal salary just because I love doing it and it makes me happy...and I actually feel like I'm making a small difference in the world.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that lately I've just been more affected my emotion that usual. Little things...You know, like seeing something happy and wanting to happens more often and gets more intense with each incidence.

It's an overwhelming feeling.

You are beginning to see the truth in things.
I liked your post

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 02:31 PM
What a great thread kudos OP, and kudos to all!

Yes, affirmative and absolutely, I feel it, know it and live it with all my heart, mind, body and soul!

We are ascending to a higher consciousness as one and all. It feels like a lightness of being combined with an increased clarity of thought.

And, yes, I am working on the scientific proof in the form of white papers in astrophysics, chemistry, etc; using the Ned system; Hubble research, etc. When ready, I will post a thread...its a lot of research. Just studying the star classifications in the Ned system alone was mind boggling. Yikes! However, those of you who insisted on scientific and mathematical facts are correct! If we are to make global assertions, the supporting evidence must to present.

A few folks on this thread have some hard knocks and falls coming at them. But they will be fine!

Gods speed everyone!

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 02:31 PM

Originally posted by SPACEYstranger

Originally posted by Chewingonmushrooms
I am sad to say that this thread had potential, but all I see now is arguing and bickering over "who's" right which

Nobodys right. If a select group of people think that their acsending into spiritual oneness then so be it. Flocking in are insane people who feed off each other and think their special. They are right by their own accord, so theres no use arguing against it.

If they FEEL special, they sure are special, all right....

Maybe not exactly in the way they want to be. But hey! special is special
edit on 18-2-2011 by SPACEYstranger because: (no reason given)

There is no select group, it is not an ego thing,no one thinks they are special....this is the area that people are getting away from ,they are simply waking up

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 02:32 PM

Originally posted by LiveForever8
reply to post by AdamJagger1111

What does me not "feeling it" have to do with you not being able to give an example?

If something intense was happening to me, I would easily be able to explain to you how it felt. A few weeks ago I damaged my knee, it hurt...A LOT!

My doctor wasn't in horrific pain like I was, but I was able to explain to him how it felt which allowed him to make a diagnosis. He didn't need to feel the pain to understand the problem.

So, I ask again, what examples do you have?

You do of course realize, that some brains are more receptive than others? Neanderthal had a much larger brain than modern day man. It was of course, not as efficient at "moving" information due to it's clumsy shape. Evidence suggests that SOUND (i.e. vibrations) triggered a more rapid connection between neurotransmitters. These vibrations exist also in energy emitted through the Earth (google Schumann Resonance if you don't believe me).

Sorry, but perhaps you are just too depressed or too high strung, and you cannot "feel" energy the way others can. I would not say it's a dramatic change in consciousness, but if you notice changes in your own thoughts (i.e. consciousness) as well as changes in others, you may notice. You will also experience synchronicity, seeing trends with words, numbers, symbols; even more to your surprise they will come from seemingly unrelated sources. You act like consciousness isn't susceptible to change. Do you have the same thoughts you had as a child? Or did you consciousness change?

I'm actually astounded how little people seem to be 'conscious' honestly. The majority of people do not seem to be able to think past 'I'm hungry, I'm tired, I'm bored, This is fun, wheeeeeeee." This would well explain why it seems like such a strange phenomena that mass consciousness itself goes through shifts. But your doubt is fun to think about, because it raises all the questions that when answered, point towards the evidence that unseen things can have profound impact.

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 02:40 PM

Originally posted by Throwback
What's the age range of those that are feeling this? When I felt that materialistic things didn't matter anymore it was called growing up. Don't drink the punch guys. Oh, and I'm 20 if you're wondering.

So I guess what you are saying is that since I worked hard to get myself a nice home and a nice car and nice things in my life that I have never grown up? These material things matter to me and I know that the other adults in my circle of friends have and enjoy having these things too. I guess we never grew up. An expansion of consciousness does not mean that you have sacrificed the self. You just act from a place that is less ego centric and more encompassing of the rest of humanity.

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 02:41 PM
reply to post by SPACEYstranger

Ah, using bitter sarcasm like an oppressive hammer to pummel spiritual enthusiasm! Classic, and always guaranteed to get responses. But why? Does this thread offend you, or anger you?

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