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I just recieved a free welfare phone!! I am not happy.

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posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 01:08 AM
my ex had one and he left it here. I have to give it back to him even though he doesn't use and doesn't care about it but i love that phone. It's a little cheap phone but stays charged a good while. I never talk about too much dicey # over the phone anyway... mostly gabbing with my mother. hell, it's free minute although he only gets 125.

I have to give it back and this makes me sad but even though he is fully aware i have it and doesn't care about it at all and is entitled to it by his ssi and isn't going to use it... he is supposed to have it. I don't even know if he can press the buttons on that phone. It gets good signal too and I always thought that was strange. It NEVER has a bad signal. That weird. The Verizon prepaid i had...pfftt. My exes att phone his mother got him....pffft. The free phone works all over the place around here. That doesn't even make sense. I should be getting good Verizon signals... but may it's not so much the tower issue as it is the phones receiving capabilities. Verizon wants you to buy a more expensive phone. Why would you purposefully make a crappy phone?

omg I hope that is my imagination. People are so screwed up.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 01:08 AM
reply to post by liejunkie01

I dont want to be the negative Nancy..... but this program sounds ridiculous.

It must be a luxery to have a phone " for emergency purposes".

Why are you carrying around a phone you dont even want ???

Dude... give it up to someone who will use it and actually NEEDS it.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 01:11 AM
prepaid is going for like a dollar for a four minute phone conversation. prepaid used to be ok and now it just sucks. what the hell. I aint scared of no free phone. It's not like i work for interpol.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 01:13 AM
reply to post by liejunkie01

Thanks. BTW, without going into detail, we share similar situations. I am glad to hear about your determination in trying to improve your situation, especially for your kids. I hope it all works out well for you.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 01:15 AM

Originally posted by InfaRedMan

Originally posted by spearhead
See... when you've got as 'cell' phone it doesn't take them long to work out who you are. A telemarketer, wrong number...government issued even. As long as that phone is on your person, they'll know where to find you if they need to.

Spearhead my fellow Aussie... I always respect your opinion on the board - but I must ask if that was sarcasm in your last post? Honestly... it was boulder-dash! I can't fathom why the movements of a person of literally 'no consequence' to the status-quo, or to the grand scheme of things would be remotely interesting to a government agency. If they were handing out free cells to suspected terrorist cells and political dissidents, that argument may have some merit... But that's not who we are discussing here. We are discussing people who are having a bad run in life that would benefit greatly from a leg-up. The measure of a nation is not in is military might but in the compassion for those in need of help & charity.



Haha a Shill? Where my friend do you think uprisings come from?
Government Workers? Fat Cat Bankers? The Rich? Yes, but mostly
from the dis-illusioned poor whom the above mentioned won't let
climb the societal ladder. Having a government funded mind control
device in their pockets would go a long way by saying "everything is ok",
"no need to riot", "being poor isn't so bad see at least you have a cell phone".
etc,. Compassion and charity yes, mind control.......NO!

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 01:16 AM

Originally posted by IntastellaBurst
reply to post by liejunkie01

I dont want to be the negative Nancy..... but this program sounds ridiculous.

It must be a luxery to have a phone " for emergency purposes".

Why are you carrying around a phone you dont even want ???

Dude... give it up to someone who will use it and actually NEEDS it.

I have two kids in the house. They are in school now and I do need to be in touch in case something goes wrong. It is true that I do not want a phone. But it is also true that I love my kids enough that I will suck it up, it might save one of our lives one day. Minutes are sometimes too long in the wrong situation.

Plus it gets the bi#chn girlfriend off my back.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 01:18 AM
I just thought I would share a personal story with you all.

I live just over and hours commute from Melbourne (Australia) where I used to work. Upon leaving the train station one day, I had a group of rather large Aboriginal gentlemen approach me. I kept thinking to myself.. please don't let it be me that they wish to harass for money. I wear a tie and am generally a well presented person. An obvious target. It turned out that it was me. I could smell the distinct odour of alcohol on the gentlemen's breath that started to talk to me. "Mate, can you spare a few dollars for a train ticket home" he said. I knew that the money he required was obviously for alcohol... it's a normal ruse on the streets.

I told him that I didn't have money for his train fare but i was more than willing to buy him some lunch as he seemed rather malnourished. I took him to the Hari Krishna restaurant near my work and sat down and had lunch with him. He opened up about all his troubles and the problems he had faced just trying to live a normal life under the white man's system and so forth. We really struck a bond and so I told him that i would pass by that way each Wednesday and we could do lunch again.

This went on for a few months and I took him to various places to try cuisine he would have never had the opportunity to try. All healthy food... and each time, I got him a doggy bag to take with him for later. I could afford it! He went from calling me mate, to Troy, and later to Troy, my brother.

Unfortunately, my work circumstances changed and I was made redundant in my job with two weeks notice. I met him on a Wednesday lunch as I normally did and told him what had happened and that it was likely I would not find employment with Melbourne City. One the last week, we had lunch and after lunch was finished and i was heading back to work, he grabbed me, hugged me and started to cry. He thanked me for not looking the other way and for being such a positive force in his life. He told me that he would never forget my generosity and for helping him in the way that I did. He said 'most people just flick me a $2 coin in the hope that I will simply go away and seeing that disgust in people just helped me spiral further into despair'.

The whole experience made me a better person. Previously, i was one of those smart-asses that flipped coins. Now I know better and i understand the benefits of charity and how much change a little bit of care and empathy can make to ones life.

Anyway, I shall not ramble any further. Just ask yourselves. Are you one of those people?


posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 01:18 AM
oh are we talking about catching signals from the cell phone itself... like thought implantation. I can't lie... i didn't read the whole...jeez, so many long ass threads= so little time.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 01:19 AM
reply to post by Wolf321

Thank you and I enjoy reading your posts.

Feel free to post away if you want.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 01:21 AM
reply to post by GENERAL EYES

There is a difference in the people with need and the people with greed.

I do not believe anyone should deny someone in need, but there is a difference even you recognize, when in your post you say you hate being lumped together with the "bottom feeders".

There are perfectly capable people on the dole, and you should be angry at the people like that, because they lessen the assistance that you and your husband could obtain, and unfortunately put a stain on you that is hard to remove.

You should not feel forced to defend yourself, yet, that is exactly how people feel they have to respond. That's a sad thing, and I am sorry you find yourself in that position, ever.

I have been legally disabled for 6 years now, yet I work and will continue to do so, no matter how I have to go about it - until I no longer can. I hope that I will have enough saved by that point where I can stay off the government support. It is nice to know it's there if/when I must, but this is how it should be treated.

People who do otherwise, those are the ones that should feel shame, and not the people with real need. They are they ones that ruin it for everyone else.

Sadly, it is only going to increase, as some people would rather sit home and watch TV on their government laptops with government WiFi while chatting on their government cellphones eating government potato chips. For them, even if it is "meager scraps", it is better than having to work and forge their own way through life.

For those really in need, I would give the shirt off my back to help.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 01:24 AM

Originally posted by Mr. D
Haha a Shill?



edit on 17/2/11 by InfaRedMan because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 01:27 AM
reply to post by InfaRedMan

Hmmm, will you become that same person again that flips a two dollar
coin because you can't afford to buy someone lunch or will you not give
anything at all now? Better to at least help with a kind gesture than not help
at all mate.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 01:34 AM
reply to post by Libertygal

I hear you - and I couldn't agree more.

Over the years I've see my fair share of those who abuse the System...more often than not it's due to lack of education, lack of care and consideration from others, and the abuses in question stem from a sense of mistreatment and entitlement on the part of those who will go to any lengths to "get what they feel is rightfully theirs".

If I knew of a solution, i would gladly work towards it to the best of my ability as well - alas, I only have the ability to guard and control my own actions. Trying to reach out to some of these folks and enlighten them to the error of their ways is like talking to a very violent brick wall.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 01:36 AM
reply to post by InfaRedMan

Nice story! Thank you for sharing it!

Allow me to share one of own now.

I work at night, and where I work, smoking is banned on the property, so I leave in my car to go off property during my break and have a couple smokes.

I go to this same place, different times, and take my break. A 24 hour drive thru fast food chain. There is a big named gas station right next door.

I have been approached innumerable times by people coming from the gas station, all with the same story, "I need gas money to get home, can you help?"

I do not carry cash with me, so I have to turn them down. Usually, they ask for a smoke, which I give them, and they walk away, usually without saying, "Thank you".

One night, a pretty blonde with her hair all fixed, wearing a fur, driving a brand new red sports car came the wrong way into the fast food parking lot to ask me for money. She said, "I don't have enough money to make it home, I am about to run out of gas. Can you spare 10 or 20 dollars?"

I explained I do not carry money, and I am just on break. She drives off, goes through the gas station again, then leaves.

After a few minutes, she returns, asking every single person at the pumps for money. She leaves. After a few minutes, she returns, asking all the new people at the pumps, again, for money. She sure was about to run out of gas, eh?

Now, I know your guy and this girl aren't the same, but I hope that it can underline the point that you pays your money and takes your choice when you decide to help people. I don't know what this girl needed money for, but it was not gasoline, and I imagine if I had sat there for several more hours, she would have repeated the pattern until she had how much she envisioned she needed.

On the other hand, I know someone who's house burned down. I gave them clothes and food and donated my work hours to help. Took them a year to get back into their rebuilt home.

I do not feel guilty for not helping beggars, because most of the time, they make more money than I do. When I see someone really in need, I won't hesitate to help, but no, I won't even flip them coin.

Edit to add: I guess what I am trying to say is community, and not government, should really be where charity begins.

edit on 17-2-2011 by Libertygal because: added some text

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 01:39 AM

Originally posted by Mr. D
reply to post by InfaRedMan

Hmmm, will you become that same person again that flips a two dollar
coin because you can't afford to buy someone lunch or will you not give
anything at all now?

No. It was actually a life changing event for me Mr. D. It's nigh on impossible to see life any other way now. I always help where I can. I was gainfully employed again within 2 weeks but unfortunately I no longer have much reason to go to Melbourne, and in my area, which is middle class, we don't have any people that are down on their luck, but if I should ever happen across one, I would not hesitate to help in some way.


posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 01:39 AM
It is getting late. Thank you for taking the time to check out this program. My daughter is sick so I get to stay home from school tomorrow. It looks like another hard day ahead on ATS before I go to work.

I will be back in the morning. Nite all.

SHHHH!!!!! You gotta watch it at night. That is when the trolls come kidding....but not really.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 01:40 AM
reply to post by liejunkie01

I think that it is a waste of tax payer’s money

You said it right there my friend.....

I dont want to sound like im picking on you..... but you said yourself you dont want to carry it, .... if you need a phone for emergencies you could get a prepaid one...... it would cost you virtually nothing since its only for emergencies.

Sounds like your gf just got the phone because she " could" ....... but do you really think she " should" have.

Welfare should be for people who need it.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 01:42 AM

Originally posted by InfaRedMan

Originally posted by Mr. D
Haha a Shill?



edit on 17/2/11 by InfaRedMan because: (no reason given)

"I can't fathom why the movements of a person of literally 'no consequence' to the status-quo, or to the grand scheme of things would be remotely interesting to a government agency. If they were handing out free cells to suspected terrorist cells and political dissidents, that argument may have some merit... But that's not who we are discussing here."

Either you don't understand how mind control works, are already being
controlled or you just might be a shill. All government's want to know who
the poor are, where they are and what they are up too. It is one of big brothers
building blocks so to say. Can't have angry poor people who are "of literally
'no consequence' to the status-quo, or to the grand scheme of things"
running around toppling governments and big business now can we.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 01:47 AM

Originally posted by IntastellaBurst
reply to post by liejunkie01

I think that it is a waste of tax payer’s money

You said it right there my friend.....

I dont want to sound like im picking on you..... but you said yourself you dont want to carry it, .... if you need a phone for emergencies you could get a prepaid one...... it would cost you virtually nothing since its only for emergencies.

Sounds like your gf just got the phone because she " could" ....... but do you really think she " should" have.

Welfare should be for people who need it.

Alright..I was going to bed but before I go.

Ahh, nevermind..I'm tired and I am going to bed.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 01:47 AM
reply to post by IntastellaBurst

Hope you don't mind me cutting in on the subject of pre-paid phones...

We had one for a while and were charged $1 a day for no reason and received countless incoming calls from solicitors and random text messages from spammers - which effectively drained our $20 of pre-paid minutes in a matter of days.

I'm pretty sure the government issued phones don't allow for that sort of "event" calling.

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