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Earthquake Swarm in Arkansas Intensifies. Memphis, Tennessee could be epicenter for the next big one

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posted on Mar, 15 2011 @ 08:55 PM
reply to post by katfish

God bless you, katfish & HadEnough!!!

I know this is "off topic", but I don't care. We have created a caring community within this thread. We are all here for the same reasons and behind our monitors, we are all human beings with feelings, worries, laughs and real life issues happening.

Thank you both for sharing and staying so strong!!!

posted on Mar, 15 2011 @ 08:59 PM
reply to post by Robin Marks
I don't think we will find an easy way to predict EQ's or volcanic activity. I think we will perfect it when we learn ALL the dynamics involved. It seems to me that there are still some missing contributors to the present conditions causing these Arkansas earthquakes.

2 topics I have not seen covered much here is Solar, and Magnetic.

Fracking and injection wells have been operating for some years now. The fact that they have a connection to Ark. EQ's is a given. There has to be a combination of conditions for this Swarm to begin. If we consider intense solar activity, the conditions for earth vibrations is enhanced.
Also there is an affect caused by the mechanism that generates earth's magnetic field. Small changes in the earth's rotation may make changes in the flow of the liquid outer core, which influences the mantel, which ends up on the crust being a factor in volcanism and quakes.

If we feel there is something missing when we try to discover why an event takes place, or occurs when it did, then solar activity and magnetic disturbances should then be considered. These are new and interesting studies with much potential. I believe predictions will become more accurate, and improve quickly. IMHO

So take heart Robin. I think you are doing very well.

posted on Mar, 15 2011 @ 09:09 PM
reply to post by Theriteway

The Earthquakes have slowed down, and will probably still slow down , but is seems that you can not except the fact that you are right about the injection wells and gas well fracking. I know that this on going attention is hard to let go of. But you were right, I went on every news articile about the dead birds being from gas wells, and no one listened to me for so long. There will be some on going quakes because of the water injection. But they have slowed down. But, now it is the Magnetic Field, the Earth Shift on the 15th. Can you not except that the people of Arkansas won a great Victory against the the Oil Companies.

posted on Mar, 15 2011 @ 09:10 PM
reply to post by Theriteway

You may want to go to our resource list and help us fill in some of the blanks.
Resource Bibliography for Earthquake Swarm in Arkansas Intensifies. Memphis, Tennessee could be epicenter.

It has categories for the different areas we have been discussing. Some more than others, given personal interest and topic trends at the time of updates. Check it out, you will find it helpful. Would like your input with more resources linked in your post to support your points of discussion. Let er Rip!

posted on Mar, 15 2011 @ 09:13 PM
Fox News St. Louis 9 PM putting out the call for medical team volunteers. They will train. Medical Reserve Corp. of Belleville, IL. Looking for 100 volunteers trained by April 10.

They are mentioning the Arkansas Fault. As if it is a done deal.
Fascinating that 6 weeks ago I could find NO info on Arkansas except here. Now I have heard it on CNN, Fox, etc. within a week.
edit on 3/15/2011 by katfish because: link

posted on Mar, 15 2011 @ 09:15 PM
I realize I'm way late to this thread, but if you look at the recent major quakes on the Pacific Rim, there is one very long stretch that looks to be the next candidate.

San Andreas

If there is some kind of pattern, these would be the next likely spots, in that order.

Cascadia would be the worst IMHO due to the tsunami threat, but Heyward and SA are in very populated areas.

posted on Mar, 15 2011 @ 09:19 PM
reply to post by Robin Marks

Robin.. you have no idea how accurate your thinking is!!!

The earthquake in Azerbaijan that you referenced... I believe they are directly related to the mud volcano activity that has increased there.

Activity Of Mud Volcanoes in Azerbaijan Increased Sharply

I did a lot of research on mud volcanos last night, and I made a post in TA's thread "Critical New Quake..." about it. Robin, PLEASE go read my post. PLEASE!!

My ATS Post

posted on Mar, 15 2011 @ 09:21 PM
reply to post by coolottie

Let me speak for "TheRiteWay" if I can. I have been corresponding with him for a long time. I believe he was just trying to get me to realizes there's more to prediction. I believe he is convinced the injection wells are the cause. I think he was just trying to get me to incorporate more factors into my understanding of earthquakes.

You are right about the injection wells and the trend. In fact, this thread might now even exist if it's wasn't for "TheRiteWay". He sent me the information on fracking. So don't blame me for this monster thread. Blame him.
I do. Tongue in Cheek of course.
In fact, he is only on ATS because I told him to participate in the discussion.

posted on Mar, 15 2011 @ 09:27 PM
reply to post by UtahRosebud

I read it, post it here. I was wondering about the 2005 eruption. Maybe include some details on that one and the exact date.
I agree that the sardines off California may have been killed by a methane release. And the mud volcano would be a leading suspect.
I wonder if the mud volcano in Indonesia reacted?

posted on Mar, 15 2011 @ 09:30 PM
reply to post by HadEnough

Yes I have some health issues too. I am pace maker dependent, had chronic atrial fibrillation they did an ablation and burnt out the electrical impulses so that the pacer could control my heart. Have had some blood pressure problems since we moved up here and had another study series done that didn't show anything wrong. Changed some meds around and it has seemed to help until lately. I am suppose to avoid arc welders like I'm ever around them anyway and can't have MRI's done, or go thru the airport screening stations they can interfere with the pacemaker. Anything that uses a high powered magnetic field can interfere. Yeah it worries me about the poles shifting but they don't think there will be an issue with the pacer. I would like to find someone that could make me a body shield that would not allow them to penetrate, but I haven't found anyone and have been told that the magnetic shields you can get to insulate rooms isn't going to work.

I have wondered if part of the reason I am so sensitive may have to do with the pacer and/or my awareness of my heart and what is going on in my body. If magnetism is involved in what is going on it makes perfect sense to me.

I don't know about anyone else, but we have gotten some pretty good rumbles in the past 30 to 40 minutes. Haven't looked at anything yet to see what might be going on. Is anyone else hearing them?

posted on Mar, 15 2011 @ 09:30 PM
reply to post by HadEnough

Yes I have some health issues too. I am pace maker dependent, had chronic atrial fibrillation they did an ablation and burnt out the electrical impulses so that the pacer could control my heart. Have had some blood pressure problems since we moved up here and had another study series done that didn't show anything wrong. Changed some meds around and it has seemed to help until lately. I am suppose to avoid arc welders like I'm ever around them anyway and can't have MRI's done, or go thru the airport screening stations they can interfere with the pacemaker. Anything that uses a high powered magnetic field can interfere. Yeah it worries me about the poles shifting but they don't think there will be an issue with the pacer. I would like to find someone that could make me a body shield that would not allow them to penetrate, but I haven't found anyone and have been told that the magnetic shields you can get to insulate rooms isn't going to work.

I have wondered if part of the reason I am so sensitive may have to do with the pacer and/or my awareness of my heart and what is going on in my body. If magnetism is involved in what is going on it makes perfect sense to me.

I don't know about anyone else, but we have gotten some pretty good rumbles in the past 30 to 40 minutes. Haven't looked at anything yet to see what might be going on. Is anyone else hearing them?

posted on Mar, 15 2011 @ 09:43 PM

I'm not sure if we have this or not but it is on geothermals in Arkansas

Has anyone seen this thread yet? What do you think about it if you have?
edit on 15-3-2011 by SusanFrey because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 15 2011 @ 09:49 PM
Hello everyone - I have been reading until I can read no longer.
So much going on and I see the quakes in AR continue - I saw none
on the list, is there a reason for this?

Stay safe friends!

posted on Mar, 15 2011 @ 09:49 PM

edit on 15-3-2011 by crazydaisy because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 15 2011 @ 09:53 PM
Hey guys, I am certain you have all heard my rants about the evil gas companies. Now it is coming out that the evil nuclear companies (Tepco in particular) in Japan have doomed the japanese with their coverups and laziness with spent fuel rods. The prime minister was even using profanity on them. Now it is even coming out that the US nearly had another 3 mile Island in Ohio that was covered up. And I am certain there will be more. These companies will do anything for the almighty dollar. And can't be trusted.

Japanese Nuclear Industries Shocking History Of Falsifying Data

Which leads me up to something else. If the New Madrid does go, none of the nuclear reactors along it can handle an earthquake of such magnitude. Doom!
edit on 15-3-2011 by elouina because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 15 2011 @ 10:00 PM
Alright, as per Robin's request, I am posting/sharing a post I made in another thread here on ATS. That other thread, to be specific is here:

Critical New Quake Could Mean Impending Disaster For Japan

Now here is my post from that thread:

TA ... I just discovered something that has me seriously on edge. I know this thread is about Japan and the potential for another disasterous earthquake, but I feel there is a connection here, with my discovery. Adding to that, I really value your research and opinions. So please allow me to share and please provide back any and all feedback, including thoughts, instincts, etc.

Ok... we know that with this Japan megaquake, along with the ridiculous amount of aftershocks, the subducting of tectonics plates is in full force here. Science backs that up as well.

Subduction zones is the key here in what I just researched and discovered.

I've been reading a lot lately about "mud volcanos". I really didn't understand them so I did some research.

Wikipedia Source

The terms mud volcano or mud dome are used to refer to formations created by geo-excreted liquids and gases, although there are several different processes which may cause such activity. Hot water mixes with mud and surface deposits. Mud volcanoes are associated with subduction zones and about 700 have been identified. Temperatures are much cooler in these processes than found at igneous volcanoes. The largest mud volcano structures are 10 kilometres (6.2 mi) in diameter and reach 700 metres (2,300 ft) in height.

So I continue reading down the page and hit the location areas of the known mud volcanos. This is where my jaw dropped and hit the floor.

An unnamed mud volcano 30 metres (98 ft) high and with a top about 100 metres (328 ft) wide, 24 kilometres (15 mi) off Redondo Beach, California, and 800 metres (2,620 ft) under the surface of the Pacific Ocean.

Remember the "millions of dead fish" last week? Tuesday, March 8, 2011 to be exact? That all happened right there, in Redondo Beach!!!!!!!!

L.A. Times - Millions Of Dead Fish

Obviously, all of these fish died right over the subduction zone. We all know what happened in Japan 3 days later. But now I'm wondering if California is going to be struck next. And if so, how soon???

Now to add to that, as Robin asked for more information on the 2005 eruption of the Azerbaijan mud volcanoes, here is some info for you:

Azerbaijan and its Caspian coastline are home to nearly 400 mud volcanoes, more than half the total throughout the continents. In 2001, one mud volcano 15 kilometres (9 mi) from Baku made world headlines when it suddenly started ejecting flames 15 metres (49 ft) high.

In Azerbaijan, eruptions are driven from a deep mud reservoir which is connected to the surface even during dormant periods, when seeping water still shows a deep origin. Seeps have temperatures up to 2 °C (3.6 °F) - 3 °C (5.4 °F) above the ambient temperature.

Wikipedia Source

Here is an article from the USGS about mud volcanoes:

USGS - The Dirty Truth About Mud Volcanoes

And here is an article about the correlations between earthquakes and large mud volcanos. From the Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics at UCSD:

University of California at San Diego Article

posted on Mar, 15 2011 @ 10:01 PM
Did you guys see this yet?

Former Federal Emergency Management Agency director James Lee Witt is urging Arkansans to better prepare for major earthquakes in light of the natural disaster that’s ravaging Japan.

Witt made the comments at a rotary club gathering in downtown Little Rock on Tuesday.

He says that people in Arkansas need to make sure that the state’s bridges, schools and nursing homes are capable of withstanding earthquakes, especially with a rash of quakes hitting the towns of Greenbrier and Guy and the presence of the New Madrid Fault in northeast Arkansas, where seismologists say a major quake could occur any time. ex-fema-chief-says-arkansas-should-prepare-quakes/

posted on Mar, 15 2011 @ 10:14 PM
Aquatic life trying to leave the ocean rather than live in what is causing tremendous stress to all species.

Did you see the Anchovies beaching themselves in Acapulco the same day as the Japanese disasters?

Something is happening under the ocean and from what I have read in this thread alone i am under the impression is is from Live Oceanic Volcanoes releasing chemicals such as methane.

We need to move toward something like this my friends. My family and I have been playing with Maglev technologies for several years now, not as extensive as found in this excellent video series.:

posted on Mar, 15 2011 @ 10:22 PM
reply to post by SusanFrey

hmmm... we are on to something here. I have done little research into this. A 2 minute google search shows that seizures and earthquakes are a lot alike, and both give insight on each other, so that might be why I am suddenly inclined to feeling them.. my eyes started feeling like little earthquakes were going on in them, and around the same time I started noticing little earthquakes. We ARE on to something. Thank you so much for sharing with me! And by the way, I have heart problems too, I have MVP and SVT and all of my relatives that have those conditions either have one or the other, and they all had heart attacks, strokes and surgeries by their mid 30's. I totally understand heart problems. Mine may not be as bad as yours, but there have been so many times that it has beat painfully hard or spiraled out of control (227 bpm documented once) and I know how scary it can be to not know whether it's going to get better or worse. We have learned to pay attention to the little details, and this may indeed be why we are so sensitive to things. Hopefully, it has nothing to do with your pacemaker's function.

posted on Mar, 15 2011 @ 10:30 PM
reply to post by Robin Marks
I don't mean to offend anyone. But when after we won such a great victory against the gas companies, that I had been going on about since the birds died, and now they talk about volcanos in Arkansas, which Hot Springs would be the closes thing to that, but has nothing to do with the 800 quakes in Guy and Greenbrier. I posted all over the net and joined ATS just to post about the gas fracking. The only reason there are still quakes now is because the water injection has cause so much instability. For people that live in the area, they need to stay on the gas companies, the drinking water for years will be effected. I am just so glad this thread won a victory for the people of Arkansas. People do make a difference.

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