reply to post by PuterMan
Thank you. Puterman doesn't want to tell me he loves me, but I've already told him that I love him. Because if you remember in my first paragraph
when I started the thread, I said I couldn't put up great graphics. But I knew Purterman could and would.
Puterman, I told you long ago the quakes were migrating to the southwest. I'm glad you took a second look. The other night I was noting ENE trend and
said I wouldn't be surprise if the fault kept going south and started travelling down the valley. Green Valley Drive.
I always said the Scott Ausbrooks realized the fault was bigger than thought and he revised his maxium quake risk to between 5-6 magnitude. He once
thought the fault was 6km, but now thinks it's 12 km.
Now I know I've been so anxious today. The 2+ magnitude quakes seem to be within the fault itself. That's what I saw today. Lots of 2+ quakes
running up and down the fault. In the past this has been followed by the clusters of 3+ quakes. And as you observed, these are lateral. Out to the
sides. This is remarkable because that's just how the lateral quakes were trending in the Enola Swarm. You had a main fault trending ENE, with
lateral lines. The Enola quakes were more clustered. This is seemingly the only differenc. Most likely because there was only one injection site
involved. I haven't found any information. It would be difficult. A geologist who studied Enola even suggested I would need to find military records.
The army was most likely pumping old chemical weapons near Enola. Or the was convential drilling. And then injection. It really doesn't matter.
Because the studies were focused on the most likely cause. And that was the Enola Quakes were fluid induced.
Man, I can be so stupid. The information was right there in front of me and the link was an exact straight line. I know someone posted information
that two injection wells had been closed. One in Guy and the other in Greenbrier. I found the one in Guy. But never located the second well. I may be
wrong. But I'm almost positive the other well was in Greenbrier. I just checked, the other well was near Greenbier. This is obvious.
It's so simple. They were pumping fluids under two different parts of the fault. Or created a fault. But I think this was an old fault. The two
different pump sites were lifting the ground from the bottom at either end. This lifting motion crack the weakened area. To put it simply. Imagine you
don't have a proper spatula for a cake. You want to move it onto a plate. You find a knife and think, what the heck, I'll be careful. You put the
knife carefully under the cake and make sure you have in exactly in the middle. And you'll just balance it really carefully as you pass it from the
table onto the plate. You get it up in the air and it is just teetering but you balance it with your finger on your spar hand. But here's where
physics will screw up your plans. The knife is too thin and can cause your cake to break in half. There the pressue is not spread wide enough. So your
knife pushes from the bottom and as your cake bends from gravity, you will see a crack forming along the top. Soon that crack splits open and have a
mess on your floor.
I know this is true because I've worked in restaurants and bakeries and I have to cook for my boy. I cheat when I'm in a rush and have tried using a
knife on a big moist cake.
The is a straight line from Guy to Greenbrier. You don't even have to try and connect the dots. The fault does that for you. It's obvious. The
injections have ripped open a 12 km long fault which is creeping south as Puterman said and shown so wonderfully.
I'm breathing easier because the quakes have stopped. After the last 2+, it was probably 2.3, because it was never posted, the quakes seem to
suddenly stopped. I'm not seeing any quakes of any size. None.
Something did happen today. And I'm so very glad I was wrong. But as Puterman's graph shows, you get a lot of 2+ quakes and then there are the
clusters. The lateral quakes. Today we got the 2's, but the bigger ones didn't show up.
So something is different. As well as the fact the quakes are migrating to the south.
Honestly, today was different because it wasn't the normal pattern. Instead the fault was moving from one end to the other in a long gentle slide. I
think it's resonating for the free oscillition of the earth.
Better that than a big quake. I'm much more relax. But cut me some slack. I was see the fault moving dramatically. I just can't show you like
Puterman can. I wish I could make movies with the stuff from my head. I'm stuck just writing and posting links, and sharing my analysis.