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Earthquake Swarm in Arkansas Intensifies. Memphis, Tennessee could be epicenter for the next big one

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posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 04:46 PM
Ok guys another user just posted this thread: 125-150 Bald Eagles Gather In Iowa! ~ What Does This Mean?

Here is what I posted to the thread:

Originally posted by OneisOne
here's the thing that bothers me about this.....

Reelfoot Lake in Tennessee is known as a wintering spot for Bald Eagles. This year we are seeing an increase in quake activity along the new madrid fault. Are there so many Balds in Iowa because they sense the area around Reelfoot is unstable?

So what do you all think? Do you think I'm crazy for thinking this could tie into all the activity that is happening?

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 04:57 PM
I'm looking for more helicorders due to GEE not working...have found this:


Taken from HERE

ETA: Wow...look at this one HERE

edit on 1-3-2011 by westcoast because: (no reason given)

It would appear that the microseisms are back again too: LINK
edit on 1-3-2011 by westcoast because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 05:04 PM
And we have touch down in 5,,4,, LOL Promised Land Arkansaw??? you can't be serious, lol Sorry but who ever say's God dosen't have a sence of humour lol
edit on 1-3-2011 by BobAthome because: what next, Bigfoot Texas?? lol

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 05:09 PM

Originally posted by Anmarie96
reply to post by Red Cloak

I'm sorry, I missed something here - which could happen as I have been pre-occupied with an extreme work load the past week and a half and the loss of a dear friend and another close friend. - I will try and catch up - but - here I am - - you say:

It is a fact that sea water leaked in and is still leaking in. And it continues to do so right at this moment.

How do you conclude this - the area is under the preasure of the water - a void under the water will not fill with water
- - unless there is a vent with air to releave the pressure - think upside down glass under water - even if you then drill a whole in the top of that glass, the water will not come in unless there is another vent to air. - ?
edit on 28-2-2011 by Anmarie96 because: (no reason given)

Ok, i have a thought on this above stated example. I would agree with you about the water not being able to seep back into the drill hole in the bottom of the GOM...EXCEPT...we are not looking at simply ONE hole or entry point! It was reported by the media, and I know there where tons of threads and discussion on ATS about cracks and fissures on the floor of the ocean at the well head site, or near it. On the cameras on the ROV's you could see from time to time other places where oil was "filtering" up thru the floor. My thought is that the other opened orifices on the bottom of the GOM in that area are were enabling this water to seep in and replace the oil that was leaving. I also look at it as if there was and opening, or crack in the floor in another area, would that not act like an air vent? Alowing the oil to flow out faster, and also pulling in the water. Just my thoughts.

Robin, always a reader, never a poster. Great work! Keep it up.
edit on 1-3-2011 by mailman05 because: spelling

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 05:16 PM
reply to post by mailman05

I think you are right. To assume there is only one outlet/inlet is a very, very dangerous thing.

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 05:24 PM
reply to post by westcoast

To assume that sea water can take the place of oil and gas at a differential pressure of around 50,000 psi is also a dangerous thing!

There are 'cracks' on the floor of the GOM. Always have been and probably always will be. It is a shale area like the rest of the USA!!

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 05:25 PM
Me think another 3+ around an hour.
or so.

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 05:31 PM
reply to post by mailman05

you said, "always a reader, never a poster,"
I don't get it. Sometimes I'm really clueless. Like when a joke flies over one's head.

Now that I said there's going to be another one, I felt unsure, I think I was getting cocky. Man I hate that.
So I don't know.

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 05:33 PM
reply to post by Robin Marks

I wanted a peaceful night, not rock'n and roll'n again. Feeling a few here. Here we go again.

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 05:33 PM

Originally posted by Robin Marks
Me think another 3+ around an hour.
or so.

Based on the two on the (green) line fairly close together followed by the one on the (red) line?

If you're looking at the WHAR link from puterman's sig.
edit on 1-3-2011 by jadedANDcynical because: had my red and green confused

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 05:36 PM
reply to post by jadedANDcynical

I started thinking about it with the blue chubby one.

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 05:38 PM
reply to post by Robin Marks

At first glance that looks like a double tap, but it's actually two fairly close together on two different lines.

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 05:58 PM
Here are some moon times if anyone wants to help me with the correlation between lunar activity and seismics. I think the thread about Eagles gathering in Iowa may have something to do with the New Madrid Fault Zone

This is today, March 1st:
Rise: 5:12 AM
Transit: 10:06 AM
Under Foot: 10:00 PM
Set: 3:08 PM
Moon Phase:
Waning Crescent
9% Illuminated

Tomorrow, March 2nd:
Rise: 5:38 AM
Transit: 10:50 AM
Under Foot: 10:42 PM
Set: 4:13 PM
Moon Phase:
Waning Crescent
4% Illuminated

March 3rd:
Rise: 6:00 AM
Transit: 11:33 AM
Under Foot: 11:24 PM
Set: 5:16 PM
Moon Phase:
Waning Crescent
1% Illuminated

March 4th:
Rise: 6:20 AM
Transit: 12:14 PM
Under Foot: (u)
Set: 6:18 PM
Moon Phase:
0% Illuminated

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 06:19 PM
OK, it has taken me a little while to figure this out and I don't have enough room in the signature for it but on Fracking Arkansas I have added a link to yesterday's plot so that like now when it is UTC midnight or just after to can still see yesterdays (UTC) plot in full.

Just for now this is the link but when this gets buried in the posts it will still be on FA
edit on 1/3/2011 by PuterMan because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 06:20 PM

Here is a nice little map I found. Yellow is past 6 months, blue is past week, red is today.

Whole page is here

shows webicorders as well.

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 07:01 PM

Originally posted by Robin Marks
reply to post by mailman05

you said, "always a reader, never a poster,"
I don't get it. Sometimes I'm really clueless. Like when a joke flies over one's head.

Thats me saying I am always reading threads, I just really dont post. I seek the knowledge of those that have it and are so ready to share it.

PuterMan.... I was not sure about the differences in pressure. Still, I don't trust anything we were told regarding the deepwater horizon tragedy. And with them granting another "license" to drill into the deep again, I fear we will be seeing this repeat again. To be cliche, those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it. I believe that!

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 07:39 PM
reply to post by berkeleygal
I know this has been said to be a Fracking issue
But,. still?
Me thinks no

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 08:00 PM

Originally posted by Robin Marks
Hi all, glad you're making this personal obsession not so lonely. I get obsessed. Ask anyone who has read Yellowstone. A thought gets in my head an I become fixated. For the longest time now it's been webicorders and watching swarms. I'm having trouble writing because I have too much to say. Texas, Enola, Oklahoma.

A new thought has been knocking at the door for the last few days. I have to answer it. Whatever, it is, it's key to the whole dynamic. I'm glad you're talking about the microsiesmic signals. That's part of it, but there is one more thing.

Damn, it's trig. Trigonometry. I told you Puterman. it's triangles. The relationships are triangulations. Now I know why I want to watch that documentary on Vimy Ridge. Target the artillery. Use triangles. Oh I'm going to be lost for a bit. Damn trig. Why did I think it was boring the first time round. Oh, yeah, it was that mousy teacher. Damn. it's about context. How can you teach a kid if you can't instill any interest?

Told ya I'm gone. When I find an answer I'll let you know.

We're coming up to a new moon and apogee.

Robin, you sure struck a raw nerve in me with this particular post in referencing triangles because I saw a clever and conspiratorial YouTube last year that "connected the dots" using major disaster locations (e.g. NYC- 9/11, OKC - Murrah Bldg. bombing, LA- hurricane Katrina) to show that when lines from each location were drawn to connect them, the result resembled an incomplete satanic pentagram. Damn, I wish I'd bookmarked the video! Also, regarding the GOM oil volcano (aka BP oil "spill" ), Pastor Lindsey Williams (an "insider" to the Illuminati) had a video out last summer in which he adamantly stated that what transpired was truly an accident, but the location chosen was deliberate - based on the same parallel as the Great Pyramids of Egypt; yeah, satanic numerology in play. Furthermore, while the MSM was reporting the disaster occurred at a water depth of 5K, he had already divulged in this video that the actual drilling depth was in excess of 5K into the sea bed! That's an incredible difference from what was being reported. From that point on, I chose the Internet for my source of info regarding the GOM. Pastor Williams also said in a different video that TPTB always use buzz words in advance of what they're going to do next and that the movie "Oil Storm" contained a few that were events yet to happen. Are we in deep #@!%??? Me thinks so..... but keep going!

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 09:09 PM
I'm catching up - forgive me if this has been brought up - or I missed it earlier --

hmmmmm - wait - thinking out loud here - please excuse me - microseisms = waves of water = = is this why They are thinking it is the discharge wells? surging waves of water/toxic doom being force down into the earth ---- would not this have the same signature as it flushes into the system?

Thanks all for your b-day happiness and wishes. You all really made my day a Happy one - I love you folks that much more for that!

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 09:13 PM
reply to post by Toots

Not exactly what I had in mind. I was think triangulation, like when Canadians used it at Vimy Ridge, and in trying to understand microseismic noise. And other things.

The movement in the ground seems to be mistaken by many to be harmonic tremors. I can understand this. When first learning to read the webicorders I thought they were hts. But somethings going on. And the tides are part of the equation. But there's more to it. A geologist explained to me that usually you would get the noise near the oceans. And when you see it at Yellowstone, or Arkansas it's unusual to see it so pronounced. Like we saw the other day. But remember each webicorder is different. Some more sensitive than others.

That noise is moving the ground. Not so as a GPS station would even measure. It's the fluids moving in the aquifers. And in situations like Arkansas with very sandy soils, the water flows through the ground like a wave at the beach flows through you sand castles. The ground under Arkansas was sloshing around.

I'll provide a video that explains the tides in the simplest terms. But that's not actually how it really works. I found a paper a long time ago that hurt my head. It's more like fluid dyanmics. The simple explaination is basically what's happening. But the jury is still out on how it works, and why. We just explain it with the bulges because that's what we observe.

For example, the waves on a beach and the rising and ebbing tides are real easy to figure out. Everyone gets that. But underground there may be a whole different process going on. They are trying to figure it out with boreholes to measure ground water. The ground water also shows a tidal effect. But I think there's more to that story. I think there is a pumping phenomenon. I saw it on the webicoders at Yellowstone with mine own eyes.

The new moon and full moon work in tandem and it was if the cycle primed the pump and the flow began. In this case the flow being fluids moving under ground. Both the swarms at Yellowstone are thought to have involved fluid migration. They don't know exact what fluid. But fluid. I think the same pumping action affects the magma chamber under Yellowstone.

So what we saw, in my opinion, was the tides acting on the water satuated soils. But that wasn't the only factor. Remember the low pressure storm system. It help strengthen the tidal effect. Not even sure how yet. Fluid dynamics. I suppose as the low pressure started to dominate, the water logged soils would swell. Less downward force. This allows even more water flowing through the soil. This may be why the fault paused. The increased flow rate of water would put pressure downward on the fault, holding it in place. Once the storm passed and the soil settled and flowed to the lowest points down river, the weight lifted off the fault and allowed movement.

It's not just one thing. It's a dance. All the elements conspiring to stir things up.

Oh, I'm glad I was wrong. Still a few little ones. I'm glad when I'm wrong. I wish they'd stop now.

On March 19, the moon will be full. There will be a spring tide. A very big spring tide. For the moon is at it's closest point for the year. At the full moon will reach 100% when the moon is at perigee. If you catch the moon just as it rises it will appear gigantic. The moon will be only 356577 km away.

But don't forget about the new moon. It's soon.

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