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Mother shot twice with a Taser after she was arrested for leaving baby in car to go to tanning salon

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posted on Feb, 14 2011 @ 07:37 PM

Originally posted by facelift
Case-by-case...and in this case she got what she deserved. And from the looks of this mug shot, I think she should have been body slammed as well...


Yikes !

Perhaps the police would have been more understanding of her situation if she had been visiting a plastic surgeon.

posted on Feb, 14 2011 @ 07:40 PM
reply to post by Sherlock Holmes

are you serious? she's prettier than i am.
danggg, you would have me strung up and quartered for eating cheese, if you saw what i looked like.

posted on Feb, 14 2011 @ 07:51 PM
reply to post by undo

I see what your saying about the heat and your right but I'm also concerned about the baby in the car period not just heat , why couldn't she ask one of the staff at the salon to mind the baby ? I'm sure they would have if theyd known the other option .

Listen , unfortunately theres a lot of bad parents out there , for 2 reasons , schools have failed them in this respect , and the divorce era set the trend for the breakdown of the family as it sadly is now . 2 tactics of the nwo may i add .

the usa has gone BONKERS.
You guys say bonkers too ? i thought it was just us brits lol

posted on Feb, 14 2011 @ 07:53 PM
reply to post by Sherlock Holmes

Dude your girlfriend must be Cheryl Cole then because that girl is not ugly , her not smiling does not help though but still.

posted on Feb, 14 2011 @ 07:57 PM
reply to post by Doomzilla

sometimes i add "ka" to it. so it would be KABONKERS. lol wonder where that's from. lol i think it was from a cartoon, when i was a kid.

new moms make quite a few mistakes. just for the record. usually your first child is your test child lol the one that breaks ya in and teaches you not only about life and love, but about many other things as well. we learned from the mistakes we made with our first child, so when our next 2 came along, they benefitted from it.

if her hormones were wildly fluctuating, her baby collicky, no one to babysit for her, perhaps an absentee father, this all adds up to major stress attacks for first time moms. not saying what she did was right, but sometimes your stress level can get so high, you have to find some way to escape it. she just chose one of the many wrong ways, in america. had she lived somewhere else, probably wouldn't have been the same.

posted on Feb, 14 2011 @ 08:07 PM
I wish there was video of this event. I find it tough to believe that two officers could not subdue this woman without tasing her TWICE (bro).

Do not take my view to mean I expect officers to unnecessarily put themselves in harms way, but the article does not say she was armed, and she looks pretty dainty to me. The article says she attacked the officers, so use of force is justified, but a double tasering is potentially excessive.

posted on Feb, 14 2011 @ 08:11 PM
reply to post by undo

usually your first child is your test child
i was the 1st child grrrr. lol

perhaps an absentee father,
Yes exactly like i said breakdown of the family , i'm open minded enough to know theres always various sides to a story .
Do you think some women are more natural mothers than others ? I'd definitely say yes for fathers .
On a side note the lack of positive male role models is a big problem that has various negative effects on youth .
We need more LOVE in this world .

edit on 14-2-2011 by Doomzilla because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 14 2011 @ 08:13 PM
reply to post by DimensionalDetective

They should of beat her and then tazed her,lil grown ass kids now a days,i hope she gets jail time.

posted on Feb, 14 2011 @ 08:14 PM
reply to post by JohnnyTHSeed

someone else pointed out that if they took her baby, she probably fought them to get baby back. if she's in mom mode, that's not hard to believe. one thing's for sure, when or if she gets baby back, she's going to be so paranoid. which isn't the solution she needed from the sounds of it. she needed a trusted friend or family member who would watch the baby for her while she got away for a bit. my advice to her would be, if the baby has no dad, don't get pregnant again. typically this is achieved by not having intercourse lol

posted on Feb, 14 2011 @ 08:20 PM

Originally posted by undo
are you serious? she's prettier than i am.
danggg, you would have me strung up and quartered for eating cheese, if you saw what i looked like.


There's often some serious and heavy stuff going down on ATS, so I was only adding a little levity to the proceedings.

I realise that police mugshots aren't exactly the most flattering, but if you chopped her hair off, I would have trouble telling whether she was a man or a woman.

Although, having done a quick google search on her, it appears that this isn't the first time that she's been in trouble with authorities, and other police mugshots are available !

In actual fact, I wouldn't say ''no'' to her.

posted on Feb, 14 2011 @ 08:26 PM
reply to post by Sherlock Holmes

you wouldnt say no, but make sure to use a condom as you dont know where she might leave your baby,

posted on Feb, 14 2011 @ 08:27 PM
double post
edit on 14-2-2011 by undo because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 14 2011 @ 08:27 PM
reply to post by Sherlock Holmes

whoa. first pic link in this post of yours she looks healthy.
second one, she looks like she's ten sheets to the wind.

you know, i think now would be a good time too, to remind everyone that there are no state run mental institutions. crazy people are often put in prison. imagine, you have a medical condition like a bi-polar disorder, and they put you in prison for it, instead of sending you to a medical facility for mental health care. or you have a gimp foot, and they put you in prison for it, instead of a hospital. lol it's an exaggeration yes, but not as much as you might think. in the usa, all our mentally ill people are in prison! it's a human rights tragedy of epic proportions.

posted on Feb, 14 2011 @ 08:38 PM

Originally posted by dolphinfan
The kid should be taken away and she should have all parental rights removed.

I'm sorry, as a parent I just don't by that.

That is her blood. She is a teenage parent that has obviously made some poor choices. She needs some community service hours and mandatory counseling. And her baby needs to be back in her arms where it belongs.

This situation, while sad... is not something you break up families over nor something you separate a potentially breast feeding mother from her baby over.

We aren't perfect, we're parents.

Originally posted by dieterhund
Ahhh....the best country in the world....the good ole USA. Only there would you a taser a 19 year old mother who left her child outside.

This is very common is certain countries overseas.

That's what I'm saying. I have difficulty feeling any sense of national pride when this type of thinking is considered normal in the US.

Originally posted by dolphinfan
She should be jailed. They should force her to be drug tested and get a warrant and toss her home and see if there are illegal substances there. Obviously she should not be receiving any public assistance at all since she can afford tanning.

What??? Should they cavity check her too? What kind of crazy police state are you mandating? Why if a single mother receives food assistance from the state for her children should she be forbidden from ever indulging in anything for herself? Have you no humanity? Should everyone receiving food stamps have to live like a refugee?

Sri Oracle
edit on 14-2-2011 by Sri Oracle because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 14 2011 @ 08:41 PM
There is one hell of a dangerous lie becoming prevalent in America, and that's that the role of the police is to punish wrongdoing.

It's the role of the police to find and arrest or warn possible criminals.
It's not the role of the police to also play judge and executioner.

People condoning the tasering of this woman, (who had not injured her baby in any way,) are championing the police state, where it's legal for the cops to pick anyone up and conduct a group of head-kicking on them with no need for charges or conviction.

Have all the videos of police assaults and taserings of helpless people screwed people's minds so badly they think police should be violent whenever they think someone "deserves" it?

posted on Feb, 14 2011 @ 08:49 PM
reply to post by undo

Apparently she got arrested for DUI without being charged, and two weeks later, she got arrested and charged with burglary, which was about three weeks before this latest incident.

The two mugshots I posted must have been done at different times, despite the fact that she was wearing the same coloured top, because in the first image, her hair is slightly wavy and parted to her left-hand side, while in the second image, her hair is straight with a parting slightly to the right hand side.

I'm assuming that the first photo - where she looks like she was displaying a bit of '''attitude'' - was taken for her burglary arrest, while the second photo - where she looks like she's ''out of it'' - was taken for her DUI arrest.

She's not necessarily mentally unstable, but I agree with you that those who are, are often treated rather shabbily by authorities, and they are punished without any attempt to help them, and then released back into the community with the same mental health issues that originally led to them committing crimes and being imprisoned in the first place.

posted on Feb, 14 2011 @ 08:56 PM
reply to post by Sri Oracle

I don't care who's "blood" is involved. This woman has had two prior run-ins with the law and is obviously an incompetent parent. One of the most disgusting and harmful things done in this country is work toward "family reunification" when parents commit crimes or abuse their children. There are kids all over this country who have been reunited with parents who were drug addicts, serious child abusers, prostitutes. People who have done these things on a repeated basis and continue to have their children reunited with them.

Neglect your child, don't feed them, properly cloth nor supervise them while you're out smoking crack and turning tricks and 90 days later after some bs rehab its "honest Your Honor, I learned my lesson" and back goes the kid. Second strike, third strike and still its back to the parent, all in the name of "blood".

Neglecting or abusing a child is a one strike offense. The child threw up. She could have easily have choked to death, particularily when strapped in a car seat which is designed to constrain the movement of the kid making it impossible for her to roll over on to her stomach. The car was running, meaning the keys were in it, making it ripe for stealing.

As a parent of both my own and an adopted child, is there a tighter bond with natural children over an adopted one? Yes, because your natural child reminds you of other people you love as well as your own childhood as they remind you of yourself. Is that difference significant? Not really, its a subtle thing. There is no way that this kid would not be better off in another setting, whether that is another family or a well run institution. I know that I'll get grief about the institution bit, but it is a better thing than being with an incompetent and neglectful parent. Why? Because in an institutional setting the childs notion of trust and the conception of what a loving family is is not destroyed like it is when she is living with trash like this woman

posted on Feb, 14 2011 @ 09:06 PM
Who needs Thomas Magnum, when a 2-second google search can make us all amateur Private Investigators ?

Seriously though, it appears - in an unrelated story - that this young woman's boyfriend died in a car accident 4 years ago, so we don't know how much of a mental impact that has on her.

Not that I'm excusing what she did based on these grounds - but those kind of things mess people up, especially at a young age.

posted on Feb, 14 2011 @ 09:09 PM

Originally posted by dolphinfan
I don't care who's "blood" is involved. This woman has had two prior run-ins with the law and is obviously an incompetent parent.

A petty theft and a first offense DUI. Big deal. This her child we are talking about. You force counseling and community service, you force social service visits. You don't lock her in a box and foster off the kid.

One of the most disgusting and harmful things done in this country is work toward "family reunification" when parents commit crimes or abuse their children. There are kids all over this country who have been reunited with parents who were drug addicts, serious child abusers, prostitutes. People who have done these things on a repeated basis and continue to have their children reunited with them.

So we should take all children away from the 30 odd million marijuana smoking parents in the US? I can ally with you on "serious child abusers" but this 19 year old did not rent her child out in her back seat for molestation purposes.... she thought it would be ok if the kid took a nap while she had a 15 minute tan.

I know that I'll get grief about the institution bit, but it is a better thing than being with an incompetent and neglectful parent. Why? Because in an institutional setting the childs notion of trust and the conception of what a loving family is is not destroyed like it is when she is living with trash like this woman

I have some reading material for you. I read a autobiography last year about a foster child that was taken from her parents and separated from her sibling at a young age over a petty drug charge. Once "in the system" she passed through 20 foster homes and never knew what a loving family was but found out her share about abuse. I've forgotten the title... I'll look it up for you tomorrow.

Sri Oracle

edit on 14-2-2011 by Sri Oracle because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 14 2011 @ 09:15 PM
reply to post by Sri Oracle

you forgot about the fat parents don't deserve kids. take 'em away.
and the people who eat meat dont deserve kids. take 'em away
and people who refuse to eat meat don't deserve kids. take 'em away.
so it's like walking a tight rope to have kids these days. cause if one side don't get your kids, the other just might.

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