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US targets Twitter in bid to trap Assange

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posted on Feb, 14 2011 @ 05:10 PM

Originally posted by rogerstigers
I thought Assange was still under house arrest... why do they need to do anything like this to get Assange?

Or am I like totally out of the loop.

Because of the following:

In November the “whistle-blowing organization” (WikiLeaks) began to release more than 250,000 U.S. diplomatic cables. Since then, people have been speculating that the U.S. government would respond and seek justice by citing the Espionage Act.

This is the USA's way of trying to weed out the people involved to silence them. Dictatorship in full affect if you think about it.

posted on Feb, 14 2011 @ 05:17 PM
reply to post by kroms33

What common cause does every culture, political ideology and person have? We are being subjugated by a government that is not what it seems to be. We have been lied too, and our government has been hijacked. There is no Republican, Democrat, Independent, Socialist, Communist, Anarchist or what ever political affiliation anyone classes themselves to be that is not affected by what is happening in our own country

I agree my brother and what ive quoted of you above would make an excellent thread ! _ Id love to know how many of us can forget any allegiances and stand up as a human being !
We really need to ! For the sake of our kids and their kids if nothing else.

posted on Feb, 14 2011 @ 05:28 PM

I agree my brother and what ive quoted of you above would make an excellent thread ! _ Id love to know how many of us can forget any allegiances and stand up as a human being !
We really need to ! For the sake of our kids and their kids if nothing else.

I would say go start that thread brother

I would say that these days there are still those embedded in their stale beliefs - but there are many more that have awakened to the fact that we all matter.

posted on Feb, 14 2011 @ 05:44 PM
Also, if this can happen to twitter - think of what they WILL do to ATS.

posted on Feb, 14 2011 @ 05:55 PM

Originally posted by kroms33
Also, if this can happen to twitter - think of what they WILL do to ATS.

What about what they have done to ATS?

Not just ATS, but the internet as a whole?

One of the greatest threats to government and the elite that control it, is the internet. Think about Egypt, a tyrant was forced out of power in part because of the internet, despite their efforts to stop it.

The world is connected, communicating, watching, discussing, and the powers that be do not like it. Moves are currently being made to eventually give all governments more control over the internet. In the USA they want to limit and control interactive capabilities, and to control content with the FCC, much like what is being done with broadcast television and radio now.

Their downfall will not come in wars and unrest alone, it will begin and spread through the internet.

Unless they can gain complete control over it, and soon.

posted on Feb, 14 2011 @ 06:18 PM
Well well well, ain't this some stuff 'n' nonsense! Freedom of speech will no longer be a right... it will soon be a privilege... if that!
I really hope that the American people see this, including the rest of the world, and understand what is going on here... Your government(s) are/is taking calculated steps towards something that, I am SURE of one-hundred percent, you will not like should they succeed.

or then again "Re-create'68" was talked about a lot during the pre-electoral campaigns, so maybe this IS part of their plan, to have every country on earth seek "rEvolution"... so it's not like this hasn't been discussed before. Just sayin'.

Just take a look back, as little far back as 1968... a lot of national pride and prejudice during that year alone! Patriotism (SWVAToday (Virginia) Today's Story), War - obviously (Wikipedia Example only), the GOLD standard was created (The Washington Post FEB2011), 2001: A Space Odyssey ( The Telegraph Today's Story) and Planet of the APES (IMDB Internet Movie Database ComingSoon 2011) are released to the public eye, Black Panther Party in the news(The Washington Post JAN2011), Phoenix Program was established (Wikipedia Example Only) and the Appollo 7 was launched (The Times of India Today's Story)... What things are shaping up to be, is magnified ten times, in my opinion... A Whole World Patriotic Civil Rights Movement '68ish Type Thing...

That's what should be tweeted around to your friends, "History Never Repeats".

Back to my response on topic... this type of story shows me, that 'they' are going to openly, monitor the interwebs legally... Even though we know they watch content on interwebs, this will just allow them to do it legally... Just some food for thought... Assange is probably "up the creek" - so to speak...

See you on the flipside

posted on Feb, 14 2011 @ 06:25 PM
reply to post by kroms33

Yeah, I was worried about that.. that was the only angle I could see as well. It is not about Assange, it is about tracking down others and silencing critics.

I am curious how this will play out. Will definately watch.

posted on Feb, 14 2011 @ 07:02 PM
reply to post by Fractured.Facade

What about what they have done to ATS?

Not just ATS, but the internet as a whole?

One of the greatest threats to government and the elite that control it, is the internet. Think about Egypt, a tyrant was forced out of power in part because of the internet, despite their efforts to stop it.

The world is connected, communicating, watching, discussing, and the powers that be do not like it. Moves are currently being made to eventually give all governments more control over the internet. In the USA they want to limit and control interactive capabilities, and to control content with the FCC, much like what is being done with broadcast television and radio now.

Their downfall will not come in wars and unrest alone, it will begin and spread through the internet.

Unless they can gain complete control over it, and soon

I agree - WL is just the beginning of this draconian system. Us, as users of the internet need to insure its safety. How? I am not exactly sure yet. I do think that once they do flex more of their muscle - more people will awaken. Their strategy baffles me a bit, unless this is all planned to become more dominant over the population... People need to start pushing back.

posted on Feb, 14 2011 @ 07:07 PM
reply to post by StoneGarden

Back to my response on topic... this type of story shows me, that 'they' are going to openly, monitor the interwebs legally... Even though we know they watch content on interwebs, this will just allow them to do it legally... Just some food for thought... Assange is probably "up the creek" - so to speak...

See you on the flipside

I think you are right about Assange. He is a political prisoner to the extreme. I really hate to say it - because I respect everything he is doing for the common man and woman - but what they are doing to him is waking people up.... lots of people. If he goes to jail, just wait and see what will happen to all of the secret documents he has 'hidden' that he has never released. They will be leaked out - and the public will see the truth. Governments will topple.

posted on Feb, 14 2011 @ 07:38 PM
Double post
edit on 14-2-2011 by Malcram because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 14 2011 @ 07:40 PM
You realize now, don't you, that wherever in the world we live, if we have any goodness and love of truth and justice in our hearts, then we're all going to have to go down to our own Tahrir Square sooner or later?

How much longer?

What will it take?

posted on Feb, 14 2011 @ 07:59 PM
reply to post by Malcram

Thank you so much for that. Your words put it all in complete perspective.

I think the majority of people who know what is going on feel it... we have that feeling of wishing to be free of oppression, we have a desire to see the truth, we have that feeling that something strong is coming - but we also need to channel that feeling and desire so that it may not be used against us.

posted on Feb, 14 2011 @ 11:34 PM
Also, people should watch the documentary "Wikirebels – the Documentary"

Good stuff, very sad in parts.

This will give people a sense of exactly what is happening, and then some. Assange may be no saint, but what he is doing is truly earth shattering.

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