posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 08:35 AM
reply to post by On the level
I really empathise with your ire On the Level, but at the same time, I have to say if the system you advocate were in place when I joined this site, I
probably wouldnt have stayed here. Thats not to say that I would have been hamstrung from doing all the annoying things that new posters do, its just
that personaly, I never found the need to be a troll or goof off when discussing serious issues.
I do not think that being new to the site marks a person out as a potential troll, hoaxer, timewaster etc. I think that each member should be judged
according to thier behaviour, and the quality of thier posts, not the amount of time they have been a member. Im certain there are some issues that
have arisen which would not have, if it werent for persons posting while unfamiliar with the ebb and flow of the site, and its rules and regs, but for
those like me, who can simply fall into the comfortable ways of a given system, I think the apparant discrimination which would result from the
implementation of your suggestions would be detrimental.