Good day to you all, I offer up my humble opinion,
I would like to start by saying, I have only one problem with placing any restrictions to new members. Information. Simply put, Just because someone
is new to this site, it does not mean they are new to any of the topics discussed, on this site, or that they only have irrelevant things to say. I
would like to give an example If I may; Back in late 2006-early 2007, I was a long time member of SiteSpace and followed everything, as I have been
searching for truth and putting the puzzles together from 1978 on. One day, I saw a post by someone who had joined earlier in the month entitled
"Chicago's New Cameras" I read his post about how Chicago had installed new surveillance cameras and replied to his post asking him why he felt it
relevant as cameras where going up everywhere. His reply was interesting enough for me to begin to research. Simply put, his reply had said that they
were not just putting up new cameras. They were replacing them, even though some were less than a year old and He said that he found that they were
replacing all of the state and federal computers as well shortly after his initial post. I found that Chicago had received a government grant to
change their equipment to withstand a magnetic pulse. That in itself was not that interesting because we all know what creates a magnetic pulse and it
could be simply written off as preparedness. However, Chicago was not only the first to receive this grant but also was the only city offered it in
the first place. FLAG. Two other people joined this thread and all four of us went to work. To make a long story short, we discovered that a nuclear
weapon had been secretly moved to an AF base in S. Dakota without a single signing party. This base is responsible for patrolling the Chicago and
Great Lakes area. Put all this together and what do you get? BLACKFLAG. We then exposed these events to the internet and BOOM it hit mainstream. The
government had no excuse and admitted the weapon had been moved without paperwork and said they would investigate. Thats all it took. Chicago is fine
and the "EXCUSE" was never played out. One week later, my computer received over 300,000 viruses that bypassed my security and shut me down. When I
was back up and running I found that sitespace had been shut down as well.
None of this was written to toot my own horn but to simply illustrate, you really don't know what information is going to be important unless you
really look and new or not does not make information irrelevant. Something someone posts that seems irrelevant may be the missing piece of another
puzzle that the poster is unaware of.
If you wish to separate out the trolls here is my suggestion; ATS- install a donation button in plane site. Use that money to create two things.
First, an "Irrelevant" button that turns that post pink. This button is on every post and can be clicked by any member. This will cause these kinds of
posts to stand out and can be skipped over easily. It also makes it easier for the moderator to find, cutting down on the time they have to invest in
finding them for removal or transfer to another string or if truly relevant it can be unchecked by the moderator only. Second, begin a new section for
established members only that is password protected and can only be accessed by those who establish themselves in the open forum AND are invited by a
member of this advanced forum. Problem solved, trolls never make it into the advanced forum. These forums can, if decided, be read by the general
public but, only posted and replied to by advanced members in order to show the correct way to post and get the information out.
ATS MEMBERS; Donate to the site, help them out to make it better. They put this site together to find Truth and make a difference, it is everyone's
responsibility to fulfill this obligation especially since it was offered to us free of charge. A couple of "credits" or whatever you decide to make
this site strong and worthy of making a difference is not too much to ask.
Thank you all for reading this post and enjoy the rest of your day.
edit on 14-2-2011 by Agarta because: (no reason given)