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Weird Health Problems Related to Geomagnetic Storms, Earthquakes? Watch Thread.

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posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 06:08 PM
Research shows that geomagnetic disturbances can cause heart attacks and strokes. The problematic disturbances are the low and very low level frequencies that happen before and after a solar storm and around earthquakes. High risk groups are older, very young, or chronically ill.

Please use this thread to document your symptoms, including any kind of flare-ups (not just heart attacks and strokes), so we can look for patterns and correlate them with geomagnetic activity (cosmic, solar, terrestrial and human-made). Please include your general location if you're comfortable doing so.

FYI - I'm in Winnipeg, have chronic health problems including heart stuff, and had weird heart rythmns last week before and after the solar storm covered here: Geomagnetic Storm Watch: Feb 3rd

NOAA forecasters estimate a 60% chance of polar geomagnetic storms on Feb. 3rd. They say a high-speed solar wind stream and a CME could hit Earth's magnetic field on Wednesday--a double whammy almost certain to spark some degree of geomagnetic activity.

Also of interest:

Severe Geomagnetic Storm Research Project

Geomagnetic Storms Affecting a Human's Brain and/or Equilibrium, Plausible?

Also - This thread is specifically about human health but if someone can correlate bird and animals mass deaths with known geomagnetic activity - please, post your info here!

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 06:16 PM
Have been having chest pains this afternoon, still continuing, plus extreme nerve pain especially in right foot and ankle. Just noticed this thread:

Earth directed solar flare. Magnitude M6.6!!

Note that the storm hasn't really hit earth yet - just those pesky problematic low level disturbances.

...Won't be shovelling any snow.

Ed. to add:

M-class flare likely heading for earth febr 15/16th?

Incoming Earthbound CME!
edit on 13/2/11 by soficrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 06:24 PM
I think this is a good initiative.
It will be interresting to see if we can connect strange symphtoms with geomagnetical disturbances even if it's very unscientifically done.
How interresting also that you posted this just when a 6.6M CME was noticed.
From what I read it will hit earth around the 15th of feb.
It will be interresting to see the next few days if people can actually feel some change in their well beeing.

I'm in Sweden and I am feeling just great at this moment. I'll be back posting if that changes (although I kinda like it like this)

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 06:29 PM
reply to post by Tollon

Thanks much Tollon. ...Actually, much scientific research has been done already. My hope here is to create awareness, and hopefully spark interest in getting a "geomagnetic storm watch report" along with our weather, pollen count and pollution index. (Forewarned is fore-armed.)

Here's a bit of background:

Magnetic Storms Affect Humans As Well As Telecommunications

It has long been established that magnetic storms not only affect the performance of equipment, upset radio communications, blackout radars, and disrupt radio navigation systems but also endanger living organisms. They change the blood flow, especially in capillaries, affect blood pressure, and boost adrenalin.

…The heart and cardio-vascular system have always been considered the main biological targets of geomagnetic activity. However, the damage inflicted by magnetic storms on human health has been found to be different. Experts from the Institute of Space Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), Institute of Physics of the Earth (RAS), and the Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy have established that the biggest danger emanates from the micro variations of the geomagnetic field, which coincide with the heartbeat. They occur in about half of all magnetic storms, and are most typical for a prelude to a storm with insignificant changes in the geomagnetic field (mostly affecting high altitudes), and for the recovery phase, when the geomagnetic field is coming back to normal.

Medical statistics for Moscow show that 70% of all micro variations, caused by geomagnetic disturbances, are accompanied by an abnormally high incidence of heart attacks (a growth of about 13%), and blood-strokes (7.5% growth). The low and extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields destabilize the heartbeat, leading to a sudden death or infarction. Medical experts have finally explained why heart attacks take a heavy toll before a magnetic storm - because micro variations begin 24 hours before the storm.

The effects of geomagnetic micropulsations seem worse in winter, and may be linked to the pineal gland's increased production of melatonin.

Seasonal variations in the myocardial infarction incidence and possible effects of geomagnetic micropulsations on the cardiovascular system in humans

…one of possible reasons for the seasonal variations in the occurrence of myocardial infarction is an increase in the production of the pineal hormone melatonin in winter which leads to an unstable state of the human organism and an increase in its sensitivity to the effect of geomagnetic pulsations.

edit on 13/2/11 by soficrow because: add u & b

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 06:32 PM
Well I myself like the idea of this thread. I can say that I have been having some minor chest pains along with a major flare up of my Mitral Valve Prolapse over the last few months. Also I have had a upper respiratory disturbance for the last few months. I don't know if either of these have anything to do with anything but lately I have actually thought about making a post similar especially on the respiratory problems.

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 06:38 PM
I am SO EXCITED about this post!!!! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!
I have been relating this to others about my health issues. I notice things in in some of my "sensative" friends, I started to mention the correlation to earth, solar activity. I do have odd sensations, I have Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia. For years I was also the type that broke electronic equiptment. I denied the fact that I had what seemed to be PSI abilities . . . now since I am disabled and things don't distract I have become much more intune to paying attention. I have be able to predict earthquakes and volcanic activity . . . I only share that with a few close friends. I have started sending emails to her before I sense something.
Much thanks OP, we are on the same page -

PS. Please tell me your chest pain is better. I have chest wall pain, so I don't rush to the ER everytime I hurt but it concerns me that if what you are going through is unusual please seek medical care. Take care!! :-)
edit on 13-2-2011 by TheBirdisDone because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 06:52 PM
this thread is a very good idea.

As I said in the original one, I've been having unusual (both in frequency and duration) heart palpitations for about 3 months now, which, being a healthy 22-year-old, may be noteworthy. The most immediately interesting thing to note, though, is this pressure headache I've had for 2 days straight (since the night of the 11th). I haven't had any heart palpitations in quite a few days, but I almost never get headaches, and I've never had one last for 2 days. Admittedly, I have been tired, but not so much at the moment, and I'm a university student, so I'm no stranger to fatigue. Being tired has made me somewhat nauseas at the absolute worst, but it's never given me a 2-day tension/pressure headache.
Like the heart issues, it may or may not be related to geomagnetic phenomenon, but it's unusual, regardless.

I'm also just generally fascinated by what affects magnetic phenomenon might have on humans. It might just be how we used to sense things like this before we started mass-producing "professionals" in suits with supercomputers and government grants. Maybe this is nature getting us back to basics.

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 06:53 PM
reply to post by Phantom28804

reply to post by TheBirdisDone

Thanks for posting, and for the info.

I'm starting to see specifics myself (eg., dates and specific symptoms), not just general observations - and am hoping you all can start plugging your own specifics into the mix. The link definitely IS real - and hopefully, public awareness will lead to a "geomagnetic storm watch."

Not to worry TheBirdisDone - I am very aware of my body's rythmns and reactions. Plus, I take Metoprolol for my heart (sp?), have my nitro spray on hand and have coverage for ambulance service. ...But am confident that just knowing what to guard against and when to do it will get me through relatively unscathed.

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 07:05 PM
reply to post by Phantom28804

Wow you took all the words right out of my mouth! I don't wish these uncomfortable feelings on anyone but am glad I'm not alone. I thought it was just my imagination but apparently not. It will be interesting to see how the next few days affect us.

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 07:11 PM
reply to post by Phantom28804

reply to post by NANAinINDIANA

Just remembered - the autonomic nervous system governs the "automatic" heart AND respiratory functions (along with digestion and other things).

...So it makes sense that BOTH can be affected / interrupted.

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 07:21 PM

Originally posted by soficrow
reply to post by Phantom28804

reply to post by NANAinINDIANA

Just remembered - the autonomic nervous system governs the "automatic" heart AND respiratory functions (along with digestion and other things).

...So it makes sense that BOTH can be affected / interrupted.

I did not know the respiratory connection so that is interesting. I will definitely be keeping an eye on this thread

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 07:29 PM
Friends husband had Heart Attack 2weeks ago and now Friend has had one. New Zealand. (No prior medical history of heart problems)

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 08:15 PM
I Wonder if Dick Chenney will be out on Wednesday
doing a bit of sunbaking by the pool?

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 08:34 PM
i'm in the southeast u.s my heart has started skipping beats and fluttering and also hearing ringing and what kind sounds like radio static..... also seem to be a little more ill tempered than normal

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 08:47 PM
What I like about this excellent post is there is some actual scientific reasoning about the reason we feel weird. There have been many threads realting to this issue of "feeling wierd" - but this is target spot on about WHY - and we should start to keep track. I know there has been some discussion of human levels of conciousness rising - well if these same earth/solar/magnetic affects get the pineal gland going and the '___' releasing this would explain another angle of those feeling that type of sensation - one of "awakening" -

For me I get vertigo as a main, very real and connected sensation relating to earth movement. I live in Florida in an area that is all Karst, meaning a limestone shell. We have many sink holes. I think I can sense the harmonics of the limestone when the earth gets ready to move. My cat would NOT come in for several days and acted very bizzare - this was right around the Arkansas earth quakes. I can't help but think our ground here resonates. I live on the edge of an old sink hole.

The worst was when I felt getting up one day that my vertigo was a push to a certain direction, a hard push. This was when all the ring of fire stuff got going. We could wonder do these Solar Magnetic storms cause earth movement and perception in living creatures.

I do not see why not, we all know the "full moon" mythologies - perhaps they are not myth. I also want to bring up that most of us do not live right on the earth, and out in the elements, we are removed from that in our nice snug homes - so I think we are less in tune to the rythms and have not acquired an ability to overcome head aches and such caused by pressure change.

Oh, and thanks OP for letting me know your ticker is good! :-)
edit on 13-2-2011 by TheBirdisDone because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 08:50 PM

Originally posted by Seekeye2
Friends husband had Heart Attack 2weeks ago and now Friend has had one. New Zealand. (No prior medical history of heart problems)

Sad - I hope they have recoverd.

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 08:54 PM
reply to post by soficrow
Probably might be a good Idea
to go light on the caffeine for a few days.
Also, up your dose of calcium and magnesium
as they help regulate the heart beat.

edit on 13-2-2011 by Lil Drummerboy because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 08:55 PM
Avoiding the fact that it is so easy to become in tune with threads like this and feeling relation to the medical conditions aforementioned, I'm trying to steer clear of a false diagnosis with myself, however medical fact aside, Today has been really odd for me. Finding myself spacing out and my head wanting to think of something important but there is nothing important to think about. Something feels wrong, but I have no idea where to start looking. Maybe someone else is having similar occurrences, or maybe I am alone, regardless I'll put in my two cents for someone else to read.

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 09:00 PM

Originally posted by soficrow
Have been having chest pains this afternoon, still continuing, plus extreme nerve pain especially in right foot and ankle. Just noticed this thread:

Earth directed solar flare. Magnitude M6.6!!

Note that the storm hasn't really hit earth yet - just those pesky problematic low level disturbances.

...Won't be shovelling any snow.

Ed. to add:

M-class flare likely heading for earth febr 15/16th?

Incoming Earthbound CME!
edit on 13/2/11 by soficrow because: (no reason given)

I have had a lot of leg pain. This is relatively new to my condition this type of vascular feeling pain. I noticed a big storm the other day, but now I worry about this new one. Lets all keep track.

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 09:03 PM
reply to post by soficrow

Yep, heart pains, just little ones but there none the less. Also slight headache, dull throb that comes and goes. A tooth which has a filling is bugging me too.

One question if anyone has the answer, I have a friend who has a pace maker, I wonder if he should take it easy tomorrow or go on as usual?

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