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Dr Edgar Mitchell "There are Several Species Visiting our Planet" Feb 12 2011

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posted on Feb, 14 2011 @ 11:20 AM
reply to post by SaosinEngaged


If Dr Edgar Mitchell stood up to advise that aliens are visiting the Earth, and he announced it on the MSM with the endorsement of the White House, Downing Street, the Kremlin (et al), that would be all that's necessary to kick-start a paradigm shift in the mindset of the masses.

Anyway - the president of the USA is a mouthpiece for the PTB. The PTB is essentially the cabal that Mitchell refers to. It is they who will give the go-ahead on disclosure, if it is to be forthcoming. However, unfortunately for us it's going to be very tricky to pry apart the truth from false flags...

posted on Feb, 14 2011 @ 11:23 AM

Originally posted by WeRpeons
I hope when these "ET's" make themselves known to the entire world they better hold a press conference. I only want to know some burning "why" questions ...

-Why did they wait so long to announce their presence to the world?

-Why would they make contact with governments that rule the masses instead of the people?

-Why have us kill and pollute this planet if they have the technology to show us how to eliminate it?

-Why give their technology secrets to the military so they can use it on us or use it to develop weapons for wars?

-Why did you allow the U.S. to use nuclear weapons in World War 2?

-Why would you let people who believed in your existence be the subject of ridicule? (I had to throw that one in there

---I also had a list of "How's" and "Who" questions but I digress...

I think i can answer a few of your burning questions.

1) Timing and perception are critical. I think our governments asked them not to make direct contact
until the population was ready for the truth. The general population is less likely to flip out now
that they have dragged this out to 2012. Star Trek & The X Files planted a few revealing seeds.
"Mulder: They're here aren't they? MJ-12 Guy: Mulder, they have been here a long time."

2) The technology involved is very advanced. In hands of the wrong nation, they could attack Israel.
The U.S. Government has the right and the responsibility to protect its secrets.

3) They also have the technology to heal and restore the Earth.

4) Well, the U.S. Government isn't exactly taking over and enslaving the whole planet.
According to Ben Rich, the U.S. military is however traveling to other stars and planets.
I'm guessing we have already made a few - friends & enemies - out there.
It's probably very close to the 1st year of Star Trek - Enterprise -.
Captain Jonathon Archer destabilized an entire sector. Scott Bakula did a great job.

5) Oh, that's a good one. The Greys were not happy about us setting off nuclear bombs
in the Pacific. On the plus side, it did bring WWII to a quick end. We had the technology
so we used it. Look how many American lives were lost just taking Okinawa.

6) Subject to ridicule? Suppressing UFO info was mandatory until we finally figured it all out.
See answer #2.

posted on Feb, 14 2011 @ 11:23 AM

Originally posted by NavalFC

Originally posted by FOXMULDER147
I find it unbelievable that a man of this stature, a true hero who has walked on the moon, can say these things, in full command of his faculties, and the world doesn't listen.

If an Apollo astronaut can say these things and have negligible effect, what hope is there for the rest of us...

So since an astronaut said it we should pay attention? Ones profession doesnt make one a good witness or even a good person. Saying we should listen because hes an astronuat is fallacious.

Another astronaut was convicted of wearing diapers during a car ride on a road trip to go murder the lover of her ex boyfriend, but she was an astronaut, so are we to take advice from her?

A very small amount of research should provide you with enough proof of Mitchell's character to forget about your "what-if" scenario of Mitchell being some kind of incorrect and innaccurate source.

Testimony is very simple. Look into your witness. He's not the diaper wearing murdering astronaut, and I believe quite a few of his credentials were posted prior to yours, try reading the thread first...

weak straw man tactic my friend...

posted on Feb, 14 2011 @ 11:25 AM
There's one unmentioned close connection between Mitchell and Gordon Cooper that may help understand how Mitchell heard credible stories about UFOs. In 1968-1969 they served together on the Apollo-10 backup crew, preparing for the May 1969 lunar mission that was the last dress rehearsal for Apollo-11's landing in July.

They would have been at very close quarters, often just the two of them, and often waiting for training to resume after shutdowns or breakdowns. They could have talked privately about anything.

I really wonder what Cooper told Mitchell about his UFO experiences. I've asked Mitchell, and he has politely declined to say.

Cooper left NASA under a cloud soon afterwards after being booted off flight status for poor training performance. He resented not getting a moon landing mission for the rest of his life. For NASA's part, they perpetuated the coverup of his serious performance issues to help maintain the public (and congressional!!) idolatry over astronauts.

posted on Feb, 14 2011 @ 11:28 AM

Originally posted by skylightsintheillions
A very small amount of research should provide you with enough proof of Mitchell's character to forget about your "what-if" scenario of Mitchell being some kind of incorrect and innaccurate source. ...

Testimony is very simple. Look into your witness. H

The only DIRECT space-related experience with paranormal phenomena that Mitchell claims, apparently, is his ESP experiment on Apollo-14. Wouldn't it be a good idea to examine THAT claim, before reaching any sort of reliability judgment either way? Do something simple -- read his report on the experiment and assess its credibility. Go ahead -- try it, or make an excuse why you won't.

posted on Feb, 14 2011 @ 11:30 AM
I don't care if Edgar Mitchell, Barrack Obama or Vatican will admit ET presence on earth. I will still not believe a damn word from them, unless i see ET's with my own eyes and have some conversation with them. Everything else is irrelevant and all those lights on the sky are planes, airships or various other experimental crafts from military contractors, but not ET's. No chance.

posted on Feb, 14 2011 @ 11:39 AM

Another strange comment EM made while on the moon was something along the lines of; EM to Shepard: Hmm..looks like we've had visitors again during the night...Shepard: Probably best not to talk about that..EM: I guess you're right. He's never elaborated on that either. Who were these visitors that left tracks for EM to find?

Thanks for that Spikey, will check it out in the transcripts.

Jim Oberg :- the truth is not so much out there as in the Apollo transcripts, particularly 10, 14 and 17. AS17-137-20993 is evidence enough by itself. Then there's the Gemini 4 "bogey" incident, in which the astronauts and mission control eliminate other possible identities for the object that followed them.
Back later with chapter and verse.

posted on Feb, 14 2011 @ 11:40 AM
This evening I saw a triangle of orange lights over the town I live in,
it is very rear event here inside the country, is it a sign that soon
something will happen?

posted on Feb, 14 2011 @ 11:41 AM

Originally posted by 6205LH
I don't care if Edgar Mitchell, Barrack Obama or Vatican will admit ET presence on earth. I will still not believe a damn word from them, unless i see ET's with my own eyes and have some conversation with them. Everything else is irrelevant and all those lights on the sky are planes, airships or various other experimental crafts from military contractors, but not ET's. No chance.

There are many things in my life that I will never see with my own eyes but accept as real and true.

-Whale Sharks

Perhaps you should open the parameters of your reality a bit.

posted on Feb, 14 2011 @ 11:42 AM
On topic ?

(sorry if this is old stuff for ATS members!)
edit on 14-2-2011 by callacas because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 14 2011 @ 11:46 AM
reply to post by FOXMULDER147

No wonder the aliens don't make themselves shown ...
Only ignorants...
Maybe a hand full of people MIGHT listen to them...
Humanity needs WAAAAAY MUCH BRAIN than it has today...
sad but true!!!

posted on Feb, 14 2011 @ 12:01 PM
We're questioning the belief of someones credibility because he talks of ET's - a fringe subject that has gotten so much negative publicity from tptb - they have already gotten what they wanted from him.

He could be telling the truth or be lying. The fact that you cannot believe a man for trying to speak the truth is really what is at question, is it not?

If you believe in ET's no video is going to debunk your beliefs; if you don't believe and don't wish to you wont start believing no matter who says it.

I remember a poster once saying something like "Aliens could land on the white house lawn and I still wouldn't believe they're real."

posted on Feb, 14 2011 @ 12:01 PM
We're questioning the belief of someones credibility because he talks of ET's - a fringe subject that has gotten so much negative publicity from tptb - they have already gotten what they wanted from him.

He could be telling the truth or be lying. The fact that you cannot believe a man for trying to speak the truth is really what is at question, is it not?

If you believe in ET's no video is going to debunk your beliefs; if you don't believe and don't wish to you wont start believing no matter who says it.

I remember a poster once saying something like "Aliens could land on the white house lawn and I still wouldn't believe they're real."

posted on Feb, 14 2011 @ 12:15 PM
I agree that Mitchell is a man of character and accomplishment. There's no doubt about that. But if we put anyone else up here to scrutinize and tout his credentials, we would be accused of using the argument from authority, which is invalid. But because it's Mitchell, we seem to skip that and give him a pass.

It really begs the question of where he got his information. All these people "in the know" are walking a very precarious path, but what strikes me about many of them is that they talk almost exclusively about hearsay evidence, not personal evidence. They'll tell you in a heartbeat what some guy told them who learned it from a guy who talked to a guy that several species of aliens are visiting the earth. But they don't know themselves. What they say is almost always inadmissable in court.

We had a thread a few weeks ago that was very similar by Truth1000. Turns out Truth is who he says he is, an M.D. who worked with NASA and was a Major in the service. His "credentials" are as valid as Mitchell's. He's another guy "in the know," supposedly, and wanted to tell us about Dulce. But he treated stuff the same way. He would not tell about things he was directly involved in, but would only discuss hearsay evidence or dance around the subject. Several people jumped him about this and he hasn't been back.

Now you can say this is all because of the security issue, that he's been threatened, his family has been threatened, he will go to jail, etc. but a lot of that is speculation on our part. We don't know that his family has been threatened; we just kind of assume that--not a particularly smart move on our part. So what we have left is very little, really, and we may be doing ourselves a disservice by trying to read too much between the lines.

posted on Feb, 14 2011 @ 12:22 PM
reply to post by schuyler
I tend to agree with you on this. Furthermore, Mitchell's earlier interviews imply a lot of reliance on the likes of Steven Greer for his sources. Without opening that whole can of worms, it leads me to be suspicious of Mitchell's certainty. He won't be the first to be tainted by Greer; we've all had our moments.

Last year, Mitchell was interviewed by Pete Twitchell and was more expressive about those he admires in the UFO field...some of the choices were startling.

None of which detracts from his status as living legend and genuine man of science. He has earned, and deserves our admiration, but until his certainty is validated, there's a chance he's in the dark like most.

ETA: The Twitchell interview is available right here.
edit on 14-2-2011 by Kandinsky because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 14 2011 @ 12:24 PM
reply to post by FOXMULDER147

Nothing about his qualifications make him an expert in UFO's, alien-life, or interstellar politics. Now don't get me wrong, he was an astronaut and did some respectable and cool space stuff....still doesn't make him an expert. Even his engineering degree only covers Earth technology.

He's never come forth with any proof of his claims, or named any names.
Yet, we are supposed to believe him whole-hog?

No thanks.

I do not worship any Human, no matter their qualifications. Mitchell will have to give more than, "I say so", to get my attention. His story is full of unverifiable "unnamed admirals", and "secret pentagon meetings"...nothing that can be confirmed.

Former US astronaut: US has proof of alien life

Roughly 10 years ago, Mitchell claimed, he was finally given an appointment at Pentagon to discuss what he had been told.

An unnamed admiral working for the Joint Chiefs of Staff promised to uncover the truth behind the Roswell story, Mitchell said. The stories of a UFO crash “were confirmed,” but the admiral was then denied access when he “tried to get into the inner workings of that process.”

The same admiral, Mitchell claimed, now denies the story.

When he says they are definitely real, but doesn't want to back that up with more then unnamed sources and secret meetings, then he deserves the same scrutiny that anyone else in the same situation should get. Being an astronaut does not make him immune from the process of evidence, or the need for it.

posted on Feb, 14 2011 @ 12:28 PM
when john lear says stuff without proof he is crazy. When Dr. Mitchell says stuff without proof, well we have to listen to him. both men lived lives where people can and would tell them things. I don't know why people got so personal when john lear was here

posted on Feb, 14 2011 @ 12:31 PM

Originally posted by JibbyJedi
Edgar Mitchell is just as much of a puppet as the rest of the freemason astronauts. Believe what you want to believe from this man, but he puts his pants on 1 leg at a time like the rest of you, and has weaknesses and is capable of lying just like all of you. He follows his orders, does what he's told, just as all of you would do if in his position. If I was sworn to secrecy or my family would be harmed, I'll tell you whatever I'm damn well told to tell you by the ones far more threatening than you guys.

7 of the 9 founding fathers didn't believe in the Divinity of Christ. that pretty much sums up the freemason conspiracy behind the founding of america.

posted on Feb, 14 2011 @ 12:32 PM

Originally posted by fockewulf190
Glad Gordon Cooper is being mentioned. He was also highly educated, had decades of aeronautical and aerospace experience, combat fighter pilot, the works. He even went all in and approached the UN about the UFO issue. How Seth Sleestak´s views somehow trumps that guy is beyond me. A witness to a crime in a court of law can convict another person to prison, but a witness to a UFO event doesn´t mean a can of beans...regardless of how professional that person may be.

You've swallowed the NASA PR idolatry. These guys (and gals) were human beings, not demi-gods. Their testimony requires the same level of verification efforts as anybody else's.

Assessing the reliability of Shestak's views versus Cooper's, one would have to know which of them was a front man for a series of aviation industry cons that cost cities, corporations, and investors millions of dollars lost in the bogus projects. You'd have to compare which of them claims to have saved the shuttle program from a fatal design flaw by relaying a telepathic message from space aliens -- a story nobody seems willing to believe, even as they declare the story teller worthy of belief. Regarding professional specialties, which of them thinks you can take pictures with a handheld camera out a spacecraft window and develop images in which auto license plates are readable -- and has claimed to have done so and seen the photographs.

Then you might have a better assessment of reliability of testimony.

Not to let the suspense get drawn out too far. Cooper's the guy with the bogus aviation deals [he naively fell for them too and lost all his own money, but relying on HIS credibility cost lots of people lots and LOTS of their own money too - source: Wall Street Journal], he's the guy who wrote in 'Leap of Faith' that the alien's message saved the shuttle program, and he's the guy with the absolute nonsense about his own 'auto license plate' photos HE claims to have taken -- and seen soon afterwards -- on Gemini-5.

Why do you suppose such documented evidence is covered up in the pro-UFO media?

edit on 14-2-2011 by JimOberg because: typos

posted on Feb, 14 2011 @ 12:34 PM
So far nobody seems willing to even admit it might be a good idea to read Mitchell's paper on his ESP experiment on Apollo-14. Can I presume that nobody has ever seen it, or knows anybody who has? Can anybody even FIND it?

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