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Dr Edgar Mitchell "There are Several Species Visiting our Planet" Feb 12 2011

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posted on Feb, 14 2011 @ 05:17 PM

Originally posted by fixedworld
reply to post by pshea38

How about they are trying to make us think that the moon landing was a hoax, cause of what they found. [/quote

i do accept this possibility. either way we are being lied to and played for mugs. some people deified themselves and play god with us.

posted on Feb, 14 2011 @ 05:20 PM

Originally posted by JimOberg

Originally posted by backinblack
Now, if you wish to discuss another subject then I suggest you start your own thread..

Or do you wish to carry on the deflection scenario?

Sorry if it seems a 'deflection', it probably really is an approach that is strange to you.
Oh puh-lease, this whole ruse you're trying to start here is an obvious red herring. A rotten, fallacious herring I would add.

You know you can't possibly call Mitchell a liar directly, so here you go off on a totally unrelated tangent. So what IS your point, Oberg? Are you implying Mitchell is mistaken when it comes to his claims re ETs? That he is deluded when he mentions ETs? That he is a liar when he mentions ETs? Which oh so obvious conclusions are we supposed to derive from your ramblings?
edit on 14-2-2011 by jclmavg because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 14 2011 @ 05:23 PM

Originally posted by discostu123
reply to post by pshea38

if you have a brain then how can you think the moon landings were hoaxed? Anybody who thinks that is a moron and just adds more wight to the 'all conspiracy theorists are nutters' argument.


i do have a brain mate. you look it up and get back to me explaining all the photographic anomalies and impossibilities and we will see what kind of a brain you have, and what class of a moron you are. anyone who does not hold conspiratorial views about quite a few issues now is a nutter in my book and is lacking in cognitive abilities and grey matter density.

posted on Feb, 14 2011 @ 05:34 PM
Ok so Edgar confirms Roswell happened eludes to Eisenhower knowing and trying to inform the public of the military Industrial complex, a cabal of elitist's controlling the flow of info on ufos and that aliens have been visiting us for eons, 97 phoenix lights were good guys. Why am I now thinking he has been given the green light to keep telling what he thinks he knows. Is the fake alien invasion actually getting ready to come online. Just my thoughts. Oh as the Lion said I do believe in aliens I do believe in aliens!! Actually I do but thats a whole other story.

posted on Feb, 14 2011 @ 05:39 PM

Originally posted by breadmaker99
reply to post by pshea38

I find it just as mind numbing as the EM interview, that people come onto ATS, with a closed mind about disclosure and the whole UFO thing. I mean, thats what ATS is for, people with open minds lean ng towards this subject, it really stuns me that these types come on here

i have not a closed mind about these issues and believe, in such a vast, known universe, that it is impossible that intellligent life doesn't exist elsewhere. i am meerly pointing out that people should tread with caution because after all, if your girlfriend lies to you once about cheating on you, who is to say that she will not lie to you again. it will be more fool you if you are deceived a second and subsequent times. nasa lied about the apollo moon landing missions, proven by the faked photography, and since this man worked for years with nasa, it would be prudent to have a sceptical attitude towards any disclosures, especially in light of talk regarding a future staged psy-op of an alien invasion. thats all. if you believe that the moon-landing photos aren't faked, well, to me, you haven't looked into it enough.

posted on Feb, 14 2011 @ 05:49 PM

Originally posted by karen61057
reply to post by pshea38

I know we're not supposed to make one line posts but really all I can say is


you know that Puh-lees is russian for no more poo-poo. so in that sense i agree with you. although i find it difficult to retort to such a cogent arguement, i am not advocating dismissing this man outright, just that it would be prudent to exercise caution in light of nasa's history. again if you do not accept that the moon landing photographs were faked, that is your prerogative, but to me, it means you just haven't examined the issue close enough. Dak Ewe.(swedish for have you any more sausages??)
edit on 14-2-2011 by pshea38 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 14 2011 @ 05:53 PM
Re: the transcripts:- it wasn't actually Dr. Mitchell who made the comment, it was Stuart Roosa, and it wasn't King crater but an unnamed one between King and Langemak Crater.
Apollo 14 Onboard Voice Transcription, Day 4, p121 , 03 12 23 37 CMP High Sun. That's one right down there; just shows how it dominates the whole photograph. Just an extremely bright crater. Sun angle just isn't right for you to see it here..Yes, they're mining it [?] I think

My italics. Then Alan Shepherd mentions another one.

03 14 30 46 CDR Okay. what's that one we talked about the other time that had that bench - the bench that looked like a quarry.
03 14 30 57 CDR It's got a reddish tint to it. got a lot of boulder in it too. That's a really sharp drop in the - in the walls of that baby - really sharp break.

These comments have not been elaborated on since. I don't think they are being flippant, they don't dismiss channels in the ground as canals, nor mountains as artificial ski slopes.
Something else;-

p170 03 19 39 50 CMP I just saw a flash - with my eyes wide open.

This is a reference to what are known as Lunar Transient Phenomena, flashes or sustained glows of light that are seen on the lunar surface. It's not the only one Apollo astronauts saw, and astronomers have been recording them for centuries, some even being visible without telescopes. There is no established explanation for them. The best are from Aristarchus Crater, which has been seen glowing a bright electric blue (?!) for hours on end.

Here's something from Apollo 10, Onboard voice Transcription, DSE equipment.The module is over the dark side when the crew started hearing 'music' on the VHF channels, and after various comments there is this exchange:-

04 06 13 02 LMP That music even sounds outer-spacey, doesn't it? You hear that? That whistling sound?
LMP Whoooo... say your ----
CMP Did you hear that whistling sound too?
LMP Yes. sounds like - you know, outer-space- type music.
CMP I wonder what it is.
LMP Hey Tom. Is your insulation all burned off here, on the front side of your window over here? Right--
CDR Yes.
LMP Mine's all burned off. Isn't that weird, eerie, John?
CMP Yes, I got it too...and see who was outside.

My italics again. I don't think this can be read as a reference to the burned off insulation, nothing "eerie" about that. They are over the dark side of the Moon, alone. Needless to say these remarks have not been commented on since either.

posted on Feb, 14 2011 @ 05:56 PM

post by sd2112
eludes to Eisenhower knowing and trying to inform the public of the military Industrial complex

Eisenhower most certainly did that .

I think Edgar Mitchell knows as well as everyone else that its the M.I.C that hold the secret of Extraterrestrial visitation .

edit on 14-2-2011 by gortex because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 14 2011 @ 05:59 PM
reply to post by FOXMULDER147

Its more of a testament to the gullible, programmable nature of the general public. The shared moronic opinion that only crazy people talk about ufos and aliens speaks volumes in itself. An intelligent independent mind can appreciate the very real reality of alien visitation. Most people don't think for themselves and never will. But what do you expect in a world where it is better to have than to give.

posted on Feb, 14 2011 @ 05:59 PM

Originally posted by Blaine91555

Originally posted by pshea38
But the moon landings are a proven hoax (to those of us with eyes to see and brains to process), so therefore, any disclosures from this man should be viewed with scepticism.

You actually have it backwards. Plenty of proof the Moon landing's happened and no proof they did not.

Of course if you are the first person in history to come up with proof, why are you not posting it here? It would make you famous. To date, only foolish nonsense has been presented by the we did not land on the Moon crowd.

are you crazy? anomalies and impossibilities have been found in every-one of the photographs claiming to be images of man on the moon. there are numerous websites that have proven the case, beyond a reasonable doubt. just google it and see where it takes you. we are living in an age of madia fakery but you won't buy that because the media says it ain't so. theres the foolish non-sense.

posted on Feb, 14 2011 @ 06:35 PM
I can't see why Dr Mitchell would jeopardize his future reputation in stating that we have been visited by aliens if he doesn't believe this to be true. I have yet to see any plausible explanation for this.

Are they mining on the moon, or are they setting up base camps for observation. I think it hard to believe that aliens are desperate for our natural resources.

If we are talking about more than one alien species, it is hard to imagine what kind of politics goes on, but I find it hard to believe the Star Trek version. It also seems to me to be highly plausible that there are intelligent life forms that are not planetary based organisms like us, but plasma based life forms who are evolved to live in space, or possibly in stars or on gas giants. Scientifically speaking, we are still infants.

posted on Feb, 14 2011 @ 06:50 PM
I dont think he is lying. why would someone of his stature would lie, and jepradize his future career. Its been awhile now, but i read somewhere a few months ago that disclosure would be given through unofficial sources.

posted on Feb, 14 2011 @ 06:52 PM

Originally posted by pshea38

Originally posted by discostu123
reply to post by pshea38

if you have a brain then how can you think the moon landings were hoaxed? Anybody who thinks that is a moron and just adds more wight to the 'all conspiracy theorists are nutters' argument.


i do have a brain mate. you look it up and get back to me explaining all the photographic anomalies and impossibilities and we will see what kind of a brain you have, and what class of a moron you are. anyone who does not hold conspiratorial views about quite a few issues now is a nutter in my book and is lacking in cognitive abilities and grey matter density.

And anyone who thinks the lunar landings did not take place are just seeing what they want to see. Did you see the photograph earlier of the earth rising over the moon. The footage that was filmed from the moon surface of earth as she came over the horizon???

posted on Feb, 14 2011 @ 07:19 PM
reply to post by NavalFC

While I'm a skeptic, the fact that you're an astronaut means that you've gone through a relatively rigorous set of tests and controls to be weeded out if you're a nut.

It doesn't mean that you can't be crazy, but that the likelihood is much smaller.

posted on Feb, 14 2011 @ 07:23 PM

Originally posted by triplescorpio
reply to post by hawaii50th

im not hungry and dont eat often

What, don't eat fish?

posted on Feb, 14 2011 @ 07:26 PM
reply to post by FOXMULDER147

there is no hope my friend. for them.
We are doomed. It is the truth according to science, exponential mathematics and the yearly growth ratio, we do not have the means NOW to correct tomorrows crisis, we should have done something when we had the chance, 20 or so years before, right now, its just wishful thinking, but contrary to popular belief it isn't late for us, the ones that dare listen to the ones that really know, and the ones that dare to change themselves, the system is doomed, they the vulgar kings want STHTF, so the rest can go to sleep, but it wont be the way they have planned, nor will it be the way we imagine it is, and will be something, that has no parallel on a human scale, whose boundaries are limitless whose reach is unknown!

If we dare listen and connect the dots, invisible pathways will become visible, and ways out of the dark will be found, those whose ideal of humanity is having 7000 channels of TV will continue to adhere to the darkness around us! cheers!

posted on Feb, 14 2011 @ 07:47 PM

Originally posted by NavalFC

Originally posted by FOXMULDER147
I find it unbelievable that a man of this stature, a true hero who has walked on the moon, can say these things, in full command of his faculties, and the world doesn't listen.

If an Apollo astronaut can say these things and have negligible effect, what hope is there for the rest of us...

So since an astronaut said it we should pay attention? Ones profession doesnt make one a good witness or even a good person. Saying we should listen because hes an astronuat is fallacious.

Another astronaut was convicted of wearing diapers during a car ride on a road trip to go murder the lover of her ex boyfriend, but she was an astronaut, so are we to take advice from her?

Of course we give weight to the validity of testimony in relation to credentials. Professional context has bearing. An astronaut's testimony in this subject matter carries more then a used car salesman's simply by professional and experiential history.

Also, saying "context isn't important; being an astronaut doesn't mean anything " and then saying "context is important; an astronaut was crazy, therefore all astronaut's could be crazy." is fallacious.

posted on Feb, 14 2011 @ 07:49 PM


posted on Feb, 14 2011 @ 08:34 PM
reply to post by karen61057

Technically....have to correct this, here:

The footage that was filmed from the moon surface of earth as she came over the horizon???

The image you're talking about was a still photograph, taken while in orbit (Apollo 8, most likely....that is one of the most famous, since it was the first time Humans had gone that far).

Also, unlike what you're accustomed to on Earth (the Moon appearing to move across the sky) it isn't that way, when on the Moon, looking back at Earth. Think about it....since the Moon's period of rotation is almost exactly equal to its period of orbit (this is called "tidal" or gravitational locking), just as we only see the same hemisphere all the time.....when yo are ON the Moon, the Earth naturally stays in just about the same spot, all the time. There is only a slight variance, since the orbit and rotation rates aren't exactly synchronized....but it's very small.

Of course, from the Moon, you would see the Earth in "phases", as your place in orbit changed, and the angle relative to the Sun did as well. Once every 30 days? A total solar eclipse. (That would equate to the "New Moon" phase, as we call it when viewing the Moon from here).

Remember, the place in the "sky" (height and direction above the horizon) where the Earth would "hover", when on the Moon, would change mostly according to your location on the Moon/s surface, in latitude and longitude coordinates

posted on Feb, 14 2011 @ 09:05 PM
If Egder Mitchell says it it must be true.

I was writing a comment about an article of NASA bombing the moon, i remember writing how stupid it was and other posters were mentioing UFO's aswell, when this NASA employee wrote how daft we all were for writing such non-sence, I thought i should remind him that Edger Mitchell believes in ET and UFO's visiting earth, not before we all were belittled however.

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