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Was Aleister Crowley a Freemason? (!?)

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posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 10:22 PM

Originally posted by Frater210
Gotta run. But I'll be back. Thought we could start with this one, Lucifer..
I know that you are referring to universal freedom. I have gathered as much from paying attention to your posts. You have a good heart. Remember what The Book of The Law has to say about those who refuse to keep up? "The Slaves Shall Serve". I feel for folks but it is not my responsibility to make sure they are on time for the train.

Crowley did not really have any viable, worked out political philosophy. Nevertheless, to restate, political Anarchists are all Thelemites by default, since their moral philosophy is one of universal human freedom; similarly with many Socialists, humanists, atheists, feminists, gay rights actvists, and so forth; in fact Thelema is probably the prevailing moral philosophy of the modern Europeans.

However, against us we have the threat of the Christian Neofascists and militant Muslims, both of whom are radically opposed to universal human freedom; and further both of whom embrace entirely militant and apocalyptic ideologies with genocidal war gods, and thus both groups of religious fanatics are likely to require a militant response in the future.

One could hypothetically argue that the Spanish Anarchists and the Trotskyists were wrong to miitantly wage war against the Christian Fascists in Spain, but this would be rather silly, since the Spanish Catholics were entirely militant.

Slaves and Masters.

Further, in the context of Christianity, since most of the religious propagandists here are Christian I believe that it is useful to identify essentially two types of Biblical fanatics; there are the slaves and the masters.

The Slaves

The slaves I believe are in their hundreds of millions in the present world, and scattered throughout the centuries of past Christian history, and these were and are the victims of religious hypnosis and indoctrination; many of them are barely literate and barely educated, and been subjected to a lifetime of religious propaganda; psychologically we could compare them to a child who was raised in a Nazi orphanage and in the HItler youth movement and who genuinely believed that Hitler was the benevolent Saviour of humankind

The Masters

The Christian "Masters" on the other hand are the hypnotists, indoctrinators and propagandists, and many of the practicioners of this vile Craft exist on Internet forums such as this one, and they fill the sky with their diabolical ramblings and delusions. Not all of these persons are professional hypnotists of the multi-billion dollar Jesus business; some merely utilise the techniques of Christian hypnosis entirely for the purpose of attempting to practice psychological domination; to claim some kind of "spiritual" superority or mastery over others; many of these devils are literate, educated persons, and the definition of a human hating, tyrannical, genocidal Biblical war god is as clear to them as it is to any literate person, but they have simply chosen to give their souls over to such a phantom and to serve him.

If have discussed such matters at length in my essay "The Dangers of Religious Hypnosis and Indoctrination: The genocidal faiths of Christianity & Islam," on the "Conpiracies in Religion" subforum and and need not elaborate on this matter here, as I would only be repeating myself.

Triumph of the Will

The latter type of Christian (the hypnotists, as opposed to the hypnotised) is usually, in my opinion, totally beyond salvation and is eternally damned, and has placed a curse on themselves that none but they can lift; however I consider myelf to have a moral responsibility to expose and deny their ignorance and malevolence for the sake of the enslaved and for the sake of those who have the potential to be awakened from the effects of religious hypnosis and indictrination, or for the sake of who might succumb to the evil and ignorance of the Christian propagandists.

As Guevara argued, revolution does not happen like an apple falling from a tree; one has to make the apple fall; the conditions for revolution do just appear miraculously; one has to create such conditions. If a New Heaven and New Earth are to be created, it can ony be as a triumph of human will; there will be no miracles.

And there is not one iota of anything in the 'universe' that gives one rat's ass whether you make the train or not. And I mean you. Or me, or anyone. There is no help here

Well with regards to "anything" in the universe, clearly "things (i.e., inanimate objects)" are not quite the same as intelligent consciousnesses; the tree probably does not care very much if there there is an earthquake, but there may well be human beings with the power to cause the earthquake which affects the lives of any human beings.

With regards to an omnipotent, interventionary being who can read the thoughts of 7 billion people every second, this would seem to be a preposterous idea and more like the idea of a supercomputer. However there clearly are many human beings who care very much about the liberation and awakening (education) of other human beings and for human progress. With regards to both malevolent and benevolent itelligences in other realms of our universe, this can neither be proven or disproven emprically, but needless to say, the existence of such intelligences was certainly a position taken by Crowley and also by myself, for various reasons, which are not ultimately reasons, but rather interpretations of subjective experiences.

And yes I am using my own personal definition. Just like you or anyone else. I don't want to be a "Center of Pestilence'. Do you?

Revolution in all the World.

Unfortunately the tyrannical nature of some human beings, and the tyrannical nature of the world's great religions and their myriads of laws, necessitates the abandonment of pacifism. Universal human freedom, which in the past was often only an "ideal" has begun to become partially manifested in reality, but it has been no miraculous happening; it as been the result of a dialectical struggle between the will of the Conservatives (to conserve the values of the past) and the armies of radicals, progressives, reformers and revolutionaries. This struggle will continue and must continue against the very "Centres of Pestilence" themselves, who unortunately are all too often, as totally miltant and genocidal as their vile war gods.

Revolutionary Propaganda is the first stage of Revolutionary War. Words are weapons; prophecies awaiting fulfillment.


edit on 1-3-2011 by Lucifer777 because: Less diabolical

edit on 1-3-2011 by Lucifer777 because: mis-spelling-itis

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 12:53 AM
Aside from the fact the you are hilarious and utterly charming ( the 'less diabolical' edit) I think you and I are having two different conversations...

"The study of this Book is forbidden. It is wise to destroy this copy after the first reading.

Whosoever disregards this does so at his own risk and peril. These are most dire.

Those who discuss the contents of this Book are to be shunned by all, as centres of pestilence.

All questions of the Law are to be decided only by appeal to my writings, each for himself.

There is no law beyond Do what thou wilt."

But I really do appreciate your enthusiasm. Gotta tell you though. Lay off the armed revolution stuff. It is a little embarrassing. Do you see the conundrum in the quote there that is created for well meaning altruists like you and I? Are you familiar with an appendix to the O.T.O. degree material called 'Emblems and Devices?

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 01:03 AM
And I just have to ask...Could this picture really seem hypnotic to anyone?

It just makes me want to barf. Or maybe pound myself in the gibblets repeatedly with a 16oz kosh.

And I had to post it again just because it makes me giggle. We should start a thread just based on this image alone.

No, I got it. This image would be great for a 'reptilian' thread.
edit on 2-3-2011 by Frater210 because: better idea

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 01:28 AM

Crowley did not really have any viable, worked out political philosophy.
reply to post by Lucifer777

I know you have seen this before. What is not viable about this. Crowley's deep involvement in Freemasonry alone would denote him as a political creature at least. Let alone what is shown above.

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 01:35 AM

Originally posted by Frater210
Aside from the fact the you are hilarious and utterly charming ( the 'less diabolical' edit) I think you and I are having two different conversations...

"The study of this Book is forbidden. It is wise to destroy this copy after the first reading.

Whosoever disregards this does so at his own risk and peril. These are most dire.

Those who discuss the contents of this Book are to be shunned by all, as centres of pestilence.

All questions of the Law are to be decided only by appeal to my writings, each for himself.

There is no law beyond Do what thou wilt."

That is partly why I often end my essays with the mantra "Blasphemy, Heresy, War, Revolution, etc."

I have already spent my life premeditatedly offending the gods and masters of heaven and earth.

There is no blasphemy or heresy too extravagant, inordinate and excessive for me; but I always welcome a challenge.

But I really do appreciate your enthusiasm. Gotta tell you though. Lay off the armed revolution stuff. It is a little embarrassing.

It is only embarrassing to the anti-communists, for whom it is a mark of shame, but I must point out that I am evangelically a Communist and that I bear my longterm emblems of Neomarxism and Anarchism with pride, and that I will not repent; I will not concede; I will not retreat.

Do you see the conundrum in the quote there that is created for well meaning altruists like you and I? Are you familiar with an appendix to the O.T.O. degree material called 'Emblems and Devices?

Unfortunately on the Internet we are restricted to the use of linguistic "Emblems and Devices" which are merely nouns and adjectives (describing words and labels) without which we cannot even speak.

We could also refer to images and videos I suppose, as is commonly the case in cyberspace; however if you wish to converse with me without nouns and adjectives, images and videos, I welcome the conversation, but unfortunately you will be not able to describe anything and I will be unable to understand you fully; though I must admit to having many past relationships which were totally non verbal and yet loving.

The wide path to hell is full of "well meaning altruists," who live in their own personal hell and desire others to join them.

I am not an archetypal Bodhisattva who has abandoned his own personal heaven to save humankind; I have my cake and I eat it; I do not seek heaven; I already live in heaven; I merely wish to share heaven with others, and to lead them there, without abandoning heaven myself.

You would find me to be less hostile if you PM (personal message) me as well as engaging me in public. I am no secret; I am a public and social creature, and Venus and I both exist in Skype voice / video.

We are not at all mysterious and are entirely human. Verbal conversations tend to cut through sophistry, and the throwing down of verbal gauntlets and challenges in silly duels in cyberpsace.

I always take up such challenges, and I have always, thus far, been found to be innocent, even by my enemies, but many are they whom I find to be guilty of cyberspace malevolence, but thus far I will assume your innocence


edit on 2-3-2011 by Lucifer777 because: mis-spelling-itus


Originally posted by Frater210

What is not viable about this.

It seems quite viable (practical, workable) to me; perhaps you might raise your objections.

Crowley's deep involvement in Freemasonry alone would denote him as a political creature at least. Let alone what is shown above.

Well of course politics and law are entwined; Thelemic Law is already entwined wth British Law; I am totally free in that respect; since I do not seek to harm others unless they harm me, or to restrict the freedom of others unless they seek to restrict my freedoms and the freedom of others, but the restrictions on human freedom are enshrined in Biblical and Sharia Law, where every woman is a slave and every man is either slave or master.


No gods. No Masters

edit on 2-3-2011 by Lucifer777 because: Addendum

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 02:16 AM

posted on Apr, 17 2017 @ 07:21 PM
In actual fact there are supposed to be many Freemasonry lodges and many sects and who is to say which one is real or not. I am not a freemason but the fact that officially Aleister Crowley is not considered a freemason does not surprise me after all if you looked at any modern well respecting occultist you would find freemasonry not liking their existence. It is difficult to say you have all of the wisdom when all of your dogma is based on the book Abremlin the Mage: freely available. Occultists now are more knowledgeable than in the past, and so there is no real comparison in terms of knowledge or even power. Freemasonry seems to have become the mafia of the mediocre with so many freemasons: from the outside: seem stuck in a system which does not allows them to advance. In fact it should be remembered that although Aleister Crowley was a liar, a thief, pervert, and libertine, and has many, many fatally bad traits, he was still in terms of achievement and intellect above the level of the average freemason. But because of this he is probably thought now to be a rival to their people. It is strange how it seems the average freemason never seems to be an achiever, and tries to suggest that mere membership makes one an achiever. It seems that many are wasting their time following the wrong star.

posted on Apr, 17 2017 @ 07:29 PM
a reply to: icanseeyouhoo

It seems that many are wasting their time following the wrong star.

do you mean star as in popular figure ?

posted on Jul, 20 2017 @ 12:00 AM
The short answer is no, but that he was familiar with what was, at the time, the rituals.

The long answer is that he was initiated in a lodge not recognized as regular by the UGLE, according to documentation I looked at in December 2004, was going to eventually be recognized, but was rejected due to some of the members not professing a belief in a Supreme Being, in their personal writings. I believe it was a French lodge. However the ritual, at the time, was sound according to all accounts, and had been carefully checked through by a regular mason, named John Yarker. Yarker however, was expelled.

There is a letter that was written by Aleister Crowley, in which he stated that while he had undergone the craft degrees, York rite ritual work, and Scottish, that he had never seen a single ceremony of the spurious degrees that were conferred upon him, such as the Memphis-Misraim.

a reply to: Frater210

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