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Was Aleister Crowley a Freemason? (!?)

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posted on Feb, 15 2011 @ 05:33 PM

Originally posted by NewAgeMan
Isn't the goats head with horns worn by the Worshipful Master..?

"All the Alchemists from the Middle Ages kept silent about the elaboration of the Mercury. Such a secret is in the male goat of Mendez.

"In the Middle Ages, when the initiates or neophytes were taken at midnight to the caves of initiation, to the secret sanctuaries, they were blindfolded. When the blindfold was taken from the neophyte, he found himself before the male goat of Mendez, the terrifying devil. However, the Pentagram, the flaming star, was shining upon the male goat’s forehead. The Pentagram was not upside down as it is used by the black tantrics, but with the superior ray pointing upward and the two inferior angles pointing downward.

"Then the neophyte was commanded to kiss the devil’s behind. If he refused to do it, his eyes were blindfolded again and was taken out through an hidden door, through which he could never return. This is how the brethren defended themselves from the dangers of the “Holy Inquisition.”

"However, if the neophyte obeyed and went, a door was opened behind the cubic stone upon which the Devil was seated, and an Isis (a priestess) of the temple - who exited from inside of it - welcomed the neophyte with a holy kiss. Thus, if the neophyte was intelligent enough to realize the deep significance of such a ceremony, as a fact he was delivering himself to the labor in the Great Work." - V.M. Samael Aun Weor

("Black tantrics" meaning those who perform Tantric practices like the ones taught by Aleister Crowley)

edit on 15-2-2011 by Tamahu because: added commentary

posted on Feb, 15 2011 @ 05:46 PM
reply to post by Tamahu

Pentagram right side up or not that is some weird behaviour. I heard when Philip was busy crushing the Templars this kind of stuff came to light along with admissions they spat on the crucifix. I can see how folk might get awfully confused... I mean, say I went along to some Lodge induction, believing they were all god fearing/respectable folk only to be confronted by what could only be described [from a modern perspective] as some incarnation of Satan himself, and were then asked to kiss his rear? Not something I find that wholesome tbh. Perhaps some folk's idea of the Supreme Architect doesn't quite marry-up with that of others', and that's why it isn't discussed...

And I'm with Groucho on this one: I'd prefer my own club. The most ancient of all wisdom says it 'comes from within'.
edit on 15-2-2011 by chocise because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 15 2011 @ 06:18 PM

When the blindfold was taken from the neophyte, he found himself before the male goat of Mendez, the terrifying devil.

Hi, Folks. Can't stay long but I just wanted to be clear...

This is the Goat of Mendez:

And this is the Goat of Men-des

edit on 15-2-2011 by Frater210 because: : )

posted on Feb, 15 2011 @ 06:40 PM
reply to post by chocise

First of all, lodges of contemporary Freemasonry are mistaken by excluding women from their lodges. Meaning that they should have listened to the great Alchemist Cagliostro and included the Priestess. See also: H.P. Blavatsky's Masonic Patent

The history of the Templar Knights is very mysterious, and there is a whole lot of conjecture out there in regard to them. Here is a Gnostic Community thread, if you're interested, which has compiled a lot of very interesting quotes from Masonic and Gnostic sources about the Templars:

Break It Down: The Knights Templars

Originally posted by chocise
And I'm with Groucho on this one: I'd prefer my own club. The most ancient of all wisdom says it 'comes from within'.

I'm reminded of something from a online conversation from years ago:

"You should consider listening to your beeing only."

"True, nonetheless, before you become capable of listening to your Being only, you have to follow the Ten Commandments, because you might be listening to the evil-will of your ego only."

Meaning that it's nice to say that we are "going within" instead of existing as mere followers of others; but if we have not Meditated a lot in our past lives and in this life, how are we going to come to know our Inner Being without guidance from others?

Not to say that you are or aren't currently capable of hearing the Voice of the Silence of your Inner Being. I'm just saying, in general.

"In synthesis, we will say that psychogenesis is based on the phrase inscribed on the Temple of Delphi:

"I warn thee, whosoever thou art, Oh, thou who wish to probe the arcana of nature, if thou do not find within thyself that which thou seek, neither shalt thou be able to find it outside. If thou ignore the excellencies of thy own house, how doth thou intend to find other excellencies? Within thee is hidden the treasure of treasures. Oh, man, know thyself, thus thou shalt know the universe and the Gods!"

- Samael Aun Weor

reply to post by Frater210

Yes, it is better to spell the "Goat of Mendez" as the "Goat of Mendes" rather, in order to avoid confusion!

edit on 15-2-2011 by Tamahu because: punctuation

posted on Feb, 15 2011 @ 07:35 PM
reply to post by Tamahu


Re: the Templars. I hadn't read too much into that account as anything can be extracted under extreme torture. Philip needed an excuse ... he owed them a fair sum apparently so what better way to discredit them [in the eyes of the church].

Meaning that it's nice to say that we are "going within" instead of existing as mere followers of others; but if we have not Meditated a lot in our past lives and in this life, how are we going to come to know our Inner Being without guidance from others?
Well, the Bhudda didn't, and he had an extremely sheltered early life. I believe the truly religious experience is an extremely personal one which often transcends language so in effect, it could never be passed on by others.

posted on Feb, 15 2011 @ 08:57 PM
reply to post by chocise

Originally posted by chocise
Tamahu – love the Up from Eden allegory [and future return... reminds me of the Ouroboros].

Very interestingly, the Ouroboros and the quote from Black Elk in your signature are both intimately and directly related to the symbolism of Baphomet (Samech (ס) or Arcanum 15 of the Tarot):

Ouroboros, the 15th Hebrew Letter Samech (ס), and Baphomet of Arcanum 15:

"Within the Omeyócan there are only wind and darkness. The Omeyócan is also call Yoalli-Ehecatl, because of the wind and darkness. Infinite quietude whirls about in the Omeyócan before the manifestation of the Solar Logos (which in this case is the Samech).

"The Omeyócan is the cosmic navel of the Universe where the infinitely large bursts into the infinitely small, in reciprocal whirls. The Omeyócan is the Tloque-Nahuaque, it is a nocturnal tempest of all possibilities. The Omeyócan is the navel where the Diverse becomes Universe. The Omeyócan is the Lord of the night, the black Tezcatlipoca who by denying his self bursts into Light and is born within the Universe that Quetzalcoatl, the Solar Logos fecundates." - Nahua philosophy

About the Buddha Shakyamuni, let us distinguish between the exoteric story of the life of the Buddha Shakyamuni, and the Esoteric Life of Buddha Shakyamuni.

A relevant quote of the words of the current Dalai Lama, from the above linked lecture on the Gnostic Buddha:

"The historical Buddha Shakyamuni did not come to start a religion or to gather worshippers: He came to demonstrate to all beings how they themselves must work to escape suffering. This is the essence of Gnosis: Knowledge that is acquired by one's own efforts."

“I cannot pull someone from the hell realm and carry them to nirvana. Leaving samsara, attaining nirvana or buddhahood, depends on your own efforts. You cannot rely on anyone - not the guru, or the Buddha and bodhisattvas.” – The 14th Dalai Lama

edit on 15-2-2011 by Tamahu because: punctuation

posted on Feb, 15 2011 @ 09:15 PM

Originally posted by Tamahu

reply to post by chocise

Originally posted by chocise
Tamahu – love the Up from Eden allegory [and future return... reminds me of the Ouroboros].

Interestingly, the Ouroboros and the quote of Black Elk in your signature, are intimately and directly related to the symbolism of Baphomet (Samech or Arcanum 15 of the Tarot):

Possibly, although I very much doubt Black Elk knew anything of Baphomet, but it's a recurring theme in all cultures despite their geographical isolation, as Joseph Campbell noted. Black Elk talked about 'the centre', which could be anywhere, but also focused on the inner 'self', and I think in this, his own Native American wisdom was on the same level as any mystic – ancient or otherwise. They were profoundly aware & in touch with their surroundings & environment... a balance we've lost and need to return to, which I believe you hinted at earlier – and is why I mentioned the the Ouroboros.

Yup, sure [re the Bhudda]... no misunderstanding there. From what I gather he sought enlightenment from the seerers of the day, but they couldn't give what he wanted. He found true enlightenment himself, I think that's what I meant to say [didn't I already?]. That aside, I've had a few NDE's which were pretty instructive in themselves and would maintain the truly religious experience is indeed an extremely personal one. I for one couldn't express or impart it to others as it simply defies language [well, mine anyway

Back to Crowley, is it your view, then... that what he was doing was actually just another side of the same coin? In this I'm particularly referring to the arcane nature of the occult, not a dialectic between the modern notions of good verses evil, God versus the Devil...
edit on 15-2-2011 by chocise because: (no reason given)

by the way, Baphomet is cited as being a misspelling of the French, 'Mohamet', which is interesting.
edit on 15-2-2011 by chocise because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 15 2011 @ 09:36 PM
Right, I also doubt that Black Elk was familiar with the actual word "B-a-p-h-o-m-e-t". And I haven't learned much about Black Elk, however by reading his words in your signature it seems that he was likely to have been an Initiate or Adept.

And I was just pointing out the uncanny resemblances between the Ouroboros, the Hebrew Letter Samech (ס) which is the letter associated with the Arcanum of Baphomet (directly related to the Ain Soph Aur), and also the Khemetian symbol of RA (the Ain Soph Aur), whose "Circumference is nowhere and its center is everywhere":

edit on 15-2-2011 by Tamahu because: wording

posted on Feb, 15 2011 @ 09:37 PM
whatever we alot our time for we are supporting, if you wish to not support something then time aloted to it should only reflect negating it,

there is a way to be simple about wether someone or something is good or bad,

do nothing to another you wouldnt wish done to yourself, take into account the wishes of another to best ensure you arent infringing on what you would have done to yourself,

that said i think its very clear and obvious mr crowley was not a man who followed the idea of treating each other equal and fair,

just something i wanted to say to those who may try to support crowley's kinda character.

posted on Feb, 15 2011 @ 09:54 PM
Well we'll just say that I do agree with the Gnostic Movement's view of Aleister Crowley's teachings.

The Great Battle

"In Mexico, the Temple of Chapultepec is found in Jinn state (it is located in hyperspace). The Master Huiracocha received the Initiation in this temple.

"Next to every temple of light, there is a temple of darkness. Where the light shines brighter, there the darkness by contrast turns denser.

"The Knights of the White Grail should inevitably fight against the Knights of the Black Grail.

"The witchcraft salon located in Salamanca, Spain, is the fatal antithesis of the Temple of Monserrat." - The Perfect Matrimony by Samael Aun Weor

However it is also taught by Samael Aun Weor that some Planet's Klipoth spheres (hell realms) are currently emptied, meaning that all the inhabitants of said Planets are Angels, Buddhas, and innocent Human Elementals who have no ego (perhaps this implies that there must exist hellish Planets very near to the said paradisiacal Planets?).

Anyway, I've never had a near death experience (in this life anyway); however, the teachings of Buddhist Tantra state that when we die physically, we experience the Samadhi of the Bardo of the Clear Light (Ain Soph Aur). Then from there, depending on our karma and/or our Meditation skill, we can either attain Liberation from Samsara, or descend back into the samsaric realms based on our karma.

As for my quoting of Buddhist teachings in an Occult (Tantric) context, it was not intended to necessarily agree or disagree with you; but only to elaborate on Buddhism here in the context of Occultism (Gnosis).


edit on 15-2-2011 by Tamahu because: edited text

posted on Feb, 15 2011 @ 10:05 PM
reply to post by pryingopen3rdeye

I agree, reading through Crowleys history the honeymoon with his first wife Rose Kelly in Egypt probably set the stage for his future occult involvements. Rose convinced Aleister that Horus, the Egyptian god of light, was trying to communicate with him. Could have been fun but there was way too much drug use, infidelity and head games in his relationships to hold my interest.

Of course there is the school of thought that claims that if the devil is the enemy studying and understand the devil frees your soul from the devils control. Maybe thats what L Ron Hubbard was up to when he got involved with the occult?

edit on 15-2-2011 by Bordon81 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 15 2011 @ 10:20 PM

Originally posted by Tamahu

Yup, Campbell also covers these well. You see similar references in all cultures... many of whom have absolutely no knowledge of the arcane.

Originally posted by Tamahu

Well we'll just say that I do agree with the Gnostic Movement's view of Aleister Crowley's teachings.

The Great Battle

"In Mexico, the Temple of Chapultepec is found in Jinn state (it is located in hyperspace). The Master Huiracocha received the Initiation in this temple.

"Next to every temple of light, there is a temple of darkness. Where the light shines brighter, there the darkness by contrast turns denser.

"The Knights of the White Grail should inevitably fight against the Knights of the Black Grail.

"The witchcraft salon located in Salamanca, Spain, is the fatal antithesis of the Temple of Monserrat." - The Perfect Matrimony by Samael Aun Weor

I've never had a near death experience (in this life anyway); however, the teachings of Buddhist Tantra state that when we die physically, we experience the Samadhi of the Bardo of the Clear Light (Ain Soph Aur). Then from there, depending on our karma and/or our Meditation skill, we can either attain Liberation from Samsara, or descend back into the samsaric realms based on our karma.

As for my quoting of Buddhist teachings in an Occult (Tantric) context, it was not intended to agree or disagree with you; but only to elaborate on Buddhism here in the context of Occultism (Gnosis).

What I'm getting here is you believe it's actually one & the same, and that the difference lies between your own & Crowley's interpretation, like that illustration of the horned goat pointing to either the rising white crescent moon or descending black one. I'd be uneasy with that... and if, then, you imply that is at the heart of the rituals involved in Freemasonry, I'd be uncomfortable there, too... as there's clearly room for interpretation.

All the best.

posted on Feb, 15 2011 @ 10:22 PM

Originally posted by Bordon81
Of course there is the school of thought that claims that if the devil is the enemy studying and understand the devil frees your soul from the devils control. Maybe thats what L Ron Hubbard was up to when he got involved with the occult?

That's an interesting question that you ask, because:

"One recognizes good and evil by awakening the consciousness.

"This is what is known as the science of Da'ath (Knowledge, Gnosis), the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. By practicing scientific chastity (transmutation), annihilation of the ego, and sacrifice for humanity, one acquires knowledge of both good and evil, both within and outside oneself. Good, we can say, is in relation with the liberated consciousness, and evil with desire or ego. By walking the White Path, one acquires knowledge of both, since we transform our defects into comprehension and light.

"Black Magicians, however, only have knowledge of evil, because they feed and awaken within desire. As Anhefta said, Black Magic is to awaken powers in hatred, lust, pride, envy, gluttony, etc. They use their consciousness in order to willingly feed their defects. The first ritual of AMORC is the first step of this process, by which the student fuses him or herself with the Guardian of the Threshold. The effects of this ritual and ceremony are verifiable in the internal worlds, which is why we do not recommend the practices of AMORC. We base our statements on internal investigation of the practices of Black Magic."


"By the way the founder of Scientology was L. Ron Hubbard, disciple of “Aleister Crowley.”

"Hubbard was an active member of Crowley's Ordo Templi Orientis where he met his second wife.

"The Church of Scientology is just a branch of that order."

edit on 15-2-2011 by Tamahu because: edited link

posted on Feb, 15 2011 @ 10:36 PM
reply to post by chocise

Well we could philosophize much about this; although, suffice it to say, it would not in any case be resolved by the typical exoteric "Judeo-Christian" idea of "good" and "evil" (the actual Kabbalistic understanding of good and evil is related to the Hebrew terminologies Tob (Purity) and Ra (Pollution); and also note that the Hebrew terminology "Ra" (Pollution) is not to be confused with the Khemetian Solar Absolute known as RA or RE (the Phoenician and Hebrew Ain Soph Aur).

Anyhow, I think that the Gnostic Instructor quoted in the first quote in my previous post, explains flawlessly the differences between the White Path and the Black Path.

It is also very well worth noting the teachings on the difference between desire (the Hebrew "Ra", or Khemetian Set) and the egoless non-attached Bliss of the Khemetian RA (or the Phoenician and Hebrew Ain Soph Aur).

Isn't it interesting that the Hebrew terminology "Ra" means "Pollution" (desire, ego); and that in Khemetic, the Seity known as RA is Pure Bliss (Tob, Purity, egolessness).

edit on 16-2-2011 by Tamahu because: edited text

posted on Feb, 15 2011 @ 11:41 PM
reply to post by Frater210

very easy answer, no he was not, I am a Freemason, and I'll admit, I freaked out when I first joined, because I didn't know any of this, and I heard Crowley was one? lol I did freak out, but then you do research, and you learn, and find out he was part of Memphis Freemasonry, which is 100% not recognized, if Crowley had any communications with Regular Freemasonry, it probably was in the initial petition phase

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 03:38 AM
Here is another one of those bothersome photos of Aleister Crowley dressed in Masonic Regalia...

Chocise mentioned that Aleister had a lot of costumes. He sure did. Extra stars for anyone who can guess what he is dressed up for here...

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 06:13 AM
reply to post by Frater210

Hi Frater,

I suspected this was connected with the Golden Order, and a brief search pulled up he's dressed as a Hierophant [in the order of The Golden Dawn].

Hierophant: a wise teacher / holy man.

A hierophant is a person who brings religious congregants into the presence of that which is deemed holy. The word comes from Ancient Greece, where it was constructed from the combination of ta hiera, "the holy," and phainein, "to show." In Attica it was the title of the chief priest at the Eleusinian Mysteries. A hierophant is an interpreter of sacred mysteries and arcane principles.

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 06:22 AM
...just thinking, obviously this is all to do with notions of 'black' & 'white' magic... Crowley chose the 'dark side', and came off much the worse for it.

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 06:22 AM
delete /double post – sticking keys on my laptop
edit on 16-2-2011 by chocise because: (no reason given)

thought I may as well use this to address this:

Right, I also doubt that Black Elk was familiar with the actual word "B-a-p-h-o-m-e-t". And I haven't learned much about Black Elk, however by reading his words in your signature it seems that he was likely to have been an Initiate or Adept.

No he was neither an initiate or adept [although I confess I don't really know what you mean here]. His [their] own life philosophy was more akin to those of ancient Greece, and that of Plato & Aristotle, in that they saw it all as part of the same grand scheme: everything as One. The Sioux called it 'Wakantanka', but collectively it translates as 'The Great Spirit'. I'm not sure a duality ever existed [between good & evil], rather the individual and the world were seen in its totality, as one & the same: that all things were/are a manifestation of 'The Great Spirit'. Any likeness to other world philosophies can't be attributed to a cross fertilization of ideas as this group, like other native peoples, were separated geologically, and couldn't have known about the others. Campbell argues the similarities are a product of the human collective conscience, and that these ideas are central to the human psyche.
edit on 16-2-2011 by chocise because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 07:46 AM

Originally posted by NewAgeMan
reply to post by network dude

Isn't the goats head with horns worn by the Worshipful Master..?

LOL now that would be something to witness.

No, the master of the lodge wears a hat of his choice. Usually a top hat or something similar.

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