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Ancient Aliens Testable Predictions

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posted on Mar, 10 2016 @ 11:51 PM
I performed a google search on "rustbelt" cities:

In many ways these cities exemplify the general direction of the economy in last 30 years, the decline of manufacturing and the rise of consumer spending and the financial sector. From wikipedia:

Some economists contend that the U.S. is borrowing to fund consumption of imports while accumulating unsustainable amounts of debt.[24][28] On June 26, 2009, Jeff Immelt, the CEO of General Electric, called for the United States to increase its manufacturing base employment to 20% of the workforce, commenting that the U.S. has outsourced too much in some areas and can no longer rely on the financial sector and consumer spending to drive demand.

In essence this means that the economy of the U.S. can't be supported solely by people buying paving stones and inexpensive furniture from "big box" stores.

Of course, we could begin the process of making the U.S. energy independent by upgrading the electrical infrastructure so that all energy demands could be supplied via electricity? Like I have outlined before, this would allow any energy source, anywhere in the U.S., to be used almost anywhere else in the U.S.

This would be a manufacturing industry that could not be outsourced. The massive electrical infrastructure upgrade would have to built, operated, and maintained here in the U.S.. Furthermore, power plants of all kinds may have to be built to supply energy as the economy grows.

Finally, this would be an industry that will be in demand for the foreseeable future. This industry would exist as long as the U.S. needs energy, which is for an indefinite period of time.

As I have said many times before:

Is this the future you wanted?

P.S. It seems as if anywhere you find oil you find death:

My wife and I were walking through Genova or Genoa Italy and our eyes and throats began to burn. Walking near the seaport we saw an oil refinery. It seems as IF aromatic refinery byproducts are simply vented into the air creating a breathable toxic soup. Even their ancient architecture looks "corroded" or "melted" from all the pollution. (I'm not trying to "show off" by stating the countries I've been to). Genoa or Genova could start cleaning up the air by converting all diesel powered vehicles to natural gas or liquefied petroleum and of course getting rid or or relocating that oil refinery. - The era of dinosaur blood is over.
edit on 10-3-2016 by deloprator20000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 22 2016 @ 11:49 PM
APS and SRP are the two electrical companies around the Phoenix Metropolitan area. Can you believe the utter corruption of these companies to support legislation to stop solar power:

Arizona could lead the way in transforming the United States from a playtoy/property of bankers, monarchs, oil companies, plutocrats, corporations, and every moneyed interest that has taken your liberties, your government, and your future.

We could divert the river of history so that, for once in the history of the U.S., do something right, to do something that benefits all of us and not just the elite few.

The elite few who see us as their property, those make you and keep you Poor and make you desperate just so they can hold out a small carrot and say "if you do what we say we'll buy your kid some food, or we'll get you a new car, or we'll give you a job".

Arizona could be one of the wealthiest states in the union, instead of an underdeveloped state with much poverty. If the state legislature truly cares for it's people, if it truly has their best interests at heart, then Why deny YOUR citizens a chance for a prosperous future?

What drives the hearts and minds of the legislature in Arizona? Is it pride? Vanity? Is it the hope for a job? A car? The secret societies? Is it God? Is it self-interest? Are you trying to prove to someone that you are capable? Did you parents not support you? Did they ask you to get a job at a young age? Did they not give you positive encouragement? Did they want you to put lugnuts on chevys at the local factory instead of supporting your artistic ambitions? Did you get in trouble with the law and are you working for them to lessen your penalty? Is it a vulgar ambition for money? Is it cultural pride, say from the South? Is it working class pride?

What is it?

Some may say that complete energy independence of the US is excessive but this "excess" is but a correction to the excesses of recent history, the excesses of political power, of secret power, of surveillance power. The excesses of big oil and big corporations, secret societies, and religious fanatics. Finally, the worst of all, the excesses of organized stalking, which "broke" many people like wild riding horses, and that most likely led to the suicides of thousands if not millions of innocent people, around the world, in the last 8 years.

The time is NOW to create the Future WE want and not live in a future imposed on us by corrupt incompetents.


Now that the cultural "wheel" is turning all of a sudden people are becoming more "liberal" when just a couple of months ago, these same people, were quite conservative. In one fell swoop in 2011 it seemed as if the entire internet became right wing conservative, the sciences, technology, and the arts changed almost overnight. An anti-intellectualism seemed to pervade the culture and now 8 years later we are left with what you see around you.

In order to correct the excesses of the last 15 years, what will appear to be excesses, yet in the other direction, will have to take place. Though since most people that would be willing to bring about change, around the world, are "broken" and work for "them", we shouldn't expect any significant changes in anything. The generation raised in the last 20 years has been lost and is not trustworthy.
edit on 23-4-2016 by deloprator20000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 23 2016 @ 03:57 PM
As I have detailed in this website, I and many others around the world have been the victims of gangstalking. Most UFO and ET researchers are often harassed into compliance and/or sometimes "terminated".

This also seems to occur to research scientists:

We can look at their research to determine any patterns, often it has to do with secret weapons, and sometimes with climate change, some "arctic ice" scientists also died.

Like I have said before and I will say again, whenever you find oil or anything that could possibly affect our dependence on oil you find death.

If indeed, some of these deaths are neither accidental nor natural, then this type of psychotic reaction on part of the "power elite" gives away what they are trying to hide. I have come to the conclusion that the "power elite" are not that bright, nor are they intelligent, and they don't have a vision for the world that most people would support. It's all about supporting that special country in the middle east, how can I tell, try criticizing that country in public, try rebutting climate change skeptics, try arguing for ETs and massive solar power and you may experience a Psychotic reactions from these "people". People from the Midwest also tend to react psychotically if they think you are criticizing them. The last 15 years could be interpreted as a Psychotic reaction on part of the "power elite".

People tell me there is a "pecking order" yet, if the last 15 years, the last 100 years is a result of this "pecking order" then we really have to reconsider what is more important the "pecking order" or the health and wealth of the U.S.? Do you really like having Monarchs indirectly guiding U.S. policy and guiding vast "herds" of humanity like cows, how about bankers, how about secret societies, how about the people who are drawn to the number 88, the Crazy 88? About the only thing these people know how do, is destroy and murder.

edit on 23-4-2016 by deloprator20000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 23 2016 @ 04:47 PM
It does appear as if the influence, the control of the "power elite" over the world is lessening. I suppose their allotted time to influence and change culture is ending.

Looking back it does appear as if the British Monarchs had an overwhelming influence, along with the Oil Plutocrats, in the last 20 years. There is a pattern, often a sacrifice will have to be made in order for one element of the "power elite" to gain overwhelming influence on world culture. For example the death of JFK in some ways brought about the counter-culture and the death of Diana and the Dodi guy back in 1997 brought about what we see today, the harry potter generation.

We must look at the "power elites" that ARE NOT seen in public, for they are often the ones with the most power. The ones behind the scenes.

In another 10-20 years they'll be back again, they'll concoct some event so that some extremely wealthy monarch, plutocrat, or banker dies in public and the cycle will begin again. They'll marshal their "herds" of people, they'll begin organized stalking again, they'll own the world's governments, and they'll kill several million more innocent people What is worse they will have access to even MORE advanced technology. I've also heard rumors that they may even want to engineer the return of Christ!!! Yet, this won't be the true son of the prime mover, the untreated creator, (if such a being does exist) it will be simply the produce of very advanced technology, so DON'T be FOOLED.

The question we must ask ourselves is how do we ensure that something like this NEVER happens again?
edit on 23-4-2016 by deloprator20000 because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-4-2016 by deloprator20000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 28 2016 @ 02:23 AM
I was posting more on youtube trying to help Targeted Individuals defeat Gangstalking.

I was thinking about how someone living in a residence that does not allow tenants to modify the living structure could lock their doors from the inside, without installing a hasp and padlock?

One solution is to use a security bar like this:

Security Bar

The more challenging question is how to lock the door when leaving the residence? This is a work in progress, one possible way is to have a solenoid powered security bar, that hangs from the door knob at a fixed angle. The solenoid lifts and lowers the bar and if connected to a timer, it can lift and lower the bar at specified times, thereby locking the door from the inside.

Another issue that may arise is, how to securely park a car so that "perps" can't get to it?

Some people may live in residences without a garage, with a shared garage, or a garage that can't be locked from the inside.

In this case make sure to check all the vital fluids in your car's engine on a regular basis. A common perp tactic is to slowly drain motor oil and coolant from your car to slowly destroy the engine. Also check tires and hoses for pinholes, nails, tacks, or any other object that can puncture the tire. Also check engine belts, all the essentials of car maintenance.

Lookout for the old schoolboy's trick, sand, sugar, or anything other than allowable fuels in the gastank. Get a good quality car alarm and make sure to have alternatives to driving, UBER, public transportation, Taxi Cabs, etc make sure to have them at hand just in case your car cannot get you where you want to go.

Finally, I remember reading an article on the internet regarding government research into how dogs detect odors. Knowing the government, they probably want to model how a dog detects odors, so that they can then develop countermeasures. In this manner their agents will either not leave a detectable scent trail and/or will leave a trail that is undetectable by dogs.
edit on 28-4-2016 by deloprator20000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 28 2016 @ 05:57 PM
Here is another easy to install security device. The window security bar prevents windows from being opened from the outside:

Window Security Bar

This device can be used on more different types of windows than can the typical window locks:

Typical Window Locks

Also, the security bar won't leave scratches or imprints on the window like typical window locks can.

posted on Apr, 28 2016 @ 08:54 PM
I think I have found who will pay to change the U.S. from using OIL as it's primary transportation resource to electricity and solar power, and that is the Rothschilds, they reportedly have $500 Trillion in wealth and they own almost everything but, they don't own me and they don't own Extra Terrestrials.

Is this earth for all of us, or is it only for the few like these Rothschilds? They may have backup plans but, they won't be worth much when their ability to control most of the world's population fails.
edit on 28-4-2016 by deloprator20000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 29 2016 @ 09:08 PM
I had a funny experience today, it was a typical day of subtle organized stalking harassment, I went to the Safeway located at:

926 E. Broadway Rd.
Tempe, AZ 85282

Around 3-4pm on 4/29/16

I experienced the typical mobbing action, I was thinking of a Seinfeld episode where they were ordering Chinese Food from Hop Sing and the person taking their order kept on repeating, "give us a name, we need a name". Well, a couple of minutes later a person strolled in wearing a t-shirt with a Red-Star. I could be thinking of some comic strip characters from Viz magazine and a couple of minutes later, lo and behold all of a sudden I saw someone wearing a T-Shirt with the logo of the Union Jack on the back and all of a sudden I said to myself "watch out lads".

Now, the problem occurs when I see those very same people get into cars with Bernie 2016 stickers or Hilary 2016 stickers on their bumpers. Now, since these people are "perps" they are directed by others higher up, most likely related to the government. So, if I were Bernie, Hilary, Trump, or another presidential candidate, I would pull whatever strings to tell those "perps" to either not put their support stickers on their vehicle and/or remove the stickers from their vehicle.

Otherwise, any presidential candidate will give the impression that their supporters are a bunch of "perps", is this really the impression you want to give? A party full of "simps" and "perps"?

posted on Apr, 29 2016 @ 09:09 PM
a reply to: deloprator20000

Ancient aliens?

posted on Apr, 29 2016 @ 09:11 PM
a reply to: Phage

Yes, very ancient, I said to myself watch out lads!!!

We'll get back to Aliens soon enough but, without exposing the Organized stalking system in an official forum in public, it will be tough going. The culture is radically different compared to 2005, many of the better, more rigorous UFO researchers have revealed themselves to be part of the system, though they are still useful to help introduce people to the subject.

Not to mention that many people are "perps" now, especially many young people, so there isn't much hope there. Nearly every action they take, everything they wear, nearly everything they say, and possibly think is guided by someone else, they are like flesh robots.

It helps to talk openly about organized stalking with someone who is willing to listen, for example I spoke about Organized stalking at Arizona State University today with another graduate student by the name of Andrew. Of course he was skeptical but, given enough time, I think I can convince him. Another idea is to simply start passing out flyers with the words, "organized stalking" and a website they can visit to get more information. When people are no longer afraid to speak of their experiences in public and openly then organized stalking can come to fore and public action could be taken against it.

It may look bleak but, I keep on fighting.
edit on 29-4-2016 by deloprator20000 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 6 2016 @ 07:44 PM
If you are victim, or know of a victim, of what most likely are directed energy attacks, then one way to protect yourself is to go deep underground say in a cave or mine shaft, with tons of earth protecting you.

In fact you can test whether or not what you experience is a Directed Energy Weapon (DEW) by going to several remote (yet safe) mine shafts and caves and going deep underground. Make sure to carry few or no electrical devices and/or carry only very simple devices like flashlights and the like. Also, make sure you and/or your group is alone, otherwise someone with portable DEW devices can attack you.

Once underground it will be difficult for "them" to locate you and even if they do locate you it will be difficult for them attack you with a DEW since the signal will most likely be absorbed by the tons of earth.

Just in case the government or "whoever" somehow closes access to natural or artificial underground structures and/or "rigs" caves and mine shafts with Sensors and DEW devices, as a last resort you can create your own mine shaft, and if you protect the entrance you can be more or less certain that no one has tampered with it.

In this manner you can create your own underground bunker that can protect you from Remote Neural Monitoring devices AND DEW weapons.

edit on 6-5-2016 by deloprator20000 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 7 2016 @ 08:14 PM
In regards to climate geoengineering, there are supposed "experts" (more like disinfo agents) that claim that all the trails we see in the sky, emitted behind aircraft, are simply condensation trails. They talk about relative humidity, the condensation curves of water as a function of temperature and pressure, the nature of the jet engine, etc.

This is analogous to going for a walk when it is cold outside, when you can see your breath, and turning around to see a mile long white cloud behind you!

Actually the most common jet engine used in commercial aircraft and tankers is a High Bypass Jet Engine where most of the air does not take place in the combustion process. This means that most of the air passed through the engine is not heated, which means that not much water can condense on particulate matter as the air cools behind the engine.

Here is a good tutorial:

We can see these condensation trails turn on and off with amazing regularity, two jets flying close together at the same altitude only a couple of hundred yards apart, one emits a trail the other doesn't. Also we see misaligned trails, which, if emitted from a jet engine would imply that the engines are also misaligned. We see what appear to be spraying nozzles, etc.

On a completely different note, I was thinking about how organized stalking often targeted successful or moderately successful middle to upper middle class people with advanced education. Their lives often spiraled downward from that point on. They often committed suicide, developed debilitating health problems, were institutionalized, and/or became homeless. These people were chosen what appeared to be at random, sometimes they were activists but, often not. So why were they targeted?

I realized that in order for people to take part in the organized stalking system, they must be given incentives. These incentives must be quite broad since incentives vary with income, education, age, etc. Most people, often want to advance their career, meaning better pay, a position with more responsibilities, often at a level higher in their organizational structure. Now, in order to offer "them" a higher position in their organizational structure, there must be an position to fill, in other words, an empty position at a higher level.

So, what I think the organized stalking system did, was to gangstalk a broad cross section of society so as to create "empty positions" at many different levels in different organizations. Then they would offer these "empty positions" as incentives for people to become "perps". You often read on youtube that once people "gave into" the system all of a sudden they got rapid promotions, increase in pay, etc.

Well, these increases in pay and rapid promotions came from somewhere, often at the cost of another persons life. This is also implies that many people in positions of government and private businesses, are there not because of their own merits or their ability but, simply because they took part in organized stalking. This also implies that, most likely, most of them still work for the organized stalking system. So, significant portions of government and business cannot be trusted.
edit on 7-5-2016 by deloprator20000 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 7 2016 @ 11:49 PM
Two last things for today, be on the lookout for overt and/or not so hidden references to triangles, whether in art, movies, cartoons, film, anywhere.

Often the triangle shape is associated with secret societies, you can see them in nearly all films. I notice triangles most often in media that makes references to what I am doing in the privacy of my own residence.

So be careful of "Triangle Alerts"!

We must be careful, because if these secret societies or bankers or whoever have so much influence as to literally control nearly every aspect of our experience, they probably won't take their defeat just sitting down. Take a look back at recent history nearly every 10-20 years the U.S. goes to war with someone over something

1940's - WW2
1950's - Korea
1960's - Vietnam
(1980's small police actions)
1990 - Iraq
2001 - Afghanistan
2011 - NWO
2021 - ?

I believe that it is getting more and more difficult for them to "guide" or control the world as more and more people become aware. I'm almost certain that it is much more complicated behind the scenes but, they do want us to think and act in the manner that serves someone's interests.

A problem may arise if they believe that they haven't reached all their goals in time and/or degraded the people they consider to be most harmful to their interests. I wouldn't put it past them creating the conditions for another world war that would come to fruition in about 10-20 years. They want the world culture to repeat certain themes of the past, and they seem to create and destroy generations of people to that end.
edit on 8-5-2016 by deloprator20000 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 10 2016 @ 08:37 PM
I think I may have another bombshell, as I was perusing many of the conspiracy videos on youtube I came across this one:

At first, I was skeptical but, the researchers in the video made some good points! Also, in another video:

The researchers made a comment saying that back in 1997 a group of well-respected researchers made an exhaustive attempt to isolate the Aids virus and ...... nothing. Dr. Eleni Papadopoulos really makes some good points.

Could it be that the disease, Aids, was created by the pharmaceutical companies to make big money, you know put a couple of dimes and nickels together?

Now, that is a shock!

Is anything real?
edit on 10-5-2016 by deloprator20000 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 15 2016 @ 12:01 AM
I have yet another tactic by which "Targeted Individuals" or "TI's" can protect themselves and that is something I call "reverse street theater" and "reverse directed conversations". Here is how it works:

If you are a "TI" and you have developed and honed your ability to recognize "street theater" and "directed conversations", well then you simply reverse it! Meaning, after the "perps" are done with their little "play" watch the "perps" closely, then get in their field of vision and then imitate them! If they scratch their nose, you do the same, if they snap their fingers you also snap your fingers, if they make some idiosyncratic movement, then copy it!

This also applies to "directed conversations" after the "perps" are done reciting their "lines", listen to them. Then recite something similar to what they just said, in a voice sufficiently loud so they can hear. You can even combine the two a little reverse street theater combined with a little reverse directed conversation!

If they confront you, simply play the "perps" game and deny it all, in fact you can accuse them of harassment, and then suggest they get mental help from a qualified mental health professional.

Yet another tactic is to go to youtube, perform a search for gangstalking:

Gangstalking Videos

then download only the audio from the videos using:

Then store it in mp3 format or ogg or whatever is most convenient for you. Place all the audio files in a portable audio player and connect it to a battery powered speaker. Anytime you go out place the player and speaker in a bag or backpack or whatever just loud enough so people around you can hear the audio. Many "perps" especially at the street level have little idea of the bigger picture, they don't know that they are harming mostly innocent people, so by playing the audio from gangstalking youtube videos they will get an idea of what they are participating in and help them realize that it is wrong.

Always keep a "cool head" never react physically.
edit on 15-5-2016 by deloprator20000 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 15 2016 @ 12:11 AM
The Rothschilds aren't the only bankers who have significant influence in the world, there are several others, among them are the Koch Brothers:

These two brothers have been involved in such wonderful things as:

(5:11) How the Koch Brothers use Citizens United to corrupt democracy

(7:11) The Koch plan to re-segregate public schools

(17:11) Koch University: Rewriting your Education
Is your school on the list

(21:02) Kochs VS The Minimum Wage

(25:09) Kochs & Voter Suppression

(31:26) Koch Attacks on Unions

(34:54) The Koch plan to dismantle Social Security

(38:20) Kochs & The Environment

(40:52) How the Koch Brothers Cause Cancer by dumping their toxic waste everywhere


They are trying to mold the United States culture into something they and their cronies would like, and it isn't for our benefit.

Thanks alot Koch Brothers, I hope wasps invade their sleeping quarters and sting them repeatedly at night.
edit on 15-5-2016 by deloprator20000 because: (no reason given)

edit on 15-5-2016 by deloprator20000 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 15 2016 @ 01:42 AM
We can often determine what the powers that be consider to be important if we study their reactions. The more severe their reactions, often times, the more important the issue is to them.

One such issue is UFOlogy, for example today (Sat May 14, 2016) I was thinking about criteria by which to distinguish whether a sensing devices recorded a potential UFO. I've dealt with this issue before way back in 2011, it's the big 3:

1. Solid Object (this one is very important)
2a. Rapid acceleration, e.g. 0-1000mph in under 1 second
2b. Sharp turns (often 90 degrees) at 1000's mph without slowing down.
3. No sonic boom, even when breaking the local sound barrier.

Each of these can be determined using strictly ground based sensors, often two very sensitive video cameras will suffice, and maybe some spectroscopy, if you have the equipment and expertise.

I guess the "surveillance system" must have alerted the authorities and they increased gangstalking quite a bit. Radio hosts like Hendrie and Bell making references to what I am doing in the privacy of my own home, etc. These type of reactions indicate to me that they consider these ideas to be a threat.

The UFO questions is apparently one of the most important issues to them.

It also appears to me that they "flood" states that are well known for UFO sightings with all kinds of social problems, for example New Mexico is one of the poorest states in the U.S, with many problems. The question I ask myself is, was it always this way?

My family and I visited Roswell New Mexico, way back in 1998 and I didn't see massive poverty or problems. Though to be fair I didn't spend enough time to take a closer look. Also talking to the locals in Phoenix, the state of the schools and population at large wasn't always this way.

I wouldn't put it past the powers that be to create social problems JUST so that they can then use these desperate people in organized stalking and to always keep people away from investigating UFOs.

posted on May, 17 2016 @ 02:25 AM
We can suppose that 20+ years into the internet revolution may have given us a well developed perspective on the possible relationship to print media.

In the early 2000's it was often said that online newspapers, forums, chat rooms, discussion boards would spell the end of the print media, like newspapers, magazines, books, etc but looking back in the last couple of years, I think Not.

The problem with information on the internet, as I have stated before in previous posts, is that it is too malleable. I suppose it really depends on the intent of the information but, for important information regarding world events, scientific discoveries, even small things like our own past, the internet is too malleable. In the worst case, "the power elite" can all too easily edit, modify, append, delete, etc all of our thoughts, all of our first hand experiences, even our discoveries long after we are gone.

This goes beyond the personal, the power elite can all to easily change public history of world events, presidential records, quotes, the order of events, and sometimes erase events altogether. An individual can consistently print out copies of news reports, quotes, and all other information regarding world events but, such information can be easily lost in the far future, especially if only a few people printed out important events. Even if such records are kept intact, who will remember that a certain individual in the past has such records, and even if they stumble upon them why would they believe such records in the face of what might be overwhelming manipulation of the past?

So we see that print media, like newspapers, like magazines still have a role to play and it is a very important role. What they print, will be for posterity, it will in essence be a physical record of what at the time was considered to be important world events. Furthermore, since they might print thousands if not millions of copies and distribute them widely it would be very difficult to destroy all copies. Also, because they printed so many copies and so many people saw the copies it will be difficult, to simply dismiss the information in the newspaper or magazine in the face of overwhelming online manipulation of information.

Print media, in essence, is still the most important media.

That reminds me, I have to get working printing out all of my posts here on ATS. Even here on ATS I see evidence of tampering, sometimes, very subtly, wording is changed, pages might be deleted, weblinks no longer work, etc.
edit on 17-5-2016 by deloprator20000 because: (no reason given)

edit on 17-5-2016 by deloprator20000 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 25 2016 @ 12:08 AM
For those who are just beginning their foray into the vast web of conspiracies, it has been proven that the CIA did play a role in the drug trade in the 1980's:

If you are a "Perp" an Agent at any agency, a cult member, etc, I just want you to know that these are the people you are protecting with other people's pain.

This is but a small part of the bigger conspiracy to manipulate and control the world's population for the benefit of the few. It was funny how President Bush simply ignored the concerns of the local officials in the countries that were unwittingly involved in drug smuggling. Of course this also extends to the other side of the political divide to Bill Clinton governor of Arkansas at a time when the state was used as a distribution center for drugs.

In the age of the internet, eventually the truth always comes out. It seems almost as if anytime we have a president with the last name of Bush all sorts of very questionable world events occur.

This brings me to another point. It seems that the deeper we look into the machinations of world politics, money, and world events, there are smaller and smaller groups of people that, in essence, run the world.

One such group of people are those related the old monarchs of Europe. Growing up the U.S. we were under the impression that the Monarchs were overthrown, defeated, in the French Revolution and the American Revolution. Yet, as we look deeper we find that they are still around AND they have tremendous influence in the world.

First of all they did just fade away, as no count bums, in the grand sweep of history. No, rather they seem to "make" history. It has been estimated that some monarchs and families have Trillons in wealth. Also, they may be behind some of the secret socieites.

It is nowadays difficult to find people directly related to the monarchs, at least publicly. Yet, there are rumors of monarchs and royals fathering unofficial offspring which then become the heads of banks and important corporations. If there are monarchs and they do have tremendous power and wealth then, most likely they would want to hide everything.

edit on 25-5-2016 by deloprator20000 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 31 2016 @ 07:02 PM
I found another good conspiracy researcher Mr. John Judge: b57_story.html

He gave a lecture that I find quite interesting:

Apparently many of the cults and mainstream religions that espoused the tenets of capitalism either directly or indirectly were guided, headed, funded by spy agencies.

Here is another lecture:

One of the patterns I can glean is that many of the social ills like drug abuse, were in a way created by the establishment to draw people away from participating in politics in an effective manner and/or creating inter-generational wealth so as to gain more control of them. There is, in addition, a certain religious tenor to these programs, wherein certain elements of the establishment create certain problems in society and then present religion and religious beliefs as the solution. In some respect it almost seems as if the religions create the problems so as to show to people what happens when they don't believe in their particular religion and hence draw them back.
edit on 31-5-2016 by deloprator20000 because: (no reason given)

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