APS and SRP are the two electrical companies around the Phoenix Metropolitan area. Can you believe the utter corruption of these companies to support
legislation to stop solar power:
Arizona could lead the way in transforming the United States from a playtoy/property of bankers, monarchs, oil companies, plutocrats, corporations,
and every moneyed interest that has taken your liberties, your government, and your future.
We could divert the river of history so that, for once in the history of the U.S., do something right, to do something that benefits all of us and not
just the elite few.
The elite few who see us as their property, those make you and keep you Poor and make you desperate just so they can hold out a small carrot and say
"if you do what we say we'll buy your kid some food, or we'll get you a new car, or we'll give you a job".
Arizona could be one of the wealthiest states in the union, instead of an underdeveloped state with much poverty. If the state legislature truly cares
for it's people, if it truly has their best interests at heart, then Why deny YOUR citizens a chance for a prosperous future?
What drives the hearts and minds of the legislature in Arizona? Is it pride? Vanity? Is it the hope for a job? A car? The secret societies? Is it God?
Is it self-interest? Are you trying to prove to someone that you are capable? Did you parents not support you? Did they ask you to get a job at a
young age? Did they not give you positive encouragement? Did they want you to put lugnuts on chevys at the local factory instead of supporting your
artistic ambitions? Did you get in trouble with the law and are you working for them to lessen your penalty? Is it a vulgar ambition for money? Is it
cultural pride, say from the South? Is it working class pride?
What is it?
Some may say that complete energy independence of the US is excessive but this "excess" is but a correction to the excesses of recent history, the
excesses of political power, of secret power, of surveillance power. The excesses of big oil and big corporations, secret societies, and religious
fanatics. Finally, the worst of all, the excesses of organized stalking, which "broke" many people like wild riding horses, and that most likely led
to the suicides of thousands if not millions of innocent people, around the world, in the last 8 years.
The time is NOW to create the Future WE want and not live in a future imposed on us by corrupt incompetents.
Now that the cultural "wheel" is turning all of a sudden people are becoming more "liberal" when just a couple of months ago, these same people, were
quite conservative. In one fell swoop in 2011 it seemed as if the entire internet became right wing conservative, the sciences, technology, and the
arts changed almost overnight. An anti-intellectualism seemed to pervade the culture and now 8 years later we are left with what you see around you.
In order to correct the excesses of the last 15 years, what will appear to be excesses, yet in the other direction, will have to take place. Though
since most people that would be willing to bring about change, around the world, are "broken" and work for "them", we shouldn't expect any
significant changes in anything. The generation raised in the last 20 years has been lost and is not trustworthy.
edit on 23-4-2016 by
deloprator20000 because: (no reason given)