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Enigmantic Discovery in 2003 in the Bucegi mountains Romania...Linked to underground world,hidden kn

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posted on Mar, 17 2011 @ 09:56 AM

Originally posted by Ayrton
I just read the blog from your link, lisa2012. Sounds very interesting, undo might find it interesting too.
I have a question though, what exactly does "Babele" represent, a rock structure on the outside if I understand correctly?
Is it a word used in romanian or was it first used by Massini?

Hy Ayrton

"Babele "is the name of another rock structure like the" Sphinx" they look like old ladies standing next to each other (of course with a little stretch of the imagination. The translation is "old ladies"="Babele"

The structure is this :

posted on Mar, 20 2011 @ 09:03 AM
All this is very intriging but we have no smoking gun. If they did breach the mountain somewhere, it shouldn't be too hard to find evidence of either military presence or an opening of some kind that would be unnatural. It may be that the breach occurred somewhere else farther away from Bucegi since the tunnels allegedly run all the way to egypt.

posted on Mar, 20 2011 @ 11:42 AM
Here is an interesting article about the geometry that dacians used when building strongholds
It's in romanian though

posted on Mar, 20 2011 @ 06:04 PM

Originally posted by aquarius7
Here is an interesting article about the geometry that dacians used when building strongholds
It's in romanian though

This is in short a translation of the secret geometry for the mountains region in Bucegi :

This is in short a translation of the secret geometry for the mountains region in Bucegi :

Omu Peak unite Racos Dacian citadel, and the famous pyramids of earth from Sona (Sona king's daughter, Sitra, was married to Rama, at least so we say the Vedas) .

The result is not late to show: Racos which is 60 km from Omu Peak form an angle of 30 degrees with Sona, Sona and the angle that makes the Racos and Omu Peak is 90 degrees.

It appears as the Divine Triangle (The leg opposite angle of 30 degrees is equal to half the hypotenuse) which is formed by the pyramids at Sona ,Racos Dacian citadel and Omu Peak.

This algorithm includes a landmark of the Dacians and perfect man's Sona, Pytagora's theorem (before
is born!) and that of Thales, and the golden triangle of the Egyptians and throughout history.

posted on Mar, 20 2011 @ 06:44 PM
I would like to mention in this context the fact that it is acknowledged that civilization who lived on this Romanian lands predated even Summer.

If this is proven to be 100% accurate then the knowledge and everything else that was found on this territory including the possibility of this great tunnels and secret chambers under Romanian earth is worth more than we can comprehend. Maybe the true history of human kind can be deciphered by taking a closer look to this not enough investigated Romanian Land ,its mysteries and secrets.

To proof how important this is if you have the time read the following article


Even for a Romanian as I am is unreal how many words in the spoken Romanian language today are similar with the old Sumerian language ...

posted on Mar, 21 2011 @ 02:13 AM
That would be then probably the same civilization as the Vinča culture?

posted on Mar, 21 2011 @ 10:31 AM
reply to post by Ayrton

Vinca was excavated between 1918 and 1934 and was revealed as a civilisation in its own right: a forgotten civilisation, which Marija Gimbutas would later call “Old Europe”.

Indeed, as early as the 6th millennium BC, three millennia before Dynastic Egypt, the Vinca culture was already a genuine civilisation.
Yes, it was a civilisation: a typical town consisted of houses with complex architectural layouts and several rooms, built of wood that was covered in mud. The houses sat along streets, thus making Vinca the first urban settlement in Europe, but equally being older than the cities of Mesopotamia and Egypt. And the town of Vinca itself was just one of several metropolises, with others at Divostin, Potporanj, Selevac, Plocnik and Predionica. Maria Gimbutas concluded that “in the 5th and early 4th millennia BC, just before its demise in east-central Europe, Old Europeans had towns with a considerable concentration of population, temples several stories high, a sacred script, spacious houses of four or five rooms, professional ceramicists, weavers, copper and gold metallurgists, and other artisans producing a range of sophisticated goods.
A flourishing network of trade routes existed that circulated items such as obsidian, shells, marble, copper, and salt over hundreds of kilometres.” Everything about “Old Europe” is indeed older than anything else in Europe or the Near East.
To return to their script. Gimbutas had a go at trying to translate it and called it the “language of the goddess”. She based her work on that of Shan Winn, who had completed the largest catalogue of Vinca signs to date. He narrowed the number of signs down to 210, stating that most of the signs were composed of straight lines and were rectilinear in shape. Only a minority had curved lines, which was perhaps due to the difficulty of curved carving on the clay surface. In a final synthesis, he concluded that all Vinca signs were found to be constructed out of five core signs: - a straight line; - two lines that intersect at the centre; - two lines that intersect at one end; - a dot; - a curved line.

Traditionally, the Sumerian site of Uruk had been dated to 3500-3200 BC.
Vlassa’s discovery was initially (before the carbon dating results) further confirmation that the “Vinca Culture” had strong parallels with Sumer.
Everyone agreed that the Sumerians had influenced Vinca Culture (and the site of Tartaria/Romania), which had therefore been assigned a date of 2900-2600 BC (by the traditional, comparative methodology, which relied on archaeologists’ logic, rather than hard scientific evidence).
Sinclair Hood suggested that Sumerian prospectors had been drawn by the gold-bearing deposits in the Transylvanian region, resulting in these off-shoot cultures. But if the carbon dating results were correct, then Tartaria was 4000 BC, which meant that the Vinca Culture was older than Sumer, or Sumer was at least a millennium older than what archaeologists had so far assumed.
Either way, archaeology would be in a complete state of disarray and either some or all archaeologists would be wrong.
Voila, the reason as to why radio carbon dating was attacked, rather than merely revising erroneous timelines and opinions.

The Vinca Culture was also millennia ahead of the status quo on mining.
At the time, mining was thought not to predate 4000 BC, though in recent years, examples of as far back as 70,000 years ago have been discovered. The copper mine at Rudna Glava, 140 km east of Belgrade, is at least 7000 years old and had vertical shafts going as deep as twenty metres and at the time of its discovery was again extremely controversial.
Further insights into “Old Europe” came about in November 2007, when it was announced that excavations at an ancient settlement in southern Serbia had revealed the presence of a furnace, used for melting metal. The furnace had tools in it: a copper chisel and a two-headed hammer and axe. Most importantly, several of the metal objects that were made here, were recovered from the site. The excavation also uncovered a series of statues.

Archaeologist Julka Kuzmanovic-Cvetkovic observed that "according to the figurines we found, young women were beautifully dressed, like today's girls in short tops and mini skirts, and wore bracelets around their arms."

The unnamed tribe who lived between 5400 and 4700 BC in the 120-hectare site at what is now Plocnik knew about trade, handcrafts, art and metallurgy. The excavation also provided further insights into Old Europe: for example, near the settlement, a thermal well might be evidence of Europe’s oldest spa. Houses had stoves and there were special holes for trash, while the dead were buried in a tidy necropolis. People slept on woollen mats and fur, made clothes of wool, flax and leather, and kept animals. The community was also especially fond of children: artefacts that were recovered included toys such as animals and rattles of clay, and small, clumsily crafted pots apparently made by children at playtime.

Source :

posted on Mar, 21 2011 @ 10:38 AM
Based on information provided by members who live in that area, something very interesting is going on. I hope that all the pieces can be found in order to provide mankind with an accurate telling of history as it really happened

posted on Mar, 21 2011 @ 11:07 AM
reply to post by lme7898354

I think is very relevant to post this here.

I found this website by accident looking for strange noises reported around USA/Europe lately. So please check this link :
Secret Facilities

There are many examples but I will only quote a few as I think that this is what is happening in Bucegi Romania .
Keep in mind sounds and trembling of the ground was reported in Romania as well in Bucegi.

Chilling sounds near secret underground facilities

EDITOR’S NOTE: The following information is from Larry Rednour, a former Manatee County, Florida deputy sheriff who moved to Hendersonville, NC in 2005 after his battle with cancer made it impossible to continue working. On November 28, 2010, he shared this and other information with us. We feel his professional training makes him a very credible witness.

“It gives me cold chills just to think about it,” says Larry Rednour, a former sheriff’s deputy, as he begins telling about strange sounds he’s heard coming from deep within the ground near two purported secret underground facilities.

“The first time I heard the sounds was when I was staying with my daughter in Atlanta in August 2001,” he says. “They had a new lakefront home about 10 miles southeast of Kennesaw Park on Atlanta’s north side.

“When we went down to the basement, we could hear this faint moaning,” he explains. “One time we were kind of joking around about it and I put my ear up to one of the structural posts. Well, I could hear all kinds of garbage coming from deep below the house. I could hear people talking. I couldn’t make out what they were saying, but I could hear the mumble jumble. I also could hear something that sounded like equipment or machinery running. I heard it the three or four nights I was there. Anytime we went down there, we could hear something going on.”

About eight years later, Rednour discovered the Sky Ships over Cashiers website and read about a purported secret underground facility beneath Atlanta. CLICK HERE to read about that facility.

“I have to agree that there’s something deep under the ground there,” he says, “because I was there and I’ve heard the sounds.”

Similar sounds on the Blue Ridge Parkway

Then in the summer of 2010, Rednour discovered similar sounds coming from the ground on the Blue Ridge Parkway during one of his midnight drives in the North Carolina Mountains.

“I had stopped at the parking area for Devil’s Courthouse rock formation,” he says. “It’s at the big elbow bend on the Balsam Ridge.”

Devil’s Courthouse also is the closest point on the Blue Ridge Parkway to the Pisgah Astronomical Research Institute (PARI) which is regarded as the capstone cover for another secret underground facility.

“On the north side of the roadway from where you park your car,” Rednour continues, “there’s a big huge rock. The whole hill is a rock. Well, I put my ear up to that rock and by golly I could faintly hear something going on down below. I could hear mechanical grinding sounds that were similar to what I heard years before in Atlanta.

“After hearing these sounds in two locations and doing lots of research with my computer, I believe that the government, or some agency, or whatever is cutting tunnels to connect cities.”

Another example:

Atlanta’s secret underground facility -
Puzzling over the pieces
By Mary Joyce

PUZZLE PIECE ONE - I haven’t seen the man in about six years, but he used to periodically come to where I work. Over time, he opened up about his military experiences in Vietnam and later talked about doing deep underground tunneling work in various places.

In bits and pieces he told me a secret underground facility had been created beneath Atlanta with huge tunnel boring machines. . . read full story in "Articles" section of this website

If you follow the link you will see that couple of the descriptions are very relevant .

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 01:49 PM
reply to post by lisa2012

Just got the book in the mail this morning. I'll fill you guys in once I've read it. Can't wait ...

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 12:26 AM
Well apparently nobody has replied
Anyway, is almost 1.30 in the morning and I just finished the book. Needless to say, I'm baffled, astonished and totally amazed. If only half of what are written in the book were to be true, I can say out loud that we all have been living in a big lie and deception. The discovery is behind every known or possible thing that can be imagined. Giant race of humans, unbelievable advanced technology, a total different history of our planet, human beings and humanity it self, Atlantis, Lemuria, Egyptian Pyramids, who and how is the world controlled today, the political implication of the discovery, the diplomatic relation between two countries, Romania and USA, the real reason for the Iraqi War which is strictly connected with the same discovery in Brucegi etc. I found the book on Amazon for 12 $. IMO is a must read for all of you who are interested in the phenomena and also in expanding your knowledge. Is it true? I can't say. Is it a lie? I can't say that either. All I can say is that it defies everything we know of science and technology and especially our past as humans.

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 05:10 AM
reply to post by Telos

i am amazed you read the book in such a short time. you may need to cool your processor down!
i read the book twice over a period of three months. another member borrowed the book and spent two plus months processing this information. guess i'm getting old!
the follow-up book trans- moonrise has been knocked back from its publishing date and we expect a delivery asap.

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 08:28 AM

Originally posted by fakedirt
reply to post by Telos

i am amazed you read the book in such a short time. you may need to cool your processor down!
i read the book twice over a period of three months. another member borrowed the book and spent two plus months processing this information. guess i'm getting old!
the follow-up book trans- moonrise has been knocked back from its publishing date and we expect a delivery asap.

Lol, I know but I couldn't stop but I'm going to read it again in a few days. If I'm not mistaken the second book is suppose to talk about the expedition in one of the tunnels toward inner earth. Right?

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 09:55 AM

Originally posted by Telos
Well apparently nobody has replied
Anyway, is almost 1.30 in the morning and I just finished the book. Needless to say, I'm baffled, astonished and totally amazed. If only half of what are written in the book were to be true, I can say out loud that we all have been living in a big lie and deception. The discovery is behind every known or possible thing that can be imagined. Giant race of humans, unbelievable advanced technology, a total different history of our planet, human beings and humanity it self, Atlantis, Lemuria, Egyptian Pyramids, who and how is the world controlled today, the political implication of the discovery, the diplomatic relation between two countries, Romania and USA, the real reason for the Iraqi War which is strictly connected with the same discovery in Brucegi etc. I found the book on Amazon for 12 $. IMO is a must read for all of you who are interested in the phenomena and also in expanding your knowledge. Is it true? I can't say. Is it a lie? I can't say that either. All I can say is that it defies everything we know of science and technology and especially our past as humans.

Telos it is amazing you read it so fast. I got the book as well . I have read it again in English "Transylvania Sunrise" I have read the Romanian version long ago"Viitor cu cap de mort" . If you look a page back I have even scanned the pages towards the end . The next book is going to be much more interesting "Transylvania Moonrise" ..this is what is going to be discussed in this second book
"In Transylvania Moonrise, Radu is sought out by the mysterious Tibetan lama who orchestrated this discovery while working under an alias as Dr. Xien, a secret agent for the Chinese government.

The enigmatic lama introduces Radu to a creature known as a yidam, an energetic and physical being who is created by a sand mandala ritual and can literally warp the space-time continuum and takes Radu on a mystical journey from Transylvania to the mysterious Land of the Gods in Tibet where he receives a secret initiation from the blue goddess Machandi.

Journey into this land of mystery and path of initiation and discover the Higher Mind and what really hides behind the "truth." "

Anyway in Romania is believed that Radu Cinamar is the same Person as Pavel Corut Another Romanian writter "Pavel Coruţ (born June 17, 1949) is a Romanian writer and former intelligence officer.[1] He has written, among other things, about his experience as an intelligence and counterintelligence officer in Romania. His most popular books are Quinta spartā (Broken Quintet) and Fulgerul albastru ("Blue Lightning") of the Octogonul ("The Octagon") series.

Coruţ worked as an intelligence officer until 1992, after which he became a writer. He has written 118 books so far (by the end of February 2007), including fantasy novels and life-guiding books."

Link Source :

I will buy the book when is published ....and review it as well ......

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 10:16 AM
Actually I'm more interested in the exploration of the tunnel that goes into inner earth. I had to read this thread again from the beginning and can't stop laughing with some comments about neanderthals or how people fanatically stick on what science has taught us. We all wonder why secrecy is kept so well and right under our noses forgetting that is us who keep things wrapped in secrecy with our disbelief and closed mind.

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 11:04 AM
Just recently, I have taken an interest in researching claims of Giant men. I found several cases of 9 ft tall skeletons and/or mummified remains found in caverns along with artifacts. Most of these finds were written about in detail, but it seems the human remains and artifacts conveniently disappeared.

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 12:52 PM
reply to post by Telos

ha! lisa beat me to it. indeed i look towards this book dropping on the welcome mat. somehow i knew the mandala was involved when tibet was mentioned. seems we will become privy to levels of being with this one.

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 10:28 PM

Originally posted by Telos
Actually I'm more interested in the exploration of the tunnel that goes into inner earth. I had to read this thread again from the beginning and can't stop laughing with some comments about neanderthals or how people fanatically stick on what science has taught us. We all wonder why secrecy is kept so well and right under our noses forgetting that is us who keep things wrapped in secrecy with our disbelief and closed mind.

I believe that the second book will shed some light on one of the tunnels ....I assume that more will be revealed in that aspect . Even though some believe this to be a sci-fi work in my humble opinion as a Romanian and discussing this to many people it is definitely more to this story than just pure science fiction

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 11:25 PM
Another Enigmatic Story about Baciu Forest

Discovery Channel was attracted by the mysteries surrounding Cluj
Forest Baciu so they filmed a documentary.

Filming began in mid-August and ended in early September, the mysterious Baciu Forest, near Cluj.

Here there is a a place that "are whirlpools in a stream, a place used for magical rituals that increases the power till present."

The first UFO in 1968

Baciu Forest has created a special fame in Romania and worldwide over the years due to paranormal phenomena occurring here.

It became famous in 1968 after shooting a UFO by Emil Barnea and after publication of the research undertaken here biologist Alexander Sift. Researcher Adrian Fourth Cluj made systematic investigations in the area and even wrote a book in 1995 about "The phenomena of Baciu Forest - Hoia."

Latest UFO above Forest Baciu was filmed in 2002 by two Cluj people who lived on the top floor of a block at the edge Manastur neighborhood. They were caught on camera for 27 seconds evolution of a bright object in the sky that would form a cigarette and a length of about 50 meters. UFO ascended and descended in the sky until it crashed into a mass of clouds and disappeared.

Adrian has discovered in the forest "structure / shapes flying at ground level, visible or invisible to the naked eye or simple night light colored, flying or stationary." Installation of devices in the forest as revealed radioactive emission, magnetic anomalies, electromagnetic disturbances, microwave emissions, and abnormal infrared emission.

Many paranormal phenomena known is happening in Baciu, people do not dare to explore the depths of the forest. That's because the appearance of the blue, some cases of burns, headaches, anxiety and vomiting.

Scientists have also found that there are points with maximum anomalies in the ground marks that appear suspicious or where the vegetation is affected by dehydration, register it and cases of burns or necrosis.

"Guardian angels" of Baciu Forest

In the forest there is a magnetic area on a width of 300 meters, where the muscles do not grow to look north and you do not grow mushrooms. Are twisted wood, the wood is of the essence so loud that it can not be cut with an ax.

One of the most interesting paranormal phenomena encountered in Baciu Forest is represented, by far, appearing in some photos of so-called "guardian angels". These entities may be invisible to the naked eye but captured by the camera and are shaped like human silhouettes. Adrian is the one who named them "bioplasma structures".

Find out what it is really believed:

Here in Cluj-Napoca, specifically in the heart of Transylvania were the first Atlantean beings on Earth, everything here is well-known center of Atlantis, which appears in the writings of Plato.

When they got here first Aryan beings have created a timeless zone, with which they could travel anywhere in the universe, but also anywhere on the planet, no longer need a movement with any ship.

Who knows about the Ramayana epic knows that Dakni light beings, beings who were energetic, with no physical body with the first living beings here, have lived together with our Dacians.

Mythology call them "iele" in romanian language, but they say that "iele" are being bad and negative, but those who launched the first time such a claim were all Masons for wanting the people of these unique creatures are only around our mountains.

Usually the behavior of these beings is to come into visual contact with other people who think they have a background in esoteric vibration felt by them which they emanate.

Whoever is in this forest may actually get up in another time, even in another area or even causing them to happen is that without their consent, but a person started in high ezoterimul knowledge can use this area for the wants to teleport to any location.

The energy bubble created 55,000 years ago ago by the Atlanteans, for easy travel to their planet to earth using only teleporting, yet remained active, and most of those who were there in the forest have witnessed incredible events , thinking of that dream often. But are they dreams? Obviously not everyone has entered this space-time loop will have an overall vision of both beings are not seen with the naked eye but also the stellar universe is accessible to us only when we dematerialize.

. Keeping this timeless areas in shadow most likely would not be affected by discussions as if Ceahlau Bucegi It is said that in this area astral beings can materialize in this world, sometimes taking the form of man.

If we look at most people whether they are from romania, whether on the planet in general they are fascinated and somewhat scared to talk about ghosts and astral beings, all being part of a larger plan to have a human society based on fear and fear in the face any challenge.

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 10:48 AM
After doing some research on the entire subject, it seems something unnatural is happening in the area of the Bucegi mountain range. It would be interesting for any of our Romanian friends to acually get a close up look at what is going on around the area to see if any of the claims made by the auther are indeed true. As I said in an earlier thread a find of the importance would certainly be followed by some sort of military presence either uniformed or undercover. My guess is if the area was protected you might have a men in black situation in order to keep suspensions to a minimum. My guess is the book contains elements of both fact and fiction. My only problem is the so-called hall of records. In order for that device to contain the entire history of mankind there would have had to be some type of cameras and recording devices present and I find it hard to believe they would have been just at the right place at the right time in order to capture these evenets.

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