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The real terrorist was me - A US Soldier

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posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 08:21 PM
That was without a doubt, the greatest video I think I've ever seen. I bet tptb were shaking in their boots at this one. Beautiful just doesn't quite hit it

posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 08:31 PM

Originally posted by Immortalgemini527
reply to post by nenothtu
Your "god"

god,you that,i believe,in your humans god of this ungodly
i believe in the Mother of all life,the mother of all mothers,'god' lmaf straight to hell,'god'

i put the god thing in there for you all,lol..not me.'GOD'

YOU made the comment to begin with. Own it, or run and hide from it. Makes no difference to me. I responded to it, and always will. You wanna debate religion, make the thread and I'll be there. this one is about the military. YOU'RE the one that tried to drag a god into it, kicking and screaming.

What I said before applies to your "goddess" as well, or "Mother of all" or whatever you're blathering on about.

SHE can bite me just as hard as your god can.

posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 08:35 PM
reply to post by Raist

Raist, I am deeply sorry for the loss of your child. No need to apologize. This is ATS. Every post you make you are taking a risk. By the way, my son introduced me to this site because he thought I was so naive. He said it would open my mind to color instead of seeing the world in black and white. I have to admit, some of the posts nearly had me in tears, but instead of retreating, I chose to endure like a future Marine Mom would.

posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 08:35 PM
Guys how can you put your mothers through this? They worry about you enough without worrying about whether they are going to get a tragic phonecall.
Yes its your choice but she struggled to bring you into this world and now she has no say in your safety , you break her heart doing this .

If this was 1940s England and the nazis were trying to invade , I could understand ones desire to protect the country and to protect your Mothers .

But this war is bases on suspect theories _ wmds and 911
With enough research you should see that every thing is not as clear cut as first thought .
We need to inform the soldiers , they need to decide for Themselves if its worth shedding blood for .
Not tptb who profit from war manipulating them into shedding blood

posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 08:38 PM

Originally posted by Erica1631 Maybe some of the vets posting can explain to me why an intelligent, career oriented, straight A student would suddenly want to give his life away for a cause that does not even exist.

Because practice of the profession of arms is a noble and respected profession. It always tops the list of most honorable and respected careers in America - last year the only profession that beat Military Officer was the nurse.

It’s usually in the top 10. Enlisting before becoming an Officer is a route very respected by the troops since he will then know what it is like to be led before he has to lead.

Where do you think the leaders come from in the military they are not the GED waiver felons they come from the A students who enter for the love of (or develop a love for) the profession of arms.

If he’s squared away he will rise to the top quickly in a system that is a pure meritocracy.

edit on 11/2/2011 by Golf66 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 08:42 PM
When will the people of the world recognize that war is not for a civilized society. It's despicable that every country plays on young minds when they recruit for military service. These young men and women are impressionable and are mostly looking for fun and adventure. Unfortunately once deployed, they find themselves looking over their shoulders everyday just to make sure they can make it back home. Once home they live in an internal hell and have a difficult time conforming to everyday life. As a parent, I would hate to see my son or daughter be put in harms way. Protecting our borders is one thing, but sending our young men and women overseas to fight a war that was based upon "fear", corporate and government interests, or helping to protect another country, just wouldn't make me proud. I could never be proud of my kids killing another human being. I just don't believe anyone has the right to take another person's life. I definitely don't believe a loving God would condone the way we settle our differences on this earth. Yet we go to war in the name of God and hope he protects us while we kill his creation. Don't get me wrong, I respect these young men and women who believe they're doing the honorable thing, but eventually these young men and women have to realize they're being used as pawns. Governments will use our own sons and daughters against us to keep themselves in power.

posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 08:42 PM
reply to post by Erica1631

My loss changed me there is no denying that. I will never be the same. I have though managed to keep going and not let it destroy me. Maybe I have a bit of military in me even though I never chose that path myself. Maybe I am just strong enough to manage.

I can understand your fears; I would as I said be upset if that was a choice my son were to make. I feel bad when I have to discipline him now or just tell him no. Maybe a part of that is due to the loss I have suffered. I am though the "enforcer" between my wife and myself and must stand with that job despite my feelings sometimes.

I think your son will do fine and learn from all of this. I also think you will do fine as a Marine mother (I was born on the Marines birthday BTW). Just remember he is making the choice for some reasoning, maybe you can speak with him to understand why.


posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 09:05 PM

Originally posted by backinblack

Originally posted by ANClENT
This video brought tears to my eyes, this soldier speaks the truth, I wish many more were like him

I'm sure many more are like him and the numbers are growing..

OP, s&f for showing the other side of war, the victims we rarely consider..

Unfortunately it didn't come to me (the truth) until after I retired with 20 years in June 2009 however since then I have been a member of Iraq Vets Against the War and we have been hard at work to prevent many others from.....well ending up like me to where the "other side" or that THERE IS AN OTHER SIDE that consists of the TRUTH and how they HAVE been lied to an used under the guise of Patriotism and National Security from corrupt criminals. However that only represents a very small fraction of what IVAW does for our military but realize EVERYTHING they is from the perspective of the truth and reality...essentially Patriotism and the like are not whored out like the way they are by our "leaders".

posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 09:17 PM
The thing that bothers me the most about all this war business... is that people forget we are not at war with Iraq.

Last I heard it was called "Operation Iraqi Freedom"

Getting rid of people like Saddam and his brothers is/was a noble cause to be sure, but we are fighting for their (Iraqi) freedom in this case. We also were the ones who set up and supported Saddam before until he was no longer useful so in effect we are mopping up our own mess. WMD's? Well we know about those now... 9/11.. what did Iraq have to do with that again?... and didn't Saddam buy that gas from us that he used on the Kurds?... Wasn't Osama bin Ladin and family business partners of the Bush family?

Problem is this war on terrorists has become so clouded and mixed up no one knows really who the enemy is anymore. Is it any wonder so much trauma exists? And while the fight goes on over there, those making the decisions are treating us like the enemy more and more everyday.
edit on 11-2-2011 by zorgon because: CLASSIFIED

posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 09:19 PM
reply to post by MarineSniper12Kills

i know a LOT of good dudes who experience the same trouble. its awful. but i think the fact that you suffer proves that you have a conscience unlike those heartless fools who puts pictures their confirmed kills in the middle of slideshows they have set up to teach classes.

posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 09:23 PM
Bless this guy who stood up against the war and everything it stood for. This world is getting too much. It's either now or never

posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 09:29 PM

Originally posted by Erica1631
My son approached me last week to inform me that he is interested in joining the Marine's after he completes his sophomore year. After my "deer in the headlights" look left my face, I slowly walked over to him, slapped him on the back of the head and told him to snap out of it. That was the first and hopefully the last time I will ever have to physically touch my son in anger. Maybe some of the vets posting can explain to me why an intelligent, career oriented, straight A student would suddenly want to give his life away for a cause that does not even exist. He seems to have forgotten all of the conversations we have had over the years about the deception governments and politicians have tried to hammer into our psyche that war=peace. There is absolutely no logic in his thinking. I could MAYBE accept him joining as an officer after graduating.

The causes with the most primacy are those within our own world view. Your son will do whatever brings his soul contentment, and no one will ever stand in the way of that. It sounds as if he sees a path to honor where you do not. As a parent, my recommendation is to support him, at the very least seek to understand him and why he feels so strongly about this.

posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 09:29 PM

Originally posted by ImaginaryReality1984
reply to post by Ghandi

This to me simply brings to mind the idea that the people never want war, it is the leaders who wish for it. Hermann Göring, the scumbag leader of Nazi propoganda said that, well i have utterly bastardized what he said but that's the basic idea.

Interesting take on the subject. But it was Goebbels and not Göring who was head of their Propaganda FYI..

Joseph Goebbels

Dr. Paul Joseph Goebbels (also spelled Göbbels, often incorrectly pronounced /ˈɡɜrbəlz/ in English, German: [ˈɡœbəls]; 29 October 1897 – 1 May 1945) was a German politician and Reich Minister of Propaganda in Nazi Germany from 1933 to 1945. As one of Adolf Hitler's closest associates and most devout followers, he was known for his zealous oratory and anti-Semitism. He played a hand in the Kristallnacht attack on the German Jews, which historians consider to be the beginning of the Final Solution, leading towards the genocide of the Holocaust.

But let's consider what you're trying to say here using that example. It took soldiers to stop those guys. The NAZIs didn't want to stop for nothing...

If people decided things then the world would be peaceful, but the politicians fight their own personal wars based upon their own ideologies and so war covers the planet. These people do not represent us, they represent their own interests and what they believe the common man wants, even though they have no clue what the common man goes through.

Didn't we vote for Change?
That's just about all I have left ... Pocket change
edit on 11-2-2011 by SLAYER69 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 09:35 PM

Originally posted by nenothtu

Originally posted by Immortalgemini527
reply to post by nenothtu
Your "god"

god,you that,i believe,in your humans god of this ungodly
i believe in the Mother of all life,the mother of all mothers,'god' lmaf straight to hell,'god'

i put the god thing in there for you all,lol..not me.'GOD'

YOU made the comment to begin with. Own it, or run and hide from it. Makes no difference to me. I responded to it, and always will. You wanna debate religion, make the thread and I'll be there. this one is about the military. YOU'RE the one that tried to drag a god into it, kicking and screaming.

What I said before applies to your "goddess" as well, or "Mother of all" or whatever you're blathering on about.

SHE can bite me just as hard as your god can.

this what i said
'Gee', thanks republicans, fox news ,and that evil George bush, and all there supporters that sat in there nice house and leather furniture, and had the nerve to even open there lil pie holes, thinking they had the right to say.

'I support the troops'
'I think they should go to Iraq'
'they are dying for our country'
'they should feel good, its for a good cause'
'they died for this country'
' they died for freedom'
I hate people like that, people that swear the land and writing on a piece of paper is more important then a life, a single chance at life to get a chance to live, and they have to die over a lie, and then even more shameless, ‘theres no honor in what they did over a lie’ ,a lie that was caused by republican, now all those that took a life, will burn in hell because of a republicans lie, and all that had the nerve in life, to put you lil worthless opinions in to the matter ‘it was pointless‘, as if ‘LIFE’ > ‘Time’ and ‘God ‘,cared what the hell you thought when it came to taken the very breath, out of something he created ,one of his kids!

'Evil has no shame in what it does, or the people it creates to do its bidding'

I’m glad when judgment day comes, god wont ask me why I supported the war ,loll, I had nothing to do with that decision.
Guess what I’m trying to say is ‘With out all the different words that are in this world to mask what’s right and what’s wrong’

‘Only a good human from the purity of god would never Condon killing’>
and then you have those humans,’ that put flags’ on a pure and honest post, a post that should letterly be, flag free, but like I said earlier.

'Evil has no shame in what it does, or the people it creates to do its bidding'
Period .
how im running,makes no sense.
‘Only a good human from the purity of god would never Condon killing’>
god wont ask me why I supported the war ,loll, I had nothing to do with that decision.
this is the only really 2 things i said about...your god.

posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 09:35 PM

Originally posted by Ghandi
A short speech from a US soldier after serving over seas. He speaks about his experience with the war and how he really feels about what is going on. It is a sad story. More people in the military need to wake up to this. And no, I am not "against the troops", I'm against the people who deploy them. And so is this guy.

Well, that was quite a video presentation.

I thought this guy was gona say he got a direct order from Barrack Hussein Obama to blow up Iraqi daycare centers and torture children. His atrocities were putting someone on a stretcher to be carried away? Or dragging a girl out into the street by the arm? WTF? Did I miss something ? This guy should be charged with aiding and abetting the enemy at a time of war! Who were all the people in that room applauding? It looked like they were at birthday party for little miss buttercup. She must have walked into the recruiter’s office looking for the U.S.O. because that was an academy award piece of acting. For the first time since his election, I felt compassion for Obama, just because I respect his office. Who was the jug head army shrink that was goldbricking when he should have been giving little Miss Buttercup her physiological examination. No one should have allowed her in the man’s army. I really don’t care how most of the posters feel on this thread but I am disgraced. This soldier did his time, returned home and stuck a knife in the back of Uncle Sam. This thread is a disgrace. I bet this is Bin Ladin’s favorite video; he is laughing his ass off setting in a cave eating popcorn, bouncing up and down on his flying carpet asking his cronies to “cue up the little Miss Buttercup video again.” A info packet should be assembled, packaged up along with this thread and sent over to psy opps. We need to find out the secrets of how the enemy is controlling these people. This is disgraceful ! This video in entitled correctly, he is indeed a terrorist.

edit on 11-2-2011 by nodeco13 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 09:40 PM
reply to post by Ghandi

Very good. Do we have proof that this feller was a soldier serving in Iraq (why did you say "overseas"? C'mon, mate, you can do better than that).

What I think would be a great publicity stunt for those who are against the Iraq "occupation", would be an American or British soldier (with news crew in tow), entering thier local police station and admitting to being a terrorist, their proof being their time served in Iraq.

Of course the police wouldn't arrest them, if they had any brains, because if they did, the Iraq war would officially become a legal matter. If the police did arrest the soldier, he may have to suffer some time in jail but he would truly be a hero.

For the record, like the OP, I am certainly not against those soldiers who are fighting in Iraq (and definitely not Afghanistan) but I am very much against the people in power who put them there. Any soldier who signed up post invasion, in the hope of serving in Iraq, I would be very wary about and want to question their motives.

posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 09:52 PM
Screwed...I want you to know I made this name just for you. Cinderella was taken. I made that name because I was proud of what I had done, extremely proud. Well you live and you learn, I learned and now I have to pay the consequence. Something doesn't smell right? It must be you whoever said that. Plenty of people on here know me off of this website. Neno lives right up the street. Believe what you want though, im only here to state what I experienced.


posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 10:04 PM
Consider my priorities wrong but I consider an Egyptian protester heading out into the open unarmed to oppose evil and risking his head getting blown off by a sniper more courageous than being a part of a machine designed for death destruction and mayhem.Whilst the military is a necessary evil I dont worship it or put it on a pedastal.

posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 10:08 PM
reply to post by anglodemonicmatrix

Some would say it's that very same "machine" that made it possible for the Egyptian protestors to do what they did. Do not forget that the Egyptian military played a very significant role in that protest and how it ultimately went down.
edit on 11-2-2011 by LadySkadi because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 10:09 PM
reply to post by Ghandi

AMEN to that

I can relate 100%

The enemy is in Washington

The war criminals are free and receive standing ovations?

We need a revolution like Egypt

Drag the corporate warlords through the streets until their black hearts stop beating


added to my favorites

edit on 11-2-2011 by Unknown Soldier because: (no reason given)

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