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Penn and Teller" tricked" into admitting 9/11 might be an "inside Job".

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posted on Feb, 15 2011 @ 12:34 PM
reply to post by TrickoftheShade

well, you can 'lose your job' and ''lose your job'', if you know what i mean (wink wink)?

posted on Feb, 15 2011 @ 12:50 PM

Would you cover up 9/11 if threatened with losing your job?

Thank you for your question.

I would not pimp myself to profit over 9/11, such as writing a moronic uninformed juvenile hit piece against 9/11 truthers, or even 9/11 debunkers for that matter. The issue is way too serious and far reaching to make a quick buck on by spreading mindless propaganda by stringing together a bunch of wise ass remarks. If I were to do that, you may as well throw me in the same boat as the criminals, who planned and executed the attacks so they can make big bucks down the road by using a phony War On Terror as a premise.

So to answer your question, if my boss came to me and asked me to write a "hit piece" about 9/11 against whomever, I would kindly tell him that I am not a whore and I am not interested in making money on such a tragic event. I would also tell him that I have no interest in pushing "his" agenda, regardless of the money, because there is always a larger price to pay when you sell your soul to the devil.

In short, I prefer investigating the truth, instead of entertaining lies, no matter how non-profitable and unpopular that may be. When all is said and done, I would prefer to be on the right side of history, than on the right side of my "boss". I hope this response suffices.

posted on Feb, 15 2011 @ 12:57 PM
reply to post by JudgedCover

You like the word whore, don't you?

I don't share your cynicism about absolutely everybody in the performance arts. Personally I think you're trying to sound worldy but actually coming off rather teenage and maybe even a shade jealous. "They're all WHOOOORES MAAAAN." It's not particularly sophisticated commentary, is it?

And how does it pertain to performers like David Ray Griffin and other 9/11 Truth spokespeople? They certainly do a lot of shows. Perhaps they too are pandering to their audience...

posted on Feb, 15 2011 @ 01:01 PM

Originally posted by SphinxMontreal

Would you cover up 9/11 if threatened with losing your job?

Thank you for your question.

I would not pimp myself to profit over 9/11... When all is said and done, I would prefer to be on the right side of history, than on the right side of my "boss". I hope this response suffices.

Well, not really. Although I have a vague inkling that you're trying to be ironic.

The fact remains that you think that absolutely everybody who is party to the truth about 9/11, or who has definitive evidence of it, is prepared to do something that you claim you would not.

Which is a strange assumption, because it presumes that vast numbers of people operate with a different moral compass to you. And that they are inferior.

posted on Feb, 15 2011 @ 01:03 PM

Originally posted by psyop911
reply to post by TrickoftheShade

well, you can 'lose your job' and ''lose your job'', if you know what i mean (wink wink)?

And absolutely no one would be brave enough to say, "These guys came to my house last night and threatened to kill me if I mentioned 9/11 again, and what I think went down"? Even people with huge media exposure?

You would immediately shut up, I take it?

posted on Feb, 15 2011 @ 01:21 PM

Originally posted by TrickoftheShade
reply to post by JudgedCover

You like the word whore, don't you?

I don't share your cynicism about absolutely everybody in the performance arts. Personally I think you're trying to sound worldy but actually coming off rather teenage and maybe even a shade jealous. "They're all WHOOOORES MAAAAN." It's not particularly sophisticated commentary, is it?

And how does it pertain to performers like David Ray Griffin and other 9/11 Truth spokespeople? They certainly do a lot of shows. Perhaps they too are pandering to their audience...

Cynical? Guilty.

Worldly. Teenage. Jealous. Mocking tone. Critical.

I was attacking celebrity, you made it personal against me...and I'm the "teenage". Hyporcrisy is fun isnt' it?

posted on Feb, 15 2011 @ 01:26 PM

You like the word whore, don't you? And how does it pertain to performers like David Ray Griffin and other 9/11 Truth spokespeople? They certainly do a lot of shows. Perhaps they too are pandering to their audience...

Although this comment was not directed to me, please allow me to respond, since I too used the word "whore" in my previous post. Just for the record I do not like any word more than any other word. However, I do like using words which are appropriate, regardless if they offend someone.

I don't share your cynicism about absolutely everybody in the performance arts.

I don't share this cynicism either. There are a lot of fine and honorable people in the performance arts and entertainment industry who DO NOT use their popularity and influence like some sleazy politician to unfairly smear those who they do not agree with politically. Unfortunately this cannot be said for Penn, Stewart, Mahrer, O'Reilly, Beck, Jones and a bunch of other wise asses in the industry who think that all it takes is a few jokes to pull the wool over our eyes.

And how does it pertain to performers like David Ray Griffin and other 9/11 Truth spokespeople? They certainly do a lot of shows. Perhaps they too are pandering to their audience...

Perhaps these people are also pandering to their audience and have an agenda. I do not care one way or the other. My opinions on 9/11 are not based on what a celebrity or a 9/11 truther advocates, they are based on properly analyzing the investigative material and drawing reasonable conclusions.

Unfortunately, the 9/11 investigation has been turned into a popularity and/or pissing contest, which is exactly what the real criminals wanted it turned into. Few have the capacity to use critical thought to see through this obvious illusion. Is it any wonder they an illusionist like Penn is used to promote their dog and pony show?

posted on Feb, 15 2011 @ 01:29 PM
reply to post by JudgedCover

Yours is a personal response, as you freely admit. You can take or leave my comments as you see fit. As I say that's just my opinion, and it's not particularly important.

I notice you didn't answer the subsequent question though.

posted on Feb, 15 2011 @ 01:38 PM
reply to post by TrickoftheShade

No. I said I was cynical. If your name dropping was some attempt to reveal which side of the 9/11 coin I land on then my answer is neither.

Do I believe that radical Islamic terrorists could have attacked us on 9/11? Yes.

Do I believe that people in positions of power and authority could have orchestrated events to further expand or secure said power and authority? Yes.

In short. Men are evil.

Doesn't matter if they are on a stage, standing in Congress or target practicing in a cave in Yemen. A priest can enrich and enlighten a soul and he can poison it for a lifetime. A government leader can usher in a golden era for his/her people or he can rule them into suffering and fear.

Not all celebrities are self-serving "whores", but the few that are not are the exception, not the rule.

9/11 will never be settled. No more than after four decades, JFK is still debated.

I trust no man, especially the one that greets me in the mirror every day. Yes, one of the by-products of swallowing the red pill seems to be an ongoing battle with cynicism, but do know that there is good in this world but it's getting harder and harder to find.

Even you couldn't wait to start insulting me personally after one post that had the audacity to have a different perspective than yours...evil is far too easy, isn't it?

posted on Feb, 15 2011 @ 01:43 PM

Well, not really. Although I have a vague inkling that you're trying to be ironic.

Actually, this was one of the very few times where I had absolutely no interest in using irony. In any event, I don't particularly care what you THINK I was trying to be. Nor do I care that you are unable to comprehend what I was saying. You asked me a question and I answered it. If you're unable to comprehend the answer I gave, like I said, no sweat off my back.

The fact remains that you think that absolutely everybody who is party to the truth about 9/11, or who has definitive evidence of it, is prepared to do something that you claim you would not. Which is a strange assumption, because it presumes that vast numbers of people operate with a different moral compass to you. And that they are inferior.

Thanks again for telling me what I THINK. What would I ever do without you? Feel free to continue making assumptions about me for the purpose of getting off topic and marginalizing my "inferior opinions".

Anything else I can help you with?

posted on Feb, 15 2011 @ 01:47 PM
reply to post by JudgedCover

In short. Men are evil.

Yes, yes, some people are evil. Some may not themselves be evil but may commit acts that are evil. That's actually a tough call. But one thing they are not is imbued with superpowers. And in order for these conspiracy fantasies to be even half way real the actors would need abilities above those of mere mortals.

posted on Feb, 15 2011 @ 01:53 PM
reply to post by hooper

Could be true...however, some believe that superpowers would have to be involved for a bunch of Saudi kids to navigate Jumbojets with the the trajectories that were flown that day after a few lessons in a small plane out in Arizona...but y'know anythings possible amirite?

posted on Feb, 15 2011 @ 02:01 PM

Originally posted by SphinxMontreal

Actually, this was one of the very few times where I had absolutely no interest in using irony. In any event, I don't particularly care what you THINK I was trying to be. Nor do I care that you are unable to comprehend what I was saying. You asked me a question and I answered it. If you're unable to comprehend the answer I gave, like I said, no sweat off my back.

Psst - I understood. I was being ironic.

The fact that it went over your head is a bit... well, you get the picture.

Thanks again for telling me what I THINK. What would I ever do without you? Feel free to continue making assumptions about me for the purpose of getting off topic and marginalizing my "inferior opinions".

You told me what you think. Not the other way around.

But you're obviously just dodging the implications of your thinking because it's uncomfortable for you. The fact remains that you consider it impossible for any of the people implicated or with knoweldge of the 9/11 conspiracy to hold the same high moral values that you do.
edit on 15-2-2011 by TrickoftheShade because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 15 2011 @ 02:09 PM
reply to post by JudgedCover

What a load of rubbish. I'm evil because I make a failry gentle personal comment on a website? No wonder you think everyone in the world is totally venal if that's where you set your bar.

You're free to distrust yourself and anybody else. And I certainly agree that there are a lot of truly dreadful people around. But on a purely empirical scale one sees enough evidence of people who are moral that it becomes highly unlikey that all the thousands of individuals who 9/11 "Truth" requires to have been sileced by fear would actually remain silent. Not a single one had a conscience?

However, I'm genuinely impressed by your willingness to bracket yourself in your judgement of the world. At least your view has some cogency. It's not something others here are prepared to do, which makes their pronouncements of every one else's wickedness - and by extension their own saintliness - seem a bit, well, arrogant.

posted on Feb, 15 2011 @ 02:10 PM
reply to post by TrickoftheShade

No. You are evil because you are a hypocrite and make excuses for bad behavior instead of taking responsibility for it.

...and I'm evil because I'm being judgemental and get a little bit of enjoyment out of taking the piss out of someone...
edit on 15-2-2011 by JudgedCover because: (no reason given)

...and I see conscience trumped by fear on a daily basis...
edit on 15-2-2011 by JudgedCover because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 15 2011 @ 02:25 PM

Psst - I understood. I was being ironic. The fact that it went over your head is a bit... well, you get the picture.

Oh, I get it now. You were being ironic by telling me that I was being ironic. How stupid of me - I feel like a total moron. My sincerest apologies.

But you're obviously just dodging the implications of your thinking because it's uncomfortable for you. The fact remains that you consider it impossible for any of the people implicated or with knoeldge of the 9/11 conspiracy to hold the same high moral values that you do.

For the record, the implications of my thinking make me uncomfortable all of the time. Not enough to lose any sleep over it though.

The fact remains that you consider it impossible for any of the people implicated or with knoeldge of the 9/11 conspiracy to hold the same high moral values that you do.

Are you saying I have high moral values? Now that's a first.

As for the people who have been implicated or with knowledge of the 9/11 conspiracy, I honestly do not care about their values. Since I do not know these people, how would I be able to judge them? About the only thing I can do is speculate on their motives (which are obvious). Just like I speculated on Penn's motive for childishly trashing truthers.
edit on 15-2-2011 by SphinxMontreal because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 15 2011 @ 04:15 PM
reply to post by Human_Alien

I'm all for truth and I believe 9/11 was an inside job.But this "truther" just made other "truther"s look like raving lunatics.

Instead of screaming he should have in a calm manner asked Penn about his views on 9/11 and building 7,not scream looking and sounding like a maniac.These people are bad for the movement.Use your brain!

And I did notice the devil horns from Penn right in the beginning.He did the peace sign then quickly changed it into the devil's Penn a Satanist?Would explain a lot.

And I think he's mocking 9/11 by saying he "researched everything" and then saying he didn't see the footage.Penn seems like a jerk.

posted on Feb, 15 2011 @ 04:35 PM
reply to post by GodIsPissed

Great....sometimes, it may be helpful to reflect on something the late, great "Groucho Marx" once said:

"I don't care to belong to a club that accepts people like me as members."
Groucho Marx

How so very prophetic, and still true, to this day......

posted on Feb, 15 2011 @ 06:36 PM

Originally posted by GoodOlDave

Have you ever seen the "outright crackpots" that run every facet of our government, our religious structures, our education systems? Have you seen the "outright crackpots" who ended up being heralded as GENIUSES once we finally caught up to their level of understanding?

Of course I have. I'm the one who's been telling you people that. There's so much grand integral incompetence within the gov't that there's no flipping way it could ever have pulled off the most complex and intricate conspiracy in all of recorded history with the sheer perfection of a supernatural act, even if they wanted to do it. Thank you for agreeing with me.

You walked into that one.

edit on 15-2-2011 by GoodOlDave because: (no reason given)

Touche. I guess what I'm trying to say is that you can't disregard a conspiracy THAT SERIOUS just because of the people who believe in it. I am not in Alex Jones, or any other "famous" conspiracy theorist for that matter. I believe 9/11 was an inside job purely because of my own research, observations, and confrontations with people experienced in the matter.

The main point is:

We cannot use people as a reference point for Truth because they are natural born liars. We must use evidence as a reference point for Truth because it speaks for itself.

posted on Feb, 15 2011 @ 11:01 PM

Originally posted by prepared4truth
[Touche. I guess what I'm trying to say is that you can't disregard a conspiracy THAT SERIOUS just because of the people who believe in it. I am not in Alex Jones, or any other "famous" conspiracy theorist for that matter. I believe 9/11 was an inside job purely because of my own research, observations, and confrontations with people experienced in the matter.

The main point is:

We cannot use people as a reference point for Truth because they are natural born liars. We must use evidence as a reference point for Truth because it speaks for itself.

I absolutely agree...but what happens when the evidence you're using as a reference point is coming from a crackpot, or worse, an unrepentent con artist putting out drivel to make a buck off of people's abject paranoia? I've seen so, SO much outright BAD information being passed around by the conspiracy people (I.E. no interceptors were scrambled, all the WTC bomb dogs were withdrawn, there were no fires in WTC 7, etc), not to mention a blizzard of just outrageous accusations where witnesses are secret agents, people like Ted Olson are covering the murder of his wife, etc., that you really can't blame me for thinking the 9/11 conspiracy movement is conducting a campaign to deliberately foster false public unrest.

I would think that someone saying, "everything you know is wrong and they're tell you the 'real' truth if you give them your money" would cause the alarm bells to start ringing. The truthers sneer at the 9/11 commission report, but it's a gov't publication so at least it's free.

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